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Marriage by Proxy

Page 11

by Cathy Duke

  Millie came dashing in the door with joyous energy. “Forgive me for not announcing myself. I am just too excited to wait for your permission to enter. It is such a glorious day and I am so happy.” Millie grabbed Amy's hand and squeezed it.

  “I would think you are the bride, Millie. You do look beautiful enough to be one.”

  “Do you think so? How I wish it were true,” Millie grinned. “A grand lady waiting for her prince…” Millie was daydreaming, her head in the clouds.

  “Did you like Lord Somerset?” Amy asked as she began to brush her hair.

  “He was so handsome and attentive. If only I were a Lady or he a common gentleman,” Amy laughed. Millie could make a fairytale of anything and be caught up in the dream.

  “Who do you suppose you look like? The Duke seemed to think you have a double, and he seemed distracted by it.”

  “Wasn't that queer? Perhaps a long lost love…he did seem to be charming, however. Whoever it is or was must have caught his fancy,” Millie grinned. “I found him absolutely irresistible.” Amy laughed at her friend. Millie was like sunshine in a room. She was delighted with everything and anything.

  “They say each person has a double somewhere in the world. Do you believe that could be true, Mille? Perhaps your double is here somewhere…”

  “No. I think that is too far-fetched. Although it seems His Grace was certainly convinced I have a double. Think of the mischief I could cause and blame it on my double!”

  “You find joy in life, Millie. I am quite envious of you. I think you should find a wicked gentleman. I have often thought a naughty man would be interesting.”

  “Oh, my, Amy. Why ever would you be thinking that, pray tell?” Millie was intrigued and moved closer to Amy to listen.

  “Did you know that, well “that” could be done a number of different ways…? I found a book in the library that was very wicked and I can't stop thinking of it. It even has pictures of the act.”

  “You must tell me all about it Amy. It sounds absolutely sinful. Do you have it here?” Millie asked with excitement.

  “No. Perhaps we can find it after the wedding, maybe next week,” Amy offered blushing. “I would like your thoughts on it. It left me quite heated and faint.”

  “Oh, my. I cannot wait. So tell me, are you nervous, Amy? He is so handsome, so caring, so…everything.”

  “Actually, surprisingly, no. Arden is so everything you said as well as sensitive and kind…I just trust him. He would never hurt me.”

  Millie started to help Amy dress and they shared their dreams and thoughts about marriage. It was good having Millie here. Amy needed her best friend. They were experiencing their school days, laughing and sharing old stories of their past adventures.

  “Millie, you must tell me where you were yesterday morning. I was seeking you out for an opinion on my gown and you were nowhere to be found. I was worried.”

  “I had such a grand adventure. I walked to Brightmore village with Rosie and Jamie. Rosie needed to buy some vegetables for cook…”

  “I thought Brightmore Manor grew all our own vegetables and herbs,” Amy said with some confusion.

  “Oh, they do. His Grace asked Rosie to purchase produce from the villagers and pay fair prices to support them. Isn't that considerate of your groom? We went to see the cobbler. Such a nice man. Jamie was barefoot because his boots were two sizes too small. The cobbler made boots for Jamie that was at least one size bigger so he can grow into them. He was so proud of his new boots, parading around like a rooster. He was just short of crowing his joy! It was a sight to see. And Rosie…she is a different person. Happy and content, I'd say. They both seem happy.”

  “How are Jamie's injuries?”

  “Just yellow bruising…he is so happy working in the stables and Rosie loves working with cook. It's been several weeks and Rosie has gained such support and respect. Even Jamie is such a help in the stables. Did you know that Rosie does all the baking now? She has her pride back. She feels good about herself again.”

  “I am so glad. Both deserve better than they had. The last time I checked on Jamie he was still having nightmares and afraid that his father would find them and punish them.”

  “No doubt. What sensible person wouldn't be afraid? Time may heal the nightmares. To change the subject to a happier note, did you know that the entire village was invited to the wedding? Well, we will be in their chapel, so it makes sense,” Millie added as she helped Amy into her chemise.

  “And there's to be a celebration afterward in the courtyard. Musicians and dancing have been arranged. It does sound like fun and certainly a holiday for the help. Arden has appreciated his experience with the people of all stations and enjoys their friendships. I like that about him. Perhaps the Duke of Somerset will save a dance for you,” Amy added looking for Millie's reaction.

  “I am counting on it,” Millie responded smiling at her friend.


  Prescott, Arden's very proper valet, stood at attention watching Arden pace in front of his bedroom window. Prescott had been part of the Lambrick family for more years than Arden would venture to speculate. The man was an institution. He had weathered many a crisis and had somehow been privy to all manner of private information which in itself was a mystery since all private matters were kept within the family. His ability to serve and understand all levels of family business was legendary. Arden would open the door after an argument with his father and expect to find Prescott glued to the key hole, but Prescott was never in sight. He was invisible and yet always there in case of need.

  “Your Grace, might I be so bold as to suggest that you dress so that you will have extra time to greet your guests at the church.”

  Prescott had been watching Arden for several minutes making no progress with whatever had him pacing. It had been his experience that Arden could not be rushed, however, he was bent on trying to get His Grace dressed on time as it was his job to do so and he took great pride in his work. Prescott took a formal brocade waistcoat from the wardrobe and set it on the bed. Next he went to a drawer and removed a clean white cravat. Black trousers came out of the wardrobe and were laid neatly next to the waistcoat. Prescott straightened and looked at Arden once more. Prescott never smiled. He was solemn from the top of his English brow to the toes of his polished black shoes. This would be a challenge it would seem.

  “AAhhh Ummmm,” clearing his throat, Prescott tried once more. “I dare say it would be ever so inappropriate to arrive late to one's own wedding, Your Grace. I do need time to tie a proper cravat. Indeed, I am quite accomplished at the task, given the proper amount of time, that is. I would not be able to sleep tonight if I were guilty of not getting you dressed properly for your wedding, Your Grace.”

  Still seeing no response for his efforts, Prescott tried another tactic. One of his favorite strategies to be certain, although no one could attest that Prescott had a sense of humor. “I understand the King will collect no taxes this year in celebration of your wedding.” He watched Arden with interest and then sighed. Just as he thought. Not a sign of life. “Perhaps I ought to go polish the brass knocker to waste more of my time.”

  Arden looked at Prescott somewhat surprised as if he just noticed his valet. Good God. Had he been so wrapped up in his concerns that he hadn't been aware of Prescott in the room talking to him? He would have to think on his problems later and get on with the wedding for God's sake.

  As Prescott assisted Arden in dressing, he thought about the wedding and the plans to make Amy more comfortable in her new position. He had watched her for several days and decided she was beautiful, intelligent and curious. He chuckled when thinking of her in the library foxed out of her mind. She was a minx and an adorable one at that. His life would be pleasant with Amy in it, he thought. He envisioned her naked in his bed and discovered he had been lusting for her anytime he wasn't focused on some specific issue. He would look forward to getting that under control. He found himself more than once excusing h
imself for privacy so he could take control of his trousers. Hell, now he understood the joke between men about how one's cock did all their thinking for them. A slow smile creased his lips thinking of his dilemma. Of course fashion dictated fitted trousers which didn't take into account a man's urges. Forget that men, gentlemen that is, are supposed to keep that under control. And there were times he felt an ounce of guilt feeling lust for his best friend's daughter. How was he to deal with that for God's sake?

  Prescott brushed his waistcoat briskly and held it up to the light for inspection.

  “I don't know what you are looking for, Prescott. That coat is bloody spotless, thanks to your constant administrations. I have never taken any piece of clothing out of my wardrobe with a wrinkle, tear or spot on it thanks to your devotion to my appearance. Sometimes I feel the urge to challenge you with a bit of egg splattered on my coat just to give you something more to complain about.”

  “I take great pride in your appearance, Your Grace. I also appreciate your good observations. Just yesterday I had to retire your gray brocade waistcoat due to a tear in the sleeve. It could not be mended without notice.”

  “A terrible waste of clothing…think of the funds spent on new waistcoats that could go toward something more worthy. I'll bet a horse race that tear was nearly invisible.”

  “I admit my standards are high. However, I make certain your damaged clothing is used by some less fortunate person, Your Grace. I know it pleases you to think so. Although it gives me a headache to think of some randy dandy wearing your clothes in public,” Prescott added as he picked a thread off the shoulder. “I do think it is wise that your wardrobe is conservative and not flashy and loud to draw attention when some common randy dandy goes prancing around in your damaged wardrobe.”

  “I can see what a concern that would be. Truly. I would lose sleep thinking of running into one of these characters on the street. I must remember to double your salary for all the abuse I put you through. I should never doubt your intentions,” Arden mumbled as he started dressing.

  Prescott clucked his tongue at that. “Now, now, Your Grace. I would be richer than the King himself if I collected on all those promises to double my salary, I dare say.” Prescott tied a perfect waterfall with the white cravat. He was a master of any number of folds; however, he usually tied a mail coach for Arden. Today mandated the elaborate waterfall.

  “I don't fancy these elaborate ties…Prescott. It just isn't me. I look like a strutting damn peacock,” Arden said looking in his mirror over his massive dresser.

  “The occasion warrants a waterfall, I assure you, Your Grace. It is your wedding, after all. Time to impress the Duchess with your keen sense of fashion,” Prescott said and raised his chin and height another inch in his stand on fashion and what is proper. He stood tall beside Arden watching the facial expressions change as Arden gazed in the mirror assessing the work done on his finished cravat. The man was an artist doing such fine work in seconds.

  “Ah, well. I guess I must then,” Arden whispered to himself. Prescott nodded his approval.

  “You look every bit the Duke,” Prescott said proudly. “With your broad shoulders and height, the women in attendance today will most certainly swoon,” he added.

  Arden looked at Prescott with annoyance. “What rubbish. I know what you are doing. I am cheerful enough to get by. No need to go to such lengths.”

  “Boost it a bit more, Your Grace. Surely you don't want to scare your bride with that nasty scowl. Perhaps a smile would help ease the tension. A natural smile, that is.”

  “As you say. Now, you have fussed enough with me. Are you coming to witness my marriage?”

  “I dare say the excitement would give me a headache, Your Grace. You will have a bounty of well-wishers to root you on. Rosie has promised me a piece of cake.”Prescott bowed and left the room, as Arden chuckled. How he love to spare with Prescott. He needed him more for the adventure of talking to him than as a valet.


  Brightmore Chapel was filled with colorful fragrant flowers. People from the village were gathered in their finest clothes in front of the chapel waiting for the new Duchess to arrive. The Duke of Brightmore was inside talking softly with the Duke of Somerset. The overcast morning had lifted to allow the sun to peak through in the promise of a warm and bright day. Children carried baskets filled with rose petals eager to cover the path where the bride was to walk. Preparations were being made for the festive celebration after the ceremony. Musicians awaited their opportunity to play their instruments and quietly discussed their selections for the festivities afterward.

  Finally the Brightmore carriage pulled in front of the chapel drawn by four matching grays. A footman jumped down and opened the door and set down the steps. The villagers created a path and stood back waiting for their first view of the new Duchess. Millie stepped out first. She wore a pale yellow silk gown with green satin trim. Her dark chestnut hair was coiled on top of her head with one long ringlet curl hanging down one side to touch her shoulder. It swung with the typical energy she breathed each second. Eva came out next wearing her green princess gown. Her red hair was braided and a ring of flowers was arranged on her head. Eva was bursting with childish delight. She nearly danced in place. Then Amy emerged every bit the Duchess.

  Amy's soft rose silk gown danced around her hips as she stepped down from the carriage. The lace covering the bodice was the same soft rose color accentuating her fair coloring. The lace continued down her sleeves. She wore pearls around her neck which completed the elegant design of her appearance. Her white blonde hair was worn up in a riot of soft ringlet curls. Dainty flowers were positioned around the curls sending off a delicate fragrance as she turned her head. Her lips were the same soft rose color of her gown and her vivid blue eyes danced with excitement. All three greeted the villagers with cheerful and grateful messages for their attendance. The group moved toward the open chapel doors where the ceremony would take place.

  Amy felt the presence of her parents. She looked around and experienced a great burst of love and happiness. She wiped the moisture from her eyes caused by the emotion. Millie took her hand and smiled as if she knew. Amy looked down at Eva who was distracted by all the villagers and their excitement.

  “Eva, you look like a princess with your crown of flowers. Your papa will be so proud of you,” Amy said as she took Eva's hand and directed her toward the door.

  “I am so happy you are marrying Papa. I had a dream I would be a princess and you would be here with Papa. You made my dream come true,” Eva said gazing up at Amy with tears flooding her eyes.

  Amy smiled through her own tears and leaned down to place a kiss on Eva's cheek. Eva's hand came up to touch her cheek as if to capture the kiss.

  Arden first spotted her in the arched church doorway framed perfectly by flowers as he darted a glance away from Bradley who had been speaking to him. She captured his focus and the conversation with Bradley was instantly forgotten. It was silent as everyone gazed at the beautiful bride. She looked like an angel. Her hair was a cloud of white curls so fair that no artist could capture its essence. The moment was forever frozen in time in his mind, one he would treasure to his dying days. She was a vision so pure, so innocent that it nearly hurt his eyes to stare at her. He was speechless. He heard Bradley whispering something to him in an effort to steal his focus once again, but he was deaf to hear it. Then he heard Bradley chuckle. Even that did not take his attention away from the beauty that had caused his lapse in conversation. One of Amy's hands was holding his daughter's small hand and it was then that she bent down and whispered something in the child's ear that caused Eva to smile and nod her head.

  “You are fortunate Arden. She is truly the loveliest bride I have ever seen,” Bradley said watching the bride in the church doorway. With the light behind her there was a moment where she appeared to be an angel, just minus her wings.

  Then Amy dipped her head sideways and saw him. She took in his entire appe
arance and he wondered what she thought. He wondered if she, too, was dazzled.A slow smile took her face and he smiled back at her. Arden watched as she stood straight and gave Eva's hand to Millie to hold. Amy sent Arden a look that said she was ready, a nod that was barely visible and yet said it all.

  Daisy squeezed through the congestion in the doorway to hand Amy a bouquet of flowers. Daisy also gave flowers to Millie and Eva as they lined up to walk down the aisle. Amy's gown clung to her hips and as it trailed down her legs it gently swayed in rhythm with her walk. Her slippers matched the gown and peeked out as she stepped forward. Her smile was radiant and her pale skin glowed.

  Arden only had eyes for Amy. He was caught in a web of fascination. How did she become even more beautiful by the minute? The fragrance of flowers in the church was strong and added to the surreal experience he was having. Arden reached out his hand to assist Amy up the three steps to the podium when the clergyman waited. Amy turned to face him. He had not let go of her hand but brought it to his lips for a kiss. His lips brushed her knuckles softly as his eyes watched for her reaction. Her eyes were dancing with approval and eagerness.

  Amy didn't hear much of the words said. Even agreeing to be his wife and repeating the vows were not in her conscious mind. She was looking at Arden seeing the man her father had chosen, seeing him as her husband and her lover to be. She took a deep breath for it was all over whelming. Then he kissed her. It was a brief feather like kiss that was soft and gentle. She looked up into his smoldering eyes and tears welled up and threatened to creep down her cheeks. He had such a tender look of love. She would hold this special moment in her memories for all time.


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