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The Virgin's Baby_A Forced Marriage Romance

Page 18

by Michelle Love

  Margo chimed in as she used a deep voice to mimic Aspen’s dearly departed father, “Say, yes, daughter.”

  Aspen and I laughed and then she wiggled her ring finger at me. “Seems he thinks I’ve found Mr. Right too. I would love to marry you, Ransom Whitaker. And the sooner, the better.”

  I couldn’t stop the tears then. As I slid that engagement ring on her finger, I let those tears flow. “You have no idea how much I love you, girl.”

  She threw her arms around me. “You have no idea how much I love you, boy. Now, let’s get on the private jet and make this thing real. It’ll be a pleasure to bring our kids into this world as a married couple. And I do believe Doctor Larson will be thrilled when she comes to visit the babies she helped us create.”

  I had no idea how overwhelmed I would be with her answer. Like a bolt of lightning had just shot through me, I knew my life would never be the same again.

  Chapter Thirty


  Lubbock, Texas – February 12th

  I’d known it for the last three hours. I was in labor. The contractions were thirty minutes apart, but they were steady. Since there were three babies inside of me, the delivery a bit on the dangerous side. Plus, they were a month early, but the doctor told us that was normal in our case.

  The reason I’d kept my mouth shut about the onset of labor was because we were already in the hospital. Lucius had to have some tests done to find out if the cancer had come back.

  None of us wanted to imagine that it had. But Lucius told us that he’d been feeling tired and chilly often. At first, he wouldn’t even go to the doctor about it. He fought us so hard—the stubborn old goat.

  Finally, I’d appealed to the human part of him, telling him that his great-grands wanted to meet him. And they wanted to know him, if only for a little while. If he could see fit to fighting this battle at least one more time for them, I knew they would love him always for doing it.

  After a few days of letting that all sink in, Lucius made an appointment with his doctor. We brought him in for bloodwork, and they told us to return in three days.

  So, we waited outside the lab until they brought us the results.

  Being that Lucius had already been through the whole thing not long before, he knew what was ahead for him. And he wasn’t happy about it.

  A twinge of pain began to radiate around my body, and I tried to take breaths through it without being noticed by Ransom or his grandfather. But Ransom sat next to me holding my hand. His arm rested on one side of my stomach. It must’ve gotten very hard with the contraction. “Do you feel that, baby?”

  “Feel what?” I asked, innocently.

  He put his hand on my huge belly. “Your tummy is as hard as a rock.”

  I put my hand on it too. “Huh, that’s weird. I don’t feel a thing.”

  His blue eyes penetrated mine, and I smiled at him. “We should have the results soon. Then we can go and maybe take a walk. It just might be some weird muscular thingy. I’m huge you know.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” He kissed my lips sweetly. “And I love you.”

  Once Ransom started using the three words he’d avoided like the plague his entire life, he used them all the time. He told both his grandfather and me that he loved us more than we told him.

  My husband has made incredible strides in his character since our wedding day—the same day he’d asked me to marry him. It was something out of a dream. He and I took all my old roomies and his grandad and went to Vegas. He bought them all pretty bridesmaid’s dresses and me a wedding dress. Then he and his best man, his grandfather, rented tuxes, and we all made a great-looking group of people.

  My friends had never felt so pampered. Ransom insisted we make a week-long honeymoon vacation out of it. And he made sure no one paid for a thing but him.

  It was the best wedding present ever. I didn’t even have to ask him to do a thing; Ransom had come up with it all.

  That solid week of together time let me get into the groove of being his wife. Sleeping together was a cinch. Waking up to him was a dream. Bathing together was more than relaxing. Showering together was sinfully sexy.

  I knew our marriage would be one for the storybooks. A real-life fairytale. A really racy fairytale, but still a story that spoke of love beating the odds.

  When a woman came out to us, we all got ready to hear the worst. “Follow me, please.”

  Lucius looked sick. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

  We took either side of him, letting him feel our love as we all went to see the doctor. “Things are going to be okay, Grandad,” Ransom told him as he put his arm around his shoulders. “No matter what, we’ve got your back.”

  He patted Ransom’s hand. “Thanks. I know you do.”

  We all took seats as his doctor read the test results. “Well, Mr. Whitaker you do have a problem here that we need to deal with.”

  “I knew it,” came his depressed reply.

  I put my hand on his knee. “It’s alright. We’ll deal with this with you. You’ll never be alone.”

  “But the babies,” he whimpered. “You’ll both be so busy with them.”

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Hang on there. I should’ve been more clear. You’re still cancer-free, Mr. Whitaker.”

  Lucius’ shoulders stopped slumping as he sat up straight. “I am?”

  The doctor shook his head as he put the papers on top of the desk, fanning them out so we could see them. “Yes, you are. The problem is your testosterone levels. They’re all out of whack.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Lucius asked.

  “It means we need to get you on some testosterone is all,” the doctor said with a smile. “You’re still a very healthy man. You can expect to get to see those babies turn into children before you leave us all behind.”

  Lucius slapped his thigh with excitement. “I can’t believe my luck!”

  Ransom leaned back to look at me and wiggled his fingers at me. I took his hand and couldn’t stop smiling. But then a horrible contraction hit me, and I had to let go as I doubled over.

  Before I knew it, there were three men around me, all with concerned faces. But none more so than my husband’s. “You little sneak. You’re in labor. Don’t even try to deny it.”

  Once the pain eased up, I answered, “Yes, I am in labor. It’s early yet. I wanted to let your grandfather get his news first without worrying about me. And we are in the hospital already, so I knew I was safe at all times.”

  Ransom pulled me up. “You could’ve told me at least.”

  “And have you worry about both him and me?” I threw up my hands. “And the babies too? No way.”

  “The babies are coming today?” Lucius asked.

  “It seems so.” Ransom led me out of the room. “I’m getting her up to the labor department.” He looked at his grandfather’s doctor. “Please get a nurse here to give Grandad whatever he needs? I want him feeling better as soon as possible. We need one more set of loving arms to hold baby Lucius when he’s born.”

  Lucius stopped me as he grabbed my arm. “Does this mean that I get to be in there when the babies are born, little momma?”

  I smiled at him as he’d mentioned he wanted to be there. So my doctor and I came up with a plan. “We’ve made adjustments to the delivery room we’re going to be in. Thanks to all that money you have, we can make miracles happen.”

  Ransom wasn’t letting any time get wasted. “Come on, tell him on the way up, Aspen. I want you in bed with monitors all over you ASAP.”

  Rolling my eyes, I went on, “He’s going to be so bossy throughout this, I just know it. Anyway, Lucius, we’ve set it all up. There’s this clothesline thingy with sheets thrown over it that will separate you from seeing anything yucky. But you’ll still be a real part of things too. And when the babies are born, you will see them at the same time we do.”

  “How much did you pay for a clothesline and sheets?” Lucius asked with a frown.

  Ransom pushed the button on the elevator. “Ten bucks.”

  “All the money in the world and you came up with that idea, Aspen? I tell you what, you’ve got that penny-pinching knack, girl.” Lucius patted my arm as we walked into the elevator.

  Even if I were the heiress to a billion-dollar oil company, I would never forget where I’d been. “It’s just my way.”

  Only a few hours later, there I was with my feet up in stirrups and sweating up a storm as one contraction hit me after another. Ransom was as red in the face as I was as he counted through each one, holding my hand as I squeezed it hard.

  The nurse shook her head as she looked at the chart. “That was a mean one, honey. You sure you don’t want that epidural?”

  Catching my breath, I told her, “I want to feel this whole experience. I missed out on making them the old-fashioned way. I want to experience the old-fashioned way of giving birth to them.”

  I knew no one understood me. Why would they? Not many virgins had ever decided to be impregnated the way I had. Not when they had a perfectly capable man who wanted to have a baby.

  Oddly enough, the wait for Ransom made it even sweeter when I got to have him. He had taken my heart without me even knowing it. The love I had for him crept up on me a little at a time.

  When something comes on slowly, it tends to sink in deeper than if it’s given quickly. Or so I thought anyway.

  The process of having those three babies took nineteen hours. A long time. Time enough for me to let so much settle into my heart, soul, and mind. My love for those kids would only grow, but it was already deep and honest.

  Elijah took the first ride out. Ransom waited right next to me, holding my hand and straining right along with me as I pushed the four-pound boy out into the world.

  His scream was shrill and loud, prompting Lucius to call out, “Oh, boy, he’s gonna be a good one!”

  I fell so deeply in love with that little dark-haired boy as soon as I laid eyes on him. “He looks like his daddy. I love you, Elijah.”

  “Daddy loves you too, son,” Ransom said. “Oh, God. That felt so weird saying that.” Then he beamed with pride. “I’ve got a son!”

  “You’ve got two of them,” I reminded him.

  The contractions eased up for only a few minutes. Then they returned with a vengeance. “Ah! Here we go again. I wonder who’s next in line.”

  Ten short minutes later came our little princess, Arian. “Momma loves you, baby girl,” I called out weakly. The time and pain were getting to me.

  Ransom could see that. He kissed me on the forehead. “Only one more, little momma.”

  I didn’t think I could do it again. It was too much. I had nothing left. “Ransom, I don’t think I can push anymore. I’m worn out.”

  The next thing I knew Lucius popped his head over the sheet that separated us. “Little momma, I know you’re hurting. I know you’re tired. And I know I have no idea what kind of pain and tired you are. But I know this. You’re a fighter. You’re one strong individual. And you can do this. I have faith in you.”

  With the support of my whole family, I gave it one last shot and three minutes later little Lucius was screaming at the top of his lungs. We’d brought our three little embryos all the way home.

  A home I knew we all would make sure stayed happy. We’d found our happy ending, and each one of us would treasure it always and forever.

  The End

  The Virgin’s Baby Extended Epilogue


  Castries, St. Lucia – December 28th, three years later

  The latter part of the day proved to be the best. The sun set in the west without a cloud in the blue sky while Aspen and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary in paradise.

  The water from the infinity pool lapped the area just above her plump tits as she lay back, kicking her feet. The triplets had made her already big boobs even bigger. And I loved every ounce she’d gained.

  I’d gotten out of the pool to retrieve the gift I’d gotten for her. “Time to open the present I got you, Aspen.”

  Eagerly she came out of the pool, holding out her hand. “Oh, I can’t wait. I’ve been eyeing this since you put it out on the top of the dresser this morning.”

  I had to let out a chuckle. “You know how I love to make you wait, baby.”

  “That you do.” She wiggled her fingers, the diamonds on her engagement ring and wedding band sparkling brightly. “Come on now. Let me have it, please.”

  I’d had enough fun, so I handed her the box. “Okay, no more waiting. Here ya go.”

  She pulled away the red wrapping paper, and her eyes lit up as she saw the black rectangular box. “Ah!” she made a little scream. Lifting the lid off, she saw what hid inside. “Oh, Ransom!” She pulled the necklace out, holding it up. “I get the three amethysts, but what do the two diamonds in the middle represent?”

  I had no idea she wouldn’t get that about the pendant I’d had designed especially for her. “The diamonds represent you and I, and the amethysts are our kids, of course.” I moved around behind her then took the necklace out of her hands to put it around her neck. “Our family in a nutshell.”

  “This is so sweet of you, Ransom. I do love it,” she gushed.

  After securing the necklace, I ran my hands down her arms then turned her around to look at me. Fingering the trinket, I couldn’t help but smile. “It looks beautiful on you, just the way I knew it would.”

  Leaning in close, she pursed her lips, and I took them without hesitation. In the last three years, our love had soared in a way I never knew possible. To say I’d fallen head over heels for Aspen just wasn’t deep enough.

  That woman felt just as much a part of me as my own body. The goosebumps that rose on her flesh told me her insides were melting with our kiss. But then she pulled her mouth away, looking at me with stars in her golden-brown eyes.

  “I’ve got something for you too. But I’d like to go inside to give it to you.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” I let her take my hand to lead me to wherever she wanted.

  The truth was that I didn’t care if she’d bought me a gift or not. I had everything I’d ever wanted. I didn’t see how she could top what she’d already given me: a beautiful life, full of love and happiness.

  When you added in the extra great fortune that Grandad was still going strong, well, things couldn’t have been any better. Or so I thought.

  Aspen only had a bikini on. As soon as we stepped into the overwater bungalow, she reached back with one hand to untie the top. It fell to the floor as she kept walking. Pulling the string to untie one side of the bottoms, she let them slip off too.

  My cock was taking in everything, growing with the enticement. But I’d yet to shuck my trunks. I wanted Aspen to do to me whatever she wanted to. Maybe that would mean undressing me. I didn’t want to spoil a thing she had in mind.

  Stopping at the side of the bed, Aspen reached underneath the pillow, pulling out a light blue envelope. “Here’s the present I’m giving you, Ransom.”

  With no clue as to what she was doing, I opened the envelope to find a card inside. An anniversary card that had something inside of it. “A gift card to Mother’s to Be Boutique?” I asked.

  I knew Aspen wasn’t pregnant. She’d been drinking wine and tropical mixed drinks since our arrival. So what could this be about?

  “Yes.” She smiled at me then winked. “Read the inside of the card, babe.”

  I did as she’d said to, looking at what she’d written inside and reading out loud, “You’ve given me three years of blissful marriage. In return, I would like to give you another baby.” I had to blink a few times as that crept into my brain. Then I looked at her. “Another baby? You want to have another one?”

  She nodded as she bit her lower lip. “I do want another one. And this time I want to make it the old-fashioned way.”

  “But what about the triplets?” I had to ask. “They’re a handful.”

Our kids were great. I loved each one of the little rugrats. But they were forces to be reckoned with. Not one of them was quiet or reserved. All three were rambunctious and loud as all get out.

  “Next year they’ll all be in pre-k,” she reminded me. “And we’ll be home alone.”

  “I thought you wanted to get back to finishing college.” She hadn’t spoken about it a lot, but that had been the idea before the triplets had arrived.

  “It’s only one semester, Ransom. I can do it while I’m pregnant. Plus, I can do most of the classes online now.” She ran her hands over her voluptuous body. “I can’t really understand it, babe. I’m just aching to be filled with your baby again.”

  “Aching?” I asked, bewildered that anyone could actually feel that way.

  With a nod, she whispered, “Desperately aching, Ransom. Come on, babe. Let’s have a baby the way God intended. This go-round things will be very different. In a good way.”

  I had to admit that my inner-male was more than flattered that my wife wanted desperately to have my baby again. And this time we would do it as a married couple, not a sperm donor and segregate mother.


  On the night of our third wedding anniversary, my husband and I began the effort of getting pregnant. We’d made love tons of times but never like this.

  Ransom’s blue eyes pierced me as he gazed at me. His hand moved to cup my face. “I would be honored to father another child with you, my love.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, I pushed his swimming trunks down to free the erection they’d hidden from me. “Good. I’m glad you want to do this too.”

  “I didn’t even know I wanted it until you asked.” His hand moved to caress my cheek. “But now that you have, I desperately want to see you pregnant with my baby.” His lips took mine with a gentle kiss.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I moved to make my body flush with his. There’d never been a better feeling than when we were skin to skin. As if the world melted away; all I thought of was him.


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