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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Happy her outing had been successful, she drove home. She parked in the drive and brought in her purchases, not wanting Raven to see she had the cake mix. Once everything was hidden, she wandered out to the garage. To her surprise, Hawk wasn’t there, but Raven was with two men, each of whom was discussing enhancement of their bikes. She didn’t want to disturb them, so she said hello and left.

  Thrilled that perhaps word was getting out about their business, she decided to design business cards to match the website. When dinner rolled around, she figured it was up to her to cook something. Clete had spoiled them with his gourmet talents. After scrounging around the kitchen to see what ingredients he had, she decided to make some baked chicken and steamed vegetables.

  Both men’s stomachs must have been grumbling, for they came in just as she was about to get them. They smiled. When had they both been in a cheerful mood at the same time? Maybe Hawk’s outing had been good.

  “I hope you like what I prepared. Chicken’s about the only meat I don’t ruin.”

  Raven stood next to her and pulled her close. “You could cook snake and we’d love it.”


  She finished setting the table and they all sat down. Raven monopolized the conversation. His excitement about his new designs was contagious. Even Hawk added his suggestions, while she was content to listen. She studied the two men and decided then and there to make Clete Knight Ranch her home.

  She insisted she clean up while they watched Monday Night Football. Apparently, they were for opposite teams, but she smiled at how well they got together. When she finished cleaning up she wandered into the living room.

  “I’m going to wish you men good night. I’m actually going to read a book. It’s my favorite pastime, and yet I never seem to find the time to indulge in my fantasy.”

  A huge running play took place, and they basically ignored her. She couldn’t help but laugh.

  Before Hawk came into bed, exhaustion claimed her. During the middle of the night she woke and found herself in his arms with his fingers wreaking havoc on her nipples. If he hadn’t been snoring, she would have thought he was trying to instigate something.

  Did he know she was in his arms? Or was he dreaming about the woman who got away? He must have played his music on her tits for an hour. She got so hot and bothered that she had to get out of bed for a moment before returning.

  She loved having Hawk hold her, but she wanted him to be aware who was in his arms. The break in sleep caused her to once again sleep in. Raven’s birthday was tomorrow, and she hoped the promise of overnight mail worked out here in the boonies.

  She texted Tammy before she got dressed. No telling when her friend would check her phone. It wasn’t until around three in the afternoon when Tammy’s response came saying the package had arrived and to come over whenever she wanted.

  She debated letting the men know where she was going, but figured they might question her. Since she wasn’t going far, she got in the car and took off. Tammy was waiting for her with the package.

  “You want a tour?”

  “I’d love one.”

  Tammy told her how Jake had built the house and all three husbands had picked out the furniture.

  “You didn’t mind that you didn’t have a say-so?”

  “I was furious at first, but they understood me so well that they picked everything I would have.”

  Melancholy struck her. Raven probably understood her the most next to Clete. But Hawk still didn’t have a clue what made her tick. If he didn’t change soon, she’d have to consider leaving the best place on earth.

  She thanked Tammy and rushed home with her package. Fortunately, she was able to get in and wrap the present before either one came in from the shop. When they did show up, they appeared tired.

  “Busy day?”

  Hawk chuckled. “Maybe too busy. If this keeps up I might have to hire someone.”

  “That’s great.”

  He smiled. “I guess it is.”

  Finally, he seemed to appreciate her hard work. “I’m making dinner. It should be ready in an hour.”

  They glanced at one another and gave her a thumbs-up. Tomorrow would be even busier. There were the flyers to pick up and distribute.

  While they showered, she finished preparing dinner. Tomorrow, she’d have to bake the birthday cake, and then after dinner, Raven could open his present. Wanting to make his day special, she had bought three steaks. The butcher gave her careful instructions how to prepare the meat, and she prayed the marinade recipe lived up to his ravings. She’d hate to spoil the party.

  During dinner, the conversation turned to politics. She was surprised at how well her ideas matched theirs. They did catch her up on some town gossip, but the discussion was lively and interesting. Once more the men retreated after dinner. They offered to help, but she declined.

  Her book called to her. She was more than halfway through and really wanted to know how the author planned to get the hero and heroine together, when Hawk came in.

  He said nothing as he took off his clothes then hung them up. Oh, how she loved to see him naked.

  “Nice ass.” And nice cock, nice chest, and nice face.

  He turned and smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”

  It must have been a full moon because he once again was in a good mood. He climbed into bed and her pussy rejoiced. He dropped onto the pillow and blew out a breath. “God, am I tired.”

  Was that a hint that he wasn’t interested in making love to her? “Well, go to sleep.”

  This was the last time she’d be patient. If he wasn’t up for making love tomorrow, she’d accost him. Enough was enough.

  His snores came before she finished the next chapter. Determined to finish the book, she stayed up another hour before she turned off her Kindle. Her heart soared. She loved reading happy endings, probably because she knew they were fantasies.

  She put the reader away and turned off the light. Once more in the middle of the night, he drew her near and held her. These were the most precious of times to her. She heard him stir in the morning, but her eyes were too tired to open. By the time she did get up, the house was silent.

  She missed Clete. He always was up and puttering here and there. After breakfast, she took advantage of the men’s absence and baked the cake. It came out really good, if she did say so herself.

  Once she hid the surprise, she went to check on Raven and Hawk. She so wanted to wish him a happy birthday but decided to save the surprise until later. The only bummer was that Clete was out of town. Raven was carefully making a design for pimping a bike, as he called it, and Hawk was working on some old, rusted bucket.

  She walked over to Hawk. “This guy didn’t believe in maintenance, did he?”

  “No. It hurts me to see such lack of care, but I’ll try to restore the damage the best I can.”

  She stayed for a while, enjoying watching them work. Their intense concentration was commendable. She went back inside and called the printing company, hoping the flyers and business cards would be done.

  “I’m so sorry, Ms. Andrews. I promise I’ll get them to you tomorrow. My machine broke and the technician is here now.”

  The poor man sounded despondent. Given the flyers could wait another day, she wished him well and said she’d be by tomorrow.

  By the time she marinated and prepared the steak, potatoes, and broccoli-carrot medley, it had grown dark. She went out to the garage to tell them dinner would be ready right after they showered.

  Only Raven was hunched over his desk. Hawk was nowhere to be seen. “Dinner’s ready.”

  He looked up. “Already?”

  He was in draw mode. “Yes. I cooked you something. Come in.” She smiled.

  After pushing back his chair, he stood. “I guess it’s you and me, darlin’.”

  “Where’s Hawk?” She didn’t want him to think only Hawk mattered.

  “Off meditating, I suspect.” While he didn’t roll his eyes, he c
ame close. “He took his bike and went to his secret spot.”

  “Ah.” How did one respond to something like that?

  He washed his hands and came in. “Do I have time to shower?”

  “Yes, but hurry.”

  It would give her time to put the finishing touches on the table for two. She’d just pulled out the steak when he rolled in.

  “Something smells good.”

  She chuckled. “Let’s hope it tastes as good.”

  “If you made it, I’ll love it.”

  Aw. Raven was the sweetest of the group. How he became best friends with Hawk, she’d never know. He poured the wine while she served the meal.

  He talked about his new designs. “Something’s not quite right. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “Maybe I can help.”

  He cocked a brow. “Since when did you become a Harley expert?” His tone was deliciously teasing.

  She got up from the table and pulled out his present from one of the cabinets. “I’m hoping this will help.” She handed him the package.

  “What is it?”

  Given the birthday wrapping, he should have known it was a surprise. “Open it. I’m just sorry Hawk and Clete aren’t here to share your day with you.”

  His eyes glowed, and she swore they got teary. “Okay.” He ripped open the package and stilled. “No fucking way.”

  “Yes, way. You like it?” Her pulse raced.

  “Shit, darlin’. I can’t take this. It’s too expensive.”

  She figured he’d say that. “I wanted you to have the AutoCad program. Just think how much faster you’ll be able to design your upgrades with this.”

  He pushed back his chair and came over to her side of the table. “Come here.” She stood and walked into his arms. He enveloped her in a big embrace. “No one has ever given me anything so insightful and wonderful.” His lips captured hers. Once he thoroughly kissed her, he leaned back. “Have I told you I love you?”

  Her knees weakened and her throat turned dry. While she believed he cared for her, hearing the words flooded her body with endorphins. “I love you, too.”

  He traced a line down her cheek and over her lips. Without saying a word, he lifted her in his arms and carried her down the hallway.

  “What about dinner?”

  “I plan on feasting on you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Excitement rushed through her at the thought of making love to Raven again. As he carried her, he bestowed kisses on her forehead, nose, and lips. His sensitivity soothed her turbulent soul. Once in the bedroom, he set her on her feet.

  She took hold of his hands. “Since it’s your birthday, I want to make love to you.” In her mind, this translated to tormenting him.

  He cocked a brow. “Be kind, okay?”

  She laughed. “Oh, I’ll be real kind.”

  She led him to the bed and lightly shoved him backward. He landed on his butt and elbows. Getting off his boots took some effort.

  “You need some help, darlin’?” He didn’t have to laugh.

  “No.” She was determined to strip him then suck on his cock until he came hard. As long as he didn’t start on her, she was confident she’d succeed.

  When she unbuckled his belt, an idea formed. “Wait here.”

  She ran out. If she’d had scarves, she’d have grabbed them. Sprinting into the cold, she made it into the shop and back again in record time. Out of breath, she slid to a stop in his bedroom. Raven hadn’t moved.

  She held up the rope. “I want you roped and hog-tied. Then I’m going to take your big cock in my mouth and drive you crazy before I fuck you.”

  “Darlin’, where did you get that mouth?”

  She laughed. “I’ve been spending a lot of time around you guys.”

  She spotted a desk chair in the corner. She dragged it near him. “Come here.”

  He obliged, but his step was hesitant. First she lifted off his shirt. She’d planned on taking off his pants right away, but his delicious chest distracted her. She ran the flat of her hand down his abs, loving how the muscles rippled under her palms. “Nice.”

  He flexed his stomach muscles for her, and her pussy moistened, knowing she’d be rubbing against his body soon. Next came his jeans. As slow as she could go, she dragged them down to his ankles. She moved the chair behind him and pressed on his shoulders. He sat. So far so good.

  On her knees she tugged on the hem of his pants. Now he was naked, just the way she liked him. His cock stood straight up, and she couldn’t wait to test the waters. She leaned over and ran her tongue from his balls up to the tip of his cock. He jerked.

  “Sweet Jesus.”

  Encouraged by his response, she palmed his sac with one hand and held onto the base of his cock with the other. As slowly as she could, she edged his cock into her mouth. His thickness prevented her from closing her mouth as much as she wanted to. She swept her tongue over the tip. Using her teeth, she gently grasped right below the ridge and scraped her teeth upward. He squeezed her shoulders.

  The rope! Here she’d brought the rope to tie him down. When Hawk had roped and tied her, the helpless feeling excited her more than anything. She sat back and grabbed the restraint.

  “This will only take a minute.” She smiled. “It shouldn’t hurt a bit.”

  “I’m not so sure about this.”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “Trust me.”

  “I do, darlin’, but it’s my job to tie you down.”

  “Not this time.” She moved behind the chair, pulled back his hands, and wrapped the rope around his wrists, weaving it through the slats in the chair. Why hadn’t she ever learned how to tie a knot? The damn rope was too long, so she made a bow and hoped the rope stayed secure. It wasn’t like he was a criminal and he had to stay put.

  She returned to the front and knelt. “Now where was I?”

  He tugged on the rope. It seemed to hold. When she grabbed his cock and drew him into her mouth, his butt lifted off the seat. The chair rocked when he tried to get loose. Joy blasted her. She hoped he appreciated the new sensation of not being in control. First, she drew her mouth up and down his length, and then she squeezed his cock hard.

  His vein flared. When she tasted his pre-cum, she stopped to enjoy him. Teasing him with her tongue, she flicked it back and forth over his ribbed cock. His groans increased and her pussy got wet.

  How he broke his bonds she had no idea, but the next thing she knew, he grabbed her shoulders and guided her to her feet as he stood.

  “Now it’s your turn.” His low, throaty tone implied she was in for a special treat.

  He took hold of her ass and squeezed. “I’ve dreamed of this since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  Her heart jerked. While he’d stretched her out a bit with the plug, was she ready for his huge cock? “You won’t fit.”

  “Let’s just see.” He took little time to divest her of her clothes. Then lifted her up and placed her facedown on the bed. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  She did as he asked. He moved to the side and slid his hand under her belly. His palm caused tingles to race down her body. Then he slid his finger into her very wet pussy. Contractions blasted her as he flicked her clit back and forth.

  She moaned. “I love that.”

  “So many places to touch and suck, I don’t know where to begin, but my cock is leading me.”

  She expected him to get behind her. Instead his hand came down on her ass.

  “Hey.” While his hand stung, the heat immediately raced to the apex of her thighs.

  He spanked her two more times. Her ass was getting to like the endorphin-inducing pain. After the next slap, pleasure bombarded her.

  “Your ass is so red. God, I want you.”

  “I want you, too.”

  He slipped off the bed for a moment. A drawer opened and the sweet smell of cherries filled the room. He moved behind her and nudged open her dark hole with his lube-covered finger. This time she r
eleased her muscle and welcomed him in. No sooner had the tip surveyed the first two inches when he added another finger to the mix.

  She wiggled her butt. “I’m ready.”

  “Be patient, darlin’. You might control the outer ring, but the ones on the inside take more work. Your whole body needs to be relaxed.”

  “I’ll try.”

  His finger disappeared. Foil ripped. She glanced behind her. He was putting on a condom then covering it with more lube. His hands found her hips, and the tip of his cock nudged open her hole.


  She wanted to please him, hoping the experience would be good for her, too. The huge head breached the opening and he stopped, allowing her to get used to his large size. His hand rubbed her ass. That helped a bit, but it was when he reached under her and grabbed her nipples that her mind diverted its attention from what he was doing to her rear.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Take a deep breath and let me love you.” He pushed in another inch and held still.

  Her breaths slowly decreased as her body adjusted. As his fingers continued to send joy through her, she let go. Raven seemed to sense her body’s release and edged in a bit more. He hit a sensitive spot and she let out a moan. When he retreated over the same spot, streaks of pleasure bombarded her. “Ooh, yes.”

  Abandoning her tits, he grabbed her hips and drove in deeper. She sucked in a breath, needing oxygen to fuel her rapidly beating heart. He pulled out and drove in again and again. It was like fireworks had gone off inside her. Yes, she was full, but with a cock that size, it was no wonder.

  For a moment, she pictured making love to two of them at the same time. Her imagination failed to register how they’d fit.

  “Yeah, darlin’, that’s it.”

  Only then did she realize she was moaning with each thrust. If she hadn’t needed her hands to support her, she would have reached back to touch some part of him. His hand stroked her back. His tender touch made her realize that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man. He cared about her release as much as his own.


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