Elf Killers
Page 22
carraig (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - rock
da (trollish) - dad
Damnu air! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Damn it!
Deatalamh (Jutish Elven) - Northern Continent
doras (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - door
drfnyrifyrri (trollish) - goat
duda (trollish) - no
Dulish (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Douglas, a short legged breed of Jutish
Elven unicorn, sharing a common ancestor with the Gwaelic Elven Doolish unicorn.
duyuy (trollish) - and
-dyr (trollish) - great; large
dyrgnyfn (trollish) - bitter
dyrgnyfngnyrr (trollish) - see Elven ginseng
dyrija (trollish) - you are coming
dyrjiny (trollish) - wizard
dyrney (trollish) - being; man; person
Dyrney (trollish) - the People
Dyrney dyrija! (trollish) - Dyrney come!
Dyrney Fnanar pirrfey! (trollish) - Dyrney headsmash (kill) Fnanar!
Fafnyoydfyphn? (trollish) - What?
faire (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - lookout
fmoo (trollish) - mom
fnadirrfanf (trollish) - buttock, rump
fnanar (trollish) - discord; enmity; eye; seed; war
fndapffnyjyoyoynf (trollish) - It's time to eat
ganf (trollish) - beaver; manure; turd
gnyrr (trollish) - plant
jyga (trollish) - oh
leine (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - shirt for a man or shift for a woman
lhieen livreys (Gwaelic Elven) - see Rescue flax
lion tarrthail (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - see Rescue flax
lyra - precursor of the rebec which was the ancestor of the fiddle which in turn was the
forerunner of the violin
mac suiri (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - bastard
marfoir (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - killer
marfora (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - killers
Marfora Siofra (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Elf Killers - see Elf Killers, below
Marooderyn Imshee (Gwaelic Elven) - Elf Killer(s)
Marooderyn Imsheeyn (Gwaelic Elven) - Elf Killers
mas (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - buttock
masanna (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - buttocks
na gealai (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - moonlight
nefnephntirr (trollish) - snot
nigspoonfi (trollish) - it is ugly; it is filthy; you are ugly
ntnrof (trollish) - grass
Ntnrof nyrdinyrrdarr snyrfuynipryoyayi! (trollish) - Tramp the grass flat!
nyr (trollish) - you
nyrdinyrrdarr (trollish) - step (take a step)
nyrnip (trollish) - tall
nyrnirrfnyr (trollish) - watch
nyrreyi (trollish) - there
Nyrruy! (trollish) - Hey!
nyrruy (trollish) - hail
nyrvyrnirrtrad (trollish) - stop it; halt
oouyuyf (trollish) - yoo hoo
phnyrphaf (trollish) - outlaw
Phnyrsyoy adyroorr! (trollish) - Help me!
pirrfey (trollish) - (you) kill him
pyrntey (trollish) - it is roasted
scaoil broim asat (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - farting
Shamhna (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Harvest Feast
Shass Greiney Souree (Gwaelic Elven) - Summer Solstice
shawk spoogh (Gwaelic Elven) - strike falcon - see strike falcon, below
shawkyn spooghey (Gwaelic Elven) - strike falcons - see strike falcon, below
slainte ollmhor (Juttish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - giant wellness plant or Elven ginseng,
Aquilaria peloroicosum N. (see Elven ginseng)
sleayd (Gwaelic Elven) - sledge, in this case, a travois like contrivance used by the Gwaelic
snyrfuynipryoyayi (trollish) - flat
taarnee (Gwaelic Elven) - thunderbolt
taisteal (Jutish Elven or Old Gwaelic Elven) - travel or magical instantaneous travel
tayreyder jalloo (Gwaelic Elven) - see picture catcher, below
terraing pictiur (Jutish Elven or old Gwaelic Elven) - picture catcher unicorn
toirneach (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - thunder
trefnifyrd (trollish) - fart
trius - tight leggings, each leg pinned independently to the breeches
vafagyrfniyy (trollish) - the mean one
veyfnafan nipsnaf (trollish) - fat hole
viyaphny (trollish) - cow
vyrgan (trollish) - its shit; shit
vyrnydpifn (trollish) - bum
Yafn fynf! (trollish) - Quiet!
yoynyrpstnipyr (trollish) - short
and - duyuy (trollish)
auroch - Bos primigenius R., large wild cattle of the Great Strah
austringa - keeper of goshawks, used here to mean: strike falcon trainer
baby-out root - also known as bugbane, black snake root, black cohosh, aooifn-ntnruyuyfyuyuy
(trollish), Cimicifuga racemosa R.
bastard - mac suirí (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
being - dyrney (trollish)
bellbird - see thirteen wattled bellbird
big bluestem - Andropogon gerardii V.
biscuit - biskee (Gwaelic Elven)
bitter - dyrgnyfn (trollish)
blue maidenhair - Ginkgo cyanophyllum R. is a twenty to sixty foot tall broad leaved evergreen
gymnosperm with chalky blue-green leaves, living on the mountain tops up to the tree
line of the Eternal Mountains of the Eastern Continent. It is amongst the oldest living
things, with some trees having been found with over 16,000 annual rings. The wood is so
dense that trees felled next to water have been known to sink as though their trunks were
made of stone. The dried leaves, which are drunk as a tea by the Elves, contain ginkeine,
an alkaloid complex which includes caffeine and other phytochemicals, some of which
may induce DNA repair.
bond maiden - inney (Gwaelic Elven)
bond mate - the reference to either an austringa bonded to a strike falcon, or to a strike falcon
bonded to an austringa
bugbane - see baby-out root
bum - vyrnydpifn (trollish)
buttock - fnadirrfanf (trollish)
buttock - mas (Jutish Elven)
buttocks - masanna (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
claymore - two handed sword
country town - baile tuath (Jutish Elven or Old Gwaelic Elven)
country town - balley cheerey (Gwaelic Elven)
cow - viyaphny (trollish)
dad - da (trollish)
Damn it! - Damnu air! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
death - baase (Gwaelic Elven)
Doona's rose - Rosa suffulta R.
door - doras (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
Douglas - Doolish (Gwaelic Elven), a breed of short legged unicorn sharing common ancestry
with the Jutish Elven Dulish.
Douglas - Dulish (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven), a breed of short legged unicorn sharing
common ancestry with the Gwaelic Elven Doolish.
drum, shallow, open backed with a 16"-18" head, played with a double-headed stick - bodhran (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
Dyrney come! - Dyrney dyrija! (trollish)
Dyrney headsmash (kill) Fnanar! - Dyrney Fnanar pirrfey! (trollish)
Elf - siofra (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
Elf Killers - Marfora Siofra (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Gwaelic or social trolls,
Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R., heavy bodied hominids, indigenous to the Eastern
Continent. They have a vastly expanded visual cortex, giving them a large occipital bun
at the base of their skull. They hunt in groups, exclusively at night. They are quite adept
at making crude wooden hafted and shafted stone tools such as knives, mauls and spears.
They do not make, nor have they been seen to make use of such devices as bows and
atlatls or fluid holding vessels. They have life- long pair bonds and share in the rearing of
their young in a human-like manner, unlike their cousins, the Jutish trolls, Homo
neanderthalensis jutlandii R. Though they frequently make temporary shelters of animal skins, they prefer large caverns and rocky recesses able to shelter extended family
groups. They possess true language, though the only language of theirs which is known
lacks some of the discrete parts of speech common to most human languages. It is far
more sonorous and nasal sounding than any known human language.
Elf Killer(s) - Marooderyn Imshee (Gwaelic Elven) - Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. (see
Elf Killers - Marooderyn Imsheeyn (Gwaelic Elven) - Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. (see
Elven ginseng - slainte ollmhor or giant wellness plant (dyrgnyfngnyrr to the trolls), Aquilaria
peloroicosum N. discovered by the Elven king, Neron on the Eastern Continert and used
where dramatic recoveries are imperative.
Elven maturation rate -
240 Elven years (Soraya's age @ fall of Oilean G.)
divided by
17 Human years (Soraya's human equivalent maturity @ fall of Oilean G.)
the age of the human in question
his maturity in Elven years
Elven naming day = 14.1 birthdays (years)
Elven seventh naming day = 99 birthdays (years)
Elves - Elves, Elven (Middle English) (Archaic Modern Niarg)
Elves - Homo sapiens ginkgoliberiensis R., a race of humans indigenous to the Maidenhair
Woods of the Eternal Mountains of the Eastern Continent, characterized by ivory colored
skin, eyes with various colors of irises highlighted with opalescent flashes and sparkles,
pointed ears and hair which is either silky absolute black, absolute black with varying
degrees of iridescence or metallic shades of silvery grey, gold or copper or an almost
phosphorescent matte rust red. They are highly intuitive and are attuned to their natural
surroundings and are predisposed to magical skills. They have life spans scores of times
as long as those of the rest of mankind.
eruption - bruchtadh (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
evil spirit - gnydy (trollish)
eyas - a hawk which has been freshly brought from the nest
eye - fnanar (trollish)
fart - trefnifyrd (trollish)
farting - scaoil broim asat (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
fat hole - veyfnafan nipsnaf n. (trollish)
filth - gyrn (trollish)
Fire Sprites - Homo sapiens luciferestris L. a diminutive and highly luminescent human whose
melanin has been replaced by luciferin.
first - arrdsey (trollish)
First-father - Arrdseyphnyrpheyfne (trollish)
flat - snyrfuynipryoyayi (trollish)
fool - dyyp (trollish)
fringed maidenhair - Ginkgo fimbriflabella R., is a deciduous gymnosperm that lives in waste
and burnt over areas where woods meets grassland. It seldom grows taller than 35 to 40
feet. Its leaves are deeply lobed with closely spaced fingers, scarcely broader than one
mm, giving the tree its name. Its wood is almost white and very soft, and it seldom lives
more than 65 to 75 years. Along with plums, crabapples and hawthorns, it is amongst the
first woody species of trees to invade after a section of forest is completely burnt off by
furlong - 220 yards, 1/8th mile
goat - drfnyrifyrri (trollish)
grass - ntnrof (trollish)
great - -dyr (trollish)
hail - nyrruy (trollish)
halt, stop it - nyrvyrnirrtrad (trollish)
Help me! - Phnyrsyoy adyroorr! (trollish)
Hey! - Nyrruy! (trollish)
Human - Homo sapiens sapiens R., in our usage is a race and therefore is capitalized, just as one
would Indian or White. Here, human, which means Homo sapiens R., includes such races
as Human and Elf and Fairy.
it is filthy - nigspoonfi (trollish)
it is roasted - pyrntey (trollish)
it is ugly - nigspoonfi (trollish)
It's time to eat - fndapffnyjyoyoynf (trollish)
jesses - strips of light but very tough leather, 12" long which always remain on each leg of a
strike falcon
killers - marfora (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
kill him - pirrfey (trollish)
large - -dyr (trollish)
lookout - faire (Jutish Elven)
lyra - precursor of the rebec which was the ancestor of the fiddle which in turn was the
forerunner of the violin
magick - archaic spelling used here to mean specifically: a healing spell or conjuration
magicks - archaic spelling used here to mean specifically: an assemblage of healing spells or
maidenhair fern - Adiantum capillus-veneris R.
maidenhair red deer - Odocoileus rufi-ginkgus R.
maidenhair tree - Ginkgo biloba ingentissima R. (The Sacred Maidenhair of Oilean Gairdin is a
G. biloba ingentissima) are broad leaved deciduous gymnosperms. These are the tallest
living trees on earth with mature specimens towering from 375 to over 400 feet. The
largest individual known, living near the bottom of the slopes of the Pitmaster Gorge in
the Maidenhair Woods, measures 427 feet and is estimated to be well over 7000 years
old. They are indigenous to the Maidenhair Woods of the western Eastern Continent
where they are the dominant tree, forming the canopies in the deep valleys and steep
slopes of the Eternal Mountains up to about 6500 feet. They are amongst the oldest living
things on earth with some trees having nearly 10,000 annual rings, though the record for
age is held by the very much smaller blue maidenhair, Ginkgo cyanophyllum R., of the
mountain tops and tree line.
man - dyrney (trollish)
manure - ganf (trollish)
meat - adpyrfn (trollish)
mom - fmoo (trollish)
mother tree - see silver maidenhair
my people - phnyrfndyrney (trollish)
naming day - see Elven naming day
no - duda (trollish)
oh - jyga (trollish)
outlaw - phnyrphaf (trollish)
Phororhacos longissimus R. - see 'strike falcon'
picture catcher unicorns - a breed of unicorn derived from the short robust Douglas unicorn by
the Elves of the Maidenhair Woods on the Eastern Continent more than a thousand years
ago. At first they were known as terraing pictiur (Jutish Elven or Old Gwaelic Elven)
because of their ability to receive and respond to mental images projected by certain
gifted Elves. Though about the same height at the withers as the Douglas, these terraing
pictiur were quite gracile, almost deer-like, instead of having the Douglas's robust build,
yet were still capable of being ridden for short distances. None made it across the ocean
with the exodus of King Neron. By time of the reign of Queen Spitemorta, they had
become known as tayreyder jalloo (Gwaelic Elven) and had been reduced by breeding to
the size of a greyhound, no longer capable of bearing a rider, but very g
ood at delivering
messages over long distances upon the giving of wordless commands.
plant - gnyrr (trollish)
professor - olloo (Gwaelic Elven)
prostitute - fnarryirrny n. (trollish)
purple-rib - Caprimulgus noctivociferus-profundus R., a pigeon sized nightjar of the Maidenhair
Forest with a call like that of a whip-poor-will only very much more deep and sonorous
Quiet! - Yafn fynf! (trollish)
rectum - fnayirgy (trollish)
red maidenhair - Ginkgo erythrofolium R. is a deciduous broadleaved gymnosperm living
throughout the Maidenhair Woods in the Eternal Mountains of the Eastern Continent
where it overwhelmingly predominates at elevations below 8000 feet. It ranges in height
from sixty to ninety feet, the taller trees occurring in low places. It has the interesting
ability to thrive under the canopy of the maidenhair trees, Ginko biloba ingentissima R.
where the two species overlap. The red bottom surfaces of its leaves are thought to enable
it to thrive in low light conditions. Its dried leaves bear alkaloids, which when chewed by
the Elves like tobacco, steady their nerves.
rescue flax - lion tarrthail (Jutish Elven) originally, lhieen livreys (Gwaelic Elven) in later times,
also Strah flax, Phormium tenax R., is not any sort of true flax at all, but a succulent
monocot, distantly related to yucca and agave, and having the same general appearance
except that its inflorescences are made up of brilliant red flowers.
rock - carraig (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
rod - (perch, pole) 5 1/2yds.
rot - lobhadh (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
rufter hood - hood used for training strike falcons
rump - fnadirrfanf (trollish)
seed - fnanar (trollish)
seventh naming day - see Elven seventh naming day
shirt for a man or shift for a woman - leine (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
shit - cac (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)
shit - vyrgan (trollish)
shivering owl - Otus asio-ploratus R.
short - yoynyrpstnipyr (trollish)
silver maidenhair - Ginko genetrex-argenteus R. also called "mother tree" by the Fairies and
Gwaelic Elves, its leaves and stems are covered with a silver colored cuticle, hence its
name. It lives in symbiotic association with the mycelia of Fairy ring mushrooms, and
whilst its leaves, stems, fruit, bark and roots are each said to have potent medicinal
properties, the tree's great rarity has prevented substantial empirical study.