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Luci's Lullaby

Page 8

by Leaona Luxx

  One cocks his brow. “I’m assuming there’s a problem.”

  “Yeah, there sure the hell is. Why is it bothering me? I had a gorgeous blonde in my bed last night, and all I could think about was this girl.”

  Chord smirks. “You like her.”

  “Of course, I like her.” I run my hand over my face. “We went to school together back home, I hadn’t seen her in years.”

  “So you feel guilty?” Hardy asks.

  Cal, Chord’s dad, snickers. “No, our man Alden here is smitten.”

  They all laugh. “I don’t understand.”

  “You like her.” One slaps me on the back.

  “Sure, I like her. We’re friends.”

  Chord folds his arms. “Did you sleep with the blonde or send her home?”

  “I sent her home. I couldn’t do it with her in my head.”

  One mimics my stance. “Go see her, talk to her. It’ll work out from there.”

  “I don’t want a relationship, that’s not what this is about,” I protest. “I simply feel as though I owe her an apology.”

  “Good, you have nothing to worry about.” Chord fist bumps me. “I’m gonna get back in here.”

  “I’m going to head out, I’ll be back.” I wave as I walk to the elevator.

  I step from the doors to find Reese and Walker on their way up. “Hello, baby.”

  “Hey, love. Have you seen her?” Reese smiles as I shake Walker’s hand.

  I nod. “She’s perfect.”

  “I knew she would be, I’m so happy for them.” She lays her hand over her heart.

  “Where you goin’?” Walker asks as he holds the door for Reese.

  I throw my thumb over my shoulder. “I-I uhh, was thinking of going to see Charlee. I need to return something to her. She left it the other day.”

  Walker gives me a knowing smile as Reese narrows her eyes. “I told you, you better not hurt her.”

  “We’re friends,” I hold my hands up. “Or I hope we will be after I talk to her.”

  “Go see her.” Walker winks and my stomach sinks.

  I bite my lip. “Nothing like that is gonna happen again, I can’t.”

  “I warned you.” Reese puts her hand on her hips.

  “I just want to return her stuff.” I hold my hands out. “Will you tell me where she lives?”

  Reese wags her finger in front of her. “No, not happening.”

  “The mobile home park on the other side of the store, you’ll see her car.” Walker gets a gut check from Reese.

  “You’re in so much trouble.” She gives him the evil eye.

  He leans in, kissing her. “I like your kinda trouble.”

  “Yuck.” I take a step back, covering my mouth.

  “I have no plans to kiss you.” Walker grins.

  Reese rolls her eyes. “Be nice, please.”

  “Will do.” I wave as the doors close.

  Walking to my truck, I can’t make up my mind whether I’m going home or to Charlee’s. Opening the door, I take the panties from my pocket, climb in the driver’s seat, then slam the door behind me.

  “Fuck it. Go home and cut your losses.” Rolling the window down, I wad them up, ready to toss them as soon as I turn onto the road.

  I sit at the light, looking toward home. When it turns green, I turn left as if it’s driving itself. “I’ll be damned.”

  I hit Highway Seventeen and speed toward her house. “Just go do it and get it over with.”

  I make the right into the park, circling it five times before I finally stop. I check myself in the mirror and blow a few breaths into my hand. No matter the time of day, there’s no call for smelly breath.

  I slowly walk around the path to the front door. “What am I gonna say?”

  “What do you want to say?” My head snaps up to find a lady sitting in a rocking chair. She’s graying, but it’s obvious she’s Charlee’s mom.

  I hold my hand up. “Hey, I was wondering if I may speak to Charlee?”

  “Is that you, Alden Beck?” A smile spreads across her face.

  I nod, shoving my hands into my pockets. “Yes, ma’am. It’s good to see you.”

  “How’s your brother, Cidney?” She takes me off guard by remembering more about me than I do her. My gut twists.

  “He’s good. Married his high school sweetheart.”

  “I remember, Shelley. She was always the nicest girl.” Her warm smile begins to settle my nerves.

  “She still is, ma’am.”

  “So you want my Charlee?” She narrows her eyes.

  I pull my hands out, lacing my fingers in front of me. “Yes, I’d like to speak to her.”

  “Didn’t she spend enough time with you the other night?” She quirks her brow as my face flames.

  “I didn’t realize you knew.” I scratch my chin. “I won’t be long.”

  “Charlee’s a good girl. It was past time she had some fun.” Her eyes glint with mischief.

  “Glad I could help.” What in the hell do I say to that?

  She sits back and starts rocking again. “She’s in bed, trying to recoup.”

  My mouth drops. “I can come back later.”

  “Why, I’m sure you’ve seen everything that’s in there now.” She takes a sip of her coffee. “Second door on the right.”

  I hesitate. I have no clue what to do, but I know this much—I like this lady. “Thank ya, ma’am.” I take the steps two at a time and a few across the porch until I’m through the door.

  It’s a modest home with pictures scattered everywhere. I lean over when a picture of Charlee catches my attention, it’s from high school. I can’t believe how much she hasn’t changed.

  Still as beautiful as the day I knocked her to the ground. I take a deep breath when my chest becomes heavy. My thoughts wander to Friday night, her hair sticking to her face as she rode me.

  “Shit. Get a grip.” I look around quickly and see the coast is clear, so I adjust my growing problem.

  I ease through the house, trying not to disturb sleeping beauty. Standing outside her door, I push it open with my fingertips. Charlee’s asleep with her sheet draped across her body.

  It only covers part of her up, leaving her best parts exposed. She’s wearing a t-shirt and panties, white. Her nipples peek from the material as it rides up her stomach. I step in, closing the door behind me.

  I should feel bad for gawking but damn, I don’t. Maybe it isn’t in my blood, but there’s no way any man would turn away from this. She’s fucking hot. I kneel beside her bed, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath.

  The perfect pout of her lips draws me in, I’m entranced. Her lashes are so long they curl on their own, curvy like her hips. I cover my mouth when she snores quietly, biting my lip as my pulse begins to race.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Her lashes begin to twitch. “Mornin’, Charlee Rae.”

  Her lids flutter, parting slightly. She sits straight up, her eyes wide. “What are you doing in my room?”

  “Enjoying the view.” I drag my eyes down her body.

  She scrambles, pulling the sheet around her. “Get out!”

  “Your mom suggested I come wake you.”

  “Fine, I’m awake.” She glares. “Now, leave so I can get dressed.”

  “Why? I’m well acquainted with your body.” My cock grows harder at the mere mention.

  She buries her head in hands. “Why are you here?”

  “We’ll talk about that later. Do you need some help getting up?” I stand, offering my hand.

  She raises her head and quirks her brow. “Apparently, I’m the only one who needs help getting up.”

  “Take my hand, I come in peace.”

  “Out!” She rolls her eyes. “You’re not the only one who can get up by themselves.”

  “Well, those little white panties helped me.” I wink at her and grab the door handle.

  “While I was asleep?” Her mouth hangs. “You stalker.”

not the first time.” I wink as I walk out the door, dodging a pillow.

  “I can’t believe this shit.” I leap from the bed, jerking out the first pair of shorts I can find. “Where’s my damn bra!” I spin around, looking everywhere when something at the door catches my attention.

  “Were you looking for this?” Heat radiates through me as I spot my bra hanging from his fingertip, through a crack in the door.

  I rush over, yanking it off. “For the love of Christ!”

  He sticks his head in with a lopsided grin. “I love that you call on the highest deity when I’m around.”

  “I said get out!” I put my hand in his face and push him backward.

  “Charlee Rae, you be nice to that boy!” my momma yells from the kitchen.

  A smile spreads across his face. “Yeah, be nice to me.”

  “Alden, would you like to stay for lunch?” Mom asks.

  I widen the door, glaring down the hall. “No!”

  “Yes!” They say in unison.

  I grit my teeth. “I said, no.”

  “I want to stay, we need to talk,” he whispers.

  “Fine,” I huff. “I’ll be right out.” He smiles coyishly as I shut the door and put my bra on as fast as possible. I peek down the hall as I step from my room.

  “Where ya goin’?” Alden gooses me.

  I scream and spin around to slap him. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “You’re not that much older than me.” He winks.

  “Ughhh, what do you want?”

  He follows me down the hall and into the kitchen. “I wanted to talk and apologize.”

  “Come with me.” I smile sweetly at my mom as we stroll past her and into the backyard.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” He mutters behind me.

  I whirl around, staring at him. “I wish I could. What are you, a stage-one clinger?”

  “No,” he frowns. “I want to apologize for the other night.”

  “Okay, done. Bye.” I wave and brush past him.

  He wraps my wrist and pulls me back. “Why are you so mad at me?”

  “Alden, I’m not.” I release a heavy sigh. “I’m not, it’s just that, we went to school together and I’m surprised you don’t remember me.”

  He nods. “I know you, I remember.”

  “You know?” My stomach turns.

  His brows draw together. “Reese told me.”

  “So you only remember me because she told you.” My face turns blistering red, and not from the morning sun. “Listen, I know I lied about my name, and I apologize for doing that to you. But please understand, you owe me nothing. I’m okay.”

  He stands there, studying me. “Why do you think I’m here?”

  “To clear your conscience.” I shrug. “You know, I’m an adult and didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do.”

  He crosses his arms. “I’m not here to apologize for having sex with you and only knowing your middle name or because I didn’t remember you.”

  “Then why are you here?” I cross my arms, putting my guard up.

  He shifts from foot to foot. “It’s been years, maybe that’s why I didn’t recognize you.”

  “Okay, fine.”

  He slips his hands into his pockets. “So you’re okay with it?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I give him the thumbs up. “Thanks for the orgasm.”

  His mouth drops. “Seriously?”

  “I’m not sure what you need me to say.”

  He licks his lips and everything south of my border runs wild. “I was hoping we could start over and maybe be friends.”

  “Friends?” I tilt my head.

  He runs his hand through his hair. “Is that impossible at this point?”

  “I’m confused.” I chew on my bottom lip.

  Alden rolls his shoulders as the tension builds between us. “Do you think we can start over?”

  “You want to pretend nothing happened between us?” A painful tightness forms in my throat, I place my hand on it as I try to swallow.

  He looks away. “If we can, yes. I think that would be for the best.”

  “Just friends.” I nod as tears threaten.

  He rubs his lips together. “Yeah, I’m a man-whore. You know this, you said it yourself.”

  “I didn’t mean it, not this way.” I choke back the bile that’s rising.

  “It’s alright.” Alden smiles. “Anyway, I wanted to make sure we wouldn’t be awkward with each other.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t what you expected.” I think I feel my heart break, and I have no idea why it is. “I need to go, thanks for stopping by.”

  He tugs on my shirt. “Hey, don’t say things like that and walk away.”

  “I need to go, I have to work later.”

  He yanks on my shirt again. “Will you text me?”


  “Good deal.” He slowly nods. “Later.”

  “Yeah, see ya.” I wave and waste no time getting in my door.

  My mom follows me through the house. “Why did Alden leave?”

  “Probably for the same reason he showed up.” I lift my shoulders and let them drop. “And I still haven’t figured that one out.”

  She stands at my door as I crawl back into bed. “Don’t allow him to make you regret this. Everything that happens has a purpose.”

  “I know, Mom.” I sigh, sinking under the covers. “I just wish I knew why this had to happen. I mean, besides my bad choices.”

  She purses her lips. “Don’t do that, there’s more to come. Mark my word.”

  “Alrighty.” I wave at her and roll over in the bed.

  When the door closes, I allow the tears to fall. “I feel like such a fool.”

  I doze on and off for the rest of the morning. I hate to go into work, I feel terrible. The migraine that’s been working on me for days is here and looking for vengeance.

  I stumble out to the kitchen, searching for Mom. I find her on the back porch. “Hey, I think I’m going to call in and go visit Emerson.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” She takes my hand and kisses it.

  I return her kiss. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Emerson is waiting on her steps when I pull up. She waves, smiling. “Hey, it’s good to see you.”

  I wrap her in my arms, giving her a big hug. “You too, thanks for letting me come over.”

  “Come on in, Aksel is gone.” She opens the door, and I follow her in.

  I plop down in the first chair I come to. “Good, I need a girls’ day.”

  “A girl talk is what it sounds like.” She half smiles.

  I lay my head back. “Why did I sleep with him?”

  “Alden? Why, what happened?” She stares at me with wide eyes.

  I throw a pillow over my head. “I can’t.”

  “You must,” she says.

  I pull it from my face, giving her my best sad eyes. “He said he wanted to forget it happened.”

  “He did what?” Her face hardens.

  I shrug, wiping my face. “I know. That’s how I reacted, but he was dead serious. He wants to forget it happened, so we can be friends.”

  “I understand being friends, but how can you spend the night with someone and just forget? Poof! Didn’t do it.”

  I sit up, tired of wallowing in my self-pity. “It’s Alden. You know it’s true, he can’t face a damn thing he does.”

  “Charlee, do you still care for Alden?” She raises her brow.

  “No,” I protest as hard as my stomach is. “That was so long ago, I wouldn’t dare.”

  “I have to ask,” she cringes, “why are you so hurt he wants to forget it?”

  I rub my palms into my eyes. “I mean, wouldn’t you be hurt? I feel as though I was a mistake and he’s embarrassed about it.”

  “So it’s about your pride?” She’s gauging my every move.

  “No, it’s not pride.” I bite my nail. “I suppose some part of me wanted him to see me. Me. Not another no
tch on his belt and definitely not just as a friend.”

  She nods. “So make him see you as more.”

  “You’re talking to the girl who has had two lovers; one forgot he had a lover and found another, the second one wants to forget we were lovers.”

  She tries to smile but it’s useless. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I take a steadying breath. “I never should’ve slept with him.”

  She leans over and takes my hand. “It will all work out.”

  “I guess it’ll have to, as long as I remain his dirty little secret.”

  She pats my hand. “When you see him, treat him like you’ve never met.”

  “Ha! Don’t I wish.” I giggle. “I didn’t want to marry him, Em. I wanted one night with him. Don’t I deserve to be happy? I’ve given up everything my entire life. I wanted this one thing. For me, to keep forever.”

  “You’re an amazing woman and any man who can’t see doesn’t deserve you.” She smiles.

  “The thing is, I think he believes he doesn’t deserve me.”

  “Maybe so, he’s an odd man to get close to.” She wrinkles her nose.

  “He lost so much so early, wouldn’t it scare you? I know it would me. It still does.”

  She studies me for a minute. “You think he’s afraid of losing people?”

  “I’m just saying, I know I am. After my dad left, I thought everyone did. I can’t help but think he believes it too.”

  She frowns. “What are you going to do?”

  “What he asked of me, I’m going to pretend it never happened.” As long as I can convince myself of it, I’ll be okay.

  Charlee takes her steps two at a time, doing her best to get away from me, and I can’t say I blame her. I rub the back of my neck as I make my way back to my truck.

  No sooner have I pulled away than my phone rings. Thinking it’s Charlee, I pull over so I can answer it. Once I pull it out, I see it’s my brother, Cidney.

  “Dude, seriously. When are y’all gonna get down here?”

  Cid, my older and only brother, chuckles. “We’ll be there for your show, man. Do you think I’d ever miss you playing the Carolina Country Festival?”

  “Whatever, I’m excited.” I shake my head. “How’s Shelley doing?”

  “She had an appointment yesterday, they’re doing great! You’ll be an uncle by the end of summer.”


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