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The Travelers- Samuel

Page 8

by Gerald Lopez

  “Pretty much. But it’s a common feeling amongst newly turned vamps. “It’s because we are significantly stronger than what we were and we know our superiority to humans. What we don’t know right away is that all vampires are not equal. No new vampire is equal to their elders.”

  “That’s a friendly warning in my direction. Aren’t you letting your guard down just a little?”

  “Not at all.”

  They were getting close to the house now.

  “Oh God, my dad would really like you. The two of you are a lot alike. He’s a good guy too.”

  Samuel could feel a sadness enter Williams soul and he put his arm around him. “I give you my word, I’ll make sure things will end the right way. You’ll be in front of those pearly gates again, William.”

  “They were golden gates not pearly ones,” William said. “And I’ll hold you to what you just said.”

  “You do that.” He kissed Williams cheek in a brotherly manner. For a minute he thought he picked up a whiff of his brother’s scent.

  “It has to be hard seeing family die while you continue to live,” William said.

  “Sometimes. I really do miss my brother, but I’m glad his bloodline continues on.”

  “So am I,” William said. “Hopefully my kids won’t be as fucked up as I am. I can feel Vasilius calling me. He and his people say they can help me keep my problems under control. I’m not sure I trust them completely. Not like I do you, Sam.”

  Samuel smiled. “My brother called me Sam. Watch yourself Will and make sure nobody makes you stray from the path you’ve set for yourself. Remember the prize.”

  “I can never forget it. I’m glad we had this time together, Sam.”

  “So am I.”

  CESARE INVITED ALL of them to have a drink of blood together, then Vasilius and William left. They’d opted not to accept Cesare’s offer of a safe bed for the night.

  “He’s a good man down deep, your William,” Cesare said to Samuel. “But the confusion is rising in him. It’ll be bad I’m afraid.”

  “Very bad,” Samuel said. “I know that and I’m prepared to deal with it.”

  “Hopefully you and I will be the only ones who will be involved.”

  “Gauthius’ group wouldn’t get involved or rather more involved, would they?”

  “Not directly,” Cesare said, “but they may set things in motion. Remember that William still has three children and a father.”

  “Gerard is friends with William’s father,” Samuel said. “Rory is his name. He’s taking care of his grandchildren at present, and Gerard told him if there are any problems to come to his place.”

  “Is Deegan there?”

  “On and off. Gerard told me he’s thinking of asking him to move in.”

  “Tell him to stop thinking about it and do it,” Cesare said.

  “Roget and Rafael are still camping out in my backyard,” Samuel said.

  “Ask them to stay until this situation is dealt with fully.”

  “Things were very civil during the hunt,” Samuel said. “I know what you’re thinking and I agree. There’s more to all of this. It’s some sort of power play.”

  “I think so,” Cesare said. “Gauthius’ people want more than just a foothold in this country.”

  “That would definitely go with something William told me. He said that he helped Vasilius turn Anna and her friends.”

  “Then the Gauthius cult really has begun to make its move,” Cesare said. “It also means that William is a stronger vampire than we thought. New vampires never help turn others. They are too weak and flawed and their creations will exhibit those traits.”

  “But what if that’s the whole point?”

  “How can that possibly make sense?” Cesare said. “Why would anyone deliberately seek soldiers who are weak and infirmed?”

  “Gauthius and his followers keep their weak vampires and don’t do away with them as others might. And there’s a reason why they’d deliberately make flawed vampires. They don’t live long. These new vampires burn out from within, but before that they exhibit a brutal strength to rival even those of us who are strong. Could they rival your strength, Cesare?”

  “No,” Cesare said. “But they could inflict some serious blows to our ranks. Our family wouldn’t come out unscathed.”

  “How far do you think they’ve gotten with their plans?”

  “Farther than we’d like,” Janelle said upon entering the living room. “Nice to see you two cleaned up after the hunt.”

  “We used the outdoor showers off the formal garden,” Samuel said. The water certainly helped me feel refreshed. He noticed Janelle had changed into a blue silk robe embroidered with flowers and butterflies. Her long hair hung loose to her waist.

  “What have you discovered, my clever love?” Cesare said to Janelle.

  “My associates in New Orleans have informed me that there has been some low-key fighting amongst new and old vampires in their area. An area that has suddenly gotten an influx of Gauthius’ followers. The new vampires exhibit very obvious flaws. There’s enough evidence to support Samuel’s theory. Some of the same things have been occurring in the Carolinas.”

  “Are there any other similarities to the situation here?” Samuel said.

  “Yes. The new vampires are being made from the human families of vampires who’ve lived in those areas for a long time.”

  “They were planning to turn William all along,” Cesare said. “Veronique didn’t realize that.

  “It certainly seems to be their modus operandi,” Janelle said.

  “There’s another part to all this,” Cesare said. “The Gauthius cult asks a high price of its members. They have to prove themselves worthy to belong. Samuel, what’s the hold they have over William.”

  “He had one foot ready to enter Heaven,” Samuel said. “William even saw Jesus.”

  “I caught a glimpse of him once—the Christ,” Cesare said. “When the people paraded him into town on an ass, my men and I were there. I remember being struck by his humility and the absolute love he had for the people. It didn’t surprise me that he went willingly to the cross.”

  “People can be fickle, and crowds easily turn on men they once adored ” Janelle said. “Were you at the cross when he died?”

  “No,” Cesare said. “I was out of town with my soldiers. One of my men spotted the risen Christ and the man changed almost beyond recognition. Just seeing Jesus, they called him Yeshua then, on the ass has stayed with me clearly. It’s one memory that remains crisp in my mind. Directly translated, the Christ’s name is Joshua. If William had an experience with Christ then the Gauthius cult will have a powerful hold on him. They’ll ask a high price.”

  “Why does William think they can help him?” Janelle said.

  “He’s worried about getting back to Heaven,” Samuel said. “Since becoming one of us he feels he is having or will have a problem distinguishing right from wrong or good from bad.”

  “The flawed vampires have the majority of problems with their minds,” Cesare said.

  “They’re the perfect soldiers then,” Janelle said. “Easily manipulated, great strength, and short lives. They go in, get the job done, then perish. Quite Machiavellian. I met the delightfully devious and very clever Niccolo Machiavelli once.”

  “What price will they ask of William?” Samuel said.

  “Have your people in New Orleans and the Carolinas figured that out yet, Janelle?” Cesare said.

  “No, which tells me no price has been paid as of yet.”

  “It will be and it’ll be harsh, deadly, and horrifying,” Cesare said.

  Chapter 15

  Ancient Ways

  CESARE STOOD, WALKED toward the edge of the room, peered at the garden below, then turned back to his companions and continued speaking. “The Gauthius cult is following ancient ways. Paul and his people have never been ones to change with the times. They’ll demand blood from their new recruits. Child sacrifices such
as were done in the darkest days of mankind.”

  “Would most of them do it?” Samuel said.

  “Yes,” Cesare said. “The Gauthius cult members are experts at manipulation. If you believe your entry into Heaven is at risk there’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do.”

  “But most sane people would believe that very act could send you to the depths of Hell,” Samuel said.

  “The cult will justify it for them,” Janelle said. “They’ll say they are helping to purify the world from the likes of us. The Gauthius cult has always seen themselves as more pure because they feel they belong to the darkness.”

  “But then how do they convince someone like William they can help them get into Heaven,” Samuel said.

  “Easily,” Janelle said. “It took me a minute to think about it, but I have an idea of what they’ll do. William’s a drug addict and already guilt ridden to some extent. He wants to be made to pay a price. Most of his life he’s wanted someone to make him atone in a physical way for the things he’s done. With their minds slipping away the new vampires will only understand the physical. The sacrifice of their loved ones is tangible, they can see it and feel it. And most of them, not just William, will be more than willing to do the deed.”

  “You really are an expert on warfare,” Samuel said. “Not just weaponry and fighting style but the psychology of it.”

  “Most wars are won up here first,” Janelle said and pointed to her mind.

  “William said he already forgives me for what I’ll have to do and asked me to forgive him,” Samuel said. “He knows what’s coming.”

  “Then be grateful for that moment with him,” Cesare said. “And be ready to prepare yourself for what’s heading our way.”

  “I’ll be ready,” Samuel said.

  “The members of the Gauthius cult won’t fight fair,” Janelle said. “They won’t even be able to think that way. They’ll be driven and strong, but not smart. That’s where we’ll have our biggest edge.”

  “You’d better contact your people in the Carolinas and New Orleans, Janelle,” Cesare said. “We don’t want the unnecessary spilling of innocents’ blood.”

  “I’ll do that right now,” Janelle said.

  “The guards are out checking the grounds per usual and we’re secure,” Cesare said.

  “No one will try anything tonight,” Janelle said. “But tomorrow all bets are off. Sweet dreams.” She kissed Cesare then gave Samuel a kiss before going to the bedroom she shared with Cesare.

  “Is Jesus’s name really Joshua?” Samuel said to Cesare. “If so, then why do we call him Jesus.”

  “In English, Yeshua is translated into Joshua. But when the Hebrew Yeshua is translated into Greek it becomes Jesus. Both names would be correct and refer to the same man/Christ. The term Christ is more of a title. It means anointed or chosen one. You know how I like titles. To me they serve to clarify things… put people in their proper place—in a good way.”

  “You’ve always liked order,” Samuel said. “Unfortunately there isn’t much order in the world these days.” He chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Most people would never imagine that vampires sit around discussing Jesus the Christ. They think just the sight of the cross would kill us.”

  Cesare chuckled then sat in one of the chairs. “It’s good to have faith and believe in something. It strengthens a person. I believe a man of true abiding faith can go up against any monster and be victorious.” He reached into his shirt and pulled out a gold chain with a cross on it. “I removed it during the hunt.”

  “I left mine at home. My father made one for all of us kids from scraps of nails he had left over after doing projects around the farm.”

  “That’s far more valuable than the gold in mine then,” Cesare said. “A woman I once loved and admired gave me the cross I wear. It’s value is more sentimental than monetary. Don’t you think it’s funny that the things we tend to hold onto through the ages are small ones.”

  “They’re easier to keep,” Samuel said. “I enjoyed being able to talk to William if just for a short time. There’s a lot of my brother in him, including the rebelliousness and anger. But underneath it all is a good heart struggling against what it knows will happen. My brother struggled against his desire to live forever with me or to die and move on. Having to make a choice made him sad for a variety of reasons… some I probably don’t even know. In the beginning when I first came to him as a vampire, he thought of me as a monster. He forbade me to come to him or any in his house. At the end we were brothers once more… as close as we ever were. Despite our differences he came to see me as the same Samuel he grew up with and loved.”

  “It can be difficult for our own families to accept us. Luckily for me I didn’t know mine and never sought them out.”

  “But surely you’ve picked up on their blood scent during your travels.”

  “You forget all the years that have passed,” Cesare said. “I had no children so no direct heirs. My bloodline continues through whatever siblings I may have had. And there must’ve been some because I do pick up a feint familial scent when I travel at times, especially when I’m in Italy. I’m not so tied to the idea of a human, blood-related family as you are, Samuel. I have you, Veronique, Janelle, and the children I’ve turned. That’s my family and enough to satisfy me.”

  “I love my vampire family and I loved my human one. The farm makes me feel comfortable. People sometimes think I hide there, but it’s not true. It’s my home.”

  “Its getting late and you need to leave for that home early in the morning. Take one of my cars from the garage, whichever one you like.”

  “Won’t you be around to say good-bye?” Samuel said.

  “Yes, of course. We’ll pick you out one together then.”

  ONCE AGAIN SAMUEL slept in the special guest room. And he had another dream of Veronique.

  She had dressed all in white when she paid him her fourth or fifth visit. He was sweaty and shirtless from cutting wood. Veronique looked cool with her red hair worn up under a wide brimmed, white hat.

  “Hello again,” Samuel said.

  “Hello, Veronique said.

  “I don’t see your horse this time.”

  “I walked,” Veronique said.

  “My homestead is far from town. That must’ve been a mighty long walk, Miss Veronique.”

  “I cheated. My Italian friend Cesare drove me to the edge of your property in his carriage.” She chuckled and so did Samuel.

  “You’re a clever woman,” Samuel said.

  “And a bit of a coquette too I’m afraid. Have your bad dreams about the war disappeared?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. The tea you left for me soothed my spirit and gave me restful sleep. I’ll have to recommend it to my brother. He’s often ill at ease.”

  “Yes he is. I’ve bumped into him in town. He’s not nearly as handsome as his older brother.”

  “You are shameless, Ma’am,” Samuel said and smiled. “And I am sweaty.” he reached behind him to grab his shirt.

  That’s when it got him—an unseen rattler. The snake had struck suddenly and with great precision. As he began to collapse, Samuel saw Veronique grasp the snake and break its neck.

  Present day Samuel now consciously observed the scene. He could feel Veronique’s panic and heard her call out a name.

  “Cesare! Cesare!” Veronique said, her voice filled with desperation.

  In an instant Cesare appeared by Veronique’s side as she held Samuel and cradled his head in her arms. He felt Cesare’s bite. There was intense pain at first then peace as Samuel felt himself drifting between life and death. The strange man sucked more than just the snake venom from his body-he’d also taken some of his blood. When he’d finished, Cesare bit his own wrist then put it to Samuel’s mouth and told him to drink.

  The thirst and the need were so great within Samuel that he sucked hard. The blood tasted rich and full of life. Cesare pulled himself away then V
eronique offered up her wrist. Samuel fought against Veronique and weakly tried to push her away but failed. Finally he gave into his hunger and attacked her wrist with a passion.

  Next, Samuel viewed himself sleeping in his home while Cesare and Veronique watched over him. He could hear Cesare saying that the snake had been sent there by a vampire to kill him. Veronique agreed. Then Cesare spoke over Samuel’s resting body. Telling him not to remember he—Cesare—had ever been there until he willed him to remember.

  Samuel woke up abruptly. He sat up and stared right into Cesare’s dark eyes. “Am I still dreaming?”

  “No,” Cesare said. “He held Samuel’s hand then kissed it as a father would. “Do you understand why I’ve shown you the truth finally?”

  “Yes. Gauthius’ people and ours have always been at war. One of his people sent that snake to kill me before I’d even been turned.”

  “Paul probably sent that snake himself,” Cesare said.

  “But why? What makes my family so special?”

  “You’re part of a strong warrior clan,” Janelle said, emerging from a dark corner of the room where she’d stood hidden in the shadows.

  “Janelle is a true expert at the history of war,” Cesare said. “She knows more of your family’s history than I do.”

  “From the beginnings of human habitation in Ireland your family existed there, Samuel,” Janelle said. “They were warriors then and they always have been—in much the same manner you’ve fought in the wars and other numerous ways. In an ongoing war the strongest fighters must be made to change allegiances or submit. If neither is a real possibility then that warrior and their entire line must be wiped out.”

  “They tried to get rid of you back then,” Cesare said. “Kaelin got a sense of things and sent Veronique to check you out for lack of a better phrase. I went along to help.”

  “And now they’ve recruited William who’s from my bloodline,” Samuel said. “They’ll use him then have me do away with him. The cowards can’t even do their own dirty work.”


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