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Acting Naughty Book 1 of the Action! Series

Page 21

by GA Hauser


  Carl was not getting used to these scenes, nor did he like them. It felt personal now. Like a room full of voyeurs invading Keith and his private life. And being naked on television? It was a nightmare. He was not an exhibitionist, quite the opposite. He knew once these new episodes aired, he’d get so much flack from his friends and family he’d never hear the end of it.

  His robe wrapped around him tightly, he and Keith walked barefoot back to the set and the large group behind the scenes who had the pleasure of witnessing it.

  As he stood next to Keith he could hear his heavy breathing. He knew Keith’s nerves had kicked in as well.

  “Okay, boys, listen up,” Charlotte began, “Just forget about the cameras and relax.”

  Carl choked in a laugh.

  “All right, Mr. Bronson, I know,” she chided. “But I want you two to get swept away this time. Imagine you’re really in love and the passion is scorching.”

  Carl’s stomach fluttered. That’s easy enough. Just let us be in a room alone!

  “Don’t worry if it gets awkward, just get back into it. I won’t break the action since this is going to be ten second clips spliced into one two minute scene. So all you have to do is enough playing around for a two minute shoot. How hard is that?”

  Neither man answered. Carl felt as if she was nuts. How hard is it to roll around naked with another man with four cameras shooting up your ass? Oh, easy-peezy!

  “Make it hot. Make it memorable. The preview audience of women is salivating over the two of you. You are the couple making the biggest sensation. I want you to know that everyone is cheering for you to stay together and be a permanent pair.”

  “I hope so,” Keith laughed. “I need the work.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, cutie,” Charlotte replied, winking. “Okay. Take a minute to focus and get in character.”

  Carl put his hand on Keith’s shoulder and led him to the stage with the bed. “You ready, Keith?”

  “I suppose.” Keith released a long exhale.

  Carl untied his robe and as it draped open, he closed his eyes and began imagining he was Troy Wright once more. They had very few lines, but were supposed to grunt and moan like they were animals. The lights dimmed and a reddish glow illuminated the bed.

  Slowly Carl allowed the robe to drop off and walked past the cameras to the bed waiting for Keith. Forcing his vision to only see Keith, Carl reclined on it, watching him.

  After a moment, Keith dropped the robe and joined him. The second Keith did, lying beside him, Carl heard the cameras click on and whir quietly.

  Another moment past before they did anything. Carl touched Keith’s face gently. All the dialogue was during their sex act. He closed his eyes and drew Keith into a kiss.

  It was so natural, it was almost enough to forget they were being filmed.

  He felt Keith shaking slightly from nerves. Wanting to get this over with, Carl decided it was up to him to move them to the level Charlotte craved. And the directions on the script did not indicate quiet passion. She wanted wild heat.

  While Keith was connected to his lips, Carl grabbed his shoulders and shoved him back, climbing over him. It seemed to flick the switch inside Keith because he wrapped his legs around Carl’s hips. Carl managed to get to his knees with Keith attached to him and thrust against him, hoping something they did resembled fucking. He was still very nervous and his body was not erect.

  Keith drew back from their kiss to catch his breath, digging his hands through Carl’s hair. Carl began kissing and licking Keith’s chest. Keith arched his back, detaching from where he was, dropping down to the mattress with his knees bent and his legs spread wide.

  With Keith’s fingers massaging his scalp, Carl licked his way downward. As he crossed over Keith’s belly button, he realized Keith had a hard-on and if Carl moved any lower he’d have it in his mouth. Trying to think as he went, Carl pressed Keith’s legs back, making his cock protrude from his body, and attempted to simulate sucking him. It had to look that way from behind.

  When the head of Keith’s cock brushed his chin, Carl tried not to panic that someone would notice and judge him.

  Faking an orgasm, Keith threw his head back and moaned loudly. The sound made Carl’s skin rise with goose bumps and his dick throb.

  Once Keith’s moans subsided, Carl grabbed his torso and rolled him over. “Get on your knees,” Carl hissed silently.

  Instantly Keith did, allowing his ass to stick up in the air. No modesty. It was torture.

  Carl knelt up, the sweat dripping down his face from his anxiety. He held Keith’s hips and rocked against him, his semi-hard cock stroking under Keith’s balls.

  Dialogue. Dialogue while fornicating.

  Carl struggled to remember it. “That’s it, baby! You know just how to satisfy your man!”

  “Augh!” Keith pretended to be in ecstasy. “Yes! Yes! Harder!”

  “No one will tell us we can’t be together! No one. You hear me?” Carl slapped Keith’s rump. He had no idea why he did it.

  “Ah! Yes!”

  Now Carl was fully erect. “That’s it, babe!”

  “Troy! Oh! Troy!”

  “Dennis! Dennis! Ah!” Carl thrust his hips forward and made his face a mask of pleasure.

  After the pretend climax, Carl dropped down on Keith’s back, in turn, Keith fell onto the mattress heavily. Carl wrapped around him, kissing his sweaty neck and cheek. “I love you. I love you, Dennis.”

  “I love you too, Troy. With all my heart.”

  Carl didn’t know what more they could do. They faked sucking, fucking, and said all their lines. Where was the ‘cut!’?

  Hissing into Keith’s ear, “Shit!” he rolled over and allowed Keith to face him.

  Keith pushed Carl’s damp hair back from his forehead and kissed him again.

  That kiss sent Carl reeling. He wrapped around Keith and sealed him against his body.

  Finally he heard. “Cut! Brilliant. Hang on a minute.”

  Carl sat back from Keith and caught his breath. The woman with the sheet rushed in to shield them. Sitting up, wiping the sweat off his face, Carl waited for the okay. It had to be okay. He didn’t want to do this again. It was agony.

  “That’s fine, boys. Thank you.”

  Exhaling with relief, Carl reached for his robe as Keith did the same. Wrapping it around him, Carl left the set quickly, feeling queasy to have done that in front of so many people.

  Once he was in the wardrobe area, he dropped the robe and slipped on his briefs and jeans.

  Keith was right behind him. “Christ! That sucked!”

  Agreeing completely Carl shook his head. “I really feel pushed to my limit, Keith.”

  “Me too. Believe me.”

  “I feel like we’re the new sideshow attraction.” Carl looked at Keith as he buttoned his shirt. Keith was zipping his jeans.

  “How many scenes like that are we expected to do?” Keith wrestled his T-shirt over his head and tucked it in.

  “Who the hell knows?” Carl sat down to put his shoes and socks on.

  Melvin interrupted their conversation. “Sex sells, guys.”

  Trying to calm down, Carl met Melvin’s sympathetic gaze. “I realize that, but when does it turn away from sweet romance and into smut?”

  “Okay,” Mel replied, “I’ll rephrase it. Smut sells.”

  “Please tell me this isn’t going to be a regular occurrence,” Keith whined.

  Melvin shrugged.

  After he was dressed, Carl needed to splash his face. He left the room and pushed back the door to the restroom. Leaning over a sink, he rinsed his hands with cool water and washed his burning cheeks and neck. Looking at his reflection he hissed, “You’re a fucking porn star, Carl. How do you like it?”


  Keith knew Carl was very upset. As he poured himself a soft drink, Keith wondered if it was worse now that they were lovers. It certainly felt like an invasion of their privacy, much mo
re than it did before they were a couple. It was terribly awkward to have their contact filmed.

  Sipping his soda, Keith caught a glimpse of Cheryl and Omar’s heavy petting. Was this soft porn or was this drama? Keith was beginning to think the lines were being blurred.

  Catching movement out of the corner of his eye, Keith found Carl opening a bottle of water to chug. Closing the gap between them, he whispered, “You okay?”

  “No. But I’ll live.”

  “She has to keep those scenes limited, Carl. I’ve watched cable dramas for years and none of them have hot sex scenes weekly.”

  “Who the fuck knows what she’ll do.” Carl drank more water.

  “Are you going to say something?” Keith became nervous about jeopardizing their roles.

  “No. What can I say? I don’t want to be written out of the fucking show.”

  “Exactly. I’m glad you said that.”

  “But I don’t have to like it.”

  As Carl’s lip snarled in distaste, Keith felt like touching him to comfort him. But he knew he couldn’t.

  “My father will have a coronary when this episode airs.”

  “Oh?” Carl stepped closer so they could speak quietly.

  “Yes. I got into an argument with him over lunch.”

  “Why didn’t you mention it before?”

  Keith shrugged.

  “About you playing a gay part?”

  “Yes. I told him I liked touching you.”

  Carl choked in shock.

  “Shh.” Keith gestured that they move further away from the set.

  When they were near the restroom, Carl asked, “What did you do that for?”

  “He made some inflammatory remarks about gay men. I felt justified.”

  “Does he think you’re gay now?”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

  “Oh? Outted yourself to your parents?”

  “Not exactly. I just let him know his homophobia was not appreciated.”

  “Good for you.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want to come out in public, Carl.”

  “I know the difference, Keith.”

  “I placed an ad for a new roommate for Patty.”

  “And? Where are you going to live?”

  “I’ve been looking in your neighborhood for a studio.”

  “There aren’t many in that area, babe.”

  “I know.”

  “You…you want to move in?”

  “What?” Keith did. So badly he could cry. “How can we manage that without getting caught?”

  “Just because we’re roommates…”

  Keith cut him off. “Sure, Carl, sure.”

  “The offer’s out there. Your decision.”

  “Don’t do that! I want to! Are you kidding me?” Keith lowered his voice. “I was hoping you would ask me.”

  “Move in. We can say while we’re working together it’s economical and better on the environment. Green. Use the word green and carpool and you’ll get away with anything these days.”

  “True. You know. There is some truth in that.”

  “Who are we kidding?” Carl’s eyes sparkled as he smiled.

  “Ourselves?” Keith laughed.

  “Move in anyway.” Carl touched Keith’s cheek.

  “Yes. What the hell.”

  “God! I want to kiss you.”

  “Shh. Let’s see how poor Omar and Cheryl are doing.”

  They walked back to the set to find the other couple had finished their love scene. Keith knew they had one more scene, dialogue only, to do before they received the new episode and could leave.

  Charlotte called Keith over.

  “Uh oh.” Keith hissed, “What did I do now?”

  “Bad boy.” Carl laughed.

  Putting on a brave smile, Keith approached Charlotte. “Yes?”

  “I heard through the grapevine you have a spot on Oprah.”

  “I do.”

  “What are you going to tell her if she asks about your personal life?”

  “What do you want me to tell her?”

  Charlotte laughed heartily. “I want you to tell her you and Carl are real lovers!”

  “No. What else do you want me to tell her?”

  “At least don’t say you’re perfectly straight.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’ll ruin the mystique. Your fans assume you and Carl are gay.”

  “Come on, Charlotte.” Keith tried to laugh it off.

  “I’m telling you, a big part of your popularity relies on appearances. It’s like the straight heartthrobs denying they’re married so their fans can fantasize they have the potential of dating them. Same thing.”

  “I will not come out on a talk show. Forget it.”

  “Then make it ambiguous. Just play the vague card.”

  Remembering Adam’s warning, Keith replied, “I realize the ratings will improve for this show, but I’ll be shunned after it ends. I won’t do it, Charlotte. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, the decision is yours. Just don’t make it like you’re revolted.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “You ready for your dialogue with Omar?”

  “Yes.” Keith looked back at Carl and shook his head at him in frustration. He mouthed, “Talk show appearance.”


  Carl could imagine that conversation. He’d had the same one before his guest appearance. If Charlotte thought either of them would be her sacrificial lamb, she was mistaken. Hit shows were temporary and fickle. They had to keep their long-term careers in mind.

  But at least Keith was moving in. Imaging Keith with him every day, Carl felt his body light on fire. Keith in his bed all night? Every night? It couldn’t get better than that. Yes, it was a risk, but they were co-stars, they could claim all sorts of reasons it made it economical for them to reside together at the moment. After the show ended, they’d see what they would do. Most likely they’d be yesterday’s news.

  It wasn’t that common for men to be outted against their will in Hollywood. The press did keep some sense of propriety. The rags hinted, the gossip alleged, but no one was out and out sent to the stake and burned.

  The important thing was that Keith would be with him. That was all that mattered.

  Chapter Fourteen

  His mobile phone rang just as he was getting out of his car. “Hello?” Keith answered it.

  “Yes, I’m calling about the ad in the paper for a roommate?”

  “Oh. Great. Yes, it’s still available. Do you want to come by and see it?” Keith pocketed his keys and carried his script with him to the lobby.

  “Yes. I would. How much is it?”

  “It’s half the rent, four hundred a month plus utilities.”

  “Okay. When can I come over?”

  “How about now?” Keith checked the mailbox.

  “Good. See you in a few minutes.”

  “Oh, what’s your name?” Keith asked before she hung up.


  “Okay, Karen.” He disconnected the line and climbed the stairs. Good. At least I can move out now without a guilty conscience.

  Waiting to eat something for dinner until after Karen had come and gone, Keith paced nervously, reading the script while he did. When the door buzzer sounded, he jumped in response and hurried to react. After pushing the button to unlock the door, Keith opened his front door and kept reading the script while he did.

  A young brunette appeared from the stairwell.

  “Hi.” Keith lowered the script and smiled at her.

  “Hey! You’re Keith O’Leary!”

  He was stunned to be recognized. “I am. Come on in, Karen.” Following her inside, Keith tossed the script on the kitchen table.

  “I love you in Forever Young. I’m so glad they brought in a gay character.”

  Keith instantly blushed at the comment. “Yes, well…have a look around. The woman who lives here, Patty, works most weekends and evenings waitressing.”r />
  “Struggling actress?” Karen surmised.


  “Me too. We’ll have a lot in common. Are you leaving because you got the part?”

  “I suppose.” Keith gestured to the second bedroom. “This will be yours. And it has its own private bathroom as well.”

  “Are you moving in with Troy? I mean, Carl Bronson?”

  His body went cold. “No. Why would I be doing that?”

  “Oh. I read in the Inspirer that you two were real lovers.”

  Imagining the article she was referring to was the one Carl had shown him, which only implicated them, Keith shook his head. Deny, deny, deny.

  “No. That’s just what people want to think. Both Carl and I are straight.”


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