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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 4

by L M Lacee

  Each Hex had lawn bots that were a flat thin disk Darby had seen Peyton studying them, trying to see what they did with the grass and how they cut the lawn without blades. She could have told her it was laser cut, and the grass was turned into mulch or so Nina had assured her. But as Peyton never asked, she decided to see how long it took before she was caught finding out for herself, and breaking the agreement. That very thought made her laugh quietly to herself at odd moments of the day.

  Looking around her bedroom as she yawned again and wondered how long it would take before the decorating committee started the remodeling of her and Peyton’s apartments. She figured if they ever went off world, she would come back home and find her home done over, as Esther threatened. She knew the communal level of their Hex was mostly done, well at least the three apartments occupied by Helen, Brenda and Esther were completely decorated, as was the large screen room that Peyton had instantly commandeered as the vid room for movies and games. Also the other smaller rooms, plus several lounges with balconies which overlooked wide expanses of their world were also completed and looked real nice.

  Helen had told her and Peyton that the kitchen which was the biggest one Darby had ever seen outside of an institution, was to be extended to incorporate the large separate dining room. She said it was where everyone came to eat and socialize, so the room needed to reflect a welcoming atmosphere.

  Darby had learned the kitchen was the most important room in their home, as it had been in Peyton’s home on Earth, the only difference between the two was that the meals here included everyone and the ladies made them. She never knew who would be at any given meal and over the last three luneras, had discovered she enjoyed the randomity of not knowing. She did however love the fact that after almost every eve-meal, everyone gravitated toward any one of their lounges, which Brenda assured her had views to die for. She was not sure that was true, she thought they were spectacular but to die for, Nah!

  Peyton called her a philistine; she did not have the heart to explain she was using the wrong word. She thought she would save telling her that for later when she was being really annoying. Although she did enjoy the balconies with the varying styles of chairs and couches, she found with or without company they were always a place to be at ease.

  More so when they had a girls night, which they have hosted once or twice since arriving. Alcohol had never really featured in her life before living at Peyton’s, and to be honest she could take it or leave it, much like the others but the nights they indulged were fun and made happy memories to be cherished.

  Darby folded her blankets down as she thought about how it was time Peyton gave another speech. They had been living on Prime for three luneras and people felt abandoned, at least that was what Kolin and Kerol had told her this afternoon. So, she decided tomorrow to remind Peyton it was time the worlds heard from the Star Daughter, she grinned thinking of the whining she was sure to do. Darby shrugged, if she got obstinate, she would get Esther to speak to her. That was always fun, watching Peyton squirm. Yawning again, she slipped into bed and was asleep before her head touched the pillow.


  As Darby drifted into dreams, Melody started her early morn marathon around the streets of Prime. Every morn she ran to stabilize herself and to get a feel for her new home, she loved this time of day, just before the world woke from its slumber. Sometimes there was a mist that made running the countryside even more surreal, on those morns she could imagine she was alone on her purple planet.

  She let loose a laugh for the joy of it, as she bypassed the walkways, choosing to run on the paved street and wondered again why no land vehicles had been found. She passed the small landing pads outside the Hexes for the shuttles they had found. Maybe she reasoned for the millionth time there were no land vehicles, which seemed weird to her, why then have paved streets? She had mentioned this to Peyton who had stared at her and thrown her hands into the air as if to say why ask me and walked away, which seemed extreme to Melody.

  She had to admit she enjoyed living and working in the Hexes which is what they had dubbed the dwellings. She liked how the families had found them just as enjoyable, at least it appeared that way to her. Every day someone found another use for the courtyards which were in the center of the buildings. Some couples decided they would be given over to play equipment for their children, others to gardens and some to outdoor living. All the Hexes levels surrounded an opening in the center that went from the ground floor to the roof, or that was what it appeared like. In fact the roof panels were thinned to resemble a huge skylight which darkened at night and lightened at dawn. A retractable floor could be slipped into position between the levels if it was needed by simply selecting the code in each of the Hexagon’s structural programs.

  Although the outside structure of the Hexagons could not be altered, the inside walls were easily removed to change the configuration of any room or more could be added to make new rooms, this was just a simple matter of removing or installing new panels. These panels were constructed in replicators, which had been found in the small manufacturing buildings on each planet.

  Melody grinned as she thought of the conversations she had overheard between Warriors, about how time consuming and enjoyable choosing furniture and decorating their homes were. It was not unusual to see Warriors with their tablets opened, pouring over tips on furnishing homes. Although changing the color of interior doors, floors, walls and ceilings was amazingly simple, it just required a code that was placed into the small console panel in each room. An exciting and fast way to alter a room with no inconvenience, making the tons of paint brought with them from Earth, redundant.

  She had heard the paint, along with the window treatments were to be traded. That was what Netta told her and she apparently had heard that from Rose who had briefed Peyton and Hawk on trading the paint and other items not needed on the worlds. Rose was positive she would have no problem selling everything as there were many planets without tech that would find a use for the paint as well as all the other items for decorating a building, and all the tools and machinery they had brought with them. There were always planets were human females had resettled who may want those items.

  As she ran back into town, Melody drew in the scent of freshly baked bread. The bakeries were the most popular businesses in town; she knew for a fact that the single Warriors visited them often, even though they had the ladies club rotating females to cook for them.

  It was a sad but nice fact that the Warriors loved being fussed over by willing motherly types and Melody knew it was a match made in heaven. The Warriors blossomed under the care of the females and the females felt wanted and useful, something they had not been for many yentas. She and Helen had discussed dispensing with the dedicated dining rooms that were in several Hexes, when more restaurants and diners were established. Helen thought that it would be unlikely, it was not just the food the Warriors got from the dining rooms. Melody thought they would go by the wayside when the Warriors became more relaxed with eating alongside the females. At the moment the restaurants and diners were used more by couples and families.

  She also knew Helen was holding cooking classes teaching the Warriors how to cook as well as anyone else who was interested. She felt as the Warriors learned to cook for themselves they would be less likely to go to the dining rooms. So far she had resisted the temptation of taking a class from Helen.

  It wasn’t until she turned a corner that she realized Netta was pacing alongside her. ‘Greetings girl!’

  ‘Greetings yourself, how long have you been there?’

  Netta grinned. ‘Only a few mins, you seemed deep in thought.’

  ‘Yeah, I was thinking about the Warriors, cooking and stuff.’

  ‘Dearle stars, you’re not thinking of learning are you?’

  Melody looked at her from the side of her eyes to see her reaction when she told her. ‘Nah, thinking more of moving back home.’

  Netta grinned. ‘Brenda visit you too?’r />
  ‘Yep, you as well?’



  Unfortunately, Darby’s plans to tackle Peyton that day did not come to fruition. When she finally emerged from her apartment around mid-morn, it was to find Peyton had taken herself to Terra, the agricultural planet. Ostensibly to pay a visit to the new overseers which were Nina, her sister Fern and Fern’s mate Renta. Peyton and Nina had become good friends while traveling to Maikonia, Peyton adored Nina’s no nonsense manner and Nina adored Peyton’s single-minded pursuit of happiness for everyone.

  In reality, everyone knew Peyton visited Terra to check that her coffee, and chocolate plants were growing well. She also liked to make sure the children who had not been adopted and thankfully there were only a few of them left, were still alright. It had been decided that living on Terra would be a good fit for them until they were chosen by families. It was not unusual to see Peyton surrounded by children as she inspected the growth of the plants. Everyone had come to the conclusion that the Star Daughter was obsessed with the coffee plants and only slightly less obsessed with the chocolate plants. It was well known that Peyton had taken unofficial ownership of all them, this meant she called them hers outside of Nina’s hearing. As obsessions went, it was harmless, unless Nina did carry through on her threat to kill her for asking if the plants were growing as they should be.

  It was late in the day when Peyton returned to Prime; they were just sitting down to their eve- meal, when Darby saw how tired she looked, she did not talk to her about the speech, deciding to wait for the following day to implement her plan, so they talked of inconsequential things until it was time for bed.

  When morn came, Darby woke early and alerted all the worlds to the fact the speech would be today. Whether Peyton agreed or not, it was to happen because Darby and the ladies the previous day decided that people needed to hear from their Star Daughter, to know they were not forgotten and their leader thought about them. She did wonder if hijacking the Star Daughter was a good idea, then remembered Peyton would never willing upset Esther, Helen or Brenda, so she decided that justified what was to happen.

  With that settled she sipped her tea as she viewed the scenery from her balcony, she loved this time of day it was quiet and peace reigned everywhere and she knew today was going to be a good day, she was taking the day off and reconnecting with her family or at least she was going to stay in town, returning her attention to her tablet she opened it to the daily reports.

  Every morning, Darby, Peyton, Hawk and Heather, were sent a report from all the departments, detailing what progress had been made on whatever they were working on, and the health of the people they were responsible for. It alerted them to any problems so they could remedy them immediately, normally her report stated business as usual. Once a weken, a report from the other worlds was submitted, where they would explain what progress they had made in settling their world and what they wished to do and was needed to accomplish this. Basically, it was what Peyton called a world health report; she had Netta do the one for Prime which funnily enough Netta enjoyed doing. Darby had been remiss in the last few days and had not kept up to date on her reports, she quickly read through the entries catching up on the life of Prime.

  In this morns report Patty reported that Heather had slept quite peacefully without the dreams that had been plaguing her lately. She was now rested and feeling better and looking forward to returning to work. Darby read through the other reports and wrote her recommendations and then submitted her own report for Hawk and Peyton. When she was finished, she comm'd Patty and asked her to clarify what had actually taken place in Heather’s room the night Peyton had visited her. When she had the information, she decided to ask Heather to help in getting Peyton to make the speech; she figured Peyton would be feeling guilty over drugging her, which would play right into Darby’s master plan. She was hopeful that Peyton’s guilt would be enough to convince her to do the dayam speech.


  Showered, dressed and with a cup of coffee in hand. Peyton stood contently on her balcony looking out at the changing purple sky, indicating it was close to mid-morn than early morn. Her trip yesterday to Terra and the late night had taken its toll on her, it appeared she had overslept, an unusual occurrence in her life these days. It did cross her mind to wonder why no one had woken her earlier, but she let it go. It was another beautiful day on Prime and if people wanted her to sleep late, she would happily go along with that. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes lifting her face toward the suns, she just wanted to bathe in the peace and quiet of her home and enjoy the contentment she was feeling right here and now.

  The top floor where she and Darby lived was divided into four apartments, this floor had no central opening. The apartments were reached only by an airlift or transfer circle as opposed to the floor below which did have stairs from the ground floor like the other Hexes. Hawk had suggested when they had wondered why the top floor was cut off from the rest of the Hex. If this residence was intended as they believed for the Star Daughter then it made sense, how else was she to be protected and have a semblance of privacy, which sort of said it all as far as they were concerned.

  Each of the four apartments consisted of four large bedrooms with their own cleansing rooms, which had huge spa baths and two sinks, as well as really large showers that boasted multiply heads as well as separate drying tubes. The towels they had brought with them, although they were readily available were really only used as wraps. The bedrooms had large, walk-in closets that could be actual bedrooms if desired. Peyton and Darby wondered when they saw them for the first time, if they would ever have enough clothes to fill them.

  Brenda had informed them when touring the apartment, the smaller of the two, lounges could be used for children as a playroom. She and Darby had scoffed at that idea until they were quietened with a stern look from Helen, apparently the topic of children was nothing to be scoffed at. The larger lounge had a wide balcony that ran the length of one side of the apartment, overlooking the front of the Hex, giving her a perfect picturesque view of a mountain range. Darby’s view saw more of the emerging town and mountains, she told Peyton to her way of thinking it was a perfect blend of both worlds Peyton had shrugged and said looking out at lilac tipped mountains said home.

  The apartments also boasted a dining room, kitchen and two offices. She knew Brenda, Helen, and Esther could not wait to get into her place to decorate and remodel it. As she looked around, she agreed she needed furniture; it was just hard deciding what style she wanted. When Brenda had asked she had shrugged and said. ‘Something comfortable.’

  Brenda had smiled and said. ‘Good, I know exactly what that is.’

  Peyton had found that intriguing as she had no idea. Frowning she wondered how Darby was getting on with her place and what style she had chosen. Just then her computer chirped a warning of an incoming comm`.

  She sighed, well it looked like alone time was over. The computer chirped once more, louder this time. She sighed again, this time in annoyance, as the robotic tones of the computer intoned.

  Madam Peyton a comm` from Sene Avana.

  ‘Office desk, holo please.’

  Peyton walked back inside to the room she had decided on for her apartment office, mumbling. ‘About dayam time.’

  The office had stuff all over the floor and shelves, she frowned as she wondered who placed it there and where did the shelves come from. She was almost sure the room had not looked like this the last time she had been in here. Shrugging she walked over to her desk and sat saying. ‘Connect please.’


  A slightly stressed looking Avana appeared on screen. Peyton could feel the tendrils of annoyance trickle back over her skin and clamped down on them when Avana said. ‘Greetings, Madam Peyton. I hope I find you well?’

  ‘Greetings, Sene Avana, I hope you and all with you are well, and you are calling to explain your delayed return!’

  Avana had been gone just o
ver three luneras and Peyton was losing patience. This was only the fourth time they had spoken since she had left to retrieve her brothers, apparently there had been some unforeseen problems which had diverted her brothers to several worlds. So Avana and her Warriors were forced to play catch up for a while. When they did finally meet up, her brothers had a small problem they had to take care of. Which Avana had informed her about the last time they had spoken? It seemed that some Masters were trying to capture or kill them, this to them was a small problem, to Peyton it seemed rather large, but she did not know Avana’s brothers, so maybe to them it was small.

  At the time she had been assured that Avana and her Warriors were safe but as she looked at her now, she could see that no longer seemed likely. Peyton tipped her head to the side as she said. ‘It would appear as though you are not on your ship, is there a reason for that Sene Avana?’

  ‘Yes Madam. We have been taken hostage!’

  ‘I see, and your brothers?’

  ‘Are alive, but placed in an induced sleep.’

  ‘Well, that is not what I expected to hear this morn. So how are you and baby Koana and my Warriors?’ No one listening would mistake the tone she used, which implied they had all better be well and in good health.

  ‘All well, as are Koana and I.’

  Peyton nodded and smiled. ‘So tell me, my dearle Avana, who has had the audacity to steal my people from me?’

  Peyton saw Darby slipping into the room from a door in the wall that she had no idea was there, she frowned, without looking at her Peyton said. ‘Hold please Sene.’

  Avana stuttered. ‘Ma… Ma... Madam Peyton… I…’

  She blanked the screen and turned to Darby, who made herself comfortable at the end of her horse shoe desk with a cup of tea in one hand, as she tapped away on her tablet with the other. More surprised than annoyed, Peyton asked. ‘Why are you here, where did that door come from, and why did I not know about it?’


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