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Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

Page 7

by Harley Wylde

  He chuckled a little. “Baby, the minute Wire showed me your picture I got so damn hard my cock was coming out of my pants. I wanted you, but I felt like I shouldn’t want you. You were so damn young that I felt like a fucking pervert, but I couldn’t seem to control my body or the fact that I wanted you.”

  “So, you aren’t sorry you’re stuck with me and can’t have other women?” I asked, a little scared to hear the answer. I had no doubt that a man like Connor had been with many women, women who were probably a lot more experienced than me. I knew what happened between the men in the MC and the club sluts. I might be a little naïve at times, but I wasn’t stupid.

  “I haven’t wanted another woman since meeting you.” His hand slid down my belly and cupped my mound. “This pussy is the only one I want. It’s mine. You’re mine. And I’m going to fill you so full of my cum that no one will ever question who you belong to.”

  I snorted. “Well, you’re off to a good start.”

  I felt his chest shake with laughter.

  “Can I go see Ridley today?” I asked.

  “Sure, baby. Let’s shower and get dressed. I’ll call the clubhouse and have someone bring your things over. I’m sure Casper left them before he took off, but I didn’t think to check last night.”

  “It will be nice to have something clean. I can’t tell you how nasty it feels to wear the same panties more than once. If my jeans hadn’t been so damn tight, I’d have rather gone without any.”

  Connor groaned and closed his eyes. “Fuck. Now every time I see you, I’m going to be checking for panty lines. If I were twenty years younger, I’d be fucking you nonstop. I swear I just have to hear your voice, and I want you.”

  “Then maybe it’s a good thing you aren’t twenty years younger because I don’t think I could handle you taking me nonstop. I was sore as hell yesterday, and now today my ass stings too.” I kissed his cheek. “But I’m not complaining. I liked what we did this morning.”

  “I haven’t been able to come more than once, that close together, in a long fucking time. I guess you inspire me. You and that tight pussy of yours.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I’d always thought my virginity was something of a curse, because all the guys at school had tried so hard to be my first. It had made me the focal point of every bet since high school started, but I was glad that Connor had been my first. Would be my only. As much as I hated to admit it, my dad had made a good choice when he’d picked Connor to take care of me.

  Connor reached for his phone on the bedside table and sent off a text. I assumed it was to arrange for my new stuff to be brought over. I knew we both needed to shower. I was excited about seeing Ridley again, but it was kind of nice just lying in bed too. I’d never shared a bed with anyone before, not even another girl at a sleepover. Mostly because I’d never been invited to one. I’d never really gotten along with other girls. I’d found them to be catty and often cruel. But Ridley was Venom’s old lady, and since Venom was Connor’s VP, I was hoping that meant I would have a new friend. She’d seemed nice the brief moment I’d met her before.

  “Go get cleaned up,” Connor said, patting my hip.

  “You aren’t going to join me?”

  “Unless you want my fingers somewhere tight and my mouth on you again, then no. I think your body needs a break, especially since I have every intention of fucking you again tonight. I might be old, but even I can get it up again after I’ve had twelve hours of rest.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, Connor. You’re not old. Any man who looks as sexy as you cannot call himself old. Old people are fat and hunched over with little to no hair anywhere. Trust me. I passed some nude beaches in Europe. The most hair some of those men and women had were in their noses.”

  He made a choking sound, then started laughing.

  I reached over and cupped his balls. Yeah, they were covered in mostly silver hair, but they in no way looked like the old man balls I’d seen on those beaches. They drew up in my hand as I gently squeezed them.

  “When these are naked and hang down to your knees, then you can call yourself an old man.” I reached up and caressed his eight-pack. “You can’t have these incredible abs and this sexy V and call yourself old.”

  His gaze heated as he watched me. I reached over and took his hand and placed it between my legs.

  “And you wouldn’t make me this wet and needy all the time if you were old. So stop saying that. I can’t be near you without wanting to feel your hands on me.”

  He stroked the lips of my pussy before thrusting his fingers inside me. Connor shifted so that I was on my back, and he leaned up on one elbow to peer down at me. His fingers worked my pussy, in and out, slow and deep, while his thumb stroked my clit. He’d already given me so many orgasms I’d lost count and already I could feel another one building. Connor leaned down and pulled one of my nipples between his teeth, giving it a slight bite before sucking on it. I reached up and pulled at my other nipple, my hips thrusting against his fingers.

  The doorbell rang, but Connor didn’t even hesitate. He kept fucking me, kept teasing me. His beard scraped against my breast as his lips worked my nipple, his tongue flicking against it with rapid strokes. His fingers plunged into me harder and faster, until a loud keening sound escaped me and I was coming again. Connor didn’t slow down until the last of the aftershocks had worn off, then he kissed me softly before getting out of bed.

  Panting, I watched as he stepped into the bathroom and in the mirror I could see him washing his hands. When he came back, he pulled on his jeans from the night before, zipped them, and headed downstairs. I felt boneless and completely satisfied. If I’d known that sex was this incredible, I might have been tempted to try it before now. But then, maybe it was being with Connor that made it so great.

  I stared up at the ceiling and tried to slow my racing heart. While Connor got my new things and brought them upstairs, I decided it would be a good time to get cleaned up. It seemed he really couldn’t keep his hands off me, and my body was going to be extremely sore if we played around much more this morning. Theoretically, staying in bed with him all day sounded amazing. But I really wanted to be able to walk normally, and I had a feeling if he played with my nipples too much, wearing a bra wouldn’t be much fun either.

  While the shower warmed up, I brushed my teeth and untangled my hair. Studying my reflection, I lightly traced my fingers across the beard burn on my breast, and noticed the same marks on my inner thighs. My nipples were still puckered and seemed a little rosier than usual. Probably from Connor’s mouth and my pinching. I looked like I’d been thoroughly fucked, and I giggled because that was exactly what had happened. There was a sparkle to my eyes that hadn’t been there before I’d come home. Being with Connor seemed to agree with me.

  I heard Connor coming up the stairs and the rustle of shopping bags. I turned to face the bedroom just as he stepped inside, both hands full of bags that he set on the floor. There had to be at least twenty there and I wondered if maybe I’d gone a teensy bit overboard. Not like Daddy couldn’t afford it, though. When someone hired him for a job, they paid well. I’d once overheard him negotiating a price, and it had been in the millions. I knew my dad was a bad man, and I knew his money was earned the less than legal way, but at least he’d tried to always make sure I had what I needed. Or what he thought I needed.

  One thing was for damn sure. If I had kids with Connor, we wouldn’t raise them the way Casper VanHorne had raised me. No nannies, no boarding school. I don’t recall even having a conversation with my dad until I was about thirteen. I think that was the first time he’d realized that I was growing up, and I wondered if that was the point when he’d decided he’d sell me to the highest bidder. Not that Connor had bid on me. I still didn’t know the terms of their agreement, but I knew Daddy had selected Connor to watch over me, and I knew that either a service or money had traded hands.

  It didn’t matter. Connor wanted me. That’s what I would focus
on. The things my dad had done, or hadn’t done, were in the past. I might be related to Casper VanHorne until the day one of us died, but Connor was my family now. The Dixie Reapers were my family. This might not have been the life that I chose, but it was mine now. I’d always dreamed of growing up and marrying a handsome prince who fell madly in love with me. I smiled a little. Connor was far from princely, but he definitely was handsome. Unlike the pretty boys I’d gone to school with, he was rugged and manly. His fingers were callused and his demeanor sometimes gruff, but there wasn’t anything I’d change about him.

  I’d only been here for two days, and already I was happier than I had ever been before. I felt like I belonged here, like my place was always supposed to have been by Connor’s side. Maybe the Fates had stepped in the day my dad offered Connor a deal. Me in exchange for whatever. Someone, somewhere had obviously been watching over me. I knew the type of men my dad associated with, and most of them left me feeling cold as ice. Their eyes were dead, and if they smiled, it was even scarier than when they didn’t.

  “What are you thinking?” Connor asked, coming toward me. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me against his body.

  “Just thinking how lucky I am,” I answered honestly.

  He smiled a little. “Lucky?”

  “My dad could have chosen anyone, any of his associates, but he picked you. I could have been given to some Mob boss, or an assassin. Or any other dark and deadly person my father knows. They wouldn’t have treated me as well as you do. Getting to be here with you makes me feel lucky, and very grateful.” I ran my hands up his forearms to settle on his biceps. “I love waking up with your arms around me. When you hold me close, I feel safe and wanted.”

  He lifted a hand and placed it against my cheek. “You feel that way because you are safe, and you are most certainly wanted.”

  Connor leaned down and kissed me. It was sweet and tender, and I somehow knew that this was a side of himself he didn’t show just anyone. It made me feel special. I liked that he was different with me. Everyone else knew him as Torch, the big, bad Pres of the MC. But with me, he was just Connor. The man who claimed my body and sent me soaring, the man who held me like I mattered. The man who wanted a family with me.

  “Your water’s going to get cold,” he said. “I’ll make some room in the closet and dresser for you, but I don’t think all this stuff is going to fit. I’ll have to get a contractor in here to see if there’s a way to expand the closet. If not, there might be room for another dresser or maybe an armoire.”

  “We can figure it out later. I’ll put up my favorite things, and the rest can stay in bags for now.”

  I kissed him again, then squeezed past him to rummage through the sacks on the floor. I found the one with my toiletries and carried it into the bathroom. The razor,

  shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner went into the shower next to Connor’s stuff. Then I set my body lotion, perfume, and the handful of cosmetics I’d purchased on the counter. I’d found a really wide brush that I couldn’t wait to try out and set it down as well.

  Connor came over and stood next to me, peering down at everything. He picked up my tube of lipstick and grimaced. “If you put this on, I won’t be able to kiss you.”

  My eyebrows rose as I stared at him.

  “Pink isn’t exactly my color,” he said.

  I bit my lip and smiled. “It’s smudge proof. Which means I can drink something, eat something, or kiss you, and it won’t rub off.”

  He grunted, tossed it onto the counter, and walked out. All right. I was learning something new about him already. He apparently didn’t like makeup. Or maybe he just didn’t like it on me, since I seemed to remember the naked woman on his lap wearing quite a bit of it. I growled as I thought about that skank. I might have been too timid to do anything my first night here, but if it happened again, I wouldn’t hide like a coward.

  While he worked on the closet issue, I got into the shower and scrubbed my hair and body with my stuff. I’d picked out Eucalyptus-scented things. It had always been my favorite, even though I wasn’t quite sure why. I guess something about it soothed me. It had a nice clean smell to it without being flowery and overpowering. I used the razor on my legs and underarms. When I’d gotten my pussy waxed, they’d said it could last anywhere from three to six weeks, which meant I needed to start shopping around to find a place here that could do it for me.

  I rinsed and shut off the water. Connor was leaning in the bathroom doorway and my cheeks warmed when I realized he’d been watching me through the glass. He handed me a towel, and I quickly dried off, then started smoothing lotion over my body. Connor inhaled deeply, and a smile kicked up the corner of his lips.

  “Whatever you bought, I like it,” he said.

  When was I finished, I tossed the towel into the hamper and waited for Connor to let me pass. His gaze caressed me head to toe, lingering in his favorite places. He reached out and ran a finger down the slope of my breast before softly pinching my nipple.

  “Maybe we should just stay here.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because I like it when you’re naked.”

  I fought not to laugh. “Connor, I can’t stay in this house every day, running around naked, just so you can look at me.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “That’s because you’re a man. Of course, you’d think it’s a great plan. Naked women are probably your favorite thing.”

  “Not women. Woman.”

  I was pleased with his answer and gave him a quick kiss before pushing past him. It didn’t take long to pull on some clothes, and then I had to sit and wait while Connor showered and got ready. It was tempting to go watch him the way he’d watched me, but I had no doubt he’d tease me if I got caught. So, I waited rather impatiently.

  Chapter Six


  I knew Isabella was anxious to see Ridley, but I wasn’t taking her anywhere until she’d had something to eat. We’d never discussed whether or not she could cook. I knew her mother had died when she was just a baby, so I didn’t think it was likely anyone had taught her. Unless she learned at the fancy boarding school Casper had sent her to, but I didn’t think a place like that would teach something like cooking. Didn’t all those rich kids come from homes that hired professional chefs?

  She traced patterns on the table while I cracked eggs into a bowl. I added a dash of milk and whisked them until they were frothy, then added a pinch of salt, tossed in some diced ham, a handful of shredded cheese, and a bit of finely chopped onion. The medical reports I’d received on Isabella had said she wasn’t allergic to anything that could be found in the kitchen. Now whether or not she liked the taste was another matter. I’d studied everything about her over the past three years, wanting to know as much as I could. When she came home, I had wanted to be prepared to properly take care of her. I knew she took her coffee with a heavy dose of mocha creamer, that her favorite ice cream was Baskin-Robbins’ World Class Chocolate, that she never painted her fingernails but always had her toenails painted, and when she didn’t think anyone was watching she ate raw cookie dough.

  Maybe I should have been angry that she’d run off the way she had, but part of me had understood. Even before she’d explained, I’d figured the situation was just too much for her. And I’d gladly given her the space she needed. I’d filled my spare time with learning about her, making sure the people around her could be trusted, and taking care of any problems that arose. And I’d do the same thing all over again if given the chance. Yeah, it had been a rough three years, but we were together now, and that was all that mattered. I liked that she’d come to me because she was ready and not because she’d felt forced to be here.

  “Hope omelets are okay,” I said as I dumped half the mixture into a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet. “It’s one of the few breakfast things I know how to make.”

  “Sounds great.” She smiled a little. “I’m not that good of a cook, but I’
m pretty decent at baking. If you get the ingredients for me, I can make just about any type of muffin you want. I’m pretty good with cakes and pies too.”

  “Where’d you learn to do that?” I asked, looking at her over my shoulder.

  “Consuela. Whenever I wasn’t at boarding school, she would watch over me at my dad’s house. She tried to teach me to cook, but everything either came out raw or overcooked. Baking was about the only thing I could do right.”

  “I don’t mind cooking. I just don’t know how to cook very many things. It’s why I eat out rather often, or just grab a burger at the clubhouse. I’ve eaten over at Venom’s about once a week for a while now. Pretty much since you left. I think Ridley was worried about me.”

  Isabella bit her lip. “She’s not mad that I didn’t come straight home, is she? She seemed really nice when I met her before.”

  “Ridley doesn’t get mad about much, unless you mess with her man or her kid. Fuck with Venom or their daughter, though, and there’s nowhere far enough for you to run. She’ll find you, and she’ll make you pay.”

  “Do they know we’re coming over today?” Isabella asked.

  “I texted Venom this morning after my shower. Told him we’d stop by in a little while. I know you’ll want some one-on-one time with Ridley, but Venom is very protective of her and their daughter, Farrah. You might be my old lady, but he doesn’t know you.”

  “Does that mean I can’t spend time with her?” Isabella asked.

  “No, it just means he might stick close for a little while. Don’t take it personally. Things have been quiet for Ridley the last three years, but when she came here, she had trouble on her heels. I think sometimes Venom worries she could still be taken from him.”


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