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The Travelers- Samuel

Page 9

by Gerald Lopez

  “They’d kill him or let him burn out on his own,” Janelle said. “But they want to hurt you in a way they believe will make you weak.”

  “It won’t do that,” Cesare said in a low voice so full of power that it shook Samuel to his core. “Samuel listen to me. When you kill your kin—William, you’ll be saving him and doing him a great service. Keep that forever in mind.”

  “Yes, I will. And strangely enough I understand that… from the talk William and I had.”

  “He’ll be a different person next time you meet,” Janelle said. His heart will be beating faster than ever and his blood flowing hot. When we become vampires our heart rate changes. It’s no longer a human heart. It processes the blood we ingest and turns it into pure energy. The heart of a flawed vampire can run so slow the poor creature can barely function. But it can also do the opposite—run with such speed that life is shortened to not months but only a few weeks or even several days sometimes.”

  “I’m grateful for the help and advice you two have given me,” Samuel said. “I won’t let you down.”

  “Good because the battle is coming to your doorstep and we can’t afford for you to be the weak link in our unit,” Cesare said.

  Chapter 16

  Home Invaded

  RORY SAT QUIETLY in the recliner in his library reading a book. The kids were sleeping, and while Rory hadn’t dressed for bed yet, he had settled down with a glass of wine. His nerves had been jittery all day and he felt like he’d been followed when he went to the grocery store and the bookstore. Even the twins seemed restless. Two-year-old Aileen held his hand the entire time they were running around. And she’d fussed so much about going to bed that he had to stay in the chair in her bedroom until she fell asleep. The kids were normally very comfortable in his house, where they spent a great deal of time, so something was definitely off-kilter. Aileen loved her room which she helped to decorate. She’d scribbled on art paper that Rory had framed then hung on the walls of the room. A chill ran up his spine and he tried to will his body to relax. Instead he felt like he needed to try and ward something off.

  The Kids are too far from me, Rory thought. He got up from his chair went to Aileen’s room, gently picked her up, then quietly entered the twins room. Rory jumped and Aileen stirred when his cell phone vibrated. Managing to free one hand from Aileen, Rory took his phone out of the pocket of his shorts and looked at it. He read a text message from Gerard telling him to get the kids and hide in the guest bathroom. He’d also told Rory not to call the police unless he wanted his family to be killed by the people who were coming. Swiftly Rory moved Aileen over to his shoulder then swooped up his grandsons in his free arm. He ignored their crying as he made his way to the guest bathroom. Once inside he locked the door and gently placed Aileen on the bathroom rug. Then he put the blanket that covered the twins on the bottom of the bathtub and lay the fussing twins on top of it. After picking up his granddaughter he got in the tub next to the twins, closed the shower curtain and sat back. Aileen started whining and Rory rocked her in his arm to calm her.

  A CAR WOULD BE too slow, so Gerard decided to half run half fly to Rory’s home. Vampires could go at amazing speeds when the need arose—humans wouldn’t even be able to see them. Deegan would drive Gerard’s truck and meet him at Rory’s house.

  Where had those bastards been hiding? Gerard thought. Monty had felt their presence first and given him a heads-up. But there should’ve been more of a warning.

  Gerard had been to Rory’s home before and knew the guest bath would be the safest place for him to hide with the children. There were no windows inside the bathroom and only one door.

  Christ! Let me get there in time, he thought. This family had been entrusted to him by his best friend Samuel and he didn’t want to let him down. He got his thoughts in order and calmed himself. It’s better if they don’t know I’m coming. Monty said the vamps were young ones, strong but they might not sense someone coming yet.

  RORY COVERED AILEEN’S mouth with his hand when she screamed. The loud sounds coming from other rooms inside the house were frightening. People laughed as if they were insane as they set about destroying things—throwing furniture around, breaking lamps, and what sounded like they were punching holes in the walls with their fists.

  A loud piercing scream made Rory start trembling from fear. As much as Rory tried to still his body, the task proved too difficult and he couldn’t keep from shaking. He held Aileen close to his chest to try to muffle her screams then put his hand over his own mouth. The twins cried when someone knocked on the bathroom door.

  “I think I hear supper calling,” a man’s voice said.

  Rory reached around the shower curtain and grabbed the only thing he had to protect himself and his grandchildren—a wood and rubber toilet plunger. Hopefully Gerard would get there with help before the stranger got through the door.

  It only took one loud punch on the door to send it crushing down. As soon as the man pushed the curtain back, Rory attacked him. With all his strength he pushed the plunger onto the man’s snarling face. He kept pushing him back. The man had been taken by surprise which gave Rory the advantage. Not even a second later, Gerard appeared, ran up to the man, snapped his neck and turned to Rory.

  “The house is on fire. We’ve got to leave. Is there anything you desperately need?”

  “The papers granting me custody of the kids,” Rory said. “They’re in a manilla envelope in the safe.”

  “Deegan will get them,” Gerard said. “We need to leave now.”

  Rory grabbed his grandchildren and followed Gerard out of the bathroom. There was smoke everywhere and people seemed to come at them from all sides. Gerard threw the people out of the way as if they were mere kids. Others were there helping too—an older man and woman fighting with the strength of people half their age. Rory spotted scattered flames all around them. The loud screeching screams seemed to pierce Rory’s ears but he found the will to keep moving until they’d made it outside. Without looking back he unlocked the Kia and gave Gerard the keys. While Gerard got in the driver’s seat, Rory got in the passenger seat with his grandchildren in his lap.

  Once they were on the road, Rory could feel his body shaking worse than ever and his teeth chattering. Somehow he managed to speak.

  “What were those things? Th… the one guy had fangs. I had planned to hit him with the stick on the plunger but… b… but I saw his fangs and I pushed the plunger down hard over his mouth. He… he was gonna eat me and my grandkids.”

  “Try to calm down, Rory,” Gerard said while calming his own frayed nerves. You and the kids are safe now. I have friends at home that will help us if we need them.”

  Rory felt involuntary tears coming down from his eyes, he was terrified at what he had to ask his friend.

  “Yes, I could fight them because I’m a vampire too,” Gerard said, having picked up on Rory’s thoughts.

  “Oh God,” Rory thought. He wanted to throw up but he couldn’t because all three of his grandchildren were huddled in his lap.

  “I helped you tonight, Rory,” Gerard said in a gentle voice. “We’ve been friends a while and I’m only interested in keeping you and your family safe.”

  “Why?” Rory said.

  “The man who made me what I am is a distant ancestor of yours and he made me swear to keep you and the children safe.”

  Unable to hold back, Rory wept loudly. Gerard patted his back then held his hand for a while.

  “The friends with benefits idea between us is my idea,” Gerard said. “What can I say? I think you’re sexy as hell.”

  Rory chuckled despite all. “Is Will one of those things? Is he like the people, vampires… whatever back at the house?”

  “Yes. And you said it right, mate. He’s one of theirs, recruited by them. But our people were there too.”

  “The old couple and Deegan,” Rory said. “Wait a minute, I recognized them. The old couple own the convenience store.”

“Monty and Celia Thomas,” Gerard said. “Their sole purpose for being at your house tonight was to help Deegan and me protect you and the kids.”

  “You said in your text not to call the police or the bad vampires would kill us,” Rory said. “Wouldn’t they have killed us anyway?”

  “No that wasn’t their intention,” Gerard said as he turned into his dirt road. “You and the kids were merely bait to lure an even bigger fish.”

  “William,” Rory said, horrified at the thought.

  Chapter 17


  GERARD DROVE THE Kia all the way into his driveway. Before getting out of the car he stopped to check if they’d been followed or if anyone lay in wait for them. The only vampires he felt in the area were Rafael and Roget who’d stayed behind to make sure his house and Samuel’s were protected. After taking the keys out of the ignition and putting the emergency break on, Gerard got out of the car and went around to the passenger door. Rory had his arms full so Gerard opened the door and reached for Aileen. When he tried to pick her up she screamed.

  “It’s OK, little beauty,” Gerard said. “Your grandpa’s coming with us.”

  “It’s alright, Aileen,” Rory said. “You remember Gerard, he’s our friend. He saved us from the bad people.”

  Aileen stopped screaming and just stared at Gerard when he picked her up.

  “This one’s gonna need a change of clothes, Rory. Do we need to stop by Walmart later? They’ll be open.”

  Rory shook his head then spoke. “I always keep a bag of diapers and extra clothes in the back.” He tried to step out of the car but felt his legs shaking.”

  “It’s OK, mate, take your time,” Gerard said. “There’s no one around to hurt us right now”

  “I’m sorry, I’ll change Aileen when we get in the house,” Rory said. “I… I need to get the bag in the back. We never put the kids in their car seats, we could’ve gotten a ticket.”

  The last comment made Gerard laugh. “That wasn’t our biggest concern at the time. Those kids were safe in your arms. I’ll get the bag of diapers and clothes.” He used the keys he still had to pop the hatchback and while holding Aileen in one arm picked up a large, brown fabric carrying bag. By the time he closed the hatchback, Rory stood at his side with the twins who were both hiccupping.

  GERARD TURNED OUT to be pretty adept at changing diapers, which surprised a grateful Rory. All three children were dry and Gerard had lent Aileen one of his long T-shirts to sleep in. The twins no longer had the hiccups.

  “They’re exhausted but I think they’re too scared to sleep,” Rory said.

  “I can help with that, with your permission.”


  “With some gentle persuasion,” Gerard said.

  “I trust you completely, Ger.”

  “Thank you for that. Your trust isn’t misplaced.” He looked up at Aileen who sat on the sofa next to her grandpa who held the twins in his lap. “Hello, sweetheart.” His tone was low, soft, and gentle as he lulled her into a state of calm. “You’ve been a brave little girl tonight. The monsters are all gone and you can sleep safely now. They won’t be back to hurt you. Look at those pretty lashes fluttering, your eyes can barely stay open. It’s alright, love, sleep.” He caught her before she fell over. “Rory, I’m gonna take her to the guest room. She’ll be safe there.”

  Rory nodded yes. Gerard tucked Aileen into the bed in his guest room and pulled the sheets tightly under the mattress. That way if Aileen rolled around she wouldn’t fall out of bed. There wasn’t much chance of that, though, since his suggestion would give her a tranquil sleep. As he turned to head back to the living room he felt the presence of another vampire—Deegan.

  “Celia gave me their crib to bring,” Deegan said as he entered the guest room. “She figured the babies would need a place to sleep. I’ll stay in here and get it set up while you check on Rory.”

  Walking into the living room again, Gerard found Rory right where he’d left him, but he’d begun to nod off.

  “Let me take those boys from you before your drop ‘em, Rory.” Gerard took both the twins and walked back to the guest room.

  “I’ll be outside on patrol all night,” Deegan said. “Rory’s gonna need you by his side tonight and I’m not the jealous type.”

  Gerard kissed him. “You are so cool, babe. Besides, there’s no way Rory and I will be anything but friends tonight. He’s had a few shocks this evening.” Gently he laid both babies, who were sleeping, in the crib.

  “Has Rory had shocks he should forget?” Deegan said.

  “No, he needs to remember this. It’s not over yet and Rory has to be ready for the next thing.”

  “Then you do believe William will come after the kids.”

  “Yeah,” Gerard said. “Stay safe out there, I have plans for you. All of which involve the two of us naked in bed… or naked anywhere.”

  “That’s definitely worth staying safe for.”

  Rory had fallen asleep on the sofa so Gerard carried him into his bedroom, laid him on the bed, and started to undress him.

  “What’s happening?” Rory said, groggily.

  “I’m undressing you for bed.”

  Suddenly alert, Rory grabbed Gerard’s arm. “The kids.”

  “They’re peacefully sleeping in the room next to us. Your box containing the papers granting you custody of your grandkids is in my safe now.” He unbuttoned Rory’s shirt then put it on top of his dresser. With one arm he helped Rory stand up and supported him while he took off his shorts and underwear. Gerard couldn’t resist kissing Rory’s tight stomach. He sat him back down on the bed then knelt down and removed his deck shoes.

  “Thank you,” Rory said before falling back on the bed.

  Gerard undressed, managed to get Rory situated in bed and under the covers, then got in beside him. Instinctively Rory huddled close to Gerard and Gerard put his arms around him.

  “DAMN IT!” SAMUEL said the next morning while he sat at the outdoor table in front of the fountain with Cesare and Janelle.

  “It was always a possibility, but one we didn’t think they’d be bold enough to actually carry out,” Janelle said.

  “At least you had your people on alert and looking after Rory and his grandchildren,” Cesare said.

  “But last night, their wanting to come to the hunt,” Samuel said. “It had all been a distraction. They played us for fools.”

  “Vasilius certainly did, but William didn’t know,” Cesare said. “His mind would’ve given the game away. He couldn’t have kept you from seeing what he knew. And even if he could have, Vasilius wouldn’t have risked it.”

  “There were similar types of attacks against human families in both New Orleans and The Carolinas last night,” Janelle said. “They calculated and planned out everything in detail. Gauthius’ followers want us to be aware of what they’re doing. They’re deliberately being careless to throw us off. They know we like order.”

  “Were any humans killed last night,” Cesare said.

  “No,” Janelle said. She’d dressed in slim pants, flats, and a short-sleeved white button-down top. At present she worked on pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “I told everyone in the areas that were affected to be on high alert. The next step will be for the new vampires to make their pledge to the Gauthius cult by killing off the children in their bloodlines.”

  “Samuel, are your humans adequately covered?” Cesare said.

  “I’ve been informed that Rory Baker and his grandchildren are at Gerard’s house. Both Gerard and Deegan are there as well as Rafael and Roget. Celia and Monty Thomas are close by if they need reinforcements. I’ll head there as soon as we’re done here.”

  “Where are we needed most, Janelle?” Cesare said.

  “New Orleans is the most vulnerable. The Carolinas have several strong elder vampires as well as the vampires they’ve made, which are quite large in number. Larger than the Gauthius cult will be expecting.”

” Cesare said. “How bad off is New Orleans?”

  “Presently there are only two elder vampires in residence in New Orleans proper and only a handful of their vampires,” Janelle said. “We’ll be needed.”

  “Will you need reinforcements?” Samuel said.

  Both Janelle and Cesare gave Samuel a look of disbelief.

  “I just thought I’d ask,” Samuel said.

  “We can’t make any assumptions,” Janelle said. “Even Cesare and I may need help. Be ready for anything, Samuel.”

  “Is Veronique safe?” Samuel said.

  “She’s in a first class seat on an airplane, in the air, and on the way to Ireland as we speak,” Cesare said. “The cult isn’t after her. They’re wanting to make a point here in the States. A point we will not allow to be made. Let’s pick you out a car, Samuel.”

  “It was nice meeting you,” Janelle said to Samuel.

  “Likewise and good luck in New Orleans.”

  SAMUEL HAD ENJOYED his time with Cesare and Janelle but too much had transpired back home. While on the road in the extended cab truck Cesare had gifted him, Samuel’s thoughts drifted. Meeting Rory Baker and seeing how he compared to William had taken a prominent place in his mind.

  Luckily he’d made it back home with no problem. Samuel drove straight to his house since it was still too early to stop by Gerard’s to see Rory. While in his bedroom closing the shutters so he could nap, his furry, four-legged friend ran up to him barking.

  “Hi there,” Samuel said, then crouched down to pet Amadeus. “Have things calmed down here?” He looked up at Rafael and Roget who’d entered the room naked.

  “Nothing has changed since last we talked,” Rafael said. “We slept in Veronique’s room here in order to keep a watch over the cottage. Monty said those newby vamps were good. None of us felt their presence heading toward Rory’s home till it was almost too late. The energy they emanate is so frantic that it seems to fit in and mix with the energy normal humans give off. We’re going to have to learn to adjust to them.”


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