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Marriage by Proxy

Page 12

by Cathy Duke

  The celebration was festive and included elegant food from Brightmore Manor and dishes from the village. There was a beautiful wedding cake made by Rosie and deserts with fruit, even lemon tarts for Eva. Jamie was there, his shiny smiling face so unrecognizable to the beaten face only weeks before. Children played games and there was dancing for the adults. Wine and ale was served as people cheered good wishes and toasted the bride and groom. As the afternoon wore on, a tired Eva was snatched by nurse to take a nap at home and the festivities started to disperse.

  Millie had been dancing with the Duke of Somerset enjoying the music and festivities. Her skirts swirled between his legs as he danced her across the cobblestones. He was graceful and his manners exquisite. Millie laughed as the music picked up momentum.

  “You look lovely in that gown Miss Balston. May I escort you back to Brightmore Manor?” Bradley asked as he twirled her around once more to the music. Millie was laughing as she curtsied when the music stopped.

  “I would be delighted, Your Grace. Was this not the most wonderful event?” she asked him after they started walking toward an awaiting Brightmore carriage. “Has Amy left yet? I don't see them.”

  “They just left. I am surprised that they stayed as long as they did. But Arden does like the villagers.” Bradley assisted her into the carriage and then easily swung himself in opposite her. “The Duchess is fortunate to have you. You risked much coming from America leaving all you know for a new life.”

  “Much of my life was entwined in Amy's life. With no family and prospects, I was fortunate to have her invite me to join her, Your Grace,” Millie added. “Will you stay long at Brightmore Manor?” Millie watched him settle into his seat and stretch his long legs to the side of her feet. He sighed and looked out the window before answering her question.

  “I must return to London on some urgent business, but I do hope to return soon. Perhaps you will invite me for tea, Miss Balston.” He studied her face as if he could see her soul. His eyes were intense and gave her no mercy. The silence as she broke their eye contact made gave her butterflies in her stomach.

  Millie blushed. She sputtered nervously. What hired companion invited a Duke to tea? Was he mad? Then she heard him laugh, a natural sound that started as a chuckle and ended with a rich deep uncontrolled laugh. His eyes were full of merriment and he had the kind of face that seemed to laugh often. Crinkles on either side of his eyes were testament to his humor.

  “I see that I surprise you and you do blush ever so prettily. I must find some way to make you blush each time we see each other.”

  “But why would you promise to do something so wicked as that?” Millie was confused by his forward behavior. What could his intentions for such behavior be? Perhaps he was looking for a mistress as so many titled gentlemen did. Although she found him attractive and alluring that is not what she wanted for herself. A country gentleman would do nicely so she could build that family she never had. Certainly being a mistress to some randy titled gentleman would only ruin her and her plans for a normal life. He would use her while she was young and leave her when her looks diminished with no hope for a content future. She was not a total idiot.

  “I find you interesting, Miss Balston. I like your spunk and character. So many ladies of the ton are frankly, boring and you, Miss Balston, are not boring,” he said winking at her. “Besides I do not stand on ceremony. I do not care what society thinks I should do or not do.”

  Millie clasped her hands tighter on her lap. “You are making me uncomfortable, Your Grace. I should like to jump from this carriage now.” She muttered as she took a deep breath.

  Bradley laughed again. “I do apologize for my ungentlemanly behavior, Miss Balston. It's just that you stir my otherwise dreary nature to life. You make me laugh. Something I don't do that often.”

  Which seemed in conflict with his character thus far, Millie thought. After all, his laugh lines told a different story. His face gave away his natural tendency to smile and laugh. And he liked to tease.

  “I must admit that you confuse me. I will make every effort to control myself.” The promise of a smile made what he just said more confusing to Millie.

  Millie nodded at this. “Perhaps I will stay in the coach then,” she said as a tiny smile slowly took her mouth. He did make her nervous and he seemed to be toying with her for his own amusement.

  Bradley laughed again. “That relieves me greatly, Miss Balston. I would not wish any harm to come you.”

  Millie did something outrageous and winked at him. He laughed again as she joined him.

  Chapter 11

  Brightmore Manor, 1830

  The carriage stopped in front of Brightmore Manor. The footman stepped down to put the steps to the carriage in place and assist the occupants out. Arden stepped down first so that he could assist Amy. The flowers in her hair were wilted and hanging from their original placement. Amy put her hand on Arden's extended arm to walk up the entry steps. No one opened the door in greeting.

  “Where is Godwin?” Amy asked Arden as he opened the door himself. He laced his fingers through hers and squeezed gently before drawing her into the house.

  “I gave the servants the night off. I did have a bath prepared for you before Prescott left. It will barely be warm, I am afraid, but pleasant,” Arden responded as he swept Amy up and into his strong arms. She gasped in surprise. He carried her as if she weighed nothing and the experience flooded her memories of the time she was so sick and he carried her up to her room. She had remembered a few curses coming from his mouth and then assurances that she would be fine. He smelled of leather, spices and a scent that was just him. She breathed deeply of the pleasant aroma and sighed. She wrapped her arm around his neck and laid her head against his chest. He passed her rooms and shifted her weight in his arms so he could open his door and carried her over the threshold. She pressed a kiss to his neck and breathed deeply his scent. He smelled so good her tongue automatically came out for a lick to taste him. He gasped at the sensuality of the gesture.

  He gently set her down in the center of the room. She looked around the masculine space that smelled of him. He took her hand and drew her toward a doorway. “Come, I have a bathing room. It is tiled on the floor so the floor won't be damaged by water. I am thinking about more plumbing for the house, but have not gotten that far. I am a little behind the times.”

  They stepped on the tile which was beautiful. Amy glanced around the room. It had beautiful walnut shelving for linens and soaps. The tub was up on legs and sat in the middle of the floor. There were stools and a chair. The water was already scented with lavender, her favorite. Arden turned her back to him and began unbuttoning her gown down the back. He was competent in the skill and yet he took his time which made her breathless with anticipation.

  “What are you doing?” Amy asked in a nervous voice that did not sound like herself.

  “Daisy is enjoying what is left of our wedding event and there is no one but me to undress you. I will act your ladies maid,” Arden said as he continued to finish his task. He swept the gown off her shoulders and invited her to step out of it. He neatly laid the gown over a chair sitting near the tub. Then he began untying her stays.

  “I think I can manage from here,” she offered as she held up her corset in the front to cover herself.

  “You do remember I have seen every inch of your lovely body, wife.”

  Amy blushed at that thought.

  “I must scold Daisy, however, for binding you too tight. You must have had trouble breathing. I do not approve of corsets, love. I will continue to nag you until you listen to me.”

  “I am used to it. Please don't scold Daisy, Arden.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Perhaps I could be convinced not to scold.” He kissed her neck and then down the column of her throat to her shoulder. She smelled of lavender. He pulled her chemise over her head and tossed it on the chair with her gown. He took off his coat and tossed it over her clothes on the cha
ir and then rolled up his sleeves of his white shirt. His cravat came off next and he unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. Dark curly hair became visible from his open shirt.

  He lifted her in his arms and set her into the tub. A small table next to the tub had scented soap, sponges and cloths for washing. Arden picked up the cloth, wet it in the tub and placed the soap in his palm. He lathered the cloth and began to wash her shoulders working his hands in small circles massaging her tight soft skin. She moaned her approval. His fingers worked like magic to release her tense muscles.

  “Truly, Arden, allow me to wash myself. You will get your fine clothes wet.” If it was possible to have a full body flush, she certainly had one. She was red as a beet. Her stomach was turning over and she found herself shy not wanting to meet his gaze. His sensual touches caused havoc with her emotions. She was hot and tied up in knots. His slow movements with his fingers were intoxicating. She leaned her head back on the rim of the tub and closed her eyes.

  He ignored her protests with a sly smile creasing his lips. He lifted one leg and gently soaped it and then the other working his way from her toes to her upper thighs. When the cloth touched her beneath her knees she sighed at the erotic feel that the gesture caused. Her arms were next. She stretched one arm out for his soft caress of the soapy cloth and then the other. He kissed each arm as he finished rinsing the lather off. As he started to add soap to the cloth, Amy knew that the safe parts were clean. He watched her reaction as he gently caressed one breast and then the other with the cloth. “Please, Arden. Allow me to finish. This is too much.” He nodded and handed her the cloth. Then he left the room for a moment. She looked around for a towel to get out and dry herself off when suddenly he was back.

  “Time to get you out of that cold water. I have stoked the fire and poured us some champagne for our own private celebration.” He pulled a large thick towel from a shelf and came toward the tub. She turned her back to him and stood up. He had the towel wrapped around her snuggly. “Daisy has left a sleeping gown out for you. I will bring it to you. Oh, and when you take your hair down, leave it.” As he left the bathing room to get her gown, he turned. “I don't like braids, but I understand the need to keep the tangles at bay. Your hair is too lovely when free of restrictions. Humor me at least for tonight.” His gaze was hot and intense.

  Amy started drying herself while he was gone. When finished, she wrapped herself in the towel to await the gown. A few seconds later he handed it to her with a devilish smirk. Arden gave her privacy now and she didn't waste any time dressing.

  The dressing gown was sheer with lace placed in strategic places. Amy had never seen a gown such as this. It was almost as revealing as being naked. It left nothing to the imagination. With nothing else to wear, she slipped it on. When she walked into the bedroom, Arden was leaning against the mantel watching her in the doorway. He was wearing a silk robe and looking so devilishly handsome. His dark good looks were enhanced with the black robe. He smiled at her. His glance started at the floor and moved up her body to her face. His gaze had been penetrating as if he could not only see through the gown, but into her soul. She blushed at his steady gaze.

  “You look lovely. Come warm yourself by the fire and take your hair down. I will get your hair brush.” Amy sat down in a chair next to the fire and took out her hair pins. Her hair fell in a riot of blonde curls and framed her face with softness.

  Arden came back with the hair brush. “Give your back to me and I will brush your hair.” Amy seemed embarrassed and started to resist the request when Arden began brushing before she even turned her body. “Please allow me to assist you. It gives me great pleasure, Amy.” Her hair crackled and the sheen from brushing resembled the best polished silver. “I don't think I have ever seen such lovely hair.”

  “Your bedroom is lovely, Arden. It even smells like you,” Amy whispered as she looked around. He continued to brush her hair and every few strokes he ran his fingers through the mass of sparkling hair.

  “Our bedroom, Amy. It is customary to have suites for a duchess, but I expect you to spend little time there. We shall sleep together,” he said with no room for argument. Arden set the hair brush on the arm of the chair and handed her a glass of champagne. He took a glass for himself and held it up in a toast.

  “To us, Amy. May we take care of each other, argue, make-up, enjoy life and love with great passion.” He sipped his champagne and looked at her with a smoldering gaze. Amy sipped her champagne. Then she held up her glass for a toast.

  “May we treat each other as equals, partners in crime…so to speak. May there never be lies between us. May we be friends, as well as lovers,” she said as she held back a smile. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then returned her smile with a seductive one of his own. He held his glass up again.

  “May we have a little girl that looks the image of her beautiful mother.” They both sipped their champagne and then Amy lifted her glass.

  “May our children not be afraid to work as it should not be a sin to do so.” Arden realized he had a rebel on his hands. He studied her for a moment and wondered if she was looking for an argument. Her grin was infectious. He burst into a fit of laughing and she followed.

  “I think my duchess wife will be a handful.”

  “I intend to be, Arden. It will be my pleasure to keep you on your toes.”

  Arden bent over and put his fingers on her chin and tilted her face up. He met her lips for a soft gentle kiss and sent ripples of excitement through Amy. His lips were soft and sensual as they rubbed back and forth gently across hers. He held her face in place with his palm on her cheek as he gazed into her eyes. His eyes were hooded and sensual. She closed her eyes with the intensity of his stare and breathed in the scent that was Arden. She must have moaned, hearing her own voice and yet not recognizing it. He broke away and put his glass down as did she. She was dazed as if she had just awakened from a long night of sleep. She stood up and suddenly felt shy.

  “I don't know what to do, Arden. I am afraid I won't please you,” she whispered under her breath. Arden put his arm around her waist and drew her against his hard body. Amy put her hands on his chest and then stretched them slowly up to lock around his neck. Her fingers threaded through his dark thick hair. It was clean thick and silky and smelled of spices. She looked up into his eyes to see compassion and so much more she didn't understand.

  “Ah, my love. You need not worry. Just be yourself, always. You will never be sorry.” Then he swooped down for a kiss that started gently and then became demanding. His tongue ran along her sealed mouth until she opened it just a fraction. That was all he needed to ravage her mouth. Now he was moaning. She tasted of the champagne. He had no idea she could be so intoxicating. His hands roamed slowly down her arms and then her hips. He finally placed one hand on her bottom and pulled her even closer. His body was rock hard. As his arms locked around her, she suddenly felt safe, like nothing could harm her. He was protective and she was his. He untied the satin ribbon at the neck and allowed the sleeping gown to drop to the floor. Her face gave way to surprise and then she made an effort to cover herself.

  “Don't,” he said softly. “You are so beautiful. I just want to look at you.” Amy put her hand on his chest and felt his heart beat through the silk robe beneath her fingers. She closed the gap between them and stretched her arms around his neck for another kiss. When she tipped her head back to seek his lips, he touched her lips gently caressing her mouth back and forth with his while he lifted her into his arms and walked over to the heavily canopied bed.

  He laid her on the bed, and stood next to the bed thinking how perfect Amy was in every way. He untied his robe and let it drop and joined her naked in the bed. Arden lay next to her and bracing himself up on one elbow, he bent down and leisurely kissed her again. The kiss was gentle and sensitive causing her to open her mouth for his exploration. His hand gently caressed one breast until her nipple became a hard peak. She arched her back and moaned with the sensa
tions thundering through her body. Heat and tension streamed throughout her body to her womb begging for more. Arden licked around her nipple and then suckled it gently, pulling it up with his teeth and lathing it with his tongue. Her breasts were not small as one would expect on a petite woman. They were ample mounds that filled his large hands. His hands ran up and down her body exploring every inch of her silky skin. His mouth followed kissing and touching his tongue down her belly swirling a circle around her belly button. She was soon thrashing back and forth in her quest to have her needs fulfilled.

  “Arden, I fear I shall expire if you don't stop,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I promise you won't expire, my love, he responded as he sent a few gentle kisses down her throat. He wrapped an arm around her holding her close to his chest as he breathed in her scent. “We have all night to make love and learn how our bodies work with each other.”

  But he wanted to go slow and enjoy each moment of their joining. She was an innocent and deserved his patience and care. She was responsive so it was difficult for him to hold back. He had worried that she might be a woman that didn't want passion. She might be a lady that only wants a husband to do his duty, raising her skirts and administering a quick and efficient joining and then go his own way. This would not be acceptable to him. He wanted a relationship, passion and more. Much, much, more. Arden had been patient giving her time to get accustomed to him and some time for building a friendship, respect and maybe at some point an exchange of love. He knew he already had the stirrings of love. How could he not? There was simply nothing to dislike about her and she was endearing to him.

  His hand moved between her legs slowly enjoying the softness of her skin. He laid his palm over her core mound and then when she bucked, he explored her inside stretching her with one and then two fingers. She was wet with her need for him, calling his name and begging him for something that she knew nothing about.


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