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Embracing Fate

Page 6

by C. C. Dado

  Jack sat quietly for a second, like he was contemplating his words. “It’s weird, you know, this place. I was a little leery at first. I’ve never had to fill out an application to live in a town before, and there are a lot of rules. But ever since I came here, it’s like I’m where I’m supposed to be, but something is still just out of reach.”

  Seth warmed inside, knowing it was him Jack was missing, even though Jack didn’t.

  After they ate, Jack packed up the empty containers in the basket and moved it off to the side before lying back onto the blanket.

  “Come here,” Jack said, pulling Seth, gently, to lay down beside him. “We have to look at the stars too or the date’s not complete.”

  Seth hadn’t realized how long they had been talking, but it’d started to get dark, the stars making an appearance above them.

  “It really is breathtaking here,” Seth said, staring up at the sky.

  “It is,” Jack agreed, but when Seth looked over, Jack was staring at him, not at the stars, making Seth turn his face away to hide his blush.

  “Please don’t,” Jack said, scooting closer, moving Seth’s chin to look back at him. “You are so beautiful, everything about you. I don’t know why you would ever want to hide that.”

  Seth was swooning; like literally, he might be getting a little dizzy from how fluttery his heart got at Jack’s words.

  Jack moved in for a kiss. There was no one else around anymore, just them on their private picnic oasis. Seth relaxed into the kiss. It was so natural to feel his lips. Jack deepened the kiss, moving his hand over Seth’s waist, grasping his side to pull him closer. Seth couldn’t stop the moan that escaped him.

  “Probably should slow down before that security guy catches us,” Jack said, his smile just inches from Seth. “He’s the biggest person I’ve ever seen in real life.”

  “He’s a gentle giant,” Seth said, laughing. “Shhh, don’t tell anyone.”

  They packed up the blanket and started heading back. Jack grasped Seth’s hand again as they made their way through town.

  “You know, Nancy is an amazing animal.”

  Seth wasn’t sure how to respond, feeling weird if he agreed that he was amazing. Instead he just smiled over at Jack in response.

  “We’ve really bonded, me and him,” Jack said, running his hand through his hair before looking over at Seth.

  He feels it too….

  Seth’s senses perked up. Something felt different. He wasn’t sure what it was. A sweetness hung on the edge of the air. A familiar scent but not. Jack ran his hand through his hair again and Seth realized it was him, like he was nervous. What could this magnificent man be nervous about? Seth wondered. His curiosity resolved as Jack spoke, Seth sensing the unease in his voice.

  “I know this is going to sound stupid, but is there any chance Max would be interested in adopting out Nancy?”

  “Adopting out Nancy? You want Nancy?”

  “Umm, yeah,” Jack said, looking a little uncomfortable. “It seems like Max has a lot going on and doesn’t really have time for him. I know he’s your best friend. I’m not trying to insult him or anything. It’s just Nancy is the smartest animal I’ve ever worked with,” he said with a grin. “And Winston loves him too.”

  Did he just say “too”? Winston loves me too?

  “I mean, it’s cool if you don’t think he would. I love just training Nancy.”

  Seth wasn’t sure how to respond. If he said yes, he could be going home with Jack. He would be his new best friend. Seth bet he let Winston sleep on his bed every night. Seth sighed, feeling the warmth of Jack’s hand on his palm, and wistfully reminded himself he wanted a real relationship with his mate, he didn’t want to be his pet.

  “I think it’s great that you and Nancy are getting along so well, but Max really would be lost without him.”

  Jack looked a little sad at Seth’s response. “Yeah, I understand.” He leaned in, gently bumping Seth’s shoulder. “Maybe you can convince him to change his name, though,” he said with a wink that curled Seth’s toes.

  They stopped in front of the stairway leading up to the bakery apartment.

  “I have had an amazing night. I’d wondered if going through all the hoops to live here would be worth it.” Jack paused, the quiet of the town stretching between them. “It was.”

  Seth looked down in habit, expecting his bangs to fall over his eyes like a comfort blanket, forgetting they were styled up.

  Jack leaned down into Seth’s line of sight. “I hope one day you no longer feel like you need to hide from me.” With that he moved closer, his lips making contact with Seth’s.

  Seth hesitantly wrapped his arm around Jack’s neck, his long wavy hair tickling the back of Seth’s hands.

  “Good night, Seth,” Jack said when they finally came up for air.

  Seth stared at Jack’s face, like any movement or sound would break the wonderful spell he had fallen under.

  “You okay?” Jack jested. Seth smiled and said good night, going into the apartment.

  Chapter 10: Hans Solo

  “SO HOW did the date go?” Max asked the next day as they did their morning prep.

  Seth smiled to himself thinking about how perfect everything had gone.

  “That good, huh?”

  “It was nice,” Seth confirmed, placing a sheet of guava cornbread muffins on the display rack and heading back into the kitchen. He heard Max follow behind him.

  “Nice? Do I get details? ’Cause if you look like that after nice, I can’t wait to see you after an excellent date. Are we done with dog training now, then?”

  “Today’s my last session. I’m making some organic peanut butter dog treats so Jack can stop feeding me liver. I know it’s only one more day, but I can’t go through that again.”

  “You and me both.” Max’s nostrils flared up in disgust. “Why aren’t you cancelling it? You got your man now.”

  “I, umm….” Seth wasn’t sure why he didn’t want to cancel it, but for some reason the thought made him sad.

  “Uh-oh,” Max said, pulling up a tall stool to the kitchen island and grabbing one of the breakfast pastries Seth had just pulled out of the oven. “Talk.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know if I can stop. It’s been so different being able to get to know him like that. I feel so much freer, like I don’t have to be shy or embarrassed to be me.”

  “Ahh, don’t you get it? You don’t have to be any of those things around him, in any form. That’s what’s so beautiful about having a mate. They love all of you. Trust me, I have some questionable parts, and Christian loves every one of them. Not that I was shy about them, but still, he makes me strong in a way I have never been, even though we drive each other nuts.”

  Seth smiled at his friend’s happiness.

  “Make today your last day,” Max suggested, looking concerned.

  “I will, but you need to rename me. Until I tell Jack the truth about us and our pack, he’s going to keep mentioning my wolf, ’cause he really likes him. He actually asked me if I thought you would let him adopt me.”

  “What? He tried to steal my wolf behind my back?” Max gasped.

  “No! He was just asking if you were open to it since you were so busy. And he’s my mate, so let’s not get territorial. Just please rename me so I don’t have to listen to him referring to me as Nancy anymore. Make it something awesome like Gage or Fernando.”

  “Yeah, I’m not sure you could pull either of those off, but fine. Are you done baking for the day after the dog treats?”

  “I think we might run out of bacon-wrapped cinnamon buns. They’ve been a pretty hot item in the afternoons lately. I might bake another batch.”

  “I might have been eating some of those,” Max said, looking at anything but Seth.


  “Okay, maybe most.”

  “Stop eating our products. You’re lucky we have fast metabolisms. Speaking of eating for two, when are you
going to tell Zeus about the nonbaby?”

  “Do I have to?”

  Seth gave Max a look like he was crazy. “You don’t think he’s going to notice when you don’t start getting bigger?”

  “I could double up on the mini buns.”

  Seth just stared at him across the table.

  “Okay, fine.” Max pouted. “But I hope you understand the amazing life I’m giving up. He opens doors for me and rubs my feet every night.”

  “How is Christian even letting you get away with that?”

  “Yeah, he is getting a little sick of the foot rubs, and apparently I’m starting to smell like Zeus. But he also thought Zeus was going to be upset over falling for your lie, so he’s been avoiding the talk as well. It is a wicked web we weave,” he said, raising his eyebrows at Seth in blame.

  Seth did feel bad about lying to their beta. “Maybe we could both talk to him. I should apologize.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  “Not to you. You’ve dragged this out way longer than needed and got all the apology you needed in the form of special treatment and foot rubs. I meant I owe Zeus an apology for lying to him.”

  “Oh, we are so not even, but I will say you’re a pretty exceptional liar. I feel like the student has surpassed the teacher on that one. I’m a little disappointed in myself.” Max hopped off the stool, grabbed another tray of pastries, and headed out front.

  THE HIGH school kids took over the front of the shop after the morning rush. Seth was just finishing up cleaning the kitchen when Max came out of the small office off the side of the kitchen, holding up the leash and collar, ready to drop Seth off for his last day of training.

  “You ready?”

  “Yep, here are the treats,” Seth said, handing over a little Sweets & Meats to-go box filled with the peanut butter biscuits. “And here is a container we can keep under the counter for Rosetta.”

  “I’m sorry, why are we being nice to Satan’s lap dog?”

  Seth laughed at Max’s nickname for the vicious dog. “Maybe we can win her over.”

  “Happily ever after is not going to happen with us and that thing Mrs. Stegal calls a pet,” Max said, taking the container of treats anyway and placing it out front under the counter.

  Seth went into Max’s office, removed his clothes, and shifted. He was nervous and excited as they left out the back of the bakery and walked around to the path to Jack’s door.

  As soon as Jack opened the door, Max shoved the box of dog treats at him. “Here are some homemade dog treats. Can you feed him these instead of liver ones? He’s got a very sensitive stomach.”

  “Oh, okay, sure,” Jack said, taking the box. “Wait, how did you know I gave him liver treats?”

  “Uhhhhh,” Max stuttered, obviously struggling to come up with an answer. Seth could feel the panic start rolling off him.

  “Liver gives him diarrhea. He shit all over the place. Our apartment reeks of cheap pâté.”

  Jesus Christ…. Seth tilted his head up to Max, teeth bared, growling.

  Max’s response was an almost silent whispered plea, “Sorry….”

  Jack leaned down and rubbed Seth’s head. “Sorry about that, buddy.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty awful,” Max said, shrugging his shoulders down at Seth like he wasn’t sure how to get out of the conversation. He stepped back off the porch at Seth’s returned growl. “Well, I’m going to go. Oh, and this will be our last session, so work your magic.”

  “Wait, your last session? I thought you would keep doing them.”

  “Nope. Thanks, though.”

  “Umm.” Jack looked like Max had a few moments ago, mentally struggling to come up with words. “Is it the cost? Because I’d be willing to keep training him for free. He’s really an exceptional creature.”

  Seth adored this man.

  “Uhhhhh, you were right, I really need to bond with my wolf. I think he’s getting a little attached to you.”

  “Oh okay, well, I understand.” Jack’s voice held a sadness that made Seth’s heart hurt.

  “Oh, and Nancy is a terrible name, I changed it to Hans Solo,” Max said proudly.

  “You changed his name to Hans Solo?”

  “Yep, Hans for short.” Max looked down at Seth and winked, completely oblivious to the fact that he had just stupid-named him again.

  Seth couldn’t even growl anymore, he was so done with his best friend. He lowered his head in exhaustion.

  “Uh okay, Hans, come on in, buddy.”

  “Just send him home when you’re done. He knows where to go.”

  Max was for sure the worst fake pet parent in the world.

  “Uh, I’ll walk him over when we’re done,” Jack said, looking at Max like he couldn’t be for real.

  Jack took Seth for their usual walk and then through a training routine with Winston. Winston finally got tired and lay down under a table in the shade to nap the rest of the day away.

  “That’s not a bad idea, Winston,” Jack said, flopping himself down in the grass. “Here, Hans,” he said, patting his leg. “I’m not going to lie, I feel just as weird calling you Hans as I did calling you Nancy.” Jack rubbed Seth’s neck. “It just doesn’t fit you.”

  Seth lay down next to Jack’s leg as Jack leaned back.

  “I’m glad I moved here.” Jack sighed into the afternoon sun.

  Seth loved it when Jack talked to him like he was a friend.

  “I’m going to miss you, buddy,” Jack said, scratching behind Seth’s ear.

  Seth scooted up to the side of Jack’s chest at the sweet words.

  Jack chuckled at the gesture. “You going to miss me too?” Jack asked, looking over into Seth’s eyes.

  “Yep, it feels like I was meant to come here.” Jack’s contentment was clear in his words. “I wish I could adopt you as my wolf.” He stroked Seth’s fur. “I tried,” he said, almost sadly.

  Seth pushed his nose into Jack’s armpit, overwhelmed with how much he cared about this man.

  “Maybe Seth will help me finagle some playdates for you and Winston.” Jack moved his arms up behind his head, and closed his eyes. “Seth….”

  Seth’s ears perked up. Did Jack know it was him?

  “I think I’m falling for that one.” Jack looked over into Seth’s eyes. “Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. It’s probably time to get you home.”

  Seth responded by laying his muzzle on Jack’s shoulder.

  “Okay, just a few more minutes,” Jack said, relaxing again.

  SETH WOKE, feeling the late afternoon sun warm his skin. He inhaled the aroma of his mate, the feel of a heart beating under his cheek, and smiled, his sleep-filled eyes lifting to Jack’s face. Suddenly many things became clear: the feel of coarse grass on bare skin, the full spectrum of the rainbow filling his vision.

  He had fallen asleep and shifted.


  Seth’s heart was racing, filled with panic as he adjusted his body to lift himself off the side of Jack without waking him.

  Shit…. Shit…. Shit…. What was he going to do if Jack opened his eyes and saw him naked over the top of him? There was literally no explaining that away.

  Winston, lying under the table, noticed the movement and started to move toward Seth.

  “No…,” Seth whispered. “Sit.”

  Winston sat, being such a well-trained dog.

  Seth walked backward, covering his crotch, still trying to think of what he would say if Jack woke up. When he reached the side of the house, out of Jack’s sight, he leaned against the wall, exhaling the breath he had been holding in since he woke.

  He moved along the wall toward the front of the house, thankful for the hedge that lined the white picket fence around the front of Jack’s house. He tore some branches from the first bush to help cover himself and tried to be as nonchalant as possible speed walking around to the back entrance to his apartment. Thankfully all the stores had closed, so there were no tourists walking around. He exhaled a sigh o
f relief, closing the door behind him.

  By the time he made his way up to his apartment, he was shaking. He grabbed his phone and dialed Max while pulling on a pair of shorts, trying not to trip over his own feet in his haste.

  “Hello.” Max’s voice reminded Seth he was mad at him.

  “You told my future mate that I shit myself!” Seth said.

  “I panicked. You know I’m no good when I get put on the spot like that.”

  “You told my future mate that I. Shit. Myself!” Seth repeated.

  “Okay, it sounds bad when you say it like that.”

  “That is exactly how you said it!”

  “I admit it may not have been the best thing to say to your future mate.”

  “And you renamed me Hans Solo? And told him to call me Hans? Are you a complete psychopath? Hans? It makes me sound like a small German boy.”

  Max chuckled through the phone. “It does….” He continued to laugh, apparently not having made the connection earlier. “Oh my God,” Max finally said, sounding like he had to pull the phone away from his face.

  “Max! Max!” Seth shouted, trying to get him back on the phone.

  “Calm down, Hans, I’m still here,” Max said, starting to laugh again.

  “You are the worst person alive.”

  “Oh stop. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. How did the training go?”

  Seth couldn’t respond right away, the moments replaying in his head.

  “It was perfect,” he finally said. “Except….”

  “Except what?”

  “Well, I fell asleep lying next to him in the grass and shifted back.”

  “What?” Max screamed, apparently raising Christian’s concern, as Seth heard him reassuring the alpha that nothing was wrong before returning to the phone. “What?” he said, quieter this time.

  “I told you. We fell asleep in the grass, and I shifted. You know how much lying in the sun relaxes me.”

  “Well, did you shift back before he saw you?”

  “No! I told you I was panicking.” In hindsight, shifting back would have been the totally rational thing to do.


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