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Lily: Captive to the Dark

Page 29

by Alaska Angelini

  “Did you have those before she came to you?”

  “Like I said, kink isn’t a crime. It’s just who I am. Are you going to call your government friends and get permission to off me, too?”

  I lifted to catch his reaction but all I got was a hard stare. “I need no one’s permission when it comes to who I take care of. I wasn’t always government, Zain. They came to me not long ago and I still go by my rules. No one else’s. All they want is names and I have no problem providing those. Luckily for you, I believe what you’re telling me.”

  “I have nothing to hide.” A groan left my mouth. “Did you kill my uncle?”

  Blake glanced toward the three girls Preston was speaking with. “I did. Not nearly the way I would have liked. He killed one of them in front of us to prove that he’d do it again if we got any closer. Fucking coward. I’ve never lost a girl. Ever. God, I would have loved to just…” His jaw tightened and he looked toward the floor. “Anyway, they’re all dead.”

  “All but one,” I said, trying to force myself to sit up straighter. “And he is mine. If you take that from me, Blake…” My head shook as we stared into each other’s eyes. “Don’t.”

  “I gave you your revenge or did you forget? You killed the man who took you. This one—”

  “Killed my child!” I yelled. “He’s mine.” My hands went to my head to try to balance the room. I was beginning to spin. To feel sick from not only whatever was in my system, but from the mere thought of not being able to finishing this.

  Blake’s face turned hard and he looked down, becoming quite. My stomach knotted at having to bare my painful past and a ragged breath left me. I felt drained and exhausted. All I wanted was to spill blood from my enemies or be with my slave. Not be in the presence of Blake and Preston.

  Crying had me groaning and glancing over. I knew all three girls. Two, barely at all, but one for years. It immediately had my heart racing. She could help me. I switched to Arabic, knowing that was her primary language now. Russian was now part of her past. I wondered if she even knew how to speak it anymore.

  “What is your name?”

  There was a hesitancy, but she came closer. “Alina.”

  “Alina. That’s a nice name. You knew my Lily. You remember?”

  She took another step. “Your slave. Yes. She helped me.”

  “Yes,” I said, smiling. “Lily always tried to take care of all of you.” I swallowed back the bile as I moved to the edge of my seat. “It’s time for me to help her. I need to find Saul and put a stop to him once and for all. Have you heard anything that could possibly help me?”

  One look at the other girls and they all exuded the same fear.

  “He can’t hurt any of you anymore. Please. If you know something, you have to tell me.”

  The newest one began crying again and Preston threw me a look that clearly said to back off.

  “I don't know where he is.” Alina pulled at the wrap around her head and eased it off, revealing long brown hair. “When he learned of your father’s death, he planned to make you pay. He said he wouldn’t be back until it was done. But you’re alive.” Her voice quivered and I knew it must have been hard for her to defy the man she’d spent years fearing.

  “Thank you, Alina.”

  I took the bottled water Blake held out and swallowed a big drink. “She doesn’t know anything.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I just said it, didn’t I? He left and vowed I would pay. She didn’t expect him to return until the threat was carried out.” Another groan had me collapsing to the sofa. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. Not yet. “How long have I been out?”

  Blake sat down beside me. “For a while. Listen, I need you to read something for me. I could call it in, get someone to do it, but I don’t want the hassle. I found it at your father’s. Maybe it’ll be of some help.”

  My head rolled in his direction and I reached out, taking the paper. The Arabic writing was so poorly scribbled, it took me a minute to decipher.

  “Tell me why I should help you anymore than I already have. You tricked me. Lied to me. Stole part of my revenge. Shot me with a dart and drugged me. I feel like shit because of you.”

  His mouth twisted and he shrugged. “You’re alive. Does that count for something?”


  “I called your woman for you while you were out. How about that?”

  A big thump in my chest had me sitting up “Now that might count. Tell me what she said and I’ll decide if it’s worth telling you over.”

  He sighed, dropping his hand in his lap. “She was asleep. I talked to Slade. Apparently, she had some sort of episode yesterday when she met Gaige’s wife, who I happened to call and question for you, too, by the way.”

  I jumped to my feet, feeling nothing but panic set in. “Episode? What sort of episode?”

  “He didn’t say and apparently neither did she. From what Elle told me, I’m guessing some sort of flashback or something. Said Lily mentioned it happening on her way there. Something about the sound of brakes setting her off. Then a car honked and she froze up. Busted her coffee cup in her hand and didn’t feel the burn until she snapped back to. If you ask me, I’d say she has PTSD, but I’m thinking you already know that.”

  Any form of sickness I felt didn’t compare to the rage that overwhelmed me. “Get me the fuck home. Now,” I roared. “It was pointless for me to leave to begin with. Now Lilian has to do this alone. No. I could have easily given you the names without your interrogation type settings. I could have done that while still being there with her.” I paced, shaking my head, wanting nothing more than to rush back to San Francisco. Being trapped in a small ass room, I was losing my mind.

  “The paper, what does it say?”

  I turned on Blake, having to stop myself from ripping him off the sofa and pounding my fist into his face. My slave was alone. Probably scared out of her mind. She wouldn’t open up to Slade or anyone else. She needed me and once again, I was unavailable.

  I reached over, grabbing the water, but never breaking our eye contact. “It’s an address. But you’ll never know what it is from me if you don’t promise me something right now.”

  Blake raised an eyebrow, not the least bit fazed. “And what’s that?”

  “When we get off this plane, you’re finished with me. I know nothing more. My uncle will be handled, so you have nothing to worry about that. Just drop me off and go track down everyone else on that list. If you can give me your word, I’ll tell you right now.”

  A bored expression faded and he shrugged. “Sure. Doesn’t mean you’ll never see me again, but I’ll stop hassling you.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but if it bought me enough time, I’d take it. “It’s the penthouse I was shot at. He’ll be looking there to see if I stayed or not. When he does, I’ll finish him off.” It was the truth, but a lie concerning my uncle. He wouldn’t go. He’d send someone to see if I still resided there. Regardless, any inquiry would lead me back to him.

  “I’ll have it verified. If you’re telling the truth, you’re off the hook. For now.”

  Chapter 39


  The city lights blurred in a spinning motion, getting faster and faster as I stared up at the tall buildings. Laughter echoed around me and I knew it was Bethany’s without even seeing her. Fear embedded deep within and I could feel tugging on my hand.

  “Come on, Lily. We’re going to be late.”

  A dark SUV was suddenly before me and I jerked back, turning to try to run. Suddenly, I felt so young. So naïve and stupid. What was I doing here, again? Bethany was trying to take me and I was going?

  “Lily, hurry, you’re going to make your Master upset. He’s waiting.”

  More tugging had me pulling with everything I was capable of.

  “Get away from me. I don’t want to go.”

  Long blonde hair billowed out around me and I knew I was falling back. Fal
ling with Bethany on top of me. Hitting the sidewalk never registered. All I could feel was her weight as she wrestled with me. Hands grabbed my feet and I screamed. They had me. I knew in my heart they were going to take me again and this time, I’d never be saved. I was as good as dead. She’d kill me. Saul would kill me.

  His deep voice was suddenly filling my ears and my mind told me he was the one holding my ankles. I cried, clawing with my hands to try to get Bethany off of me so I could run, but with every movement I made, she grasped me tighter. And I was moving down. Closer to the SUV.

  “Baby, wake up. Lily.”

  “No.” My arms flew out, finally free from the restraint. Blindly, I fought, throwing myself to the side.

  “Lilian.” The tone registered and I felt myself still. Light broke through and I blinked past the dimness.

  Zain was sitting on the side of the bed, worry filling his face as he stared at me. His hands reached out and I didn’t hesitate to throw myself into them. Sobs left me and the events from the café had me breaking down even more.

  “Shh, baby girl. I’m back now.”

  “Something is wrong with me. I can’t stop them no matter how hard I try.” My broken voice only made my anxiety worse. Something deep within was shattered and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get myself together this time. “I’m so scared. Don’t leave me tonight. Please? I can’t do this.”

  One minute, I was holding on to Zain. The next, he was pulling me into his lap. The cradling was a relief…until I saw my brother standing at the door. My head lifted and I wiped away the tears, unsure of how I should act. Who the fuck was I that I was looking for everyone else’s direction but my own? My therapist, my brother, my Master. Where was Lily? Who was Lily?

  Slade stepped back, giving me a look I couldn’t comprehend, only to turn and walk away. I curled into Zain’s chest, trying not to think too much about anything but feeling safe.

  “I missed you.” His kiss to my forehead only put me more at ease.

  “I missed you, too.”

  He pulled back to look down at me. “What happened when I was gone? I heard you hurt your hand.”

  My hand flexed and I pulled it closer toward me. “I was suddenly there again, on my way to your father’s. I could hear the men honking and speaking in a language I couldn’t understand. It was real. I could have sworn I was there.”

  A sigh left him and he brought me in closer.

  “Why is this happening? Why now?” I said, trying to stop the tears. I was over being weak. Each episode that brought me down was making me internally worse.

  “I don’t know. Probably because it’s almost happening all over again. Maybe because I’m back in the picture. My family. I don’t know,” he repeated, under his breath. “We’re going to get you better though, I promise.”

  Zain placed me on the bed, covering me up. As he moved in beside me, on top of the covers, we held on to each other. I got lost in my thoughts, barely noticing that the sun was already starting to rise.

  “I wanted to go back to work today. I thought it would help.”

  “After what you just woke from?”

  The nightmare had been one of many I’d always had. It was a repeat and although I wasn’t too afraid of it after I woke, during was a different story.

  “This is routine, believe it or not. At least, to an extent. I’ll be fine.”

  My body was pulled deeper into his and I smiled as he snuggled against me. “Maybe you’re right. Going back might help. Then again, it might make it worse.”

  “I’m going to leave early. I see my therapist at one. After she heard of my episode, she wanted to see me at my earliest convenience. It’ll have to do until I find another I like better.”

  “Yes, I want you to go. I’ll get the address from your brother and meet you there. I can wait in the lobby until you’re finished.”

  My head drew back. “You’d do that? Just come to wait outside?”

  “Of course.” His eyebrows drew in. “Why wouldn’t I? I told you I was going to take care of you. Even if I can’t be in the room, I can be there to support you when you’re finished.”

  Warmth rushed through my chest and I reached up, sliding my palm over his rough cheek. “Thank you. You don’t know much that means to me.”

  “That’s what people do when they love each other. And I love you.” His lips brushed against mine and it was amazing how fast I could feel myself bounce back. His presence made me stronger. Made me believe that I could overcome anything.

  “How did the trip go? Did you…” I trailed off, waiting for the good news. If he was here and well, that meant something. The way his features hardened had me lifting my head. “What happened?”

  “Blake is what happened,” he said, deeply. “But Adul is taken care of and so are the guards that were in that house. Saul wasn’t there.” He paused. “They did manage to get three of the girls out, though.”

  “Oh, thank God.” A sigh of relief left me, but my head shook, thinking about Saul. Zain’s hand reached up, rubbing the length of mine. “No worrying, slave, he’s not going to hurt you. You’re well protected. We’ll just be sure to keep an open eye out. You trust me?”

  “Yes,” I breathed out.

  “Good. Then why don’t you get up and start getting ready for work? I’ll go make you breakfast.”

  At the final kiss, he stood and I followed suit, watching him leave the room. I wasn’t sure what he had planned for Saul, but if I knew my Master, he was keeping information to himself to protect me. It only meant that I needed to focus on getting better and step up my game. I would not be afraid. People with PTSD overcame their obstacles every day. I just had to stay positive and forge ahead. I’d done it once. I could do it again.

  I opened my closet, pulling out a pair of black slacks, a white and gold button up shirt, and a gold belt to match. The boots I removed from the bottom were stilettos and I threw my black half trench on the bed for when I was ready. Showering didn’t take long and after I blow dried, fixed my hair, and put make-up on, I was rushing into the kitchen. The smell of coffee nearly had me moaning.

  “You look better.” Slade’s voice had me peering over to the dining room area where he sat, sipping on coffee. The paper was resting in one hand and he was already dressed in his suit.

  “Thank you. So do you. Are you going in today?”

  The paper rustled as he set it down on the table. “Yeah, there are a few things I need to take care of. I hear Volstin is ripe for the picking and I want them.”

  A smile came to my face. “Then you’ll have them. I’ll get together with Willard and we’ll look over the numbers, see what we’re working with. Alec…” My stomach dropped and I pressed my hand against it, trying to stop the flip-flopping. “Whoever has taken over for him will try to beat us to it. We’ll have to act fast.”

  Zain walked over, handing me a glass of juice. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I forgot. God, how did I forget that?”

  “It happens.” He led me to the table. “Sit while I grab your plate.”

  I took a deep breath, meeting Slade’s blank expression. Something was there just behind his eyes, but I couldn’t read it.

  “We’ll get it. Money talks and so do you. You may be new to this and less experienced when it comes to the dealings, but you’re the best. I wouldn’t have let you move up as fast as I did if that weren’t the case. You’ve got this, Lily. You’re a Roberts. We get what we want.”

  A small laughed escaped and I took a drink. “What I want is normalcy. I don’t see that happening for quite some time.”

  “But it’ll happen. Just give it time. That’ll be your worst enemy right now,” Slade said.

  Zain placed a plate in front of me with fruit and a bowl of oatmeal. I threw him a smile while he sat down next to me with his own breakfast.

  “What do I do? I can’t just sit around doing nothing. You still going to hire me?”

  The men looked at each other and Slade t
ook a drink of his coffee, continuing to stare. When he placed it down, he sat up taller. “Come in at nine. You can follow me around for the day. I’ll show you the different departments and let Richard introduce you to your new desk and what you’ll be doing.

  Zain nodded and I went back to trying to eat. The meal went by in mostly silence and I pushed from the table, only for my Master to take my plate before I could stand completely.

  “I’m going to go ahead and take off to work.” I turned from my brother’s acknowledgement and walked Zain into the kitchen. “I guess I’ll be seeing you in the office then. What are you going to do in the mean time?”

  I grabbed my purse from the bar, looking down at my watch. It was still early, barely past seven.

  “My clothes are at the house. I’ll swing by there and get dressed. I’ll meet Slade there. That way I’ll have the car. You want to ride with me to the appointment?”

  I smiled, nodding. “I’d like that.”

  “Then it’s done. I’ll see you soon.”

  Zain opened the door for me and Brace was already waiting. I eased out, giving him a small wave before he closed it. From what I thought was going to be a horrible start to the morning had turned out better than I could have hoped. The ride down the elevator and to work went by in a haze as I relaxed into what I was hoping would be routine. Maybe Zain could come by and pick me up for work every day. Now that my car was actually being put to good use, it would be nice to ride in it. I hated driving and didn’t mind him stepping up. It could work. At least, I liked to think it could.

  The car pulled in front of Slade Industries and it took me a second to realize we’d already arrived. My door was opened and I took a deep breath as I stepped out and straightened my shoulders. There was no room for my submissive nature here. Not with the role I played. I had to remember that. Too many people looked to me for direction. To show weakness would get me eaten alive.

  “Morning, Ms. Roberts.”

  “Morning, Chan.” I kept walking, passing the metal detectors, and heading to the elevator being held open for me. Brace was already by my side, Caleb opposite of him, flanking the back. I knew this routine. Thrived in it now that I wasn’t looking for a reason to drop my guard. “Zain and I will leave for my appointment at one. Follow and stay close behind. Watch everything,” I said to Brace, lowly. “We’re not out of the woods yet. I’m sure you already know that, though.”


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