Book Read Free

At Her Own Risk

Page 3

by Rachael Duncan

  His stoic face gives nothing away, letting me mull it over.

  Take it easy and have some fun. Am I capable of doing this? I might be anti-relationships, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this casual, no-strings-attached sex thing either.

  There’s a challenge in his blue eyes, almost like he’s daring me to say yes. What’s the worst that could happen? If things get muddy, I’ll walk away. Simple as that.


  In a millisecond he’s on me like a lion attacking its prey, distracting me from wondering if I just made one big-ass mistake.


  MY KNEE BOUNCES as I sit in traffic headed toward my new office. Today is my first day and I’m equal parts excited and nervous. Butterflies are swarming in my stomach and I feel slightly nauseous, but today is the start to something I’ve wanted for a long time.

  My phone dings as soon as I pull into the parking lot. Grabbing it from the center console, I read the message.

  Sean: Good luck today.

  A small smile spreads across my lips, and the butterflies from earlier are fluttering for an entirely different reason. The fact that I’m having this reaction to his text isn’t lost on me, but it’s not something I’m willing to examine right now either.

  Me: Thanks.

  My eyes focus on the three bouncing dots that indicate he’s responding as I get out of the car.

  Sean: Wanna celebrate your first day tonight?

  Me: What did you have in mind?

  I bite my lip as I wait for his response.

  Sean: How’s dinner?

  Rereading his text, I’m unsure of how to respond as I walk across the parking lot and toward the front door. For me, dinner is pushing the imaginary line I’ve created in my head for our casual arrangement.

  Me: Dinner? That sounds like a date.

  Sean: I don’t care what it sounds like as long as your legs end up over my shoulders by the end of the night.

  I trip over my heel-clad feet and nearly bust my face. Once I’ve stabilized myself, heat travels from head to toe and focuses on my center. His sharp quips and inappropriate comments are nothing new. He’s done this since I met him, but now I can’t use my bitchiness as a defense mechanism to push him away.

  Sean: Cat got your tongue, princess?

  Another text comes through seconds later.

  Sean: Be ready at 7. ;-)

  I stare at the screen in my hand, opening and closing my mouth like it’ll help me form a response, but it does nothing. Realizing I need to get my head on straight and get to work, I shove my phone in my purse without responding and enter the building.

  With a deep breath, I push all thoughts of legs over shoulders and Sean out of my mind and focus on making a good first impression.

  “Ms. Stewart?” a man in the lobby says.

  “Yes,” I reply.

  He holds his hand out to me. “I’m David Sanchez.”

  Accepting his offered hand, I shake it. “Oh, hi, Mr. Sanchez. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “Likewise, but please, call me David. Now, follow me and we’ll get you an ID so you can get into the building on your own tomorrow.”

  I smile, nod, and follow him through a set of double doors that open once he swipes his ID. As he leads me through the building, he gives me a little tour, showing me the breakroom, bathrooms, and where I’ll be working. We bypass my office for a room off to the side. We enter into what I assume is security headquarters. Computer monitors line one side and nerdy looking guys study their screens intently.

  “Hey, Rob. I need to get Paige set up with an access ID.”

  “No problem,” one responds without looking away from his screen.

  A few minutes later, I’m handed my ID and begin to feel official.

  “Now that’s taken care of, let’s get started,” David says to me.

  I know I’ve been here all of twenty minutes, but I have a good feeling about it. David seems laid-back and approachable, which is the total opposite of my boss at my last job. He was always so grumpy and hostile. I hated going to him about anything.

  Bank of the States works off of a totally different operating system than the bank I came from, so I have to start from the very beginning as far as training is concerned. My brain is overloaded with information as is my notebook from all the notes I’ve taken so far.

  “Are you cross-eyed yet?” David asks.

  “It’s definitely a lot of systems and procedures to learn, but I’m hanging in there,” I reassure. The last thing I want is for him to think I can’t handle it on the first day.

  “Well, I can’t see straight, so let’s take a break.” He stands up and says, “Take fifteen, okay?”

  I nod and pull my phone out of my purse before heading toward the breakroom to grab a cup of coffee. As I’m waiting for it to finish brewing, I unlock my phone to see two unread messages.

  Lydia: Kick ass today!

  Scarlett: Good luck today!

  They both get the same reply.

  Me: Thanks! It’s a lot to learn, but I really like it so far.

  The aroma of black gold hits my senses, so I pour myself a cup of coffee and add some sugar to it. I stir it while staring off into space, thinking of the first time Sean and I met and how much he repulsed me.

  “Where’s Lydia?” I ask Scarlett as I go to order our drinks from the bartender. She points behind her. Leaning to the side, I see Lydia talking to a tall guy with dark brown hair and a smile that could stop traffic.

  “Well, that’s interesting,” I say with humor in my voice. Lydia might be the most guarded of all of us. In fact, she even wears a fake wedding ring to push men away from her.

  “Right?” We’re all staring at the two of them like we just saw a unicorn. She glances over at us, and we don’t even attempt to hide the fact that we’re gawking until she brings him over with his friend.

  “Hey, gorgeous. I’m Sean,” his friend says to me as he stretches out his hand.

  The first thing I notice are his blue eyes that shine even in the dim lighting. He shoots me a crooked grin that I’m sure melts panties all over the world, but I’m hip to his kind of games, and I’m not playing.

  With an arched brow, I shake his hand suspiciously. “Paige.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I really want to tell him to beat it, but I haven’t seen Lydia look this happy in a while. So I take one for the team, play wingman, and entertain Sean while Lydia talks to her new friend. With a slight huff, I reply, “Sure.”

  “So, what do you do for a living?” he asks as he hands me my drink. I hold back the eye roll that threatens.

  “I work for a bank. I’m a financial consultant.”

  “Nice, but have you considered selling hot dogs? Because you sure know how to make a wiener stand.”

  My face screws up in disgust. “Seriously? You’re repulsive. How any woman would find you attractive is beyond me.”

  His deep chuckle meets my ears. “Oh, come on. It was a joke.”

  “Jokes are supposed to be funny.” I sip my drink and glance around for someone—anyone else to talk to. Unfortunately, all of my friends are engaged in conversations and all the nearby guys are eyeing women like they’re a piece of meat. So, looks like I’m stuck with Mr. Weiner for a while.

  “I can give you funny if that’s what you want,” he whispers into my ear.

  “No, thanks. If I want gutter humor, I’ll watch Ted or some other mind-numbing movie.”

  I expect him to move on to someone more . . . willing. Instead, he surprises me by taking a step back and resting his elbow on the bar. His grin is wider than before and he looks amused. Why, I don’t know, considering I’ve gone out of my way to be insulting and prove I’m not interested.

  He stares straight at me for several moments, making me uncomfortable, but I won’t let him know how he really affects me. I hold firm in my stance and refuse to break eye contact.

  “I like you,” he finally st

  “Why? Because I’m so charming?” I ask sarcastically with my arms crossed over my chest.

  “No. Challenging.”

  “I’m sure with lines like that, women fall at your feet.” I bring my drink up to my lips and take a long pull.

  “Come on, girl. We’ve gotta go,” Charlotte says as she pulls on my arm. I look beside her to see Scarlett swaying back and forth.

  “Nice to meet you, Paige.”

  With a backward glance over my shoulder, I’m met with the same confident grin as before. I should’ve known then I was in trouble.

  My phone vibrates, pulling me from the memory. As soon as I see who it’s from, a smile takes over my face. And I kind of hate I have that reaction.

  Sean: Did you know we’re like cocoa and marshmallows?

  My eyebrows pull in together before I send a text back.

  Me: How so?

  Sean: You’re hot and I want to be on top of you.

  I may have caved to his advances, but there’s one thing that remains the same; his awful pickup lines. It’s a Riley thing. In fact, that’s how his brother, Marcus, won Lydia over. The difference is his lines are funny and cute. Sean’s are crude and lame. However, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a small smile on my face as I stare down at the screen in my hand.

  Me: You’re the worst.

  Sean: I’m pretty sure I’ve heard you scream that I’m the best.

  Thank God he can’t see me otherwise he’d know my cheeks were turning red and my center was throbbing. But he’s right. In bed, he is the best. I’ll never admit that to him though.

  Me: I’ve got to get back to work. See you tonight.

  Sean: Looking forward to it.

  Normally, the first day of work flies by, but after my exchange with Sean, it moves at a snail’s pace. The only explanation is anticipation. And again, I hate my reaction to him.


  MESSING WITH PAIGE is the highlight of my day, and I don’t mean when I’m balls deep in her either. That’s just a bonus. I’m talking about the banter between us. Her feistiness is one of the things I like most about her. She gives me hell and I love it. Call me a sadist, but it keeps things interesting.

  It’s no secret I want more from Paige. I’ve been pretty clear in my pursuit of her from the beginning. But I’ve realized being open and honest doesn’t work with her, so I’m backing off and agreed to this arrangement we have going. Friends with benefits was my in, I had to show her she didn’t want an out.

  I knock on her door at exactly seven o’clock. I pull on the lapel of my sports coat to straighten it out as I wait for her to answer. A nervous energy zips through my body with each second that ticks by. Finally, I hear the deadbolt unlock before the door swings open.

  “Hey,” she greets, her soft voice affecting me more than it should.

  Normally, I’m met with a scowl or some type of annoyance, but tonight is different. She gives me the type of smile that goes straight to her eyes and hits me in the damn heart.

  “Hey.” I take a step toward her and am met with my favorite scent. It’s all things Paige with a touch of citrus. I’d bathe in the shit if I could.

  It takes me a minute to notice the rest of her since I’m so captivated by a gesture she probably doesn’t think much of.

  My gaze moves down her body and back up again, taking in every inch. She’s wearing a pair of tight, black jeans with a green top that sits off the shoulders. In her black heels, she’s taller than normal and sexy as sin.

  With my blue eyes locked on her hazels, I say, “You look stunning.”

  A reserved smile touches her lips before she looks down. The softest pink crawls across her cheeks in a faint blush. I can’t resist anymore. Reaching up, I cup her face in my hand and lean in to give her a gentle kiss. She’s tense at first, but melts into me. I feel the moment she gives herself to me when she wraps her arms around my neck and opens her mouth to me. She’s so compliant when I have her this way. If only I could get her like this when our clothes aren’t close to coming off.

  “Ready to go, gorgeous?” I ask against her lips.

  Her eyes flutter a few times before finally opening. “Yeah.”

  The car ride is quiet but not in an awkward way. Most girls think they need to fill every ounce of silence until the sound of their voice makes me want to rip out my eardrums. Paige isn’t like that. Then again, she’s nothing like any other girl I’ve been with.

  Ten minutes later, we’re pulling into the parking lot. “I hope you brought your appetite,” I tell her.

  “I’m starving, actually. Where are we?”

  “Brasa. It’s a Brazilian steakhouse with more food than you’ve ever seen in your life.”

  “Yum,” she replies.

  I smile at her before getting out of the car and coming around to open the door for her. “Thanks,” she says softly, almost as if it embarrasses her, which strikes me as odd. Natural instinct tells me to grab her hand, but I resist. I have to handle her like a skittish cat or she’ll run away forever.

  “So? What do you think?” I ask once we’ve been seated and the waiter has brought our drinks. I’ve only been here once, but it was amazing. A meat lover’s paradise if you will.

  She leans in closer to me. “Uh, we have a problem.”

  My eyebrows crease together. “What?”

  “I don’t eat meat,” she whispers loudly.

  My face falls as does my posture. Well, shit! I point over my shoulder at the door. “If you wanna go, we can—”

  She starts giggling before I can finish my sentence. “I’m kidding,” she says through more laughter.

  I arch my brow at her with a smirk. “Nice,” I say with a nod. “So, how was your first day?”

  Her features perk up at the mention of her new job. It makes me happy she seems to enjoy her it. “It was really good, actually. There was a lot of information thrown at me today, but so far I like it.” Her bright smile shows her sincerity.

  I return her gesture. “Good, I’m glad.”

  “Mmm, this is delicious,” Paige says around a mouthful of food that’s been cut onto her plate, her petite hand held in front of her to keep me from seeing it. “Have you seen Marcus lately?”

  “I was over there a couple nights ago so he and Lydia could have a date night.”

  “You? Babysitting?” she asks in disbelief.

  “Don’t act so surprised. I’m Ella’s favorite uncle,” I boast.

  She lets out a small laugh. “You’re her only uncle,” she says under her breath before shoving another bite of food into her mouth.

  I glare at her, but the grin on my face gives me away. “Well, if I had competition I have no doubt I’d come out on top.” Her continued snickering proves she’s not convinced. “There aren’t a whole lot of guys who would perform the Frozen soundtrack for a fourteen-month-old with as much accuracy as me.”

  “Wait. You were singing along to Frozen?” She presses her lips together to hide her smile, but it’s useless.

  “I hear the judgment coming off of you,” I deadpan.

  She holds her hands up. “I’m not judging. I’ll let it go and we can talk about something else.” There’s a pause before we both start laughing. “In all seriousness, I think it’s great you’re close to your niece.”

  I shrug. “She makes it easy. I told Marcus if I had a kid like her, I’d want ten of them.” An image of a blond-haired, hazel-eyed little girl flashes through my mind. It hits me like a punch to the gut. I’ve thought a lot about a future with Paige, but this solidifies it. I want this girl in every aspect in my life.

  “So, what do you do at work, anyway?” she asks, switching topics. It makes me wonder if she can read my thoughts.

  “You don’t have my bio memorized yet?” I try hard to hide my grin, but fail. The way her face falls in annoyance only amuses me more.

  “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t spend my day researching all there is to know about Sean Riley.” Sh
e arches her eyebrow in a challenging taunt.

  I clutch my chest. “I’m not sure my ego can take so much negativity.”

  “I’m sure you’ll manage. Something tells me your ego is inflated enough to withstand all insults. Now, you were saying . . .”

  Damn, I’m into this girl. “I’ve done a little bit of everything. Currently, the regional managers report to me. It’s a lot of analyzing reports and making sure people are hitting their numbers while monitoring compliance.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty impressive for a thirty-year-old. Must be nice to know people in high places.” She looks amused, but I’m not laughing.

  The jab doesn’t go unnoticed. She thinks Daddy got me the job, and I’m sure that’s the assumption most people make. But my father is no fool and didn’t get where he is by putting incompetent people in positions of power. Yes, he’s grooming me to take over his spot, but I have to prove I’m capable of running the company first.

  I cross my arms over my chest and stare at her with my own smug expression. “If I’m not mistaken, knowing people is how you got the position you have now.”

  I know insinuating she didn’t earn this is going to piss her off, and I look forward to seeing this bomb go off.

  She scoffs. “Excuse me? I may have gotten the interview because of you and your brother, but I got the job because of me.”

  I let the grin I’m holding in spread across my face, letting her know I’m giving her a hard time. Her hardened expression softens, the crease between her brows disappearing. “You ass,” she says as she shakes her head.

  A chuckle leaves my mouth. “Sorry, you just make it too easy. But in my defense, you started it first.”

  “How so?”

  “Thinking my dad got me the job.”

  “I mean, I’m sure it helped, right?” She shrugs, but the accusation from moments ago is gone and replaced with intrigue.


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