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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 20

by Robyn Reigns

  Owen looked steadily into Olivia’s eyes. She was like a lioness protecting her cub. He respected this woman and could only respond with the truth.

  “Ryker and I love Verdria wholeheartedly. She’s become our world and the center of our happiness. We would never intentionally hurt her.” The atmosphere took on a quiet and serious quality. The tension grew thick. Owen worried that the two most important people in Verdria’s life wouldn’t accept him and his brother. That is until Simon broke the silence with one of his brash comments. “You blokes better take her seriously. I’ve feared for me bollocks a time or two. This woman can be downright scary when she’s angry.”

  With those words a smile broke out across the petite woman’s face. “You just worry because you know I can castrate males quicker than you, Simon. Besides I would more than neuter these men if they ever hurt our Verd.” The little firebrand clapped him and his twin on the shoulders as she made her way toward the exit. “On that note gents, I need to get me rucksack together and be on the go.”

  The message from the two impertinent siblings was loud and clear. As long as Verdria was happy and loved, the Crawford brothers would be accepted into their fold. One misstep and he and Ryker would be turned into eunuchs and singing soprano. That scrap of a woman and her brother sure were ballsy. But, he was glad Verdria had such loyal and devoted friends.

  * * * *

  Instead of heading over to Robin’s right away Verdria took a slight detour and decided to check in on Satan’s Son. The horse seemed to have a way of soothing her and if nothing else, while with him her problems seemed to drift away. As she walked up to the paddock she spied Micah standing with his arms over the fence as if lost in thought. His gaze seemed to be locked on the superior horse standing in the middle of the enclosure.

  “Hiya, Micah. How are things?”

  “Hi back. You know. Same old same old.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I take it you came out to see the bull-headed beast over there?” He tilted his head in the direction of the horse.

  “Yep. I just wanted to check on him before I head to town with my men.” Her gaze latched onto the horse. Boy was he a sight to behold. The magnificent beast stood proudly. She loved how he held his head high and shook his mane and tail whipping the hair around his body. When he spied her his nostrils flared and he stomped his foot as if annoyed by Micah’s company.

  As she observed the surroundings she realized this wasn’t Satan’s usual paddock. “This isn’t Satan’s normal spot. Why was he moved?”

  “He’s been too difficult to break. Fighting way too much. So we figured we would set him out to pasture for a bit. He nearly took Kai out again. This time nearly kicked him in the knee somehow. Kai figured to take a breather from him for a while, otherwise he’s liable to send him off to the glue factory. In my opinion the dang beast can’t be tamed. I think he’ll just end up being a lawn ornament.”

  “You really have no faith in the poor creature, do you?”

  “Not after he bit my thigh and stomped on my foot. He’s one of the most difficult and most dangerous horses I’ve come across. Speaking of dangerous, do your men know you’re visiting the Devil’s son?”

  “Nope.” She giggled. “I left them to fend off the two British hellions I call friends. Simon and Olivia will keep them plenty busy for a while.”

  “I hear those two are a handful together. Maybe I’ll meet Olivia sometime soon.”

  “They leave today. But they both have decided to move out here to Lush Valley. So, if not today, then definitely sometime soon.”

  Amusement shined through his eyes. “I don’t know if I should feel sorry for Ryker and Owen yet. After dealing with Simon those two men sometimes looked like they barely survived a tornado. I hate to imagine what the brother and sister would be like together. I’m already trembling in my boots.”

  Verdria couldn’t help but laugh. She heard that time and again after people have dealt with the brother and sister. The two when separate are unique forces of nature. But somehow when together they meshed and formed a potent team.

  Verdria continued eyeing the horse. After some time she spoke her thoughts aloud and asked her questions. “I don’t think he’s useless. He just doesn’t trust easily. Do you have any history on him? Was he abused or anything by the previous owners?”

  “The previous owners just wanted to get rid of him. Apparently he was even worse for them. Ryker took him because he felt bad for the horse and knew if broken he’d be an awesome addition to the ranch. As far as being abused. Have you looked over his body?”

  “Nah. When I’ve been with him I mainly stuck to standing by his head.”

  “Well, when you get up close to his flanks and hindquarters even along his belly you can see small thin scars over his body. He looks like he’s been whipped more than a time or two.”

  Her gaze never wavered from the stallion. She thought back to their first meeting. She remembered how upset he seemed. As if he was a prisoner, cornered and nowhere to run. The next encounter he was a bit more trusting. But as she truly observed Satan and took in this new information it all clicked. Yes, she and the stallion had a connection but this horse and Olivia would be kindred spirits. The two were so much alike it was scary. Somehow she instinctively knew Satan’s Son and Olivia needed to cross paths. She knew it had to be her friend, and only her friend to break the stallion. For some reason her gut was telling her they both needed each other to heal.

  * * * *

  She couldn’t help but smile. The doctor gave her an all clear. She could go back to all her normal activities. The twins hounded the doctor and asked the poor man a multitude of questions. They wanted to be absolutely sure that Verdria had no limits on her activity. They still feared hurting her even though she was healed. Everyone was on edge on the ride home because of the intense sexual frustration. She wanted to head straight home to spend the rest of the day improving her exercise stamina while in bed. To her chagrin, they wanted to see the property she wanted to buy to open a local animal hospital. It turned out the twins already own the place. They bought it so the previous owner could move out of state and retire with peace of mind.

  Now she stood in the bedroom between both her men, ready to tear their clothes off, while they were trying to make a bargain with her over the property she wanted. They seemed more excited than her in regards to opening her own business. Quietly laughing inside, she would let her men think they had complete control of the situation. She was learning how to handle them very well. “Owen, if we give her that piece of land, it needs to be with the understanding that she can’t overwork herself. We need to make sure she hires plenty of staff and keeps a set number of hours.”

  “Ryker’s right, sweetheart. We don’t have a problem with you working. We just don’t want it to be your life. You’re not going to be allowed to overwork yourself. Not to mention you need to make time for me and Ryker. What do you think about a thirty-hour work week, Ry? That seems fair, right?”

  Verdria couldn’t help but roll her eyes at their conversation over her head. It was time to get them to lose interest in negotiations and put their minds and mouths to better use. She blurted without thinking, “Ryker, I want you to take my ass while Owen takes my pussy.” Her skin heated as a blush flushed over her cheeks and down her neck. Both men abruptly stopped talking because of her statement. The room went completely quiet as both sets of sea-green eyes pinned her down. It was like her words flipped a switch. She was afraid to move as their eyes went from heated to hungry, lightning quick. They looked like two huge predators and they made her feel like the prey. She could feel her heartbeat increase and her breathing go fast and shallow as they slowly made their way to stand in front of her.

  “Owen, I think our baby is looking for some attention.” Both men now stood on either side of her. She was sandwiched between their hard, masculine bodies. Ryker gave her a sweet, slow kiss. His tongue traced her entire mouth. They stood lip locked for so long they needed to separate to
come up for air. In the meantime, Owen stood behind her and grazed her neck with gentle kisses. He started sliding her blouse off. As he pulled her blouse down her shoulders and glided it down her back, he was sure to follow each movement with soft, sweet kisses.

  Breathless from the feeling they were already starting to evoke, Verdria could barely speak. “I missed both of you. I need to feel you both in me.”

  “Are you sure, sweetheart?” Owen whispered between kisses. “Are you ready for this? We don’t want our touch to frighten you.” Verdria knew they had been trying to be gentle with their touches and always approached her slowly over the past few weeks. She saw sadness in their eyes when she jumped or trembled with fright from a simple brush of fingers or a hand clasp. They were very patient with her, and she finally grew used to their touch again.

  “I’m very sure. I need you both to take me, to replace the bad memories with good ones. I feel the safest when I’m with you and Ryker. I trust both of you with my heart and soul.” They still surrounded her with their warm bodies. Their hard cocks straining against their denim jeans rubbed and hit her sides. Before she knew it, they had her standing naked between them. “Do you know how much we love you?” Owen whispered against her ear as he nipped and licked her earlobe.

  Ryker tasted her lips and spread small kisses over her cheeks. “We love you so much. You’ve become the reason our hearts beat.”

  Owen moved down her body, massaging her skin as he placed kisses along her back and her ass cheeks. “Our lives wouldn’t be worth living without you.” He stepped away and stripped off his clothes as he moved to the bed. Verdria and Ryker followed right behind. He took her into his arms as Ryker pulled away to remove his clothes as well. Both men were finally standing before her naked as the day they were born.

  Their muscular chests and washboard abs made Verdria want to drool. As she moved her glance down and looked at their large hard cocks, her stomach fluttered as her pussy clenched. Their dicks were so long and engorged, she could see the pearlescent pre-cum glistening at their slits. Verdria licked her lips. She wanted to taste them so badly. She reached her hand out to caress Ryker’s cock. Just as she felt the warm, silky smooth skin of his cock on her fingers, Ryker grabbed her hand. “No, babe, we’ll have plenty of time to play later. Right now Owen and I need to be inside you. We’re too close to the edge to play, baby.”

  Owen laughed at her attempt to pout. “We promise, sweetheart. You’ll have all the time in the world to take advantage of us. We love that wicked mouth of yours. Right now I need to be inside you.”

  Ryker lay down on the bed and pulled Verdria down next to him. “And, I need to feel that tight little ass of yours clenched around my cock.”

  Owen took position on top of her as he took possession of her mouth. His hard cock slapped against her thigh. It made her pussy twitch again, and her wetness started dripping down her legs. He never let up on her. His lips trailed kisses over her mouth. His strong, hard, callused fingers tweaked her nipples. As his hands moved down her body, his mouth slowly followed. His teeth grazed her nipples, and her hips bucked of their own accord. First he pushed one finger into her pussy, then a second. Her warm, liquid essence coated his fingers. He replaced his fingers with his tongue. Her clit swelled as his warm wet tongue lapped at her moist petals. “I’ll never be able to get enough of her, Ry. Each time I eat her cunt, she tastes better than before. You should taste her again.”

  Ryker spoke between licking and sucking her nipple. "I’ll taste her next time. Are you going to stretch her tight little hole for me?” Her nipples were hard and erect from their play. Owen’s tongue was driving her to distraction. All she knew was that she needed to feel filled, stretched, and complete.

  While Owen licked her pussy, he took a lubed finger and traced along her perineum to her secret hole. He circled her puckered entrance and gently pressed his finger through the ring of muscles. She could feel Owen stretching her hole, preparing her for Ryker’s entrance. His tongue licked over her clit, and she moaned as her need escalated. Their actions drove her to the brink. “She’s ready for you, Ryker,” Owen stated as he lapped up more of her woman’s honey.

  Ryker moved his lips away from her breasts and she watched him spread lube over his cock in preparation to take her. In the meantime, Owen lay down on the bed and pulled her to sit across his belly. He gave her a hard, deep kiss as he positioned her to ride him. He slowly guided his hard cock into her pussy as he pulled her face down to steal another kiss. Once she was fully seated on Owen’s cock, he continued to kiss her mouth and play with her nipples. She was fully stretched with his big cock pulsating inside. The need to come was starting to pool. She desperately wanted Owen to move and let her come.

  She patiently tried to wait for Ryker to breech her ass. As he started to push the blunt head of his cock through her tight hole, the sensations were out of this world. His warm, hard cock stretched and burned her anus. It created an unimaginable, painful erotic pleasure. He slowly filled her ass inch by gradual inch until his balls slapped against her cheeks. They were in her together. Their hard, thick cocks stretched both apertures. In that moment, she never in her life felt so filled and so complete.

  The dual sensations of both her men taking her together drew her to the brink of orgasm rapidly. She tried to hold on to some control. She needed and wanted to make this moment last forever. This was complete and utter pure pleasure. Both men sat unmoving inside her, stretching her, filling her to overflow. It was as if every ridge of both hardened, silken cocks were palpable. They were so large and engorged they were pulsing inside her. All three lovers remained still, allowing her to regain some semblance of control and prolong their connection.

  Slowly they started to move. Lips connected with lips. Mouths tasted and teased. Skin moved against skin. Sweat mingled with sweat. Bodies entwined with bodies. Heartbeats and pulses seemed to synchronize. It was as though they were all truly connected as one. Tears started pooling at the corners of her eyes and running down her cheeks from the emotional overload. She looked into Owen’s eyes. Blissful pleasure turned to worry as he wiped her tears with his thumb. “Are you okay, sweetheart? Is this too painful?”

  Finding her voice under all the emotions filling her heart wasn’t easy. But, knowing her men, she knew she needed to staunch their worries otherwise they’d stop. “I love you both so much. It’s not painful. You’re both giving me so much love and pleasure I’m near to bursting. I wish you wouldn’t stop moving.”

  Ryker laughed at her last words. “Your wish is our command.” He kissed the base of her neck as he pulled his cock out of her ass just leaving the head in. He set a rhythm so that as he pushed into her ass she was pulled off Owen’s cock. As he pulled out of her ass, he pushed her onto Owen’s cock. Their movements were slow but intense. The sensations of both cocks moving in and out of her drove her along the brink. But Owen continuously hitting her G-spot and clit on his way in and out of her pussy threw her over the edge. Her orgasm came fast and hard. She closed her eyes. It was as if lightning flashed through her body. Her pussy and ass clamped around each cock. But she wasn’t replete until she felt both her men release their seed into her as if marking her as theirs.

  The three stayed sandwiched together as both cocks softened inside her. Ryker finally slipped out of her hole. After he caught his breath, he got up and went to the bathroom. He cleaned himself quickly. On his way back into the bedroom, he threw a warm wet cloth to Owen and then he walked over to Verdria and gently cleaned their semen off her. She grumbled as she was forced to move off Owen. A chill ran through her as she separated her warm, sweaty body from Owen’s. The two men must have seen her shiver because before she knew it they quickly drew the covers over her and themselves as they sandwiched her between their bodies to keep her warm. Companionable silence filled the room as the two larger men cuddled her small form between them. She lay nestled against both tired but satisfied bodies.

  Before she fully drifted to sleep
, a voice broke through the darkened quiet room. “We did it, Owen.” He spooned behind what he thought was Verdria’s sleeping form. She was held tightly against his body and listened to their conversation pretending sleep.

  “We did what?” Owen’s words sounded slurred as if sleep was overtaking him.

  “We won. She’s ours now. She even said she loved us.”

  A smile spread over her mouth as she nuzzled into Owen’s shoulder. It was as if she could feel their peace and contentment as they all drifted to sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning Ryker woke to Owen sleeping on the other side of the bed. It felt cold and lonely without their woman snuggled between their bodies. They searched their large bedroom and bathroom looking for signs of Verdria. Not finding her nearby, both men donned their jeans from the night before and went hunting down their woman. Each room was checked as they made their way across the house and downstairs. He searched just as quickly and thoroughly as his brother. Worry filled him as they made their way down to the last few rooms. The search finally ended in the kitchen.

  His worried heart quickly filled with relief. His angry frown turned to a smile and he smothered his laughter as he took in the scene before them. Verdria’s hair and face was dusted with flour. The white powder seemed to extend from one end of the kitchen to the other, covering most of the surfaces. She stood at the central island, chewing on her bottom lip as she stirred a thick, doughy concoction. To his amusement, somehow it looked like she had more all over her than what was in the bowl. Smoke was starting to billow from the state of the art stove behind her. The poor woman was starting to look flushed and flustered. She appeared lost amid all the cooking supplies.


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