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The Virgin's Baby_A Forced Marriage Romance

Page 19

by Michelle Love

  Without me being much aware of it, he quickly had me on my back on the bed. His knee pushed my legs apart then he settled between them. Not forcing his erection into me yet, he teased me, rubbing it back and forth on my sex.

  His hair felt silky as my fingers ran through it. The kiss, still soft and tantalizing, began to grow more passionate. As if he’d grown hungry for me, he kissed me harder, demanding more from me.

  The heat that surged through my body had me arching up to him, wanting to feel his swollen cock deep inside. I wanted to feel him stretching me to fit him, slamming against me, relentlessly.

  But he wasn’t about to give me what I wanted yet. True to his nature, Ransom made me wait.

  I suppose I could’ve gotten angry with him. The man had a knack for making me wait. But when he finally let me have what I wanted, it always felt that much sweeter.

  He’d taught me to have more patience than I knew possible. And that helped me with our triplets too. They could be little pains in the butt at times, demanding our attention. Thanks to Ransom teaching me patience, I rarely got upset about it.

  The man had turned my life into a fairytale. Once as poor as a church mouse, I now belonged to the prestigious Whitaker family. The wife of the vice-president of Whitaker Oil made me one proud lady.

  Shortly after getting married, Ransom had asked his grandfather to let him work for the oil company he’d founded. Lucius, being delighted that his grandson had finally shown interest in the legacy he’d built from the ground up, jumped at the chance.

  In no time at all, Ransom had risen to the top, taking the position just under his grandfather’s. And one day he would take the president’s spot at the profitable oil company.

  I’d wanted nothing more than to raise our children. All thoughts of a career in the oil industry were all but gone for me. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I did truly want to finish my master’s degree. If nothing else, I could move into a career after the kids were older, and I would have that degree to show everyone that I wasn’t merely a spoiled Whitaker who got whatever she wanted. I did want to be respected by those I worked with after all.

  It hadn’t been easy for Ransom to earn the respect of the people he worked with. He had to prove himself worthy of that. And he’d done so very well.

  The man had grown so much since the first time we’d met. I couldn’t have been prouder of him. I felt pride in all of it: his career and devotion to the oil company, our marriage and his commitment to me, as well as a father to our three little monsters as he affectionately called them.

  And I wanted to add at least one more to our little herd of monsters.

  Gasping as he finally ended his teasing, pushing his fat cock into me, I moaned with relief as his mouth left mine to graze the side of my neck, “Ransom.”

  “You want to have my baby?” he whispered.

  Moving my body with his like the waves on the ocean just beneath us, I answered, “Yes. I want to have your baby, Ransom. Please, give me what I’m craving.”

  “My hot seed?” he asked with a sexy laugh.

  “Oh, yeah,” I moaned as he moved at a slow pace. “All of it.”

  Moving a little faster, he nipped my neck playfully. “I’m gonna fill you up, little momma.”

  “Do it,” I whimpered as he began moving faster, pounding me. “Fill me up, babe.”

  Moving his hands down my arms, he took my hands then brought them up, holding them down on the bed as he lifted the top half of his body up off me. Lust filled his eyes as he stared into mine. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  I could barely breathe as he moved his body in ways that had me not thinking clearly, but I told him what I inherently knew he wanted to hear, “I love you. I want you. I want to have your baby, Ransom Whitaker.”

  His lips pulled up into a crooked smile. “Yeah, you do.” He pushed harder and harder.

  The wave began inside of me, and I arched up to him as I wrapped my legs around him. My vagina clutched all around his massive cock as I came all over it. “Ransom!”

  He moved faster and faster as he looked at me. “Keep your eyes on mine, baby. I want to see into your soul when I burst into you.”

  Holding his shoulders to steady myself, I kept my eyes open until he let out a yell that would’ve woken the dead. Heat filled me up, and I just knew that this was it. He and I were pregnant.


  Lubbock, Texas – February 12th

  The triplets fourth birthday party was in full swing. Other little kids ran all over the place while their parents sat back, letting the bevy of nannies handle their offspring.

  Aspen and I seemed to be the only parents in the wealthy set of our friends to not have a nanny raising our children. She chased after Elijah, I held Arian’s hand while she walked on a balance beam, and Grandad tossed a softball to his namesake, Lucius. The theme of the birthday party was an odd one since the kids had such mixed interests. All About Sports was the thing the kids had come up with when we asked them what kind of party they wanted this year.

  Arian had been in tumbling and gymnastics for the last year. She thought herself a pro already. Lucius wanted to be a famous baseball player. And Elijah wanted to be the fastest runner in the entire world. He even went to so far as to give himself the nickname, Flash.

  The other kids at the birthday extravaganza had fun jumping in the bouncy house and running amok in the indoor play area that we’d rented for the day.

  On one side there were trampolines, and Arian eyed them. “Do you think we can do the tramps next, Daddy?”

  I had to admit that after an hour of letting her do whatever she wanted, I was getting tired. But I would never admit that to her. Not on her birthday anyway. “Sure, honey. Let’s go.”

  Meeting Aspen at the edge of the trampolines, I gave her a stern look as she started to walk onto them. She caught me and smiled. “What?”

  “You’re not getting on those things.” I let our daughter lead me onto the bouncy surface. “I’ll jump with the little monsters. You sit this one out.”

  Grandad followed Lucius, letting him come jump with the other kids and me. “Take this guy too. He wants to jump.” He took Aspen by the hand. “Come on, little momma, let’s get a drink and some birthday cake while big daddy handles the rug-rats.”

  Aspen and I had made a pact early on in the baby-making thing. I’d started asking her right away if she was preggo yet, and she’d gotten tired of that really quickly. She told me that she wasn’t going to say a word to me about anything until three months had passed.

  And the last couple months had been remarkable.

  Sex every night, every morning, and sometimes even in the middle of the night. I’d never been more relaxed, and I told her we should just keep things up the way we’d been doing even once she got pregnant.

  Of course, she only laughed at me, thinking I was kidding.

  I wasn’t kidding though. I really had never felt better in my life. And I didn’t want that to end. I knew it would have to once the new baby came. But only for about six weeks, then we could get right back to insanely great sex again.

  Watching my grandfather with my wife never failed to make my heart beat a little bit faster. She brought out a part of him that I’d never seen. And our kids brought even more things out of him that I’d never seen.

  The man was a fool over them all. We hadn’t told him a thing about trying for another baby. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when we told him there would soon be a new baby for him to spoil rotten.

  Things had gone just the way I’d hoped they would with him. He’d gotten better and better with each passing day once the babies were born. Grandad even moved to our wing when they were infants to help rock them when they were fussy.

  I had to admit that he’d been such a help with the babies. Without him, we would’ve had to hire a nanny to help us. Those babies weren’t easy.

  Maybe it was because we’d been first-time parents. Perhaps it was beca
use there were three of them. None of us were sure, but we knew they were a handful and then some.

  It was kind of strange to me that Aspen wanted to do that again. But then I figured she must think we would only have one little bundle of joy this time around.

  I thought the same thing myself. But there was a niggling worry about there being more than one of them again. That had been one rough year with those three preemies.

  And here we were, about to do it all over again.

  “Dad, I did a flip, and you weren’t watching me!” Lucius shouted.

  I turned to look at him. “Do it again.”

  Elijah yelled, “Dad, look!”

  Turning around, I caught the tail-end of his super high jump. “Wow! That’s really high, Elijah.”

  “Daddy,” Arian wailed. “I bit my tongue!”

  Turning to see my little girl, I found blood running out of her mouth. “Oh, shit!”

  “Um, Dad!” both the boys scolded me.

  Stopping all the jumping, I picked up Arian and carried her away as she started to cry and bleed all over my shoulder. “Come on boys. Jumping time is over.”

  “Aw, man,” they both moaned.

  Lucius whined, “Why does she always have to get hurt and ruin all our fun?”

  Arian looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I do always ruin all the fun.”

  “No, you don’t.” I gave my sons a look to let them know that wasn’t okay. “She didn’t get hurt to mess up your day, boys. I think you should apologize to your sister.”

  “Sorry you got hurt, Arian,” Elijah said quietly.

  “Yeah, me too,” Lucius echoed.

  All I could do was sigh and wonder why it was again that Aspen and I were actively trying to have one more child.


  The triplets’ birthday party had drained me. Soaking in a hot bath, I let myself just breathe as Lucius and Ransom read the kids bedtime stories.

  Chalking up my exhaustion to all the sex Ransom and I had been having, I didn’t worry too much about why I felt so drained. After all, my husband and I had been doing the horizontal mambo like rabbits for the last forty-six days.

  My plan was to give it ten more days then take a pregnancy test. My period had been a no-show, but that wasn’t enough for me to consider myself pregnant.

  The birth control pills I’d been on ever since the birth of the triplets made my period scarce over the last years. I’d only quit taking the pills on our third anniversary after Ransom agreed to have another baby.

  I didn’t dare let myself think about being pregnant anymore after that first night of trying.

  I’d really set myself up for a fall when I’d thought about that one time doing the trick. It wouldn’t help at all if I got discouraged when I took the first pregnancy test and it came out negative.

  Why I yearned so much to be pregnant seemed a little weird to me. Especially after the birthday party. Not much longer after Arian bit her tongue, Elijah fell down and scraped his knees. As if two down weren’t enough, Lucius began throwing up. We figured he’d just eaten too much cake, and all the activity had made it come back up.

  We’d been wrong we found out when all three of the kids began puking in the car on the ride back home. The pediatrician came by after we’d gotten home and told us a nasty virus was going around, and the kids had gotten it somehow.

  At least he’d told us that it only lasted about twelve hours, and then they would start to feel better.

  That was precisely why I took the long, hot bath. I knew there would be a long night ahead of us, and I needed to replenish my body and soul for that.

  A soft knock came to the door and then Ransom stepped inside. “They’re all out. I do believe it’s from a combination of being worn out from all the activity and the virus.”

  “I’m glad they’re all resting.” I felt a little nausea making my belly bubble. “I hope I don’t have what they do. My stomach just started hurting.”

  Looking a little put out, Ransom ran his hand over his face. “Shit.”

  And with his one word, I burst into tears. “Sorry for messing up your night, Ransom Whitaker!”

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered as he got on his knees by the bathtub. “I didn’t mean it like that.” His hands ran over my head to try to comfort me. “You shouldn’t cry over this. I really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, hon.”

  “I know,” I whimpered. Then a full-on wave of nausea hit me, and I leaped up out of the tub and to the toilet.

  “Oh, shit!” Ransom shouted as he got up to get out of my way. Holding my hair back for me, he was a real trooper as I barfed my guts out. “Looks like you’ve got the virus too. God, I hope I don’t get it.”

  My head felt terrible, my body ached, and I knew I was done for. Gasping for air, I cried, “Why me?”

  Ransom got a towel, wrapped me up in it, and picked me up to carry me to bed. “I’ll take good care of you, little momma. Don’t you worry about a thing.” Tucking me into bed, he kissed my forehead. “No nooky tonight.”

  I couldn’t recall ever feeling so badly so dang quickly. “No, no nooky, babe.”

  It was crazy how quickly I’d fallen asleep. My dreams were out of this world too. Monkeys were everywhere, then the kids and I were all running, screaming as they chased us. Somewhere in there, a lion roared, scaring us nearly to death.

  The room was dark when I woke up. And Ransom wasn’t in bed. I got up and found my robe then went to see what he was up to. I heard his voice before I opened the bedroom door.

  “She’s sick too. This is reminding me of how hard it was to take care of the triplets when we brought them home.”

  I leaned my forehead on the door, knowing that my husband was second-guessing the new baby I wanted. And maybe he was right to be doing that.

  Life was chaotic once we brought the premature babies home. Thankfully, his grandfather was well enough to help with them. If we hadn’t had him, we would’ve been forced to hire a nanny.

  I’d been weak back then, too, and not much help at first. Ransom had to pick the babies up when they woke up and bring them to me for me to feed them.

  All the plans of breastfeeding went out the window after only three weeks of trying to get them all fed properly. It just wasn’t happening the way we’d planned.

  And now I felt like maybe we’d jumped the gun with this fourth baby thing. Here I was, sick, and so were the kids. What had I been thinking that we could add on another baby?

  Just as that went through my head, my stomach lurched, and I had to run to the bathroom. I’d thought my stomach had to have been empty after the last session of puking. I’d been wrong.

  If I got pregnant, then throwing up would become a thing that happened to me a lot. I’d forgotten how horrible that really was.

  Nope, I did not want to have a baby any longer. I vowed to tell Ransom as soon as I saw him.


  Lubbock, Texas – September 20th

  Lightning crackled through the sky as we rode to the hospital. Grandad had stayed behind to watch the other three kids. He’d told us that he didn’t need to be around for this birth since the kids needed watching.

  Aspen had decided that she wasn’t ready to have another baby yet. But she was too late. When we went to the doctor after Aspen didn’t get over the virus, but the kids did, we found out that she was pregnant. A few months later we found out that we’d most likely gotten pregnant in late December.

  When labor started up on September the twentieth, Aspen looked it up and started laughing. “I was right!”

  I had no idea what she was talking about. “About what?”

  She ran her hand over her swollen tummy that housed identical twin girls. “About that first time we had sex to get pregnant. I’d thought to myself that we were pregnant then. I’d been right. The calculations show that if we had gotten pregnant on the date of our anniversary, December twenty-eighth, then today would be the due date. An
d here we are, in full labor.”

  “And you went and second-guessed having these little twin angels only a little over a month later. I hope they don’t hold that against you, baby.” I had to laugh as we pulled up to the hospital. “That rain is about to start falling. Should I run in and get a wheelchair, or can you make it?”

  She got out of the car without answering me. “Come on, Ransom. I don’t think we’ve got a lot of time.”

  “Baby, all we had was time with the triplets,” I reminded her as I went around the car to put my arm around her to help her inside.

  “This time it’s going to be different. I can tell.” She leaned against me as we had to stop while a contraction hit her. “Ow!”

  Before we could get moving again, the rain began to fall in sheets. “Shit!” I hurried her along even though the contraction hadn’t subsided.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she moaned as she waddled toward the door.

  Once we stepped through the sliding doors, they closed behind us. Another crash of thunder immediately followed lightning, and the electricity went out.

  We stood there, frozen. “What the hell?” I shouted. “Well ain’t that some shit?”

  “I cannot believe this,” Aspen moaned.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” I hurried to get a wheelchair and helped her sit down in it. “Come on, we’ll go up to labor and delivery.”

  There were people everywhere. No one knew what to do. Not even the staff. Chaos ensued. Thankfully our everyday lives were chaotic with the kids. I headed to the same place we’d had the triplets.

  As we got to the bank of elevators, I suddenly realized that we had to get up three flights of stairs since there wasn’t any electricity to take us up any other way. Aspen realized it too.

  “Oh, Lord. I’ve gotta get my big body up all those stairs.”

  I had to be her hero. “Not to worry, baby.” I wheeled her all the way to the stairwell. “Come on, little momma.” I helped her get up, then I picked her up, bridal style. “Hang on; I’ll get you to where you need to go.”


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