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Quick Be Jack: A Jack Nolan Novel (The Cap's Place Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Robert Tarrant

  PJ said, "Someone's casing the bank deposit boxes with cameras mounted on vehicles parked next door."

  Beans said, "That's what I think. Now look at this." More keystrokes and the two pictures were replaced by a series of shots. "See this? This is the parking spot. This is the vehicle after it arrives. Look no camera on the trunk. Now here an armored truck stops in the driveway and obscures the view of the vehicle. This is the first shot after the truck moves. Presto, the camera is in place on the trunk."

  Tim leaned forward and stared at the shots on the monitor, "I'll be damned. Sure looks like someone parked the car and then placed the camera on the trunk. Probably a wireless transmission somewhere. Too bad we can't see the plate or didn't get a look at the person who placed the camera."

  Beans said, "Yeah, it is. At the other bank where the cameras caught the parking lot next door, the car with the camera was already in place at the start of the video we got. I sure think it warrants getting video from them going back a couple of more weeks."

  PJ said, "It sure does. We should also revisit each scene and look for additional cameras covering the parking lots next door."

  "Yeah, maybe we get lucky and actually see who parks the cars. You got dates and times for us Beans?" asked Tim as he leaned back and opened his notebook. There was obviously more energy in the room than there had been five minutes earlier.

  Beans shuffled through a stack on his desk and pulled out two file folders. He handed one to each detective. "Everything's in there. I ran the best shots through our model identification software. One vehicle is a 2016 Ford Taurus and the other is a 2015 or 2016 Toyota Camry. As you can see, they're both white. Just like most of the cars in Florida."

  Tim said, "Sounds like rentals."

  Beans replied, "That would be my guess, but I'll leave that up to you detectives."

  Tim looked up from the file and asked, "What about the cars leaving? They're not still there are they? We couldn't be that lucky."

  Shaking his head Beans said, "No such luck. Each car left a day or two before the robbery."

  PJ asked, "Could you see it leave? See who drove it away?"

  Beans hit a few more keys, "Yes and no. Here are both shots." Two short video clips ran side by side on the monitor. He continued, "Nighttime, so the picture is dim. Small figure in dark clothing walks up to the vehicle and casually drives away in each case. Looks to me like the smaller of the two we have pulling the jobs. My money says a woman, but I told you that before."

  Tim said, "So our perps place a car in a position to monitor the night deposit, place a camera on the trunk and after they capture the info they're looking for they just drive the car away. Pretty damn simple."

  PJ leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. She gazed up at Beans and said, "Beans, we can't thank you enough. Nearly everything we have so far on this case has been developed by you. We might be the ones on the street, but don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not a detective."

  Beans blinked several times before looking down at his desk and saying, "Thanks PJ. That means a lot coming from you."

  Tim finished thumbing through the file and stuck it in his notepad. He stood and said, "Great work Beans. Now, why don't you go home and get some rest. Real rest, not a catnap in your chair. If anyone says anything to you just tell them to call me."

  Beans looked up, "Ah, thanks. Thanks, I might do just that. You guys round up anything additional and I'll go through it for you."

  PJ stood and said, "That's why we need for you to get some rest. We're going to need you fresh and on your game."

  As the two left the office Beans called out, "I'll go home and get some rest, but you call me if you get anything."

  As they walked down the hall PJ asked Tim, "How do you think we should attack this?"

  "At the 10:00 a.m. meeting we'll brief everyone and then we'll take one bank and assign the others to two other teams. Beans has given us too much of a toe hold here to let this slip away. We're going to nail these assholes. They'll never see us coming."


  I had just finished running errands on Monday afternoon and settled in at my end of the bar when Justin came in the back door. Since I saw him yesterday he'd gotten a haircut and shaved. Once again, he had that distinctly ex-military look. It was that lull between lunch and the happy hour crowd so Cap's was nearly empty. Justin was frowning as he sat down on the stool next to mine. A frown, or a smile, is a dramatic departure from his usual stoic expression. I asked, "What's up Justin? You look like you lost your last friend?"

  He shook his head and said, "Nothing like that, it's the damn fuel system in the boat. It's got some type of gremlin in it and I can't find it."

  Dana set two Landsharks in front of us and said, "Thought I'd save you guys the effort of calling to me." With that she turned and headed back for the center of the bar where she was restocking liquor. Never much small talk with Dana when Justin's around, I don't think she likes him much.

  I called out, "Thanks, you're the best Dana."

  We both took a pull on our beers and then I said, "Afraid I can't help you with the boat. My mechanical ability is limited to the occasional changing of a lightbulb."

  Justin said, "Looks like I'm going to need to take it in somewhere, it seems to be beyond my abilities as well." He took another long drink of his beer.

  Just then Moe came ambling up and sat down on the stool just around the corner of the bar from Justin. Most of us raise up to get on a bar stool, Moe lowers himself down. He said, "Hi guys. This a private meeting or can anybody join?"

  Justin said, "You're always welcome, Big Guy."

  Dana called out to Moe, "Can I get you something Moe?"

  Moe answered, "Sure, rum and coke."

  Justin and I looked at each other in disbelief. Moe seldom drinks and never during the day. Dana replied, "Sure thing. You might as well drink away the day just like those two."

  Justin asked, "What's eating her?"

  A low baritone chuckle rumbled from Moe as he said, "I think she's ticked at Marge because Marge gave Sissy her pick of the shifts this week. It's Sissy's last week and she's trying to get a chance to see all of the regulars. Dana's mad at Marge, but we're here and Marge isn't."

  Dana set the drink in front of Moe, turned and went back to her restocking without saying a word. A truly unique occurrence. I muttered, "Oh well, she'll get over it soon. One thing about Dana, she doesn't stay mad long."

  Moe said, "So Justin, how was your trip? Where's that good looking first mate that went with you? She see the error of her ways and jump ship?"

  Justin replied, "Great trip, well until the fuel system on the boat started acting up, but I got back so that's what counts. As for . . . ," he glanced at me, then back to Moe and continued, "As for Barbie, a business opportunity came up, so I dropped her off on an island a couple hundred miles south of here."

  The woman being discussed is some type of mercenary associate of Justin's, who I had nicknamed Barbie. I'm confident that's not her name, but I'm equally confident I'll probably never know her real name, just like I don't know Justin's. I said, "You left her in Cuba?"

  Justin looked sideways at me and said, "I didn't leave her, she asked me to drop her off. Like I said, a business opportunity came up for her."

  I said, "I probably don't want to know any more."

  Moe said, "Come on Jack, there are lots of legal ways for Americans to travel to Cuba these days. Don't you watch the news?"

  Justin didn't offer more and neither Moe nor I inquired further. Moe changed the subject, "So Justin, what do you think of Jack sleeping with Mancuso's daughter? We'll probably be rescuing his ass again sometime soon."

  I blurted, "What the hell is this infatuation with my private life?"

  Another deep chuckle from Moe, "Shit Boss, you haven't got a private life around here. Don't you know that yet?"

  Justin almost smiled and said, "I think the guy's got a death wish, Moe."

; "That's just what I told him. He's got a death wish."

  I said, "Come on guys. It's nothing like that. We don't even know for sure that Mancuso is a gangster. Might just be because of his family history that the cops think he's dirty."

  Justin looked at me, "Are you really listening to what you're saying Jack? You, of all guys, ex-prosecutor and all, you know in your heart the guy's organized crime. He may be more white collar crime than drugs and prostitution, but he's definitely organized crime."

  I took a slow drink of my beer while digesting Justin's words. My head knew he was correct, it was my heart that didn't want to accept it. It's a little like hearing a negative medical diagnosis for a loved one, your head accepts and understands, but your heart refuses to do either. Still, I like to think of myself as a guy who uses his head to guide himself rather than his heart. Of course, my life story is replete with exceptions to this rule.

  Justin and Moe were both looking at me, obviously waiting for my reply. Fortunately, Dana came up and broke the mood with, "You guys want something to eat, or are you just exercising your livers today?"

  We all ordered something to eat. It was easier than arguing with her. After she walked away I asked, "Where is Marge today anyway? And when will she be back?"

  Moe said, "She took the day off. Some type of doctor's appointment."

  I said, "The whole day for a doctor's appointment? Where is it, Orlando?"

  Moe finished his drink and held it up to get Dana's attention. When she looked up, he indicated that we'd have another round. Then he turned to me and said, "I don't know Jack, she just said that she had some tests and an appointment." His eyes narrowed and his brow wrinkled as he said, "I'm worried though."

  I asked, "Why are you worried Moe?"

  "She's been complaining about being tired all the time lately, and haven't you noticed how much weight she's lost?"

  "I had noticed she'd lost weight, even complimented her the other day. I thought she was trying to lose weight, like women always are. I haven't heard her mention being tired though."

  Dana set our drinks down and asked, "Who's tired?"

  I said, "Moe says Marge has been saying she's been tired lately. She's at the doctor today. We're just hoping there isn't something wrong."

  The stern face Dana had worn all day softened and she said, "I hope not, too. Now that you mention it, I do remember her saying lately that she felt like she was just dragging through the day." We were all quiet for a minute and then Dana added, "I'll just ask her tomorrow when I come in, unless of course you're going to ask her Jack?"

  "No, that's fine, you ask her. You know, woman to woman."

  Spinning to walk away she said over her shoulder, "That's what I figured."

  Justin turned toward me and said, "So, getting back to our earlier conversation, what are your intentions with Mancuso's daughter Jack?"

  "What are my intentions? You'd think you were her father. What is it with you guys anyway?"

  Moe said, "We're the guys who'll end up bailing your sorry ass out when you get in over your head, that's who we are."

  "Okay, you guys had to save my butt once, and I really appreciate it, but that doesn't mean you'll have to do it again."

  An exaggerated cough came from Justin and he said, "Once?"

  "Okay, maybe a couple of times, but it won't be like that this time."

  Moe said, "So you're going to marry this woman and keep her happy for the rest of her life?"

  I nearly choked on the drink of beer I was taking, "Who said anything about marriage? Where did you get that idea?"

  Justin said, "Because Jack, that's the only outcome by which you don't make her mad at you. Making her mad, makes her dad mad, and that spells serious trouble for you. Your only out is that you marry her and keep her happy for the rest of your natural life."

  Moe slapped his hand on the bar, "You haven't heard the best part Justin. Saturday night he had both Elena and Detective Johnson here for a little sleep over."

  Justin bellowed, "You're shitting me!" Then added, "This just gets better and better." Turning to Moe he said, "I'll make some calls. Get an extraction team together. We'll need to be operational sooner than I expected."

  A low rumble of laughter came from Moe as I protested, "It's not like that at all. PJ just stayed because she had too much to drink to be driving. It wasn't anything like you're suggesting Moe."

  Justin said, "It's suicidal, but I do admire your style Jack. Most men would give their right arm for one woman that looked like either of them and here you are with both of them."

  Moe chimed in, "Yeah, got to admit, you've got balls Jack."

  Justin added, "Well for now. Probably won't after Mancuso finishes with you."

  I said, "Very funny, you two. For your information, it was Elena's idea for PJ to stay."

  Justin said, "Really? I wouldn't have ever picked her for that type of woman."

  "That's not what I mean. Nothing like that happened. It wasn't anything like that."

  "What wasn't anything like what?" asked Dana as she set our lunch orders in front of us.

  Moe answered, "Oh, we were just talking about Jack's little threesome the other night."

  Dana said, "Yeah Jack, I've been intending to ask you, who's going to own this place after that mobster feeds you to the sharks?"

  Justin choked on the bite of hamburger he had taken. Served him right.


  By the time we finished lunch, Justin and Moe had lost interest in harassing me about Elena. That was just fine with me. The first vanguards of the happy hour crowd were starting to trickle in, so Dana was occupied and Moe had gone back to the kitchen to check-in a delivery of meat. It seemed like a good opportunity to talk to Justin about my little investigation into the leak that nearly cost Sissy her life. I opened with, "Remember when the guy attacked Sissy at the Pinnacle?"

  Justin turned to look at me directly, "Of course I remember. That's why I inserted myself into your efforts to protect her. Good thing too, I don't think she would have fared so well that second time he found her."

  "Well, we figured out that he followed me to the place we had her hiding in Lighthouse Point, but we never figured out how he found her at the Pinnacle. He could have been following us, but that wouldn't explain how he got her room number. She was registered under an alias."

  Justin nodded, "I just figured somebody inside the Pinnacle gave him the room number. He was an OC hitman, no telling how many people organized crime has working at that casino. Hey, why don't you ask your future father-in-law?"

  "Come on Justin, I'm being serious here. I met with their security director. Based on the very thorough investigation he's done I don't think the leak was inside."

  Justin's eyes narrowed, "Why are you investigating? Seems like that's a job for the cops."

  I was in too deep to hide anything now, so I said, "PJ, Detective Johnson, asked me to help her."

  Justin rubbed his chin, "Really, that's the same PJ that was part of your little threesome?"

  "Yes. No, there was no threesome, but yes that is the same PJ. She's afraid the leak may be inside the police department. She asked me to take a look because I was familiar with the original incident and because she didn't want to cast aspersions on anyone inside the department if it wasn't true."

  Justin finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the inside edge of the bar. Dana noticed from her spot at center bar and pointed toward him, asking if he wanted another. He shook his head no and again turned toward me, "Well, if you're certain the leak wasn't inside the Pinnacle, then it must have been one of the cops or someone here."

  I said, "No one here even knew she was at the Pinnacle much less the room number. I knew she was at the hotel, but I didn't even know the room number. Not until after the attack."

  "Well, who did know the room number?"

  I finished my beer, but set it back in front of me as if I was still working on it. I didn't want Dana coming down the bar rig
ht now. Justin and I were alone at this end and I wanted to keep it that way. I answered, "Seems like only PJ and her partner knew the room number."

  "I'm guessing you've eliminated PJ. Give her the Jack Nolan lie detector test, did you?"

  "Damn it Justin, this is serious shit we're talking about."

  "I know it's serious shit, but seems pretty simple to me. If you've eliminated everyone inside, and you've eliminated PJ, there's no one else left. It must be her partner. What's your problem? What are you asking me, anyway?"

  I exhaled deeply, "I guess I'm just looking for confirmation. I don't want to believe it, so I just want to be positive."

  "Only way to be positive is for him to admit it. You want me to interrogate him?"

  What the hell have I unleashed now. "No. No, that's not at all what I'm suggesting. I just wanted to get your opinion, that's all."

  "Okay, why don't you start at the beginning and tell me everything you've done and what you've found. We'll see if I can spot any weaknesses in the process you used to reach your conclusion."

  A couple of guys had taken spots two stools away from us so I said, "Let's go back to the office. It's a little more private there."

  Back in the office, I went over everything I'd done and what I'd learned step by step. I wished I had my file folder of notes, but I'd given that to PJ. I wasn't as succinct as I would have been with my notes, but I was able to recall everything for Justin. I even went over what I had learned about Tim's family and finances from the internet.

  When I was completely finished Justin said, "He seems like the only one with opportunity and you may have identified a motive. What I'm still struggling with is the timing. It all happened so quickly, it's as if he was looking for the opportunity to get crucial information he could feed to the killer. My question is, how did the OC hitman know that Tim was involved in protecting Sissy? That's the part that I'm struggling with."


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