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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 21

by Robyn Reigns

  Taking pity on her, he and his twin walked into the kitchen. Owen went to turn the stove off before she burnt the house down. In the meantime, Ryker walked up behind her. He needed to get a better look at the scene before him. She created such a mess he couldn’t even figure out what exactly she was trying to make. “Morning, baby girl.” He kissed her cheek and nuzzled her neck as he placed his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest. He tried his best to hide the amusement from his voice, but it was practically impossible. “What exactly are you making, love?” He could feel her body tighten and stiffen at his question. The woman looked frustrated and defeated as she turned into his affectionate administrations. He was hoping to distract her from getting angry as he attempted to get answers. As she turned in his arms and rubbed up against him, she got some of her concoction all over his bare chest.

  He loved feeling her cradled against his body. He noticed her frustrating anger over not being able to cook anything simple and decent simmer as soon as his lips hit her cheek and he nuzzled the back of her neck. Maybe if he could salvage her attempt he could bring about a smile and see happiness shine through her eyes again. Except, as he took in the scene he realized that would be impossible.

  Unfortunately, her pancake batter looked more like cookie dough. The pan on the stove looked like it wanted to catch fire, and all she was doing was trying to heat it up. There were loads of shells in the bowl of eggs set off to the side. After taking stock of the situation he couldn’t tell whether she wanted to laugh or cry. “I was trying to make you and Owen a nice breakfast.” She licked some of the batter off of Ryker’s chest. “Yum, this tastes better than it looks.” Lifting her head up and back, she locked her mouth with Ryker’s, sharing the sweet taste of butter, sugar, and flour.

  “Hmmm. That does taste good, baby. But, not as good as you.” He kissed her hard and deep. If he didn’t stop, he knew not only his passions would start, but he would have her mindless too. “Wait, baby. We’re not going to make love again yet. Owen and I need to talk to you first.”

  As she parted from Ryker, Owen took his place to give her his good morning kiss. “Morning, sweetheart.” Ryker watched his brother’s mouth go down on hers so fast there was no time for a response. From just kissing her himself he knew his brother tasted exactly what he did. “Yum, that does taste good. But Ryker was right, Verd. You taste way better than your batter.” Owen pulled away to gain a little distance and regain some control. “If I don’t move away, I’m going to want to take you here and now, Verd.”

  She tried moving toward Owen, but he kept backing away. “What’s stopping you then, Owen?”

  “Ryker and I need to square away some stuff with you first, sweetheart.” Ryker wanted to laugh when they both saw disappointment flash quickly across her expressive face.

  “What is there to square away?” An unsettling silence dominated the room. The chaotic thoughts running over her mind were observed through her troubled, expressive eyes. She seemed scared and uncertain. Ryker nor his brother spoke until they left the kitchen making sure Verdria followed in their wake.

  When they finally got to the den, Ryker saw the worry on Verdria’s face. He and Owen pulled her down onto the large sofa, placing her between both of them. Each man took a hand to hold between both of his. Here and now, he wanted to make sure they caught their woman for the long haul. If it was the last thing he did in the foreseeable future, he would make sure Verdria committed to them. He needed that one last peace of mind from their woman.

  “Verdria, do you truly love us?” Ryker, as usual, asked his question outright without sugarcoating where the conversation was headed.

  Her confusion and uncertainty were still easily read from her expressive face. Ryker knew their poor woman was in turmoil right now. He wished he could comfort her but he needed an answer before he could touch her. Her voice cracked as she responded. “Of course I love both of you. I’ve never felt like this for a man before, let alone two. I’d never lie about something like that.” She began rambling, probably because she was just as nervous as he and Owen right at the moment. “What happened, guys? Is something wrong?”

  Ryker saw the joy and laughter race through his twin at her words. His own expressions probably mirrored those of his brother. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is absolutely right, sweetheart.” Owen responded. The worry lines disappeared from his brother’s face. They were replaced by a huge smile splayed across his lips, as happiness shined through his eyes. They continued holding her hands as he placed a loving kiss on her lips. He wanted to laugh as he watched his brother pull away trying to restrain his desire for more intimate acts. “No, baby, none of that yet.” Then he did laugh as he watched Owen recapture her hand before it could rub over the large bulge at his crotch.

  While Ryker watched his brother and Verdria kiss, his heart hummed with happiness at her confirmation of love. Her hand in his, as always, felt natural and right. When Owen was done kissing her and deflecting her overture, he took his turn at her sweet, honey-flavored lips. He traced his tongue thoroughly over every ridge and line along her mouth. Never would he be able to get enough of this woman. At this moment, pulling away from her instead of eating her like she was his last meal was probably one of the most difficult things he ever had to do.

  * * * *

  Verdria’s moan of pleasurable need abruptly withered as Ryker pulled away. Dazed confusion replaced sexual hunger. Their withdrawal from her again brought fear to the fore. Chaotic commotion tore through her. They were pushing her through a kaleidoscope of emotions. It was difficult to straighten out her thoughts let alone speak. “What did I do? Why are you pulling away? One of you better tell me what the fuck is going on. Are you trying to tear my heart apart?”

  “Hush, baby girl. Owen and I are going to spank you if you keep using language like that. Now just sit still and listen to us.”

  “Verdria, you have become our heart. Ryker and I love you so much there are not enough words to describe our feelings. Without you, there is no life, no will to live. Our souls have never felt this complete until we met you.” As he spoke, both brothers moved and knelt in front of her. They both continued holding her hands to maintain a connection, a lifeline. “We have decided we’re not going to take you to our bed again unless you make honorable men out of us, Verdria. What do you say? Will you officially be ours?”

  “Will you marry us, Verdria? Make it official. Will you be ours forever?” Ryker’s voice chimed in. His normal confident tones almost sounded shy and hesitant.

  Verdria couldn’t believe that these two dominant men were kneeling at her feet. They were willing to give themselves to her, heart and soul. She could feel the serious longing, unwavering love, and complete, utter devotion surrounding her with their actions and words. For once in her life she felt completely settled and at peace. Her mind was finally in agreement with her heart. She knew her place was here with these two men. After pulling her hands free from their firm clasps, she brought a hand up to cup each brother’s cheek and placed a gentle kiss on each set of lips. Their sea-green eyes overflowed with love and patience as they waited for her answer. “How could I say no? My heart and soul already belong to the both of you. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  She sat sandwiched between the two large bodies. As they hugged and kissed her they seemed overjoyed with her response. Before she could get her hands on them, they both pulled away from her again. Smiling she knew it was because they were trying to contain their ardor. When she went to move towards Ryker, he gently held her away with his hand. “Wait, baby girl.” He placed another kiss on her lips right before parting from her. Then, he pulled out a jewelry box from his pocket and opened it to show Verdria an engagement ring. “This ring was designed by our fathers. They gave it to our mother on the day they asked her to marry them. We were hoping that you would wear the Crawford engagement ring. If you don’t like it, Owen and I would be more than happy to get another ring commissioned.”

  The ri
ng was absolutely beautiful in Verdria’s opinion. The key features were the central heart-shaped diamond that was surrounded by turquoise gems that matched Owen and Ryker’s eyes. She couldn’t ever imagine having a different engagement ring. Ryker slipped the ring on her finger. It felt and looked perfect. It was meant to be. “I love it, guys. I could never want something different.”

  After Ryker let her hand go, Owen replaced his brother’s hand with his own. He kissed her hand where the ring sat. “When our fathers designed this ring for our mother, it was a tribute to what she meant to them. It was a symbol of their love, commitment, and fidelity. They truly believed in ‘until death do us part.’ By us giving you this ring we mean to carry on the same tradition. For us, this ring symbolizes a love and commitment that is meant forever. By taking this ring, you will be accepting us both. You will forever be the beat to our hearts and the bridge to our souls. You are our love, our happiness.”

  Their words made Verdria tremble. In this moment, no one and nothing else existed. It would be forever etched into her mind. She couldn’t imagine ever being parted from these men. Unfortunately, one worry broke through the mind numbing happiness. “Wait, guys. How does this work? I can’t legally marry both of you.”

  Owen was quick to respond. “You would marry one of us legally. But we will have a commitment ceremony that binds us all together and has more meaning than any marriage license could.”

  Both men kept her cradled between their hard, masculine bodies. “Owen and I decided that you would marry me legally since I’m a whole five minutes older than him.” They both started kissing her from neck to shoulder. Someone’s hand sneaked up her tank top to tug her nipple. Verdria became so lost in her men, thinking was going out the window and their words were no longer coherent. The snap to her jeans was popped and the zipper pulled down. Someone’s fingers were finding their way up into her wet, clenching pussy.

  Her last thoughts before pleasure completely over took all her senses were of her men. They made her feel accepted, wanted, needed. But most of all they made her feel loved. For once in her life, she felt wholly complete, heart to mind and body to soul. These two men may think she was the beat behind their hearts, but maybe one day they would figure out her heart beat only for them.



  Robyn works full time but has found a new passion for writing during her off hours. When not working or writing you’ll find her vegging on her couch with her ninety pound lap dog and his six pound feline companion, surfing the web and catching up on multiple television shows.

  She has had her fair share of adventures but in her opinion, nothing could rival using one’s mind to travel through the imaginary worlds of fiction via the black and white pages in books.

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author




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