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Embracing Fate

Page 5

by C. C. Dado

  Seth waited until Zeus followed Max out.

  “Yes, Alpha,” Seth said respectfully.

  “Does he know you’re a shifter?”

  “No. I truly am sorry. I couldn’t get up the courage to go talk to him. I thought maybe if I shifted and he didn’t know it was me, I could just be around him. That’s all I wanted,” Seth admitted.

  “That was a bad plan, Seth.”

  “I know,” Seth acknowledged. At first he’d thought it was perfect, until he realized the only bonding was between his wolf and his mate. His plan definitely wasn’t as great as he’d originally thought.

  “You need a new plan.”

  “I know.”

  “But I don’t want you telling him that you’re a shifter until you’re absolutely positive that he will not tell anyone about us. He’s a good man or I wouldn’t have allowed him here, but I have no experience around a human mating bond. If he doesn’t feel what you feel, he could destroy everything—the town, the pack, all of it.”

  “I know,” Seth rushed to assure him. “Umm, we paid for two more sessions.” The look on Christian’s face did not bode well for his response. “I just meant it would let me get to know him a little more, so I could be more sure if I could trust him,” Seth backtracked. Despite realizing the dangers he had put his pack in, a part of him struggled not to let go of his connection to Jack through the training.

  Christian contemplated Seth from across the table before responding. “One more private session at his house, Seth, and it’s over.” He got up and headed toward the door.

  “Alpha?” Seth said, stopping him from leaving. Seth took a calming breath. “There’s something else.”

  Christian turned back, concern obvious on his face, waiting for Seth to continue.

  “I don’t understand the way I’m acting.”

  “What do you mean?” Christian asked.

  “I can’t seem to control myself.” Seth was seriously concerned, after the incident at the park, that maybe he was starting to go feral. He felt like he was going crazy.

  Again, Christian patiently waited for Seth to continue.

  “I almost attacked Ms. Jameson today when I was out walking with Jack.”

  “Why? What was she doing?”

  “She was talking with him and touching him.”

  Christian walked back to the chair and sat down across from Seth. “You know, I’m ashamed to admit, as your alpha, that there were times I had to stop myself from attacking you.”

  Seth’s eyes bulged at the thought of his own alpha attacking him.

  Christian smiled warmly at his reaction before explaining, “You were another wolf that always smelled like my mate. Your two scents were practically one, you’re so close.”

  “B-b-but… we never….” Seth tried to interrupt to assure him that he would never be with Max.

  “It’s okay, Seth. I know you and Max have always just been friends. Your bond is stronger than most friendships, though. You were the closest thing to a real family Max had, I know that. But that’s the thing. My wolf is not as rational when it comes to Max. Our nature as wolves is instinctual, especially during our mating phase. We’re aggressive and territorial. What’s happening to you is natural, Seth, but I can see how you, more than anyone, would struggle with this, since your human side is nonaggressive to begin with. I can see how hard the conflict must be for you. Don’t let it scare you. You can control your wolf.”

  “Thank you, Alpha.” Seth felt legitimately better after hearing those words.

  “You’re welcome, Seth. I better go find my mate now, and make amends.” Christian got up and made his way to the door.

  Seth went to bed that night thinking about the man sleeping in the house next door. The emotions from the day swirled inside him. If he were still living with his parents in the commune, he would have shifted and gone for a run. He almost got up to do some baking to calm his nerves but instead drifted off thinking up a new savory treat for the bakery.

  Chapter 8: Tasting the Sweets

  THE NEXT morning Seth was taking the last batch of individual turkey cranberry crumb cakes out of the oven when he heard Jack’s voice out front, causing him to almost drop the tray.

  Mine…. His wolf reacted instantly. Seth stopped and took a deep, calming breath, reminding himself of what Christian had said. This was natural. He could control his wolf.

  The bakery had been swamped all morning, and adding a new item to the menu at the last minute wasn’t the best idea ever, but he couldn’t help himself. He was sure he was a powdery mess, but this was his chance to get to know Jack better as Seth. He composed himself and pushed the swinging half doors open.

  Jack was standing at the counter talking with Max. He looked so good. Thankfully the morning rush seemed to be over, the tourists moving on to shopping and playing with the bunnies that inhabited their cute little town.

  “Hey, neighbor,” Jack said, gracing Seth with the world’s most handsome smile.

  Seth hadn’t realized until that moment the anxiety he’d been holding in over seeing Jack after yesterday, when he’d gotten so aggressive toward Ms. Jameson. He never wanted Jack to look at him like that, but standing there in the light of Jack’s smile made him see that it wasn’t him Jack was disappointed in. Well it was, but Jack didn’t know that; to him it was Nancy. Seth sighed internally. What a mess he had gotten into.

  Jack looked relaxed, the front of his T-shirt partially tucked into his jeans again, showing his brown leather belt, with flip-flops gracing his tanned feet. Seth wanted to run his hand through Jack’s long, dark, wavy hair. Oh, how he wished he could ever be that bold with this man.

  “Hi,” Seth said, placing the tray in the display case. He was so much more comfortable around Jack since he had been spending time with him, even though Jack wasn’t aware they had been spending time together.

  “I couldn’t take it anymore,” Jack said, looking at Seth in a way that made his stomach flip. “I had to come taste some of these amazing-smelling pastries. Anything you recommend?”

  Seth knew his face had flushed at Jack’s compliment.

  Max walked around behind Jack and started frantically gesturing toward Seth’s head, reminding him that he had his bangs clipped up. He reached up and tore the clip out, laughing awkwardly, completely forgetting what Jack had asked.

  “The maple sausage rolls are a big hit for breakfast,” Max thankfully suggested, killing the awkwardness.

  “I’ll take one of those, then,” Jack said, making eye contact with Seth again. Seth could feel the pull between them. It was like having a secret that you only knew part of. He wondered what it felt like for Jack. If he could even feel the pull at all.

  The bell over the door chimed as Seth put Jack’s roll in a small box. The high-pitched barking was instantaneous. Seth looked up and saw Mrs. Stegal and Rosetta.

  “Oh look, it’s break time,” Max said loud enough for everyone to hear, glancing at an imaginary watch on his arm.

  Ugh…. Dang it, Max. Max had gone out on a date with Mrs. Stegal’s creepy nephew to try to get over Christian, and was still avoiding him. Seth was pretty sure it wasn’t needed. Everyone in town knew Christian and Max were together, but still, any time Mrs. Stegal came in, it was Max’s break time. Max’s bad choices caused a lot of extra work personally for Seth, but since he had joined the “I make bad choices” club pretending to be Nancy, he couldn’t complain about it anymore. Seth placed the Sweets & Meats sticker along the edge of the box to close it and set it on the counter, resigned to his fate of having to deal with Rosetta.

  Jack was eyeing the small, psychotic fur ball like a psychiatrist examining a patient. Her tiny sharp teeth razored in and out of her mouth, shaking the fake-diamond-encrusted collar around her neck. Maybe that’s why she was such a little asshole. Maybe she just wanted someone to take the stupid collar off.

  “Could I pet her?” Jack asked Mrs. Stegal.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t…,” Mrs. Stegal st
arted to warn him, but he’d already stuck his hand out to Rosetta to smell, even though she was still stretching toward Seth, jagged little teeth bared. As Jack’s hand got close to her nose, her bark got slower, like a toy with a dying battery, until she just stopped as he brushed his hand along the side of her head.

  “Good girl,” he praised.

  Seth knew he’d better wipe the lovestruck expression off his face before Jack turned around, but it was hard to do.

  “Huh,” Mrs. Stegal huffed, looking strangely at Jack.

  “This is Jack, Mrs. Stegal. He’s new in town. He’s very good with animals,” Seth informed her.

  “I’m currently training Nancy. I’d love to spend some time with Rosetta as well.”

  “Nancy?” Mrs. Stegal asked, looking confused.

  “Oh Lord, I think we’re almost out of Rosetta’s favorite treats.” Seth rushed to avoid the topic of conversation. For a second he tried to be like Max with dramatic hand gestures filling Rosetta’s treat bag, but he felt like he was trying to fly away, so he stopped. “Here you go, Mrs. Stegal,” he said, shoving the bag of organic baked dog treats at her and gently moving her back toward the door. “It’s on the house today. Have a good day now.” He leaned against the door in relief as it closed behind her.

  “Well, that was something,” Jack said, his brow arched in humorous confusion. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yep. Everything’s coolio.” The stupid comment made Seth’s tongue feel like it was swelling. He should never speak again.

  “Coolio?” Jack’s smile returned to his handsome face.

  Seth hid behind his bangs in embarrassment.

  “You’re really cute when you blush, you know,” Jack said.

  Seth tilted his head to the side, moving the bangs out of his face to glance up at him, wishing life had a rewind button so he could hear it again.

  “How much do I owe you?” Jack asked, picking up the small to-go box.

  “Umm, first one’s on the house,” Seth said.

  “You sure do give away a lot of food. I have to pay you something.”

  “No really, it’s on the house.”

  “How about you let me take you out tonight to return the favor.”

  Again with the blushing… ughhhh. “You don’t have to do that. We do okay here with all the tourists.”

  “I’m trying to ask you out on a date, Seth.”

  “Oh,” Seth said, too stunned to give a valid response.

  “Is that a yes?” Jack asked, looking at him in that way that made Seth’s pulse jump.

  “That’s a yes,” Max said, peeking his head over the top of the swinging doors, his imaginary break apparently over.

  “I’ll pick you up at five?” Jack asked, with a hint of hope in his voice.

  Seth nodded his head in acknowledgment as Jack left.

  Max grabbed Seth by his apron, dragging him back into the kitchen. “You have a date, a date with your mate. I should get paid for this.” Max rhymed like Dr. Seuss in his white button-up shirt and pink bow tie.

  “I do,” Seth said, still a little in shock over the fact.

  “Go relax and get ready for your date. I can handle things here.”

  Seth agreed to go, knowing their helpers would be in soon.

  “And Seth.” Max’s words stopped him at the door to the stairs. “Don’t stress, okay? He likes you.”

  With that, Seth headed up to get ready for his first date.

  Chapter 9: First Date

  DON’T STRESS…. The words repeated in Seth’s head like a bad joke as he threw another shirt onto the pile he’d created on his bed over the last hour. He was down to one lightweight V-necked aqua blue sweater left in his closet. Throwing it on, he was surprised to find it actually fit pretty well and balanced the look of the jeans he had decided on earlier. It didn’t even bother him that it made his contrasting eyes stand out more.

  Next was the hair. Seth combed through it, his long bangs falling into place over his eye, and realized it no longer gave him the sense of security that it had before. It was like the barrier he’d created to distance himself from the world had become his prison. This was his mate. He wanted to look him in the eye. He needed to see acceptance, in place of the ridicule he had experienced in his past. With the decision made, Seth styled his hair up and out of his face.

  The downstairs door buzzer rang as Seth was grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and headed down to his first date.

  His stomach felt like it was being attacked by a swarm of locusts when he opened the door and saw the smile fall from Jack’s face, the flowers Jack was holding seemingly forgotten, slowly lowered to his side, as he stared at Seth, not saying a word.

  The silence had Seth looking down at the ground, wishing he had his bangs to hide behind.

  “Don’t do that,” Jack said softly, reaching out and lifting Seth’s chin to look at him. “I just can’t get over how beautiful you are.”

  Seth dropped his gaze again at the words that instantly turned the locusts to butterflies.

  “I like being able to see your eyes,” Jack said, holding the bouquet of flowers out to him. “These are for you.”

  “Thank you.” Seth took the flowers, unable to hold back the smile taking over his face.

  They stood there like that, smiling at each other, until the bakery door opened next to them.

  “You lovebirds want me to take those and put them in water?”

  Seth turned to frown at Max for embarrassing him and caught Max’s shocked expression at Seth’s hair. But it quickly turned to a smile full of pride and eased the rest of Seth’s nerves.

  “You two have a good night,” Max said, giving Seth one last smile before taking the flowers and closing the door behind him.

  “Your business partner is some character.”

  “He’s probably certifiably insane,” Seth assured him. “But he means well, always.”

  Jack seemed to like the response, grinning at Seth. “That’s good.”

  Seth tried not to be too obvious checking Jack out as they walked down the main strip of town. He looked good, as usual. Seth liked that Jack was taller than him. His body was muscular but in a long, lean way. He wore jeans and a dress shirt, his wavy brown hair left loose.

  “So umm, where are we going?” Seth asked, realizing they had passed the last restaurant in town.

  “It’s a surprise,” Jack said.

  Jack led them toward the lake.

  “Seriously, where are you taking me?” Seth asked again, totally intrigued now.

  “You’ll see,” Jack said, reaching over and entwining their fingers. “Is this okay?”

  “Yeah,” Seth squeaked, quickly looking down, receiving a gentle squeeze of his hand in response. He couldn’t stop looking at their hands, Jack’s larger hand, his long fingers wrapped around Seth’s. He felt safe and protected, even though he was the one who could turn into a wolf. Everything about Jack was exactly what Seth had ever secretly dreamt about in a mate.

  He was so focused on their hands that he was surprised when they stopped. He looked up, and they were in the park surrounding the lake. It was early evening, and it was a nice night, so there were still a few townies playing around the lake.

  Jack led him around a willow tree in the center of the grass. Seth stalled when he saw the plaid blanket laid out next to a large picnic basket.

  “We’re here,” Jack said, gesturing for Seth to sit down, but shock had him frozen. This was the most romantic thing in the history of romance.

  “Is this okay?” Jack asked, sounding unsure of himself. “We can go to Claire’s. I just thought that it would be nice to spend time alone together.”

  And then Seth did something he never would have done in a million years if he hadn’t already bonded himself to this man. He leaned up on his toes and laid the gentlest of kisses on Jack’s cheek.

  “Thank you,” Seth said, embarrassed when he noticed Mrs. Steg
al’s nephew passing them on the lake trail. Maybe Max was right to avoid him. That guy gave him the creeps.

  Jack, squeezing his hand, brought Seth’s attention back. He looked a little shocked himself before pulling Seth down toward the blanket. “Thank you for going on a date with me.”

  They sat, and Jack took the food out of the basket.

  “Technically we are having Claire’s for dinner, by the way, just not at Claire’s. I got it to go. I’m not exactly a chef like you.”

  Seth laughed at Jack’s admission of guilt over not cooking for him.

  “It’s perfect.”

  They talked and ate, discussing everything and nothing. This was the bonding he’d been missing out on as his wolf. He only slipped up once, when he asked Jack how his training Winston to play dead was going, since he only knew that because he was in their backyard as Nancy when they were practicing.

  “How did you know about that?” Jack asked, his brow crinkling.

  “Uhhhhh, Max mentioned it. I’m not sure how he knew. I think he watches you out the back window of the bakery sometimes.” Seth felt like a real asshole for throwing Max under the bus and making him sound like a super weird stalker, but he panicked.

  “Umm… okay. That’s kind of weird, right?” Jack pointed out, adjusting his glasses.

  “Yep, that’s Max,” Seth said, feeling like even more of a jerk. “So, I hear you’re an environmentalist. How did you get into that?”

  Jack relaxed down on his side, resting on his forearm. “Well, I was raised in the city, but I always felt drawn to nature. Sounds kind of silly saying it out loud, but it felt like my purpose was in there somewhere, and if I just got close enough, it would all come together.” Jack looked down at his plate like he was embarrassed by the admission.

  “It doesn’t sound silly at all. I believe we all have a purpose in life. I’ve always felt that way about cooking.”

  “I can see why,” Jack said, looking back up at Seth with a smile.

  “So how do you feel about living in Easter Valley?”


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