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Space Babies (Purple People Book 1)

Page 8

by Rena Marks

  Nothing could topple this feeling. Not even being the laughingstock of the Freijian patrol. No, now those dreaded rumors started by the bastard Serecone—and Tristan had no doubt it was that evil bastard—mattered. Who cared that they didn’t know the planet’s inhabitants were offspring? They knew now. Who cared that they were the only planet without a start-up kit? They figured it out the hard way. Who cared that they had no animals roaming the land? One day, when the little ones were a bit older and the families were safe, he’d send the ship out for a few things that could populate the planet. Maybe a nice, furry retsli for Titi—once she understood she couldn’t pull a creature’s tail, of course. And now that he knew Titi herself wasn’t a pet.

  Carefully, he slipped from the bed without waking them. He tossed on clothing, not wanting to run the shower. He’d run through a sonic cleanser on the ship, so he wouldn’t wake the dear ones dreaming in his bed.

  He signaled the other warriors through their ear coms once he left the house. It was time for their quarterly check-in with headquarters.

  Once he entered the ship, he walked through the sonic cleansing chamber a few times before the others started to arrive, opening his mouth for a good cleaning also. Sometimes it was good to have technology, though there was a certain charm to having an old fashioned planet.

  “Is everybody ready?” he asked his men.

  Bajoc cracked his knuckles, while several nodded.

  “Let’s get this done.”

  Each member of his crew manned their station, though the Supreme Commander wouldn’t be able to see them all throughout the interior.

  He punched the direct line.

  “Check in log dot report. Enter identity and password.”

  “Helian Six. Fallotrist-nine-one.”

  “Go ahead.”

  The image of their leader came across the screen. He looked a bit relieved. “I see there are no Hespriians creating havoc today.”

  “No, sir.” Tristan cleared his throat. “They are adapting well to training. They have made great strides in these weeks.”

  “What sort of strides?”

  “They have learned chores to enable their sense of self-worth. They work on their language skills, and self control. They also march in formation.”

  Perhaps that last part was stretching it a bit. And he deliberately left out that Titi still couldn’t control her body functions.

  “And where are the hellions now?” The leader asked, his voice suspicious.

  Next to him, he heard Bajoc suck in a breath. They hadn’t thought of that. Of course, the offspring were safe with their mates, but the Supreme Commander had no idea of that.

  He glanced quickly about the room. There were at least half a dozen warriors who couldn’t be seen from the angle of the video cam.

  “We have three men keeping them busy. Tiernan, Chautles, and Aello.”

  All three heads jerked up, and slunk nearer to the controls, lest they be seen.

  “Hmm. Well, that was resourceful,” the commander grudgingly admitted, overlooking the fact that attendance was mandatory by all crew. Apparently, the offspring running amuck with curiosity in the ship outweighed that pesky rule.

  “The entire crew is still intent on carrying out twenty two life cycles on the planet of Hesprii?”

  “Yes, sir. We are determined.”

  “So be it. Thank you for your service to the community, officers. Good day.”

  “Thank you, Supreme Commander Krieckjan. We will forever remain in service to humanity.”

  As soon as the image on the screen disappeared, the men sprang into action.

  “Whew, that was close,” Aello said, stretching his neck. “I was sure he saw me.”

  “Doubtful,” Tristan snapped. “Or he would have said something.”

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Bajoc said.

  Someone looked happy. Tristan narrowed his eyes. “Did you get lucky last night?”

  Bajoc’s eyes crossed. “That woman can do the most amazing things with her tongue! I feel like a schoolboy again.”

  “Did everyone get laid last night?” Tristan asked. Almost everyone nodded…except for Aello and Kamau.

  The rest of the men looked uncomfortable at their crestfallen faces.

  “Well, what are you doing wrong?” Tristan asked, a note of exasperation in his voice. He knew it was slightly unfair, but enough was enough. They were the last two.

  “I do not know,” Aello said. “I think she does not find me attractive.”

  “I do catch Anita looking at me,” Kamau said. “But she refuses my advances and she does not touch me.”

  “Hmm.” Tristan scratched his chin. “Perhaps we can trade the mates. Anita may find Aello attractive. And Lisette may want Kamau.”

  That snapped both men out of their whining moods.

  “Anita wants me,” Kamau snarled. “She just doesn’t know it.”

  “Lisette loves our Tarek. She knows we are a package deal and will never give our offspring up for the likes of Kamau,” Aello barked.

  “I don’t know,” Bajoc said. “That idea sounds pretty good. If Anita doesn’t look his way…say, now that I think about it, I seem to remember her looking at Aello’s ass.”

  Kamau’s fists clenched as he looked over at Aello.

  “She probably couldn’t help it,” Aello said, looking around himself at his own backside. “Lots of the mates stare when I walk by.”

  “Keep an open mind,” Tristan said. “We’ll head out there and see whose eyes follow whose butt.”

  “Anita will only stare at mine,” Kamau said.

  “Well, you are one of the only two who have not had a pleasurable consummation with his mate.”

  Aello still stared at Kamau like he would gladly take him on.

  Tristan stood between the two men. “At ease, warriors. Let’s head outside and see if everyone’s about.”

  The mates and the offspring were indeed in the main area. Titi came running toward Tristan. He picked her up to put on his shoulders, not wanting to miss any of the action with Anita and Lisette.

  Lara smiled at him with lovestruck eyes. He puffed out his chest, and saw her eyes falter there, before drifting back up. He winked at her, and then looked toward Anita.

  He pushed Aello, who stood walking at his right. Her gaze glanced at him as he stumbled.

  From his left, Kamau noticed her eyes on Aello and growled. He stalked toward Anita.

  “You are mine. I don’t care if I have to tie you to the bed instead of the stove this time, you will learn how much you want me. No one can bring you the pleasure I can.” He grabbed her, and pulled her close.

  “What the—“ Her voice was cut off as he pressed his mouth to hers, bending her backward as he reached down her throat with his tongue.

  Lisette came running as she saw Aello stumble. “Are you okay?” she asked, reaching for him. To his credit, Aello limped slightly, leaning on her shoulders as she walked him to sit down.

  Tristan rolled his eyes. It wasn’t that much of a shove.

  At the last moment, Aello looked over his shoulder and winked at the guys. “Please do not ever look at Kamau,” he said to Anita. “Always keep your eyes on me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re saying,” she said. “But I’m guessing you’re in a lot of pain. Let me take care of you. Please sit while I massage that foot.”

  Aello groaned. “You realize what she is going to massage next, don’t you?” he bragged to the men.

  “We shall see.” Tristan wanted to hold out hope for these last two, but honestly, those women scraped the bottom of the barrel with these ones.

  Kamau was still chasing Anita’s tongue down her throat.

  “All finished with work?” Lara asked, even as Bajoc ran off chasing Marcie. “I was hoping we could take a walk through the woods. Titi should be going down for a nap soon, and we should have a couple hours if someone keeps an eye on her.”

  “That is a great idea, mate
,” he said, even though she couldn’t understand. He bent to kiss her.

  “Da,” Titi pounded on top of his head.

  “I really want to kiss your daddy,” Lara said to her. He allowed the wriggly body to slide down from his shoulders, and off she toddled to the other children. She found her special friend Tomlak playing with Reese, and sat down to join in.

  Then Kamau picked up Anita and swung her over his shoulder, making her screech. He stomped off toward their house.

  Tristan looked at his mate worriedly. He wasn’t sure if she would charge to save Anita. Instead she surprised him by shrugging.

  “Anita’s a big girl. I guess playing hard to get worked after all.”

  The phrase confused him.

  Reese handed Titi a toy space ship, and Tomlak handed her a small doll. She butted the two up against each other for a romantic dance.

  Tristan sighed, and glanced at Lara quickly from under his lashes. He was still concerned that Titi might very well be a pet.

  Lara did not look concerned. Instead she signaled Isabel, who came right over.

  “Would you be able to keep an eye on Titi? She’ll be going down for a nap very soon now. We should be back before she wakes.”

  “Of course,” Isabel said.

  Then Lara slipped her hand into his, and he forgot all about his concerns with his offspring.

  The planet was gorgeous just beyond the ravine. Trees with massive roots would make a fun place for the children to play house. Titi would squeal with delight should he bring her here. He longed to share this tidbit with Lara. Regretfully, he couldn’t. This language barrier was a pain in his neck.

  “God, this place is glorious,” Lara said. “You are so lucky to have this planet. I can see a fairy community in this forest.” She smacked her head, and Tristan looked at her, concerned that she’d hurt herself. “That’s it! The children are purple, with those ridiculously long lashes, and those sweet curls of hair. Their ears are pointed. They must be descended from a type of fairy. On Earth, we only imagined fairies were real, of course.”

  He had no idea what she spoke of. But there was something fun he wanted to show her. He pulled her along, just beyond the bend of trees.

  “What’s that?” she asked. “What’s that noise?”

  It was the splashing of water. They turned the corner to see the most amazing waterfall he’d ever seen.

  She stared, her mouth agape. “Are those bubbles?” she asked.

  Yes, they were bubbles. Giant bubbles the size of a head fell down from the falling water, some floating gently to the water surface, and others popping dramatically.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She looked around. “Does anyone else know about it?”

  His men did, of course.

  But since he didn’t answer, she took that as acknowledgment that they were the only two here. And he didn’t disillusion her because she began to disrobe.

  He quickly began to strip, too. What a pleasant idea!

  She splashed through the bubbles, carefully balancing one in the palms of her hands before tossing it at him. He caught it, and it lasted two seconds before popping, splashing him in the face.

  Lara giggled. “This is so much fun. I’m glad it’s our special place. Do you think we can…you know?”

  He nodded eagerly, and his cock rose to the occasion. He swam to her, the water splashing all about.

  Perhaps the lack of communication wasn’t so bad. He couldn’t tell her the Legend of the Bubbled Waterfall.

  He and his warriors had been told—by that female species who introduced them to the sins of the flesh—to run from it should they ever come across one. It increased fertility tenfold.

  But he needed to hurry. No doubt his warriors would be getting the same idea soon. Though, naturally the idea occurred to him first. He was leader, after all.

  Chapter Nine

  Three months later:

  All the men were away today. Yesterday they’d spent all day on the ship—doing what, she had no idea. This morning, she’d been kissed goodbye, along with Titi, and Tristan headed that way again. One by one, the other nineteen warriors headed toward their alien vessel. The Freijian vessel. At least she thought that was his species. He’d pointed to himself, the ship, and the other men while saying it slowly.

  “What do you think they do in there?” Marcie asked her. They were out in the yard, enjoying a cup of tea while the children were in session. Titi was a little young for the classes, but she mostly played until she tired. Then she was put down for a nap, giving Lara much needed free time.

  “I have no idea. I imagine they have to answer to someone, since they wear their uniforms when they board?” Normally, the men stripped to the waist when working the fields, or wore casual, warrior-type clothing when not on the ship. It was definitely an ogle-fest for the women.

  “I wish we knew the language.”

  “We need to work on that. It is frustrating,” Lara agreed. Tristan had picked up on a few English words here and there, but he never bothered to teach her words in their language, not since playing around with the word Freijian.

  A small ringing noise caught Lara’s attention, almost like tinnitus. But it didn’t seem to come from her ears. She looked around, and the noise slowly evolved. It almost seemed to hum at first, then sing.

  Marcie continued talking, sharing a story about Reese.

  Lara looked around, distracted by the noise. It was coming from nearby. A low point, like on the ground. Finally she found the source. There, shimmering beneath a bush, was a black blob of a thing. It was melted, and seemed to flow on the ground, though it didn’t move from the spot. Hardened pieces of what looked like shell surrounded it.

  “What is that?” she asked Marcie, who finally stopped talking long enough to see what she was searching for.

  “I—I’m not sure. I don’t think I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “It’s singing.”

  Marcie started, looking at her intently. “Lara? I don’t hear anything.”

  But she could. It sounded like pure, haunting tones of a bell, resonating round and round. She could feel the sound, deep inside her, reverberating, humming through her limbs.

  The fact that Marcie didn’t hear it was curious. “You don’t?”


  “It’s alive,” she murmured.

  “What?” Marcie sounded concerned.

  “Whatever the creature is, it’s friendly. It seems to draw me in. I’m getting this incredible urge to reach out and touch.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t,” Marcie said, looking around frantically.

  “I—I somehow need to.” Lara couldn’t explain the draw, but it was getting stronger. The shimmering, black blob that moved like thickened, gelatinous ink, called to her like a beacon. What would a connection feel like? Probably comforting and nourishing, though she had no idea where that knowledge came from. She left the chairs to kneel by it. Slowly she reached out with a trembling fingertip and slipped it into the mass.

  “Lara!” Marcie yelled.

  The body of the creature was cold. Lara jerked back, but her finger wouldn’t pull free. “What the hell?”

  It wouldn’t let her go. Her eyes grew large, and she looked at Marcie. “It hurts! It’s so cold, and freezing pain is moving up my finger. I don’t know what it is. But it won’t let me go.”

  Then as both women watched, the black blob changed size. It grew from the ground, leaving the bush behind, shimmering black liquid as high as Lara. Lara slowly stood, and the blob raised itself too, like a waterfall of flowing ink, as tall as she was.

  “What’s it doing?” Marcie whispered. “Mimicking you?”

  “I don’t know. But I’m not taking it back to the village. We have to keep it away from the children.”

  “I don’t want to leave you alone.” Marcie’s eyes darted toward the ship. “But I need to get the guys. Maybe they’ll know what it is, since there is nothing else
on this planet but us and then. No wildlife. Nothing.”

  “I don’t think it’s hurting me,” Lara said. “I feel fine. It’s wonderful, so relaxing. Touch it, Marcie.”

  Marcie looked at her like she was insane. “What?”

  “Feel it.”

  “Lara, you just said it hurts. That it was cold. How can it suddenly be relaxing?”

  Lara felt herself shrug. “I was wrong. Just touch it. Join me, my sister.”

  She was barely aware of the strange words. She’d never called Marcie my sister before. To her credit, Marcie looked wary as hell.

  Then the black, shimmering liquid changed. Lara felt something magnetized pull from her midsection, but it was only her finger that actually touched the blob. Second by second, the black lifted and lightened.

  A reddish color formed at the top, and then a blue. A tan on bottom, and white near the ground. Then form shifted into place. The top rounded, the bottom elongated.

  “It’s becoming…you,” Marcie gasped.

  Sure enough, a woman’s arms and legs formed, in her image. Her clothing manifested, and finally her face. Lara’s own eyes stared back at her, unblinking.

  There was no way to tell which was the black blob that had been under a bush and which was her. They were exactly the same in every way.

  “It’s taking over me,” she said.

  And now Lara felt its anger. Marcie was acting freaked out, refusing to combine with it. How dare she? Who did she think she was? Didn’t she see they were almost one?

  They were going to hurt her, snuff her out in retaliation for not wanting to combine with them. They could combine with everyone else. Lara felt the truth in the pit of her belly. She turned to Marcie.


  * * * * *

  All his warriors were in the ship getting scheduled requirements out of the way, but they also had another, pressing matter to meet about. The females were out on the planet, schooling the children. A rolling undercurrent of excitement was in the air—there was a subject they knew they finally had to face. The permanent status of the planet. Whether or not the women would be kept. Of course they had to be asked, and in order to do that, the women had to know they could implant them with a language processor.


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