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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 5

by L M Lacee

  Darby ignored the questions as she mocked. ‘Questions... questions all the time with questions, while our dearle new friend rots on someone’s vessel. You are a sad… sad friend!’

  Darby was positive she heard Peyton grind her teeth before she hissed. ‘We will talk about all this later.’ She swirled her hand around in the air. ‘I will not forget.’

  Darby raised her eyebrows. ‘Seriously, Peyton, why do you think I am here?’

  Peyton muttered. ‘Trick question. Do you mean here… here?’ She pointed to her office floor. ‘Or here… here?’ She pointed outside to the planet.

  Darby sighed and pointed to the floor. ‘Here!’

  Peyton eyed her. ‘No idea, it could have been nature or some cosmic time line, or you really are a cyborg and just showed up and…’

  ‘Avana or did you forget?’ Darby cut her off with a smirk and was positive this time she heard Peyton growl, as she snapped her lips together while she held her hand up. ‘That is another thing! How did you know?’

  Her eyes narrowed at the smug look on Darby’s face. Peyton knew she only got like that when she thought, she had done something exceedingly clever. She quickly ran through her mental list of what makes Darby smug and said. ‘I better not find any of your little bugs in here and you can forget about that straight away. I am so not giving a speech. I am done with that!’

  Darby sniffed loudly, thinking she had better remove her small recording devices from the apartment’s office, or she would find Peyton frying holes in the walls looking for them. Casually she waved her hand about as she said. ‘Oh, you so will Star Girl, everyone expects a speech, you have put it off long enough. Now open the comm` and talk to poor Avana who is stranded on someone’s ship and held hostage with the Warriors and baby Koana.’ She shook her head pitifully.

  ‘Aww shut up!’ Peyton stabbed at the button on her desk, which was not the comm` button, she cursed as Darby told her. ‘We will have to get you a new one of those if you keep doing that.’

  Peyton’s reply was to blow her a raspberry which Darby responded with. ‘Very mature!’

  Peyton softly pushed the comm` button and ignored Darby’s smirk as Avana’s face appeared once more, she was now a pale tan color. Peyton was quick to reassure her. ‘Avana sweetie, it is okay, Darby came in and annoyed me as she does, which is why you should be here, she made me talk to her.’

  They all heard the outraged Darby say. ‘Impossible female!’

  Peyton grinned as she told Avana. ‘I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you.’

  She looked relieved and gave her a weak smile in return. Peyton nodded and winked at her. ‘Now tell the male who took you captive, that I wish to talk to him please?’

  Avana’s eyes slid to the side as the screen widened to encompass more of the room. They all heard the grunt of annoyance come from the sun kissed male seated next to her. Harmara Solverea was a handsome male; she would wager he did not have to work hard to maintain the level of muscle he wore. He seemed to have a natural grace about him, it transmitted in the way he held himself, and the tilt of his head. What she found most startling were his eyes, they resembled dark chocolate, and he had the face of an angel Peyton had seen once on a statue as a child. Although his long dark blond hair which amusingly was tied back from his face with a simple black tie, gave him a roguish look.

  Even she could tell his clothes were of good quality, but the hair tie was of a simple material, she thought the band told those who were observant enough, that the male appreciated wealth but was not owned or enamored by it. She believed this was a sign of a good leader. His attitude would ensure his people were well cared for and not thrown away on dangerous missions just for credits. Which did not explain why his sisters had ended up where they did? She was a little startled when she heard Darby say softly. ‘Yum, like gold covered chocolate.’

  Peyton grinned and blanked the screen again as she laughed out loud. ‘Oh my stars, you are priceless, he is gorgeous though right?’

  ‘Yes, he is all that and more. So that is a Solverea?’

  ‘No hon. that is the Solverea. Harmara Solverea head of family Solverea, the most gifted Assaens and spies in the universe, they have never been caught. Not that anyone tries to apprehend them anymore. It seems reputation in this instance is alive and working. To hunt or detain a Solverea is to issue a death sentence to those that do, and to those that order it. As you can imagine not many try. The family is deadly, highly competent and terrifyingly precise. They live permanently on their ships as they have no home world, it seems they have never had a home planet and have never been asked to share a world. They have no allegiance to any world or society. Their histories never say who the originator of the Solverea family was, there are records that speak of ancestors but even they say the Solverea family have always just been here. They are answerable to the Assaens guild only, but I have it on good authority they… the Solverea's are the guild.’ She grinned as she finished speaking, knowing she had information, Darby for once, did not have.

  A shocked and deeply suspicious Darby asked. ‘How do you know this? I searched the data stream and only came up with the mere minimum of information.’

  Peyton said casually. ‘I pumped the twins for information.’

  Darby looked aghast at her, Peyton scowled at her expression. ‘What… Why was that wrong? I needed to know.’

  ‘Oh, my Stars does Heather know you interrogated the girls?’

  Confused as to why she would ask the question, Peyton said carefully. ‘Nooo, should I have told her and there was no interrogation, it was only questions?’

  ‘Yes because they are young, and of course you should have asked her, she is their guardio, until their people get here. And don’t play with me, you know it was an interrogation.’

  ‘I do not understand your point; they knew something I needed to know. Also you should know those sweet little girls are Assaens in training, believe me they are already deadly!’

  ‘That was just so wrong Peyton.’

  ‘What… that they are young Assaens?’

  Darby growled at her. ‘No, that you got information out of them.’

  ‘But them being able to kill someone is not bad?’ Peyton asked, puzzled by her reasoning.

  Darby tapped on her tablet. ‘I don’t like this.’

  Peyton nodded and growled. ‘Them, having our people? Me neither.’

  Darby looked at her as she sighed with exasperation. ‘Yes, let’s go with that.’

  Peyton grinned as she turned from her and said. ‘I don’t think they will have them for long. Oh and Darby you should know, they are soon to be family!’

  ‘Who?’ Darby’s eyes opened wide as Peyton grinned and flicked the screen back on saying. ‘Sorry, technical difficulties.’

  The golden male smirked a little as he asked. ‘Star Daughter, I presume?’

  ‘You presume right, Harmara Solverea, head of the Solverea family. We have been searching for you.’

  ‘So I have been informed. The Raparthen seemed quite insistent that I should make contact.’ He said this with a tiny spark of mirth around his lips although his eyes remained alert and watchful.

  Peyton nodded as she asked. ‘And you thought this was a good way to do that?’

  ‘It seemed the most efficient way to gain an audience with one so prestigious.’

  ‘You need not have gone to so much trouble, after all I was looking for you?’

  ‘True.’ He dipped his head, his eyes intent as he watched her, while he spread his hands. ‘If you are who my delightful hostages tell me you are. I felt this may keep things in perspective and balanced, after all, I am in control of your people.’

  Peyton felt the annoyance return, and she started to glow a little as she murmured. ‘I see.’

  Harmara sighed heartily. ‘Not being an Assaen, I am sure you cannot imagine the position we have often found ourselves in. Life has not always been kind to my people and has taught us to always be cautious. We hav
e found having hostages always insures good behavior.’

  Peyton held still, and she felt rather that heard Darby’s hissed. ‘Olesho!’

  She raised her eyebrows as she asked. ‘You do know who you have captured.’

  He looked around and his smile became sharper, Peyton could only imagine as she could not see anyone other than Harmara, that there were members of his family nearby. As much as she tried not to allow it, his attitude started to aggravate her, and she glowed a little brighter. His eyes returned to the screen and amazingly Darby saw he did not seem to see the glow around Peyton or he did and ignored it as he replied. ‘I know, I have three Masters, one Castque Sene and a kidnapped Butariean…’

  ‘He means Koana.’ Avana interrupted him to say.

  ‘Ahh!’ Peyton murmured to let her know she understood. Harmara continued as though they had not interrupted him. ‘I also have a collection of misplaced Warriors wanted by the Jenersar Empire. In fact I have a priounty of feelons at my disposal.’

  ‘Uh-oh!’ Both Darby and Avana said at the same time as Peyton’s glow intensified. Harmara Solverea could not fail to see the glow now and yet unlike Avana and Darby, he did not realize the danger he was in. Safe in the knowledge he was light yentas away from her.

  Peyton smiled as she said. ‘Well, I can see you are over flowing with riches, except you seem to have forgotten something.’

  ‘What would that be?’ He asked, and he did not even try to hide the boredom that filled his tone, a small feminine laugh sounded from behind him.

  Peyton said softly. ‘That I am the Star Daughter, I know you have studied your histories as any good leader would, and I am sure they explained what I am capable of.’

  He raised one dark brown eyebrow and the look in his eyes sharpened when he heard several gasps from behind him, she continued. ‘What you have forgotten or have chosen to ignore Harmara Solverea, is that the people you hold are mine. My Warriors, my castque and my rebels. It makes no difference to me where they came from or who they are running from, they are mine and I do not give up my people so easily.’

  With that bold statement she reached her senses out and found his hearts then she shaped a phantom hand and placed it around the organs and squeezed as she watched his face pale to a cream color then tighten in agony. He dropped from the chair to the floor, gasping for breath. Sweat instantly drenched his clothes and covered his face while panic took hold of his mind and he saw his death looming.

  Darby’s stunned eyes swiveled from the male on his hands and knees gasping for breath to Peyton, but apart from a hardening of her face, she could not see what she was actually doing. However, it was obvious the male was dying before her eyes, with coldly remote eyes, Peyton studied the golden male then said dispassionately.

  ‘Do you feel the clutch of my hand around your organs Harmara, are you feeling the life start to leave your body? I am the Star Daughter not seen or heard of in millions of yentas and you wish to furin play with me! These priounty as you call them, are my people, my family, think on that while your hearts beat their last!’

  She gave it a second or two, then released her tight grip allowing his hearts to resume pumping vital fluids around his body, as he drew in much needed air to his parched lungs. He looked up at her from the floor where he remained as she said softly. ‘You hold pieces of my heart in your hands as easily as I hold yours in mine, to me my people are as precious as your life is to you.’

  She withdrew from his body as he collapsed completely to the floor. Swords and blasters were immediately drawn and aimed at Avana and a Warrior who pulled her behind him. Harmara lay pale and shaken as he remembered just that morn the warning his relatives had delivered to him to tread carefully, which he had arrogantly ignored. He heaved air into his starved lungs, thankful he had escaped death as he held his hand up and wheezed. ‘Hold... hold!’

  When his people still advanced on the couple, he said in a louder voice. ‘HOLD!’

  Peyton took in a breath and released it centering herself with her voice returned to normal she stated. ‘Take care Harmara Solverea. I may be small, but I have a long reach. There is nowhere you or your family will be able to hide, that I would not find you. So care well for your hostages.’

  Harmara nodded still not able to speak without wheezing, as his people slowly holstered their blasters and sheathed their swords. A male with short golden hair came into range of the screen, he had to be Haramara’s twin brother although not identical. He placed a knee on the floor and leaned over Harmara and asked. ‘Brother, are you sure this is the right course of action?’

  Harmara wheezed back in reply. ‘It is, if you do not want to end up dead, my brother.’

  ‘What happened?’ The male asked as he helped Harmara back into his chair.

  ‘The Star Daughter just showed me what happens when I assume too much and was foolish enough to not heed Klune and Rata’s advice.’ He looked at Peyton and asked respectfully. ‘Star Daughter, if you could give me a few mins please?’

  She nodded calmly. ‘Certainly, Harmara, take all the time you wish.’ She blanked the screen just as the door opened and the twins found on the planet XYRE 567 entered her office.


  Enara and Enuru Solverea, two pretty sun kissed cherubs with long dark blonde hair, highlighted with strands of gold, walked into the office smiling. Secure in the knowledge that they were welcomed wherever they went.

  Peyton could see the resemblance to their brothers in both girls who were blessed with the same brown eyes surrounded by golden eyebrows and lashes. At ten-yentas old, they were considered to be in their first semester of training to become Assaens. They had explained to Peyton that when they reached the ripe old age of fifteen, and if they passed the testing, they would advance to the second semester which would last until they reached maturity at the age of thirty yentas. At this age they could decide to do something other than train to go into the family business.

  Today they were dressed in pale green dresses with white frilly ankle socks and black shoes, they looked happy and adorable. Very different from the two frightened, dirty little girls they had rescued. Peyton had not seen a lot of them since they had arrived on Prime, although she always read Heather and Brenda’s reports on what they were doing and their health. She looked up and saw a healthy, not so exhausted Heather following behind the girls.

  Enara raced to her. ‘Madam Peyton, you will never guess what we are going to do this day?’

  Enuru, followed more slowly, she was a little shyer than Enara, nevertheless just as engaging for a ten yenta old. She sidled over to Peyton who drew her into a hug with her sister. ‘Greetings girls, how are you today?’

  Remembering their manners, together they said. ‘Greetings, Madam Peyton and Lady Darby. We are well.’

  Darby replied. ‘Greetings girls.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So what will I never guess you are to do this day?’

  ‘Madam Peyton, we are to go and see the new Warship today, is that not good?’ Enuru asked.

  Peyton raised a brow and asked her. ‘Dressed like that?’

  ‘Yes, are we not pretty?’ Enara asked as she did a twirl for her, Peyton nodded and said. ‘Yes, you are very pretty but are you not worried about getting dirty?’

  Enuru asked. ‘Why would we do that?’

  ‘Well, you know… Warship… tools… dirt… grease.’ They looked at her like she was speaking another language, perplexed she asked Darby. ‘I am speaking Coalition right?’

  ‘Yes you are.’ Her expression was as confused as Peyton’s.

  Heather said with a laugh in her voice. ‘They are little girls.’

  ‘What point are you trying to make?’ Darby asked looking even more confused, the girls looked at Darby with puzzled expressions, as Heather told her. ‘Never mind, I do not think either of you will understand! Let us just leave it for now and hope you only have sons!’

  ‘Well, I guess you know what you are talking about.’ Peyton replied, th
en she grinned at the girls and said. ‘It is wonderful you are visiting the Warship, make sure you say greetings to Commander Kolin. He will want to tell you about the wonderful things he and his people are building, although he will not let you touch anything!’ She frowned remembering when he had ordered her from the complex, not long after they had opened all the hangers and started work on the ships.

  It seemed after the incident with the laser welder he did not trust her. She was still banned until the Warship was finished. Thinking about it, she drummed her fingers on her desk, then looked over at Darby and wondered if she would take her back to the complex.

  Darby eyed her back, knowing where this was going and firmly said. ‘No! Get that look out of your eyes. I will not help you, he is still mad at you.’

  ‘Seriously!’ She grumbled. ‘It was just a little hole.’

  ‘Really! A little hole, you set the complex on fire!’

  ‘So mean!’

  ‘You made him the Commander, so live with it.’

  The girls giggled as Enuru said. ‘You are like sisters.’

  ‘That is because we are.’ Peyton agreed. ‘Just like Heather, Melody and Netta, we are all sisters.’

  Enara told her. ‘We are your family too?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘I suppose you could be some kind of family.’

  Enara smiled and told Peyton. ‘We are called nieces. Auntie Netta called us that, she told us what the word means. We like it, so you are our aunties.’

  Peyton frowned as she thought over what the girls said. ‘Well, I guess we could be although…’

  ‘No!’ They both stamped their small feet and screwed up their faces in displeasure. It was a choreographed attack Peyton swore, because when they started with the foot stamping it usually proceeded a temper tantrum which meant copious amounts of tears and screeching. Then Peyton being in trouble with Brenda, hurriedly she said. ‘Alright, if you feel this strongly about it. You are our nieces, happy?’


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