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Quick Be Jack: A Jack Nolan Novel (The Cap's Place Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Robert Tarrant

"I guess that's what's bothering me. I get the fact that Tim could be a dirty cop and could have ties to organized crime. It certainly wouldn't be the first time. Maybe not even the first time here in Hollywood. Yet, it sure is a coincidence that this dirty cop gets assigned to help protect the person that the organized crime killer is trying to find. Somehow, it just doesn't seem plausible."

  Justin nodded, "I'm not a big believer in coincidence. Usually, there is a much simpler explanation."

  I said, "Let's go through the whole series of events again, from the time PJ first told us Sissy was possibly in danger, until the attack at Pinnacle, and see if there is any other possible source of the leak that we have somehow overlooked. If we can't find anything else we don't have any alternative, but to conclude that it was Tim. How it all fell into place that Tim was in leagues with the killer looking for Sissy is another issue altogether."

  We spent another thirty minutes going over everything that I could remember about the sequence of events and what I'd found through my investigation. Finally, we both fell silent. Justin stood abruptly and said, "We've beat this to death. I find nothing to contradict your conclusion that Tim was the leak. I'm going back to the boat to struggle with my fuel system, but I'll keep mulling this over in my head. Is PJ planning to move forward in reporting this to anyone soon?"

  "I don't think so. We haven't even talked about that. She's been so focused on not letting her efforts to find the truth taint Tim's reputation in any way that I don't know if she's even contemplated how she'll proceed if it is true. Reporting it will be a very difficult step for her. Frankly, I don't know what she has to report at this point. It's pure speculation that's based on the fact that we can't find any other alternative. We really don't have any evidence."

  Justin replied, "That's true, but once the police undertake the investigation they'll access phone records and who knows what else. Tim had to have some means to contact someone with the information. Who knows what they may find."

  I said, "I'll try to talk to PJ in the next day or two, if you have any ideas at all, please let me know. The last thing I want to do is encourage PJ to report it if it isn't true. It's going to destroy her relationship with Tim. If it's not true that would be a tragedy."

  Justin left and I sat alone in the office for a while. Thinking about the whole mess left me feeling spent. I couldn't imagine how PJ must be feeling.


  Tim and PJ were both on the phone Monday evening when Dick Kahn walked into the detectives' squad room. None of the other six desks were occupied. Everyone was still out on the street, or gone for the day. Kahn tossed his car keys on his desk in the corner opposite from Tim and PJ's desks and pulled out a chair at the conference table in the center of the room.

  Tim finished his conversation first and turned to Kahn, "Hi Dick. Missed you at the meeting this morning."

  "Yeah, sorry about that, had to take my daughter back to school in Tampa. She was home this weekend and her car died Sunday afternoon just before she was to leave and go back."

  "No problem. You missed a productive day though."

  "Yeah, I heard. I saw Moore on my way in. He gave me the rundown. My day wasn't a washout though. I left early this morning and would have been back by noon, but I finally got a call back from the detective in Jacksonville. The one who had seen our statewide message and thought they may have had something similar last year. He said that he wasn't involved in their cases, but he was pretty certain the cases were very similar. After thirty minutes on the phone, while he tried to find the case in their system, I told him I'd just come up. You know as well as I do that you'll dig a lot deeper for a guy standing in front of your desk than if he's just on the phone."

  PJ had finished her call and she rolled her chair over to the table, "Wow Dick, you've had a real tour of Florida today."

  Kahn nodded, "Well, eight hundred miles of it anyway."

  Tim asked, "So, any luck in Jacksonville?"

  Kahn opened the large manila envelope he was holding and withdrew a sheath of paper, "I think so. Got copies of their cases here. They had four altogether. Same MO as ours, two people, two stolen vehicles that box the vic in at the night deposit. Assault weapons, the whole nine yards. One of their black and whites stumbled onto the fourth one in progress. The two perps had just pulled into position as the uniform drove by on the street. He spun around in the street and hit his lights. The two perps tore out the back of the parking lot and split up. He chased one, but the guy slammed on the brakes a block ahead, jumped out and opened fire with the assault rifle. The officer tried to take evasive action and ended up wrapped around a pole. Nineteen bullet holes in the cruiser and a lot of bruises from the airbag, but otherwise fine. That was the last case they had. Seems like the perps left town after that."

  Tim rubbed his chin, "I know it's already been a long day Dick, but could you write-up a one pager that can be distributed at roll call. Our guys should be being careful since these two have already killed once, but this clearly demonstrates they're not afraid to shoot it out with the cops. We don't need some third shift Rambo getting himself killed."

  Kahn replied, "Already thought of that. My sentiments exactly. Won't take but a few minutes." He looked at the reports in his hand, "Oh, almost forgot, the ballistics for the slugs that Jacksonville recovered do not match the ones we have. They either ditched the weapon used in Jacksonville, or it was the other perp who did our shooting."

  PJ asked, "Did Jacksonville have any video in their cases?"

  "Yup, bank video in all four. I already dropped copies off on Beans' desk. He wasn't around, but I left him a note. I'm sure he'll do a comparison as soon as he sees them. Looks like the same two perps to this old street cop."

  "Great. He's coming in a little later. He worked around the clock from our Saturday meeting until this morning. I sent him home to get some sleep. He called just before you came in to see what we'd found today. Moore probably told you that we got video from several locations that we think shows the cars they used to record activity at the night deposit being dropped off or picked up. Some pretty good shots of a woman in a couple of them. Could well be the smaller of the two perps. Got a shot of a Ford Expedition picking her up down the street from one of the scenes. We couldn't read the plate, but are hoping Beans can work his magic, or else go into the traffic camera system and locate the vehicle and get a clear shot of the plate. You know Beans, he's all excited, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him anytime."

  Kahn chuckled, "He's different, but he sure does good work."

  Tim muttered, "Yeah, someday guys like Beans will replace all the old school guys like us. It's all about the technology today."

  PJ asked, "I've always wondered why he's called Beans? He must have a name."

  Tim replied, "His name's Leroy, but when he came here he was a forensic accountant. You know 'bean counter.' The name Beans just got stuck on him. If you said Leroy to most people around here they wouldn't know who you're talking about. I even heard a prosecutor call him Beans Fraser when calling him to the stand once."

  Kahn stood and handed a pile of paper to Tim, "Copies of everything from Jacksonville for your master file. I've got a copy here and I'll work up a one pager for the uniforms." With that he walked to his desk and slumped heavily into his chair.

  Tim turned to PJ and asked, "Want to grab a bite before we head home? This late I know there will be nothing waiting for me."

  PJ said, "I'd like to, but Angela was gone all weekend and I need to spend a little time with her before she completely disowns me."

  "Sounds like a good idea. One of these days you'll wake up and she'll be going off to college."

  PJ looked down at her desk and asked, "How are your girls doing anyway?"

  "Oh, both are doing great. They're doing very well in school. I miss them around home though. Pretty damn quiet around my house these days."

  Aligning the stack of paper on her desk PJ asked, "Where are they in school? I keep f
orgetting. I know it's up north somewhere, but can never remember where."

  Just then Tim's cell phone buzzed, he looked at the screen and said to PJ, "Got to take this. I'll see you in the morning. Say hi to Angela." He answered his cell, "This is Detective Donovan, thanks for calling back."

  PJ took her jacket from the back of her chair and headed toward the door and another sleepless night.


  Tuesday morning Marge called and told me she'd be in right after lunch. She didn't volunteer why she'd be late and I didn't ask. I was worried after my conversation yesterday with Moe, but didn't think the telephone was the appropriate way to ask about her health. I spent some time in the office doing some of the mundane tasks that had piled up over the weekend and yesterday. For some reason it felt good to do some of the things I'd hated when I was running the place myself. Maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder. While digging around in the office I found some sketches that looked like ideas for an addition to the building. Must be something Marge and Moe are putting together. Wonder when they're going to spring it on me?

  I was standing at the end of the bar talking to Renee when the back door opened and in walked Lorenzo Mancuso. He was wearing light gray slacks and an open collared white dress shirt. The shirt set off the deep tan of his chiseled face. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he strode forward with his hand outstretched, "Hi Jack, I was hoping I'd catch you in. I was in the area so thought I'd stop in and grab a bite to eat. Can you join me?"

  I didn't believe the "in the area" line for a second, but smiled and shook his hand as if his visit was the high point of my day. "Sure, love to join you for lunch. Let's grab a booth over there. Would you like a drink or something else?"

  "I'd love an iced tea, if that's not too much trouble."

  "No problem at all, most lunch times we sell more iced tea than beer. Sweet or unsweetened?"

  "Unsweetened, please."

  Turning to Renee I said, "Renee, could you please bring us an unsweetened iced tea and a coffee?" I turned back to Mancuso and led him over to a corner booth. My mind was spinning. I hadn't seen Mancuso since right after Elena and I had been abducted by Bracchi. Mancuso had actually participated in our rescue and was certainly the reason Anthony Bracchi was no longer a problem in my life. He'd stopped in the day after we were rescued, but I hadn't seen nor heard from him since. Now a couple of days after Elena and I spent three consecutive nights together he shows up. Like Justin says, there are very few real coincidences in life.

  We picked a corner booth. Mancuso slid into the back of the booth with his back to the wall. I took a seat on the end, immediately to his left. Almost as quickly as we got situated, Renee arrived with the iced tea and coffee. She laid two menus on the table and said she'd stop by in a couple of minutes to take our order. Mancuso took a drink of his tea, but made no effort to reach for the menu. I followed suit and took a sip of my coffee. He broke the silence with, "I had dinner with Elena last night and all she talked about was you, Cap's Place, and the people she's met here."

  I couldn't read his expression, so didn't know if this conversation was headed in a positive direction, or not. I played it safe with, "I would imagine the people she's met around here are somewhat different from those in Miami Beech."

  A smile and short chuckle were followed by, "That was exactly her point. She finds the people here to be, in her words, real. Elena thinks many of the people she meets through her work, or around Miami Beach in general, are somewhat phony. Of course, Elena can be pretty hard on people. Few people rise to her standards."

  I said, "I will take that as a compliment."

  Mancuso nodded, "Yes, you should. Elena is a tough judge and she likes this place," he looked around the bar as if trying to see what she sees, "the people here and especially you. She really likes you."

  I knew exactly what to say at this point, "Well, Mr. Mancuso, I think Elena is a very nice lady. I really enjoy her company."

  "Jack, I believe the last time I was here I asked you to call me Enzo. My friends call me Enzo and you certainly qualify as a friend. To hear Elena talk, you will end up being much more than a friend to me, so please call me Enzo." The smile in his eyes said this was a sincere invitation, not a demand.

  "Thank you, Enzo." I reached out and picked up the menus and handed one to him saying, "We should probably take a look before Renee gets back."

  "Yes, I am hungry. I had an early meeting and all I had for breakfast was some kind of milk shake thing. Something my wife drinks in the morning. She considers it breakfast, but I don't think anything you don't need to chew can be considered a proper meal." I could really get to like this guy. He looked up from the menu and said, "I'll probably have the meatball sandwich again. The one I had last time was actually pretty good. You do need some more Italian dishes on the menu though."

  I said, "You're right, I'll need to talk to Juan about that."

  "Your cook's name is Juan? How is a Juan going to know how to cook Italian? I'll tell you what, I'll come up here sometime, when it's slow, and teach Juan how to cook Italian. My mother was a great cook, she taught me. I taught Elena, no reason I can't teach Juan."

  I'm starting to understand where Elena gets her assertiveness. I replied, "Sure, that would be very nice of you." Renee stopped by our table and took our orders.

  After she left us alone again, Mancuso turned to me and said, "So, at this moment you're asking yourself, why is this guy really here today? He is the father of the woman I have been . . . seeing . . . and he just happens to be in the neighborhood. You are asking yourself, what is his real agenda? Am I correct?"

  I couldn't stifle a nervous laugh, "Well, it did cross my mind."

  He sat back in a relaxed posture and smiled. It was a real smile, one that truly reached his eyes. Finally, he said, "I was actually in the general area. I'm headed north to Boca Raton to meet with Elena and some designers regarding her project up there. I think you visited the building with her several weeks ago. It struck me that I should stop and say hello to you. It's been a while since we last spoke and we were both pretty keyed up at that time, what with the whole Bracchi fiasco. Since you are now the second most important man in Elena's life, and may someday become the most important, I thought it necessary that we be on the same page."

  Was I misled by the smile? Where is this going? Elena said she was going to give our relationship every effort, but I didn't know that included her father. I was finally able to swallow and said, "Well, sure, I can appreciate that. I think the world of Elena and definitely respect her. She's a very intelligent and personable woman. I don't know where our relationship is headed, but I assure you I will always treat her with the utmost of respect."

  Another small chuckle and then he said, "Oh, I know that Jack. If you don't, she'll drop you like a hot potato. That's not what I'm talking about. You're both mature adults, only you can determine whether your relationship works or not. I know that at this point Elena thinks you are a pretty great guy. I have no way of predicting what she will think in a few more weeks or months." He paused and took a short drink of his tea and then continued, "What I'm talking about is that I don't want who I am to restrain you from giving your relationship with Elena every chance. If I were in your shoes, I'd be a little nervous about getting involved with the daughter of a man who is reputed to be a gangster. Am I correct, is that a consideration?"

  What the hell do you say to that? No, I love to live dangerously, I always date gangster's daughters, that's if gangster's wives aren't available. I opted for, "Well, I'd be less than honest if I didn't admit that has crossed my mind."

  Mancuso slapped the table with his open hand, "I knew it. I just knew it. I just didn't know if you'd be man enough to admit it. Elena may just be correct about you after all, you are a stand up guy." I suddenly noticed movement across the floor from the corner of my eye. It was Moe striding toward us. The table slap must have attracted his attention.

  Moe came up to the table a
nd said, "Hi Boss. Hi Mr. Mancuso, I didn't know you were here."

  Mancuso stuck out his hand, "Hello Moe, been on any rescue missions lately?"

  Moe reached across the table, shook his hand and replied, "No, trying to keep that part of my life to a minimum these days."

  Nodding, Mancuso said, "Yeah, hope none of us need to do that again soon. I'm sure grateful you were around that night. Don't you forget what I told you, you ever need anything you come see me."

  After their exchange, Moe seemed to relax. He said goodbye and headed toward the kitchen. Mancuso turned to me and said, "Good friend you've got there, he's got your back."

  I muttered, "Yeah, I've come to know that."

  Renee arrived with our lunch and we both took a couple of bites before Mancuso again broke the silence, "Back to our earlier topic, Elena being the daughter of a reputed gangster. As I told you the last time I was here, I'm not what the authorities say I am. Unfortunately, I can't erase the history of my family, so the authorities will continue to pursue me through any, and every, means possible. That I cannot prevent. What I can prevent is having my family history harm Elena's chance for happiness in life. That is why I'm here. I don't want who I am to impact your feelings for Elena in any way." He paused and looked at the sandwich on his plate.

  There was something about the sincerity in his voice that mesmerized me. Here was a guy who many people had told me was a dangerous man laying his feelings bare to me. Somehow, it just didn't equate. If the cops are right about him, this is some kind of act. Yet, if it's an act he should be in Hollywood, California not Hollywood, Florida, because he's damn good.

  He looked up at me and I would swear there was the slightest hint of moisture in his eyes. He said, "Just don't let the Mancuso name stop you from giving Elena a fair opportunity. If you two don't work out, so be it. She was so devastated after her divorce, and she hasn't met anyone she would even give a second thought to, until now. I just want to see her given a fair chance to find happiness. That's all I ask."


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