Book Read Free

Free Indeed

Page 12

by Bailey West

  “You are home.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re treating me like a stranger and not the partner that you said I was.”

  “What do you want me to say, Vee? My dick doesn’t work? I can’t make love to you because I can’t get hard? What is there to discuss?”

  “For starters, what do we do now? How do we not let this stop us? How do we keep moving forward? We can’t stop here.”

  “What do we do, Vee, humph? Tell me what do I do when I want to be inside of you so bad that it causes me physical pain? Tell me what to do when I feel you rubbing up against me but not have any physical reaction?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Exactly! And that feeling is something that I cannot explain to you! You wouldn’t understand!”

  “Hold up, El. I may not know what you are going through physically but I understand the pain of wanting to be with someone so bad and you can’t. I came into your hospital room every single day for a month and experienced that gut-wrenching feeling. I could understand if you would just talk to me.”

  “You know what? It’s cool. Go to your apartment.”

  I turned around to look out the window.

  “Samuel don’t turn your back on me,” Averie said through gritted teeth.

  I didn’t move.

  “SAMUEL! I have been very patient with you. Don’t you fuckin’ turn your back on me! You don’t get to pick and choose when we are a team and when we aren’t. You turn your ass around and face this shit.”

  I turned around glaring at her after hearing her choice of words.

  “You might as well fix your face and stop taking your frustrations out on me. Shit, I’m horny too, but I can be patient and wait on you.”

  “That’s the thing! I don’t want you to keep putting your life on hold because of my situations! First the coma and now this?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Neither of those situations was your fault!”

  That’s the same thing JD said.

  “Vee, I’m just tired, so I know you are. You didn’t come into this relationship to be a maid and a born-again virgin.”

  “I came into this relationship to love you.That’s it. That’s what I want to do, and that’s what I am going to do.”

  “What if this never gets better?”

  “It will. But, for argument’s sake, say it does not, then we will be two celibate, aggressive ass attorneys, kicking ass and taking names.”

  “I don’t want you to do that for me.”

  “It’s not for you. It’s for us. You never back down from a fight so why start now?”

  “You don’t want to run? I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”

  “As amazing as your stroke is, that’s not why I fell in love with you. You said forever. You’ve never lied to me before, so I’m holding on to your word.”

  I pulled her into a hug.

  “Thank you for avoiding that argument earlier. I know you would have shredded me.”

  “I know things are weird right now, so you get a pass.”

  “I love you, Averie Patterson-Valentine.”

  “I love you too, Samuel.”

  She put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

  “Let me taste you,” I said while lifting her nightgown.

  “No, to show you that I know this situation is going to pass, I will come when you do.”


  “No. I mean it. We will come together.”


  “Yes, that’s exactly what want,” I said between breaths. I was in the home gym at the condo running on the treadmill and speaking on the phone to the contractor I’d recently hired.

  I’d made the decision to move Patterson Law into Ankh Towers where Valentine Law was located. It really was a no-brainer after speaking with the building owner and hearing the rent amount. I would only be paying a little more than what I was paying now for twice the amount of space and all updated facilities.

  “Right, the plum colored wallpaper in the women’s restroom and the smoke gray wallpaper in the men’s restrooms. No, I will look again at the marble for the executive restrooms…Yes…Thank you…bye.”

  I disconnected the call and continued to run. It felt like work and exercise were the only things keeping my mind off sex.

  I’d made the declaration a couple days ago that I would wait to come when Samuel did, and it seems like now all I think about is sex. I fantasized about feeling Samuel’s lips and tongue on me while I sat on his freshly trimmed beard. I watched him do regular everyday tasks with his hands and fantasized about feeling his thumb rubbing my pearl while his face was between my legs. I felt like an addict trying to quit something cold turkey. This was the longest Samuel and I have ever been around each other, while he was awake, without sexual interaction.

  My declaration was beautiful; a romantic overture, one made for a romance novel, but in real life, I wasn’t sure it was a great idea. I’d even decided not to masturbate…terrible idea. Now I knew why Samuel was so moody. This crap was hard!

  I’d planned to run off some energy and then take a long bath, but Samuel decided to join me in the gym. His presence had completely ruined the intended outcome for my workout session. I watched through the mirror while he did squats with weights. I loved watching the muscles flex in his corded thighs as he did each squat. I licked my lips when the muscles in his back protruded when he lifted the weight bar. I almost lost my balance looking at his stomach muscles tighten and contract while he did his crunches.

  I finally couldn’t take it anymore and ended the cycle on the treadmill. I grabbed my water bottle, drinking most of it down in one gulp. I wiped the sweat from my face with my towel and stepped off the treadmill.

  I spoke while passing Samuel, “I’m going up to take a bath and relax.”

  He grabbed my hand and stopped me.

  “I can take care of all that tension you are trying to work off,” he said looking me directly in the eyes.

  “Huh? Naw, I’m good.”

  “Vee, let me take care of you,” he grabbed my butt and pulled me closer.

  Damn, he turned me on, sweaty and all.

  “Baby, I’m going to wait. I’m okay.”

  He looked at me for a few minutes then let me go.

  “Go take your bath. I will be up in a minute.”

  Making sure the water was just below boiling, I turned the knobs on the tub to adjust the water temperature. I needed it hot to relax all my muscles to include my brain. I had to figure out a way to stop fantasizing about sex. Not just any sex, sex with Samuel. Even during this time of drought, I hadn’t come across one man that made me feel anything. So I knew I wasn’t just starved for sex, I was starved for Samuel.

  I dropped my favorite bath bomb into the water and watched it fizz while I lit some candles and turned on some old school R&B from my playlists. After playing hot potato with my feet in the water—putting them in then taking them out—I finally adjusted to the water temperature, and settled into the tub.

  Resting against the back of the tub, I closed my eyes, breathed in the relaxing scent of the bath bomb and let Johnny Gill’s “My, My, My” serenade me. I heard the bathroom door open. Knowing it was Samuel, I kept my eyes closed. I felt his proximity to the tub but didn’t think about it until I felt his strong arms lifting me out of the water.

  “El!” I shrieked. “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t speak as he carried me over to the bed and deposited me on top. He spread my legs and buried his face in my center. It felt so good immediately.

  “Ba…baby…I…said…I…was going to wait,” I breathed out the best I could.

  My back arched off the bed as soon as I felt his tongue glide across my lips. Pulling my hips back down on the bed he secured them in place by wrapping in arms around my thighs.

  “I needed to taste you, and you needed me to taste you. Let me enjoy myself.”

  He licked again and then gently blew causing shive
rs to run up my spine. I hated that I was being weak and giving in to the pleasure when I said I would wait, but it felt so good. I relaxed into the pleasure I was receiving. Every lick, nip, suck and rub pushed me closer to the edge until I finally fell over, free falling in a million pieces. Just before hitting the bottom all the pieces came back together and floated back to the top.

  I gripped the covers until I felt sure enough to finally move, pushing El’s head away. I felt satisfied and weak for giving in all at the same time.

  “Get out of your head,” Samuel said while kissing my inner thigh, “This is how we are going to handle this. You won’t wait for me. I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure you are completely satisfied.”

  “But, Baby…”

  “No buts,” he said as spread my legs wider, “Come again for me.”


  I stood in the mirror of my closet tucking my shirt into my slacks. It was my first day going back into the office. I hadn’t been in the office in over two months. That was the longest I’d ever been away from my firm. I was ready to get back in there and work. More importantly, I was looking forward to the announcements that I would be making. It was time to change some things around and I felt like now was the perfect time.

  “Your ass looks amazing in those pants, Mr. Valentine,” Averie said while leaning on the door opening to my closet.

  I had been in the gym non-stop. My physical therapist doubled as my weight coach. I had to get the strength up in my legs if I want to lose the cane completely. My usage was still minimal, but after prolonged standing or walking, I would need it for light support.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Valentine. Are you ready to go?”

  It was a big day for Averie as well, she had moved her offices into the Ankh Towers with me. She didn’t put up much resistance once she saw the space. The floor had been occupied by a small firm previously, and the layout was still in place. All it really needed was a few coats of paint, the hardwood floors cleaned and some furniture. She was able to add some nice design features like her name on the wall and stayed within her prescribed budget. If she had wanted something that she couldn’t afford, I would have made it happen. I made sure I took care of her this morning in the shower. I didn’t want her going to work all tense and worked up. I still hadn’t achieved a full erection, but I’d started having slight ones which gave me hope that things were getting better.

  “I’m ready,” she smiled, “We still have some moving to do so we are doing casual this week.”

  She had a fresh haircut with a part on the side. She let the top grow out just a little giving it a little height. She wore a pair of dark denim jeans that hugged her hips nicely. She paired them with a Patterson Law logo t-shirt and a pair of white Nike Huaraches. I grabbed my tie and jacket and followed her downstairs.

  “Are we going to stay in the city tonight or do you want to come back out here?”

  “I have no idea what time I will be leaving tonight so we can stay in the city,” I said while taking the cup of coffee Lida offered.

  “Thank you.”

  “Of course, Mr. Valentine,” Lida responded, “Your green tea, Ms. Patterson.”

  “Thank you, Lida.”

  “Of course.”

  “Which place?” Averie asked after we sat down at the table.

  “Good question. We need a consolidation plan.”

  “We do.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it. Would you like to hear my thoughts?”

  “Let’s hear them,” she replied.

  “Well, your place is newly renovated, and in a prime location, I feel like if we sell it, you could get top dollar for it and walk away with a profit.”


  “Hear me out. I know it’s yours and I don’t want you to lose real estate coming into this with me so, I will give you, as an engagement gift, the condo. Free and clear. It will be in your name and be your property. We can gut it, and you can do whatever you want to it.”


  “Yes, really. I know you wanted to get into the building before you purchased your apartment anyway. Now you will be in one of the best units in the building.”

  “Samuel, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes.”

  “Okay. Yes, thank you, baby.”

  “You deserve it.”

  I was welcomed back into the office with a round of applause from my staff. Gretchen sat with me for about two hours catching me up on all of the office things. Apparently, I’d missed one break up, one marriage, and one baby being born. I told her to send gifts for the baby and the marriage from the firm to which she replied that she already had. After catching up with Gretchen, I met with Xavier.

  “It’s good to see you back in here,” he said taking a seat in front of my desk.

  “It’s good to be back. Thank you again for holding things down while I was out. I rested well knowing you were handling things.”

  “Thanks. The entire team did a great job.”

  “I wanted to discuss a few things with you before we have the meeting with the department heads.”

  He grabbed his notepad from the desk.

  “Let’s do it.”

  “When I took over the firm after Louis’ death, one of the things he wanted me to do was change the name to Valentine Law. I did that, and I followed his model for how the firm was run. I feel like I honored his request but now I want to change some things. First, I am going to establish Valentine Holdings which will be the umbrella corporation for the law firm, the investment group and my community projects that I will begin. I want to expand the borders of Valentine Law into more states; Alabama, Texas and North Carolina for starters. I will put office managers in each states who will fill the office with attorneys who share their specialty at first. Eventually, I want to staff each office with multiple specialties. I want to start with Texas, Houston specifically, and I wanted to know if you would want to head up that office there. You would be responsible for scouting out a location for the office, hiring contractors to do the work, hiring staff and running the day to day. I know your lady is there so that would give you the opportunity to be closer to her. Maybe the move will show her that you are willing to take steps for her.”

  “I would be…”

  “Wait before you answer. I’ve also decided that I am changing the law firm structure and will begin offering partnerships starting with my very first name partner, you. If you were to accept, the law firm would change from Valentine Law Group to Valentine and Belle Law Group.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “As three bullet holes in my body.”

  His eyebrows scrunched together in a disapproving glare.

  “What? Too early?”

  “Yes, way too early,” he chuckled.

  I handed him an envelope.

  He opened it, scanned the offer letter then looked up at me.

  “This is very generous.”

  “You proved yourself a long time ago, so it’s time to step into the position. If you accept the offer, I will need your buy-in check-in ninety days, and then we will make the press release.”

  “I accept.”

  “Congratulations, partner.”

  Xavier stood to his feet and offered his hand to shake. I stood from my desk, walked around and hugged him.

  “Thanks, El.”

  “Don’t thank me. You deserve it. You worked your ass off to get here and even put up with me.”

  “That last part is true!” He laughed.

  “Come on. Let’s get to this meeting.”


  I stepped off the elevator and saw Patterson Law Firm in large gold letters on the wall. It was my first day in my newly decorated office space on the twelfth floor of Ankh Towers, the same building as Valentine Law. All of my employees were excited about the move. We all receive designated parking spaces under the building, and our clients would utilize the free valet parking. I didn’t need the same floor
security because the security in the building was top notch and through. They weren’t letting anyone up without an appointment or an ID.

  I was all prepared to bring over my office furniture from the old location, but Samuel surprised me with all new, white furniture. My office was now large enough to have a couch and another seating area with chairs. He purchased a new couch and chairs to match. He told me to pick out the pillows and other décor that I wanted. He also gifted me one of his hourglasses that I’d become fond of.

  “Your office is nice, Averie,” Caroline said as she entered.

  “How do you like your office?” I responded.

  “It’s nice. It was a smart move to come to this building.”

  I always had to listen carefully to what Caroline said. I had to read between the lines and pick up on context clues because I knew she was up to something.

  “I think it was. That’s what it’s about, right? Thinking outside the box?”

  “It is.”

  “Did you want something?”

  “Ummm, no. Not really. I just wanted to say hello. We don’t talk as much as we used to talk. You didn’t even tell me about this move until the day before the movers came.”

  That’s because I don’t trust your conniving ass, I thought.

  “Yeah, it was sorta spur of the moment.”

  “I get it. I still would like for us to be friends, Averie. I know I messed up, but I want to make things right.”

  “How would you do that Caroline?”

  “Well first I would need for you to share things with me again. You are so closed off. We used to sit down and discuss strategy and girls ruling the world.”

  “Then you tried to sink my company.”

  “I know that it may appear that way but I promise nothing that happened during your time at Valentine was intentional. It just happened at the worse, possible time.”

  “All you had to do was tell me. I had to find out through the grapevine.”

  “That was my error. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me,” she responded while trying to squeeze out some tears. “I really wanted to do well for you but things fell apart before I realized it,” she said while wiping away the only fake tear she could muster.


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