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Lily: Captive to the Dark

Page 28

by Alaska Angelini

  Slade came back into view as the images subsided. He was staring at my arms, a blank look on his face.

  “It happened, Slade, whether you want to believe it or not. I was a slave. His slave, and I will not shy away from that. It saved my life. All of these claw marks you see were someone’s sister or daughter. Maybe even someone’s wife. I could still be gone right now. Dead, even. So when you get mad at me for slipping and speaking the words of my past, that should just show you how comfortable I am around you. Enough so that I let the mistake fall through my cracks. I try to hide what happened to me from everyone. The last person I want to know what I experienced is you. But I am who I am now because of being taken and if I had to change it and forget I ever met Zain, I’d choose to go through hell all over again. Listen to me when I tell you, for the millionth time…I love him. Keep that in mind when you’re conducting this plan you’ve convinced me to go through.”

  A sniffle had me turning. Mary wiped the tears from her cheek and I slid my blazer back on and reached down for my purse. I didn’t want this to be some hug-fest or for them to tell me they were sorry for what I’d gone through. My brother just needed to know where I stood. I wouldn’t be letting Zain go and no one or nothing was going to stop me from being with him.

  “I have to go. I’m meeting Gaige’s wife, Elle, at the coffee shop down the road. I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour. Brace will be going with me.”

  Silence followed me to the door and I was thankful for it, but I didn’t miss Mary’s voice echo through the moment I shut it.

  “Slade, what did you do?”

  The sadness was still in her voice and I tried to push it from my head as I met Brace halfway and we got on the elevator. Soft classical music filled the space and I looked over to him, raising one of my eyebrows. Trying anything to erase what had just happened. The slight smile had me mirroring his. If there was one thing I could count on, it was my silent giant. He had always been there for me. Just like Marcio.

  “You up for some shopping later? There are some things I need to pick up and I could use your help.”

  He shrugged and nodded. “Fresh air would do me some good. What sort of shopping?”

  “Furniture shopping, amongst other things. I have a house to decorate and I want to keep it feminine, yet manly. I’m sure you can help me with that.”

  “Zain’s? Or are you thinking about leasing your own place? Doesn’t seem like you’ve been getting along so well with your brother since he’s been back.”

  The elevator doors opened and we walked through the busy lobby. Cool air rushed into my face and I hugged my arms to my chest, cursing the fact that I didn’t grab a jacket. I looked over at Brace while I let his question tempt me. “Zain’s. There’s no point in me getting a place when I’m just going to eventually move in with him anyway.”

  Brace stayed at my side while we walked at a fast pace. The jacket he put on my shoulders had me hugging to it tightly, even if it did swallow me.

  As we waited for the crosswalk light to change, I couldn’t help but wonder how my brother’s and Mary’s conversation was going. What did Slade think about what I’d told him? I knew he was aware that I’d been raped, but the number of how many times had never been revealed. I kept the numbers out the courts, along with being drugged. They’d only gotten the necessities out of me and even that had been hard for them to do.

  “Brace, do you think—”

  Squealing tires had my words freezing in my mouth. My hand instinctively reached out to my guard as I prepared for…what, I wasn’t sure. Being taken again? In that moment, all I knew was fear like I’d never felt before. The buildings swayed, warping around me in a wave, and sound disappeared as my pulse took over every inch of my body. The thumping became a life of its own, rocking me with the steady rhythm.

  “Just a red light. You okay?” Brace’s arm was around my shoulder, yet I never felt him step closer. My skin tingled and I attempted to slow down my breathing.

  “Fine. I don’t know what happened. I just…”

  “You’re pale. I think we should head back.”

  The crosswalk light came on and I took a step forward. “No, let’s go.” With each foot of distance I covered toward the coffee shop, I felt myself grow even more aware of my surroundings. The buzz of voices was almost nonexistent. Car engines decreased and then revved as they zoomed by. Sweat was starting to cover my skin and I handed back over the jacket, not able to bear the weight any longer. The faster I got this over with, the quicker I could get back home. I suddenly needed the security of my walls. They’d help this episode pass.

  A soft bell sounded as I pushed open the door and glanced around the small space, almost wanting to rush back out. People sat with their laptops or tablets in front of them. Some were in line. A blonde with long, wavy hair motioned with her hand and the smile she gave me was genuinely nice. She was beautiful and tall. Inches taller than me and Mary.

  “I’ll order your latte.”

  “Thank, Brace.” Had I still been holding onto him? My hand disconnected with his wrist and he pretended not to notice while I tried to decipher what was happening. My goal had been to become strong. I’d started training again. Taken the pills as prescribed to sleep at night, which were working, but were they? It was as if my nightmares were now creeping into my everyday life. Would it go away?

  “You must be Elle.” I met her halfway, shaking her hand, and following her back to the table. Again, I scanned the area before coming back to her happy face. Her eyes immediately drew me in. The color was almost teal. So bright and grabbing that it took me a moment to process her words.

  “Oh, yes, I’m Lily. Sorry. I was…thinking.”

  A soft laugh filled the space as her hands gripped around the coffee’s Styrofoam cup. “It’s okay. I do that a lot. So, Gaige tells me you’ve been trafficked before.” Her words were slow, quiet, and very careful. Hearing the correct term left me even more anxious.

  “Yes. Once, a few years back. I was taken again not that long ago, but that was under different circumstances. But it was by the same people that were linked to my situation before.” How messed up did that sound? I repeated what I’d said through my head, trying not to dwell on how it made me feel.

  “I’m sorry.” Elle glanced toward Brace, but brought her gaze back to me. “You’re lucky they found you. Usually, the second time a woman is taken, she doesn’t fare that well. How are you?”

  Everything in me screamed to say that I was perfectly okay and bouncing back, but I knew that was a lie. I was here for a reason.

  “Not good.” My head lowered. “The nightmares are better now that I’ve been put on sleeping pills, but I’m…scared.” As I rose to meet her eyes, I felt as though I could tell her anything. That didn’t happen often with the people that usually surrounded me. I had a hard enough time talking to my therapist. I sighed, pushing myself to continue. “I heard someone braking just before we made it in here and the sound set me off. That’s never happened before. Not like that.”

  Her gaze lowered and the cup turned from the push of her fingers. “I think we’re all triggered by certain things. Brakes get me, too. Vans or SUVs stopping next to me, even more so. Years may ease the fear we feel, but I don’t think it’ll ever quite go away. We’ll always be more aware of the little things most people don’t even give second thought to. My best method of coping comes from the work I do at the organization. It helps.”

  “I looked at the website earlier. I’d like to contribute in some way. Whatever I can do.”

  Elle glanced up as Brace neared the table. I took the latte and watched as he went a few tables over, sipping on his coffee.

  “We’re always taking on volunteers. Why don’t you come by in a few days and check things out? See what you think. If you find it to be too stressing, there’s always other ways to help, too.”

  A pamphlet was pulled from her purse and I took it, glancing through the pages as she continued.

ere are several forms of trafficking we associate ourselves with, but I focus mainly on the cases more…severe. Ones like ours. International. But you’d be surprised how rare that’s becoming. The US has seen a major increase over the years on the number of women who are made to become slaves right here in the United States. It’s a frightening epidemic. One that I’m afraid is going to get a lot worse before we can make it better.”

  My lips separated and I grabbed the table for some form of stability. “Here? I don’t understand. How is that possible?”

  “Well, most of the boys and girls are young. Junior High age and up. Some even younger. They’re taken and fear is instilled to the point of them being too afraid to reach out for help. Sometimes drugs are administered for dependency. They’re made to prostitute to numerous men on a daily basis. In hotels, truck stops…there are things I’ve heard that would turn your stomach. We try to do everything we can, but like I said, the numbers are growing at a very alarming rate.”

  “I had no idea.”

  Elle took a drink, keeping her focus on me. “Not very many people do. And when they hear about it, most think they’ll never be affected by trafficking. I just wish they would see how bad this situation really is.”

  “Yeah,” I said, lowly. My mind was going while I tried to figure out a way to cause awareness. There had to be something I could do. Something that went beyond the norm. A billboard? Was there already one? Maybe if I had ten posted up. One hundred? Maybe a commercial?

  A horn blasted outside and I jumped, my vision distorting. Elle faded out as the honking increased in volume. God, I was swaying. I felt sick. Over and over, I could feel my restrained self rock back and forth. Arabic yelling broke through and repeatedly the horn blew. I tried curling more into myself, but the ropes were too tight, restricting most of my movement. The smell of sweat and blood assaulted me and I gagged. My mouth was already full of something. Cloth.

  “Lily? Lily.” The voice grew louder and my gasps were the first thing that came to light. Elle’s eyes were wide. She was standing before me and Brace was kneeling on my other side. Pain flared at my scorched hand and the Styrofoam cup I’d been drinking from was crushed in my palm. Instinct had me pushing to my feet at the agony that had taken over my skin. “Let’s get her to ER.”

  I nearly tripped over the chair behind me at Elle’s words. “No, I’m fine now. I want to go home.” My response sounded slurred. Loud. God, was my tongue swollen like before when I’d been drugged? Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe at the realization that I had relived my first moments awake in Afghanistan. “Thank you for meeting me.” I spun, already heading for the door. Brace’s arm went around me and he led me to the left. I almost fought, but his voice had the urge easing.

  “Let’s wash your hand first. It’ll stop some of the pain.”

  He pushed the men’s door open and pulled me through at a fast pace. The cold water had it soothing on impact, but what followed had me wincing. It wasn’t too bad. Reddened, but the skin wasn’t missing.

  “Fuck, get me home.” A sob escaped and I tried my best to hold it in.

  “We’re going, sweetie. Come on.” His arm held on tight as he pushed open the door and the cold air rushed to meet us. “Put this on.” The jacket was already being placed around me and I accepted it gladly. With the temperature difference, the shakes turned into full-blown trembling. My jaw chattered and my legs felt weighted down. Each step was harder than the last.

  Traffic zoomed through the light and I closed my eyes, trying to make myself disappear from the hectic everyday bustle of the city. A hand pressed over my ear and Brace pushed my head into his side. When we started walking again, I kept myself closed off, trusting his direction. Forever seemed to go by and yet, only seconds. We came to a stop and his hand removed. My eyes opened and I unlocked my fingers from his shirt. The elevator was before me and I stood straighter, catching my reflection as the door opened. Shit, I was so pale. I looked so rattled.

  “He’ll know.”

  “Slade needs to,” Brace weighed in. “And you’ll tell him.”

  Chapter 38


  “So, let’s go over this one more time.” Blake paced in front of the sofa, the notepad full of names I gave him, smacking against his palm. “You’re one hundred percent positive that you have never dealt in the trafficking of humans, male or female?”

  My gaze had him coming to a stop. “I’ve said no three times. The only deal I was supposed to be a part of was the one I botched. Do you seriously think I’d participate in something I was so openly against? I told you, I dealt on the money side of things. Collected debt, so forth.”

  “For slaves. And you accepted one to begin with.” Preston had been quiet the majority of the time. I looked over to where he sat, throwing him a look that had a warning written all over it.

  “Slaves were a very rare debt I had to collect on, but yes, amongst other things. And you watch how the hell you speak about Lily. I saved her life. To understand what it would have meant to decline is something beyond you. You were not raised in the same household, nor in the same culture.”

  Blake glanced down at the names. “If you hadn’t been taken yourself at such a young age, I’d kill you so much as look at you. That’s the only thing keeping you alive. That, and the fact that you didn’t willingly, per se, carry on with the life you led. I believe you didn’t have a lot of choices. I, for one, would have found a way out a lot sooner, but you’re not me, and I didn’t live your life. Perhaps I’m wrong on that account, too.”

  “You’re right. You haven’t lived my life. Every return to my father’s could have been my last. I’m not afraid to die. What I am afraid of is leaving Lilian in a state of mind or place where she might not be safe. I couldn’t have protected her dead. And I needed to know she was okay before I returned in her life. Buying my time to make sure I didn’t fuck her up worse was the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever had to do. Do not, for a second, try to put yourself in my shoes. You don’t deserve to be there! You’ll never know what distancing myself did to either one of us.”

  My gaze cut over to Preston again. I couldn’t stop the anger I had for both of them. I understood their dislike toward me, but it didn’t mean I had to put up with it.

  “Can we get off the damn plane now? We landed over an hour ago and we still have a long way to travel to even get there. I want this over with. I’ll kill Adul and take care of Saul at the first opportunity that presents itself.”

  “I don’t think so,” Blake said, placing down the notepad. “You see, I didn’t bring you for your help. I’ve got it covered. What I needed were those names. You being here,” he said, gesturing around the interior, “was a great cover in case I didn’t want you to return.”

  I stood, pulling my gun free from my waistband. “Well, you got what you wanted, but I didn’t come all this way to chill out in your jet while you took care of my dirty work. This is my family. My responsibility. Not yours.”

  “Unfortunately for you, this is no longer a choice you get to make. My ass is covered if something happens. Yours isn’t.”

  I moved my head in quick shake, signifying that I didn’t care. “I’m going, that’s final.”

  “I’m government protected. You’re not.”

  Blake pushed a button on the coffee table and the lid lifted, exposing a mass of weapons. He put something small in his hand and stepped closer. I lifted the barrel, aiming it at his chest. “You take more step, I’ll pull this trigger. I won’t be hitting that vest either.”

  Preston moved to the side and I jerked the gun in his direction just in time to feel pain shoot through my thigh. The small dart was unmistakable. My eyes widened in surprise.

  “Sleep well, my friend. Someday maybe you’ll understand why it has to be this way.”

  The room flickered and time slowed. Darkness swept over me almost immediately and I could feel myself falling. I was out before I ever hit the floor.


sp; “What’s your name?”

  Crying had me trying to force my eyes open, but for the life of me, I couldn’t find the strength. Throbbing pounded against my temples and the need to gag was on the verge of pushing itself out.

  “It hurts,” a girl sobbed.

  “I know, but we’re going to get you all better soon. Drink this.”

  Preston’s voice was calm, soothing. I groaned, finally seeing light flicker though as my eyes obeyed the commands in my mind. Lifting my head felt like the hardest thing in the world, but I somehow managed to hold it up long enough to see Blake sitting across from me, staring. A large scratch rested on one of his cheeks and there was blood soaked at the hem of his neckline.

  “Wake up,” Blake growled, lowly. “I have some questions and you’re going to answer them.”

  Turbulence had me forcing my eyes back open. His threatening tone didn’t.

  “Just ask.”

  I heard him get closer before I processed the action. My fist clenched. If I would have had the power to swing, I would have clocked him good for what he’d done. Drugging me. Denying me what was so rightfully mine. It pissed me off to no end.

  “I know what room was yours. You care to explain the chains mounted to your ceiling?”

  My eyes closed at the pain and I rested my head back again. “That’s none of your business and has nothing to do what you probably think it does. Since when is kink a crime?”


  “You don’t believe me, ask Lilian,” I continued. “Not that she should have to answer or be interrogated.”


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