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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Melody Snow Monroe

  His pace picked up and he rocked into her. Her body fully accepted him. With each thrust, he managed to hit a new spot, bringing another wave of lust coursing through her. She leaned her hips back to take in more of him. He held still for a moment, allowing her to be the master of the speed. She thrust her hips backward until his balls slapped against her ass. Blood pounded in her head as chaos swamped her. His hands found her tits again. When he pressed on her nipple, the sensory overload nearly toppled her. Her blood sizzled.

  “Come for me, darlin’.”

  She never thought her pussy would enjoy the anal thrusting so much. Her juices dripped down her thighs as he pounded into her. “Ah, yes. Raven!”

  Her climax grabbed hold and held tight. A second later, his cock exploded, stretching her to the max. He stayed still, his breaths coming out fast. “Bella, Bella, Bella.”

  He collapsed onto her back and held on tight. She’d never had such love flooding her. Not that she wanted to see Bill’s face in her mind right then, but when she thought about what they shared, she realized she was in love with the idea of being with a judge. She didn’t love that man like she loved these men.

  When Raven’s cock deflated enough, he pulled out and she collapsed onto the bed. With a smile on her face, she rolled over.

  “You up for dessert?”

  He grinned and dropped between her thighs. His tongue lashed out.

  She laughed. “I didn’t mean that kind of dessert. I baked you a cake.”

  “We never had dinner, remember?”

  She’d forgotten they got interrupted. “Okay, dinner first, then cake.”

  He licked her again. “The cake can wait.”

  God help her.

  * * * *

  Hawk parked his motorcycle in the garage and glanced to the wall where he’d tied up Bella. His cock got hard thinking about the amazing way she responded to him. He’d meant to scare her away, to show her that she wasn’t made of the right stuff, that she really didn’t want him. He admitted that he liked it rough. Never in his wildest dreams did he think she’d desire the same thing. My God, the woman had gotten more turned on than any woman he’d ever tied up.

  He wanted her, but in his heart he knew she’d never stay despite what she’d said. Bella was high society and beach parties, not a biker babe. She loved the sunshine and warm weather. Most of the time, Pleasure was cold and damp. Nope. She’d be like Rebecca. In another week or two when the first snowfall occurred, she’d hightail it out of there.

  But she’d helped with the business. Yes, but she had to do something to bide her time. Shit. He’d gone to the base of the mountain and hiked to the waterfall. He must have sat there for hours thinking. In the end, he’d figured out nothing.

  He headed inside the house. When he got to the kitchen, there was a cake topped with four candles on the table.

  Fuck. It was Raven’s birthday and he’d missed it. He’d been so drenched in self-pity that he’d completely forgotten. He’d have to find some way to make it up to his best friend. To make it worse, Clete had missed the festivities, too. The fact Raven and Bella hadn’t gotten around to eating the steaks or the cake implied they’d occupied themselves elsewhere. He had to tamp down the jealousy ramming his heart. He was happy his best friend and Bella were loving each other. He just wished he could be so free to enjoy her himself.

  He placed his ear to Raven’s door and didn’t hear any moans. Either they were asleep in Raven’s bed, or they’d gone their separate ways for the night. Hoping the latter, he tiptoed into his bedroom. He let out a breath when he saw Bella all curled up in the bed. As quiet as he could, he stepped over to the bed and looked down at her, listening to her even breaths. He wanted to crawl in and hold her, but that would only make things worse.

  Pushing aside his desires, he went in to shower, hoping the running water wouldn’t wake her. Using the hottest water he could stand, he scrubbed his body, angry at how things had turned out. When done, he dried off and walked back into the bedroom. Each morning he’d woken up before her, so tonight he didn’t bother with finding something to wear to bed.

  He crawled in and nestled at her back. Softly, he placed a hand on her waist. When she didn’t stir, he moved closer so that her back was to his chest. She moaned and thrust her hips backward. Not good. His cock immediately reacted, which was something he promised himself he let happen.

  Resigned to spend a sleepless night with Bella in his arms, he closed his eyes. A few minutes later she rolled over and elbowed him in the chest.

  She plastered her hands on his chest. “I’m so sorry. When did you come in?”

  “Not long ago. Go back to sleep.”

  “You forgot Raven’s birthday.”

  While her hurt tone wasn’t chastising, his guilt cut him. “I know. I forgot.”

  “We missed you.”

  He doubted that. “You didn’t cut the cake.” Or eat.

  When she didn’t say anything for a bit, he knew she was trying to figure out a polite way of saying she was screwing Raven. The words making love stuck in his craw. He should have been there and joined in.

  “We got busy.”

  “I’m glad.” He meant it, too. He wanted her to be happy, even if she wasn’t going to stay for long.

  “We both wished you’d been there. We might have all enjoyed ourselves.”

  She might as well have taken the knife and dug it into his gut. “I was busy.”

  Bella sat up and pulled the blanket up to her chest. “What’s really going on?”

  “Nothing. I just needed some time to myself.”

  She ran a hand down his chest, and his lungs had a hard time expelling air. He gently took hold of the hand that was about to drive him crazy.

  “Why don’t you like me?”

  He held in a groan. “I like you fine.”

  “But you hold yourself back. Is it something I’ve done? Or didn’t do?”

  This was the last conversation he wanted to have. Hell, he’d just spent a few hours going over the exact questions. He had no answers then, and he had no answers now. “You’ve done nothing.”

  “Are you afraid I’ll leave?”

  Yes. “None of us really know what we’ll do in the future.”

  She cupped his face with her other hand. “I’m here to stay. I love you. Can’t you see that?”

  She didn’t mean that. She couldn’t. Perhaps she thought she loved Raven and Clete, and by default lumped him into the same group. “Because I saved you from that bodyguard?”

  “That’s not all, though it was a start.” She lowered her hand. “You don’t feel for me in the same way, do you?”

  With my whole heart. Only to speak those words might cause too much pain. “It’s late. Let’s get some sleep.”

  Before she could respond, he rolled over. He caught her sob, but he forced himself not to pull her into his arms and make sweet love to her. If he pledged to give his life to protect and love her and she left, he wouldn’t recover. Maybe he was a coward, but he’d be more whole in the end.

  Chapter Fourteen

  This time when Bella woke, Hawk was gone. Damn him. He’d torn a hole in her heart, and this time it couldn’t be repaired.

  Instead of staying in bed and moping like she wanted to, she got up because she had a ton of things to do in town today. Having goals would keep her mind off the one man who’d torn her apart. Raven soothed her intellectual and nurturing side, whereas Clete was fun, flirty, and protective. There were no words to describe Hawk. He touched her heart and the woman inside her. All three were a completed puzzle. If she couldn’t earn Hawk’s love, she’d have to reevaluate a lot of things. Including whether to leave.


  The cake was put away and the kitchen cleaned. Wow. She felt bad that Raven never got to taste the cake or eat the steak but that would mean they’d have to celebrate again tonight. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought backdoor sex could be so exciting. Raven’s tender and caring lovemaking
earned him a triple gold star in her heart.

  She presumed Hawk and Raven were in the garage working on their motorcycles. Since today’s chores were all about promoting their company, she didn’t want to spoil the surprise by telling them of her plan.

  Bundled-up, and ready for the cold, she drove into town. The first stop was the printers to pick up the business cards and flyers that she planned on distributing in town.

  “Here ya go, Ms. Bella. These will be the talk of the town.”

  “Thanks. I might be back to get more.” She paid the man and left.

  At some point, she’d need to think about a job for herself. She wasn’t paying rent, but she couldn’t stay at Clete’s much longer. Being in the company of a man who clearly was never going to love her just wasn’t going to work out. Been there, done that.

  The big problem would be running into Hawk if she did live here. Perhaps her original idea of living in Seattle would be best. What about Raven and Clete? The problem was that she wasn’t sure she could leave them.

  She had to stop obsessing or she’d never make it back in time for lunch.

  While Pleasure was a small town by everyone’s definition, the main street had a lot of stores. She went into each one, thoroughly enjoying what the town had to offer. Even if she believed a biker wouldn’t step foot in, say, the yarn shop, his wife may. Some owners agreed to take a stack of business cards while others allowed her to post a flyer in the window.

  She’d lived in Miami her whole life, and she doubted there were many store workers who did more than take her money.

  By the time she distributed all but a few flyers and business cards, her feet were tired. She needed to find a gym and start working out again.

  A block from her car, a sedan pulled alongside her and came to a halt. Her heart stopped. A man with a bald head got out.

  It was Aldo. While the sheriff station was right behind her, she held her ground.

  Aldo held up his hands. “I just want to talk to you.”

  The usual flight response didn’t overpower her. In fact, all she felt was resignation. Hawk’s rejection had crushed her spirit. “What do you want?”

  He approached with slow, even steps, as if he expected her to run. With one palm held out, he pulled out his phone. “I need to show you something.”

  “How did you find me?”

  He grinned. “I’m good, aren’t I?”

  Ass. She guessed it didn’t matter. He was here. With her father’s political connections, she wouldn’t have been surprised if Bill and her Dad had brought in the FBI. Aldo hit a few buttons on the phone and held it up.

  It was a video of Bill. He was sitting at his desk. Her usually impeccable fiancé hadn’t shaven, and the bags under her eyes looked real, though makeup could do wonders.

  Robin, darling, I miss you so much. Bella was reluctant, but she told me what you saw. It wasn’t what you thought. Police Chief Sanchez asked me to see if I could get that woman to flip. She’s connected to the mob.

  After that, she tuned him out. Bill would say he wasn’t cheating on her. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn’t. A few weeks ago, she might have been willing to run back to him if she thought he might be innocent. Now? Not so much.

  One thing about this escapade had taught her was that she’d changed. While Bill wasn’t what she wanted, neither could she be with two out of three men. She needed the love of all the men.

  “What does Bill want? Is he afraid I’ll turn him in for doing drugs?”

  Aldo stared at her for a bit. “No. He loves you. He wants you back.”

  Fat chance. However, her life here was done. Clete wasn’t home so she couldn’t see him once more. She would have liked to have gone back to Raven and tell him how much he meant to her, but if she did, she’d end up in his bed. Once there, she might never have the courage to leave.

  She could have her money wire-transferred back to Florida. This time, she’d choose Tampa, Florida. That town had the same wonderful sunshine and beaches but no Bill.


  His eyes widened for a second. It was as if he expected to have to drag her back. “Do you need to pack?”

  “No.” That would require her to return to the ranch. “Let me leave my keys in the car. Someone could use this vehicle.” Maybe Hawk would like it. He might appreciate a warmer drive when the snow came.

  She left the keys under the mat. As a last thought, she got out a pen and wrote a note on the back of one of the flyers.

  Sorry, I had to go. Loved you all.


  Short but sweet. A tear dripped down her cheek, but she didn’t bother to wipe it away. Once she was sure they’d see the note, she left the door unlocked and got in the backseat of Aldo’s car. Bill’s bodyguard said nothing as he drove off.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck happened?” Raven was pacing in front of him.

  “Nothing, I swear.” Hawk wondered if he’d offended her last night.

  “I’ve called five times, and each time her phone, or rather your phone, goes to voice mail. She’s turned it off so we can’t even trace it.”

  “She missed dinner. That’s all.”

  Raven got in his face. “Have you called Tammy? Or Brittany or Lydia? She could be with them.”

  His gut soured. Deep in his heart, he knew she was gone, but he wasn’t willing to admit he’d been the cause. He shoved his friend back. “Back off. She’ll be here.”

  Raven dragged a hand through his hair. “We were going to cut my cake tonight. Something bad has happened. I can feel it.”

  “Then go find her.”

  Raven got in his face. “You’re a real shit, you know that?”

  The guilt had already dragged him down. He didn’t need his best friend to sucker punch him. He went on the offensive and slammed a hand into Raven’s belly. The guy didn’t move. That is, until Raven’s fist slammed into his jaw.

  “Fuck you.” He didn’t want to get into a fistfight.

  Needing to get away, he picked his jacket off the sofa and strode out. As he slammed the front door, Raven yelled something at him. She’d come back. She had to. Bella loved him. Her words reverberated in his head. I’m here to stay. I love you. Can’t you see that?

  Hawk hopped on his cycle. He needed the mountaintop to get his head straight. Though the sun had set an hour ago, the bright moon and fading light lit the way. He had a light and water with him. When he reached the path, he began his hike. Instead of a controlled walk up the mountain, he jogged, needing to feel the pain in his lungs. She’d lied. She was gone. Gone for good.

  You were right not to hand over your soul to her.

  His breaths became more labored as the path steepened. When the forest thickened, he took out his light. Roots and rocks dotted the way. Near the top, he had to stop to recover. His legs shook and his heart pounded.

  “Why did you leave me?”

  The wind didn’t answer.

  Needing to see the hawk land to give him a sign, he finished the trek. Once he reached the outcropped rock face, he collapsed. His pants came out loud. He blamed the whipping wind for the tears that formed on his lids.

  In silence, he sat there. Against the fading light in the sky, his hawks few by, but none landed. As if he were some outcast, they stayed away.

  You love her. You love her.

  The voice in his head wouldn’t shut up. He’d pushed her away. It was his fault Bella was gone. He picked up a rock, stood, and chucked it as far as he could. It flew off the edge of the rock face. If it landed, it was too far down to hear.

  “I’ll find you, Bella, if it’s the last thing I do.”

  The wind stilled for a moment, and the clouds passed by the moon, shrouding the sky in darkness. He tossed on his pack and clicked on his light. He prayed Raven had news.

  * * * *

  Raven read and reread the message. She was gone. How could that be? He’d tried to call Hawk a few times, but he didn’t answer. That pissed him off ev
en more. Didn’t he realize that Bella might be hurt? Or worse, kidnapped?

  Raven had gotten a hold of Clete at least, who swore up a storm. He said he’d get the next plane back to town. “Keep me informed if she shows up.”

  “Will do.”

  Raven jogged over to the sheriff’s department to file a missing person report. Both the sheriff and Lydia were there.

  Justin stood. “Hey, Raven. What brings you to town?”

  He handed him Bella’s note. “She’s gone.”

  Lydia walked over and read the note, too. She clasped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my God. I saw her get into a black sedan, but I didn’t think anything of it.”

  His stomach soured. “What time?”

  “Around lunchtime maybe?”

  His heart slammed against his ribs. Hawk had told him about the bodyguard in the black sedan. “Was her captor bald?”

  “Captor?” Her eyes widened. “Yes.”

  “Fuck. Did he force her into the car?”

  “No! If he had, I would have told Justin. The man got in the driver’s side and Bella got in the backseat. She went willingly.”

  “Did the car have Florida license plates?”

  She bit her bottom lip and looked off to the side. “I don’t remember. I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s okay. What you saw helped a lot.”

  Justin placed a hand on his shoulder. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Is there any way you can get an address for Bella Andrews in Miami? Or a phone number?”

  “I’ll try and get back with you.”


  He returned to Bella’s car and got into the seat. There was a faint hint of her scent inside, or else he wanted to believe he could feel her presence. Shit. He had to get her back. He’d get Hawk to admit he loved her as much as he and Clete did. Maybe then she might consider coming back.

  Before he got on his bike, his cell rang. It was Hawk. He wasn’t much in the mood to talk to the man, but maybe Bella had tried to contact him.


  “You find her?”

  He told Hawk about the note and the black sedan. “I’m on my way home. We need to devise a plan.”


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