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Compulsive Fascinations

Page 15

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  “Stay right there.”

  I did, but that didn’t stop me from looking over my shoulder and watching him remove his tux jacket.

  His eyes were on my ass the whole time.

  Spreading my legs further, I let him see all of me.

  Those hazel eyes flashed, eating up the sight of my throbbing cunt.

  He slipped out of his vest. “You’re hungry for me.” His bowtie came off next.

  “Always.” My mouth watered when he began unbuttoning his dress shirt, his sculpted chest slowly coming into view.

  “Show me more,” he demanded in a hoarse voice, shrugging his shirt off.

  I looked forward and leaned fully on the desk, my aching nipples sliding along the smooth surface. The stimulation wrought another throb out of me.

  He growled behind me. “That’s all mine, Liv. My pussy.”

  I arched my back. “God, yes. Come take it, Calum.”

  His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, caging me in with that move alone. He tightened his hold and I realized what he meant to do to me.

  My man planned to hold me down on that desk, almost immobile, while he fucked my brains out.

  His other hand came down across my bottom. The hardest spank he’d ever given me. “Whose is this?”

  My walls fluttered. “Yours,” I breathed, lifting my ass up for another spank.

  He delivered it, slapping my other cheek with the same force.

  The distended bundle of nerves between my lips pounded. I pressed down on the desk, trying to rub my clit against it.

  I didn’t care if I came like this, was so close already.

  He spanked me again. “Whose, Liv?”

  “Yours!” I mewled, writhing on the desk.

  He slid his hand between my legs, his thumb briefly slipping into my heat.

  “Yes. Yes.” My back arched as much as his hold would allow.

  Coming. Fuck, I was—

  He took his thumb away from me, leaving me suspended right on the edge.

  “Calum! Please. Please, baby.”

  “You’re going to let me fuck this ass.” His wet thumb rimmed my puckered opening.

  The shock of pleasure left me sobbing, my loud moans bouncing off the walls. “Yes. I need it! I want your cock everywhere,” I cried.

  Another delirious growl from him.

  His thumb pressed against the tight opening.

  Then it slipped past the tight ring of muscles, into me.

  I screamed as I came, pleasure tearing through me, more intense than ever before.

  “Ah, fuck.” The tip of his dick kissed my pussy—he slammed into me, filling me completely, stuffing me full in a way I’d never been before. “Fuck. Baby.” His cock jerked inside me. “So tight like this.”

  He ground both his dick and his thumb into me.

  Pleasure flared again, shooting up my spine. Surely I couldn’t have another orgasm after how hard I’d come?

  He arched into me, his cock kicking repeatedly, his voice breaking as he moaned, “I can’t hold it, baby. Ungh. Wringing my cum from me.”

  I clutched the end of the desk tight. The thought of receiving his cum when he shot off inside me, while his thumb took me in a way no one ever had, made all my muscles clench.

  His hand squeezed down on the back of my neck, until he almost cut off my air supply. “My greedy girl wants more?” he asked in a dark tone.

  I fought to move against his finger and cock.

  He thrust his thumb in and out, keeping his hips still. Letting go of my neck, he brought his hand down on my ass. The sting mixed with all the sensations between my legs.

  One more slap, this one so harsh it brought tears to my eyes. “You’re only mine. Tell me you understand that, Liv.”

  Oh God. The man I loved was utterly dominating me, trying to force me to accept his complete ownership over my body.

  My emotions.

  He would end up making me confess my love for him if I wasn’t careful.

  And yet, I was so full of him, so turned on by it, that I almost didn’t care. I’d tell him anything as long as he kept filling my pussy and ass with him. As long as he kept delivering spanks so deliciously painful that I writhed for more.

  The wood of the desk pressed painfully into my palms from how hard I gripped it. “You fucking let her touch you knowing she wants you back!” I cried miserably.

  His deep grunt sounded so sexy. He did it again, rotating his cock deep inside.


  My voice caught in my throat at the burn of that last spank.

  “He touched your face at the airport,” he grated. Jesus, he didn’t sound like himself. “Touched my beautiful face.”

  My heart broke. I opened my mouth to apologize. “Calum, I’m—”


  I keened, vision gone black, my insides sucking hungrily on every part of him that penetrated me.

  “And that other asshole last night. He. Hugged. You. I heard what he fucking said. He wants what belongs to me. He's had it. Knows what it's like to be inside you.”

  He’d never spoken that way about anyone in front of me. His fury rocked me to the core, slicing me open.

  It hurt him.

  Someone else touching me hurt him as bad as it hurt me when Diane touched him.

  I released the edge of the desk, lifting myself up on my arms.

  He needed to know I belonged to him. All of me.

  I needed to tell him how much I loved him.

  Calum’s hand slid underneath me, fingers finding my clit.

  A rapturous stroke. His thumb thrusting into my ass. Shaft pulsing deep in my pussy.

  “This is yours, Livana. As much as you are mine.”

  He began fucking me. Hard. Each thrust more brutal than the last. His fingers rubbed circles into my clit; his dick plowed into me in time with his thumb.

  Mindless, I panted, “Yours. Fuck, fuck. Yours, baby.”

  His next thrust jarred me, making my body slide up and down the surface of the desk. “Too good. Coming. Fuck!”

  My mind seemed to shatter. The climax hit me more painful than I’d imagined. I wanted to shrink away from it—

  I moved restlessly under him, my pussy determined to get its due.

  He slammed all the way into me, his roar echoing inside the room.

  Hips moving in small circles, I milked every drop, torturing us both.

  He collapsed against my back, his big body twitching. “Mine.” He bit and sucked the back of my shoulder. “Only mine.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, boneless.

  He kissed my jaw tenderly.

  All my energy left me. I didn’t even have enough left to move. Closing my eyes, I basked in his warmth, loving the sensation of his body on my back.

  I'd started to doze off when Calum pulled out of me. “Come. Let’s get us cleaned up.” He used one arm to lift me off the desk.

  I shook my head at him, too lazy to move.

  Chuckling, he led me to a door at the back of the office that I hadn’t noticed before. It was a small bathroom with a toilet and a sink with a counter.

  Lifting me up onto the counter, he first washed his hands before making quick work of cleaning me up. “We’ll head up to our room and finish cleaning up there.”

  I nodded at him sleepily.

  Pausing, he gave me that tender smile and leaned in to kiss me, all of his anger seemingly gone.

  Fuck. I loved him.

  And I prayed that he’d at least begun to feel the same way about me.


  The hallway was empty when I stepped outside. I didn’t bother closing the door. Calum would be out in a few.

  Opening my clutch, I sent off a text to Demi, Ang, and Mikael. We needed to coordinate and make plans to go out after the event.

  All I wanted to do was go out and celebrate. Show Calum off to my friends. Tell Ang about him.

  My boyfriend.

  Or soon to be.

  For the first time e
ver I experienced absolutely no fear at the thought.

  I loved him.

  I. Loved. Calum.

  He didn’t know that. Not yet.

  He would soon. The emotion locked inside me was bigger than I. I felt like my heart would explode from the force of it.

  How could I not tell him?

  Well, look at me. I, Livana Payne, was not only disgustingly happy at the thought of having a boyfriend; I was also crazy in love with him.

  And utterly okay with that fact.

  Break-through anyone? Didn’t even have to go to therapy to get to that point, either.

  A door opened and closed down the hall.

  It occurred to me that Calum was taking way too long to come out of the room.

  “I’m glad I’m catching you alone.”

  Damn you carpeted-floor for muffling the motherfucker’s footsteps.

  Sighing, I slipped my phone back into my clutch. “Corey, there’s nothing left for us to talk about. I’d appreciate it if you simply went on, pretending I no longer exist.”

  “I can’t do that. Never could.”

  My head flew up at those words. Corey stood before me, in a tux, hands clenched at his sides.

  That expression on his face again.

  “What on Earth are you talking about?” Or, more accurately: What the hell is wrong with you?

  Why did he keep staring at me like I still held some importance to him? Maybe once I did, but clearly that had been way before his feelings for Caroline completely took over.

  “Just talk to me for five minutes. Five, Liv. Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been not to reach out to you all these years?”

  Confused didn’t even begin to describe me. Bewildered? Disorientated?

  Slowly getting angrier by the second?

  Yeah. All those fit much better. “You found happiness with Caroline. That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “I wasn’t happy with Caroline. I’d settled for Caroline because she’d succeeded at seducing me and I’d lost you because of it.”

  I ignored his pleading eyes and turned away, the long awaited rage finally awakening in my system.

  Four years of commitment issues. Issues that came close to separating me from a wonderful man like Calum. Four years of bitter memories—flashbacks of Caroline's loud, passionate cries, and of Corey's facial expression as he ate her out—and now he stood there, pretending that I mattered to him more than her?

  Telling me that all that heartbreak had been essentially for nothing?

  “Listen.” I paused and took a deep breath. My voice shook with my barely leashed fury. “I'm sorry things didn't work out with Caroline, but that doesn't mean that there's anything left for us to talk about.”

  Corey sighed. “Livana, they didn't work out because I never got over you.”

  That had to be the biggest load of bullshit I ever heard. And I let him know it, too.

  He scowled and shook his head. “She wanted me, Livana. From the day you and I started dating, she came onto me. I could never bring myself to tell you because I saw how much you loved her. And then I didn’t speak up because of the guilt. I was young and she was hot, always tempting me. I should've fucking told you, but I didn't, and eventually the temptation became too much.”

  “You fucking loved it,” I hissed under my breath.

  “She'd been tempting me for over two years! Of course I did at that point.”

  He must have sensed that I almost turned away from him; hell, he probably saw me recoil at his words, because he rushed to continue.

  “After you caught us and left me, I ended up with her because I figured that I lost you over her. I had to make it work with her. But it never did. I couldn't forget you, or get over what a stupid mistake I made, and she knew that I always thought about you constantly.”

  Being hurt by someone for a good reason doesn't mean it isn't painful. It is. But at least then there's a good fucking reason.

  Learning that he'd broken my heart over nothing more than sex . . . “The least you could've done was love her.”

  “How, when I loved you? When I still love you?”

  I stepped away from Corey, shaking my head. “You once meant everything to me, you asshole.”

  “I still love you, Liv.”

  Calum stepped out of our room and into the hallway.

  The guarded look in his eyes made it obvious that he’d heard what Corey said. I didn’t know how much of our conversation he’d overhead, but he’d definitely picked up on that last part.


  He ignored me, turning to softly close the door behind him. Calm, too-composed, he turned once more and stared at me.

  I wanted to gasp at what I saw in his eyes.

  Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  “I need to take care of something.” And with that, Calum about-faced, making his way down the hall.

  Leaving me there.

  With Corey.

  My intense, possessive man left me standing there with another man.

  A man that confessed he still loved me.

  Something was horribly wrong.

  I began after him. “Calum, wait—”

  Corey grabbed my arm. “Livana.”

  “I fucking love him. Let me go!”

  Corey dropped my arm instantly, looking shattered.

  I spun away from him and chased after Calum. He turned the corner ahead of me, phone in hand, heading toward the elevators.

  The drumming of my heartbeat filled my ears. Still jogging, I took out my cellphone. By the time I rounded the corner, Calum was gone.

  I jammed my finger into the elevator button and hurried to send him a text.

  ‘Please talk to me. Let me explain.’ - L.

  The elevator arrived. No response from him.

  I hurried inside. With no clue as to where he could’ve gone.

  Chewing on my lip, I stared down at my phone.


  I didn’t even have his brother’s number to ask him if he knew where Calum could be.

  Halfway down, I hit the call button and put the cell to my ear.

  It went straight to voicemail.

  My shaking intensified.

  Surely he wouldn’t think of leaving me over this.

  But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be really angry with me. Feeling slightly betrayed because I hadn’t told him anything about Corey, when he’d been nothing but honest with me about Diane from day one.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why hadn’t I told him?

  Because I was a scared idiot, that’s why.

  The elevator door opened and I rushed out, my thoughts centered only on finding Calum. I kept telling myself that he wouldn’t leave me over this. That it wasn’t a good enough reason for him to do so.

  Yet I couldn’t shake the stark, primal fear in my gut. The alarm that warned me something was about to happen.

  Something that would break me.

  A search of the entire ballroom yielded nothing. No Calum. No one had a clue where he might be.

  Demitra stormed passed me at one point. She stopped for a few seconds to answer my question, but her mind seemed a million miles away. Preoccupied.


  I didn’t see Dorian. Her father stood, chatting with a group of his friends near the back of the ballroom, but she definitely hadn’t been heading in his direction.

  Lucas had been standing off to the other side of the ballroom, having what seemed to be a heated argument with—

  I stopped short when I recognized the black-haired woman at his side.

  Of course I recognized her! She was one of my best friends, after all.


  The answer to every question I planned to eventually ask her slid into place.

  The expression on Luke's face was too familiar.

  That wasn't just mere anger blazing in his eyes. I remembered seeing the same heat in Calum's eyes the day he confronted me after the meeting with Lorraine.

/>   I now had the identity of the man responsible for Ang's volatile mood swings.

  She glared up at him, arms crossed and that stubborn expression I'd come to know so well on her face.

  Lucas looked ready to grab her by the arms and shake her.

  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have interrupted. My need to find Calum superseded everything.

  Ang's wide eyes when I approached them and the anxiety reflected in them solidified my conclusion. I had no plans of probing, though, especially not then. I needed to find Calum posthaste.

  Besides, she would tell me when she was ready.

  And . . . she had been about to find out my own secret.

  Which she did, the moment I asked Lucas if he had spoken to brother, or knew where he’d gone.

  He hadn’t. Pulling out his cell, he tried calling Calum.

  It went to voicemail, like it had with me.

  He asked me when had been the last time I’d seen his brother.

  “He’d left our room in a hurry, saying he had to take care of something.” My most damning answer yet.

  If I’d thought Angelina’s eyes were wide before, that was nothing compared to how big they’d gotten then.

  She, like me, said nothing about what she discovered.

  It would be dealt with. Later, after we found some time to speak alone.

  Lucas offered to head out and search for him also, with a promise to contact me if he found him. We’d exchanged numbers.

  My anxiety grew, becoming obvious.

  The point was proven less than five minutes later when I bumped into my father and a few of his coworkers. I’d spared three minutes to greet them all. My father’s eyes stayed on me the whole time, questioning.

  I told him Demitra and I rented our room together; the same lie Demitra gave her father.

  Yet another person I needed to come clean with, but that had definitely not been the correct time to do so. Besides, Calum and I agreed we’d do it together, so it had to wait.

  I’d excused myself so I could resume my search for Calum.

  And that’s how—fifteen minutes, four failed calls, and one voicemail later—I found myself taking the elevator all the way up to the top floor of the building.

  After a quick check of our empty room, I realized I wasn’t going to find him. My heart ached, but I’d be damned if I simply sat in our room, waiting for him to return. So I’d grabbed my coat and left.


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