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Space Babies (Purple People Book 1)

Page 7

by Rena Marks

  “Need some help with a squirmy worm?” she asked, grabbing a towel. She held it out while he deposited Titi into it, then couldn’t help but sneak a kiss onto her lips.

  She blushed. “We’ll start breakfast while you finish.”

  Then she did it. She looked down and stared at his cock. He smiled at her lack of control.

  “Nuh-uh, I didn’t,” she muttered to herself, then left the small bathroom.

  His mate still couldn’t resist him.

  He showered quickly. They were extending the fields of food today, preparing winter plants for the cooler weather. The females would gather and watch their mates work. He intended to give Lara quite a show.

  * * * * *

  Marcie was already out there, watching Bajoc work. The suns were barely warm in the sky, and she wore a giant floppy hat to shield her for when they rose higher.

  “Where’s everyone else?” Lara asked her.

  “Some are gathering items they want replicated. Others are planning things with the children. Raine and Lisette are working out the details for a swimming pond.”

  She peered closer at Lara. “You look awfully…happy today.”

  Lara couldn’t contain her excitement. “I seduced him last night.”

  “You did not,” Marcie whispered. “He’s huge.”

  “All over,” Lara said, unable to stop the smile from taking over her face.

  “You took all of that?” Marcie asked, curious now. “I peeked at Bajoc in the shower. I was like…wow.”

  “Yup. And,” Lara felt herself blush. “He went down on me like nobody’s business. I mean seriously, it’s like he’s psychic. He knew exactly what I would want, when I wanted it, and how I wanted it. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my life.”

  “Really?” She peered across the field where Bajoc was working in the field with Dronan. “That makes me curious.”

  “I don’t know how they know. I mean, they have no women. I’m not sure how they ended up on a planet without women, and they seem a little bit on the innocent side as far as relationships go. But I swear, all I had to do was think about where I wanted his mouth to go, and it went. All I could do was moan in ecstasy.”

  “It does sound a bit…titillating,” Marcie said. “I think Anita and I are going to make the guys understand that we want to do dinner together tonight. Maybe when they leave…”

  “When we leave what?” Anita asked, as she approached with Raine, Jessica and Isabel.

  Marcie turned crimson. “I’m going to seduce Bajoc.”

  “Ooh, are you kidding?” Raine’s thin, painted-on eyebrows practically rose into her hairline. “He looks like he’d be kinky.”

  “Really?” Lara said, squinting her eyes. “I think they look a little innocent.”

  Just then, Tristan came out from the field, holding Titi on his hip as he scanned the area for Lara.

  “Let me go grab her,” Lara murmured, ignoring the looks the other women gave her.

  “Did she say innocent?” Anita asked beneath her breath.

  “Well, remember how they blushed the other night when you hinted at wanting to watch the two guys together?” she tossed over her shoulder as she went to the field.

  Tristan’s eyes lit up when he saw her, and he quickly approached, bringing Titi to her.

  “Come with me, precious, so your daddy can work with the guys. We have to keep his big ole muscles built up, cause I kind of like them,” she cooed, then lifted her lips for his kiss. He growled something sexy under his breath, and Lara slipped him some tongue before pulling away. “You might want to take your shirt off, sexy,” she winked, sauntering away with Titi. “It’s hot out. Don’t want you suffering heatstroke.”

  She deliberately let her hips sway as she walked back to the gals, knowing he’d be watching.

  “Is he watching?” she asked, as she approached.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s watching,” Anita mumbled. “You got him so under your thumb it’s ridiculous.”

  “Awesome,” Lara said. “Cause I really kind of like him.”

  “You do?” Anita asked, and looked puzzled.

  “Yep. Face it, girls. There are worse places we could have landed. This life is like a Little House on the Prairie episode. We’re figuring things out. We have hot guys who actually saved us. Who knows what our fate was on that ship?”

  “We’re supposed to be teachers,” Lillian mumbled. “That’s what we signed up for.”

  “We are. We’re teachers now, and we’re mommies.” Titi was falling asleep in her arms, and Lara gentle rocked her back and forth, watching as her ridiculously long eyelashes fluttered. “These are the cutest little purple bugs, ever.” She softly kissed Titi’s sweet forehead, inhaling the scent of her skin. “Which reminds me. Who’s up for making soap? I know the guys have it, but could it smell any more herbally? I’m up for some lavender scent, or roses. Whatever those flowers are that are budding around the Tiny Town ought to work.”

  “I was just thinking that,” Lillian said. She brought over a box, and her child, a sweet little purple girl named Eelia, brought a pillow to spread on the bottom. “Here,” she said. “Insta-crib.”

  “Thanks,” Lara said, laying Titi down. “She’s like a rock when she’s out.” She laughed, massaging her sore arms.

  “Bet that’s not all that’s sore,” Anita said with a leer.

  “If we are gonna do this,” Marcie said. “With our men, I mean, we’ll have to come up with a plan for the children. We can all get together for a few hours each morning to begin some lessons. Split them up into groups according to age. Then rotate the days so we each have some time teaching and some time off. I’d even be willing to watch Titi some evening to let her play with Reese. Maybe the next week, they can both play at your house.”

  Lara nodded. “Good idea. That takes care of the children. Now let’s work on a plan on the details of getting the men seduced, for those of you who haven’t been touched. Who is that?”

  About a dozen women raised their hands, while the other six looked up at the sky.

  “Tramps,” Lara muttered, with a smile. “Let’s help the rest of our sisters out. Ladies, we need to get aggressive.” She grabbed a stick, and drew in the dirt. “Step one. Dress skimpy.”

  “Skimpy?” Samantha asked.

  “Yeah,” Lara said, eyeing her. “We’ve been in professional teacher mode for too long. Remember how it was on Earth? Drop those top buttons until some cleavage pops. And stand a little sexy. Remember the Betty and Veronica comics? Put one leg in front of the other, and bend the knee to accentuate your hips.”

  Samantha mimicked her.

  “That’s it. That’s how I stand when I’m in the kitchen, and I swear Tristan ogles me the entire time. Now, when you stir whatever’s on the stove…do it slowly. Sexily. Rotate your wrist a little and lick your lips. Trust me, his gaze will follow your tongue. Practice.”

  All the women held their arms out, pretending to stir a giant pot.

  “More wrist, Anita. Make it sexy.”

  Anita pouted her lips in the mimic of duck lips.

  “Oooh, that’s good,” Lara complimented. “I’d almost do you.”

  “This feels like bellydancing,” Jannie said, swaying in conjunction with her stirring of the pot. Her tongue lapped out like a puppy.

  “Less tongue, less tongue,” Lara barked. “Geez, girl. We want him to carry you to the bedroom, not run off because he exploded in his pants and has to clean up.”

  Jannie pouted. “I wanted him to know exactly how I’d like him to use his tongue.”

  “Later. Trust me, once you’re flat on your back, say what you want. Hell, they can’t understand us, and it’s kind of liberating anyway. But somehow, he’ll sense it without you having to act it out. They have some kind of alien sixth sense. I swear.”

  “How’s this, Lara?” Dawn asked, working her arm and hips together.

  “That looks pretty good. Maybe knot up the ends of your shirt to show some sk
in at the belly. It’ll drive him nuts,” Lara said. “What are you doing?” she snapped, staring at Marcia.

  “I want him to notice my ass.” She’d torn her skirt so high, her butt cheeks nearly poked out underneath.

  “He’s gonna notice,” Anita snickered.

  * * * * *

  “What are they doing?” Chastien whispered.

  “I’m not sure.” Tristan scratched his head. Up ahead, the females all danced, some swinging their arms, others quacking around. Still others tore at their clothing.

  “Is the warmth from the suns getting to them?” Dronan asked.

  “I don’t think so. It’s not that warm. Perhaps they’re exercising?” Tristan said. Even his sweet Lara was acting weird, barking orders he couldn’t hear, and now and then reaching out and touching a female’s body part, tucking it in or out of the clothing.

  “That’s kind of hot,” Kamau said. “Now I see why Anita mentioned…”

  “Don’t say it,” Tristan growled. Again, he felt his cheeks heat.

  Bajoc looked at him curiously. A little too curiously.

  “No,” Tristan said. “Just no. Besides, Lara and I have a very healthy relationship in the bedroom.”

  “You have mated with her?” Bajoc asked. “Really? How did you accomplish that? Marcie looks like she’d run screaming if I showed her my bulging organ.”

  “Well, I worked her up to it, of course. Tantalized her with my manliness. Frequently took my shirt off. Even showed her my high rank on my chest. She seemed a bit distracted with my abs…her eyes kept straying there.”

  “I’m going to go show Marcie my abs right now,” Bajoc said, preparing to leave.

  “Not yet,” Tristan hissed. “It’s not that easy. You have to woo them gently.”

  “How gently?” Bajoc growled.

  “Well, everyone take your shirts off. Make it casual, like we’re hot and need them off. Not like we’re trying to show them. Sheesh.”

  Tristan felt like rolling his eyes when every single man present quickly flung his shirt to the ground. Apparently none of them understood the meaning of the word casual.

  “Oh, well. Now, just work the fields. Hard,” he added. He may as well get some much-needed work out of this experiment. “They like to see the muscles swollen and bulging and shining with sweat. It will drive them wild.”

  “I hope so,” Aello said. “I can’t wait to drive her wild.”

  “Why don’t we dig a pit today and roast a motrisse? There will be enough meat to feed everyone. Then when the sun goes down, we’ll take our exhausted and well-fed females home to our beds.”

  “That is a great idea,” Aello said. “I’ll go to the replicator.”

  As he left the group, Tristan said to the others, “Okay, some of you work on getting a few chairs scattered around the pit so the females can relax and watch us work bareback. Remember, men, this is for your brothers! Those wretched males who haven’t been laid since decades ago.” He felt safe saying that, since he was no longer one of those. He’d get his poor, blue-balled brothers laid yet. For a brief moment, self-doubt hindered his thinking. What if he couldn’t get these fools laid? It was easy to seduce Lara, he was handsome. A leader. The best in his field. A rock could ping off his tight buttocks. And his chest. Massive. He could do pushups all day long and never tire. Not even with Titi sprawled on his back. But his men…they were not so attractive. Bajoc had that enormous scar across his face. Kamau was so light-skinned, he barely looked Freijian. He almost glowed in the dark.

  Poor bastards.

  By the time the motrisse was tender and smoke-flavored, his planet inhabitants were sitting comfortably, talking and laughing amongst themselves as the males and females mingled. The offspring chased each other in a game only they could understand. They had to round them up to eat, and off they ran to play as soon as they could.

  His men gathered on the ground, in front of the female’s chairs. He watched as every now and then a mate would lean forward and brush her male’s horns, grab his shoulders--anything to touch her warrior.

  “I did this,” he said to Lara, his arm draped across her lap. If his voice had a bit of bragging in it, so be it. “I have accomplished much, this day.”

  “God, you’re sexy when you speak French.” She grinned. “Look at all our guys and gals getting along so well. I like to think I accomplished that with my little pep rally. Life is good, isn’t it, baby?”

  Pep rally? He wasn’t sure what that was, but it was adorable that his mate thought the inhabitants got along because of her.

  So sweet.

  Vain little female.

  “Mate,” he said. “I schooled the warriors in the art of seduction. I am practically a teacher myself. I wear many hats.” He patted her knee. “You are lucky you wound up with me.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I used to be a cheer leader, though that was years ago, of course. But it’s nice to know I still have it.” She extended a leg out, flexing her calf muscles. You should have seen me on top of a pyramid.”

  “Oh, you still have it, all right.” He knew his eyes gleamed as he caressed the tight muscles in her dancer legs.

  “Maybe we should start closing down this barbecue,” Lara whispered in his ear. Then she did the unthinkable and traced his earlobe with her tongue.

  “It’s late,” he announced to everyone, standing abruptly. “Let’s get the fire doused and our families in bed.”

  It wasn’t until after he stood and the females averted their eyes that he realized his erection tented the front of his pants for all to see.

  Chapter Eight

  They couldn’t put Titi to bed fast enough. Thankfully, playing with the other children tuckered the poor baby out. Lara intended to blow his mind.

  She wore her one nightie that could be called negligee, and was artfully arranged on the bed when he returned, closing the door softly behind hm.

  He mumbled something in his beautiful language, and grasped her ankle, yanking her forcefully to the edge of the bed. He tried to spread her legs, and she got it. Oh, boy, did she get it.

  He intended to eat her out.

  She flipped over onto her stomach and crawled away. “Nuh, uh. Not this time, tall, dark and gorgeous.”

  An imperious eyebrow rose, making him look like the leader of the planet. He growled something else.

  “You may be the king everywhere else, but there’s something else that can bring you to your knees. Come here,” she coaxed. Then she encouraged his hesitancy by untying her negligee at the neck. It opened clear down the front, exposing the curves of her breasts.

  He looked adorably confused as he tried not to stare, but gave up. He came to stand before her, reaching for a boob.

  She smacked his hand away.

  “No distractions,” she said sharply. “Let the teacher teach you.”

  She leaned forward and unbuckled his pants, then kissed the skin that slowly exposed. His breath caught in his throat and goosebumps broke out against the small strip of flesh. She pushed his shirt up.

  “Can you get rid of this, big guy?”

  He complied, stripping the shirt up over his head. God, she loved his abs. She kissed each delectable cut while her fingers worked magic pulling his pants down.

  His hard cock freed, and she nuzzled it against her cheek. “Feels good,” she murmured. “So warm.” His breath seemed to hitch in his throat.

  Her fingers curled around his balls. They tightened beneath her touch. She turned her face and pressed soft kisses against the length of his twitching cock.

  A long, slow groan pulled from deep in his chest. Then she took his erection into her mouth and began sucking. God, she was so wet it was all she could do to keep from squirming and leaving her mark on the bed beneath her. So she spread her legs and fingered her clit while she sucked him off.

  He didn’t last long. A large hand on her shoulder indicated he was going to come, so she sucked harder. He exploded, filling her mouth with sweetness that
she swallowed down. His thighs quivered, so she pulled him down onto the bed. He looked bemused, mind-blown, as if he couldn’t believe what just happened.

  She crawled on top of him, tugged her thong to the side just because there was no time to waste—she had to get that magnificent wet cock buried in her—and sat. He cut through her swollen flesh, triggering every pleasurable nerve ending inside her.

  He never softened. He remained hard as she ground her hips down, finding her own pleasure on his cock.

  He muttered sexy phrases, and his eyes filled with lust. He seemed to enjoy her wantonness. He reached up and grabbed the two parts of her negligee, spreading it apart so he could feast on her exposed body. Then his finger dipped down to her clit and she thought she’d die. It was wet and it pressed so delightfully against the swollen nub.

  He reached up and pinched her nipple with his other hand and her body seized, the orgasm beginning where his finger was furiously manipulating her clit. He growled, bucking his hips to get her to move deeper, faster. She exploded and his hands moved to her hips, digging into the flesh as he furiously gripped her hips to move her back and forth. Then with a strangled groan, he found his release, and hot liquid shot into her.

  God, this man was amazing. She collapsed onto his chest and then realized that was the only part of them that had gotten undressed. His pants were still down around his ankles, her panties were still shoved to the side and her negligee was on, though it was untied so her bare breasts lay flat against his hard pecs.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” she murmured sleepily. The earlier picnic, followed by amazing sex, had worn her out. In a good way.

  * * * * *

  The bedroom door burst open before Titi crawled up onto the bed. Without opening her eyes, his beautiful mate tucked her beneath the covers between them and snuggled her close. Titi’s tiny fist curled against Lara’s breast. An unfamiliar feeling choked his chest. He’d never had this feeling of…supreme satisfaction before. This was beyond happiness. He’d had happiness, cruising the skies with his brothers, fighting and conquering. But this? Beyond words.


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