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Tony and the Buccaneers: Tony Johnson Novel 01

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by D. R. Rosier

  Tony and the Buccaneers

  Tony Johnson Novel 01

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2017. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description

  Chapter One

  I clenched my teeth in anger, and tried to look calm and relaxed at the same time. That wasn’t easy at all, but the last thing I needed to do right now was look intimidating, or more intimidating than I already looked.

  The woman that walked in was an attractive blonde, or at least, she would have been save for the black eye, an arm in a cast and sling, and a she had a dazed frightened look on her face. She’d obviously been beaten, and it made me feel violent. Not toward the woman, but toward her husband, or boyfriend, or whoever did that to her.

  Men who abused women was something of a pet peeve of mine. Really, that was a bit of an understatement.

  The woman’s gaze flickered over at me nervously, so I picked up my phone and did my best impression of harmless and distracted.

  Her escort was police officer Amy Cross, who turned toward me and nodded gravely in recognition, before she led the woman past me and over toward the check-in. Amy was a brunette in her early thirties, she was one of the good ones and always had a no-nonsense word of advice or encouragement for us younger beat cops. I’d done part of my rookie stint with her, and had learned more in a single week than I had my whole time at the academy.

  I was an off duty police officer, not quite a rookie anymore, but still rather young on the force. I donated some of my off-time to provide some security at one of the city’s women’s shelters. The woman who’d just entered was not an unfamiliar sight, as it happened all too often.

  It didn’t take long for Amy to turn the woman over to the social worker, and make sure she was settled in a chair. With a light smile and a few parting words too low for me to make out, she turned to leave.

  Amy stopped over where I was seated on her way out. Generally, I stayed behind the small desk and seated, since I’d been told I look rather intimidating at six feet four, with the general body build of a linebacker. The last thing these women needed when coming in here was further intimidation.

  Amy nodded, “Johnson, didn’t know you did this kind of thing.”

  I shrugged a little uncomfortably, it wasn’t a great secret why I did this. At least, not to me, but my past wasn’t something I bandied about or shared much, or at all really. My mother used to be a victim of home abuse, until my father had finally put her in the ground that is. A head shrink would probably say I did this to save my mother, since I’d failed to do so when I was just eight years old.

  As far as I was concerned, they may have even been right, but it didn’t matter, someone had to do it, so why not me?

  “Yeah,” I said evasively, “something to do and all. How’s your night Cross?”

  She snorted at my pathetically weak evasion, but didn’t press and changed the subject.

  “I can’t talk about the woman of course, but I can tell you by the time we responded her husband was gone. We have a warrant out for him already, but be alert. From what I understand he’s a real winner, and might be stupid enough to show up here.”

  She pulled out her smart phone and fiddled with it, and a few moments later I had the guy’s picture and name.

  Although I took my job seriously, I highly doubted that he’d show up. Men, if they can be called that, who beat their wives and girlfriends are usually too cowardly to do anything in public. I’d been doing this for a while, and had yet to have an angry husband show up to demand his wife back.

  I tilted my head, “I’ll keep an eye out, but those types are usually cowards and bullies.”

  She shrugged, “He’s a drinker, and has already done time for assault and battery, just watch yourself Tony. I need to get back to it.”

  Surprised she’d used my first name, I just nodded and said, “I will Amy.”

  She grunted, gave me a look that said I’d better, and then walked out the door.

  I smiled and shook my head as I watched her go.

  I should have listened to Amy better. It was pathetic really. I grew up after my own personal tragedy, and became a cop partly to protect what I had failed to protect at a young age. Of course, I learned the truth that things weren’t quite that simple. More often than not, the police were only there on cleanup, and the majority of the time the wife or girlfriend refused to press charges, and our hands were tied because we didn’t witness the violence.

  That night was the first real chance I’d had of preemptively stopping a tragedy, and I failed miserably. Again. Well, not a complete failure.

  It was close to nine-thirty at night when he came in, weaving drunkenly. I easily identified him from the picture Amy had sent me. I should have pulled my gun, but the guy was sloshed, five foot nine tops, balding, and had a flabby body. I stood up with a stern look on my face, figuring to take the guy easily. I was six feet four, just twenty-four, my body was toned and I was in the best shape of my life from regular work outs, and I was not unfamiliar with martial arts such as Krav Maga.

  Krav Maga was a fighting discipline based on Aikido, Judo, Boxing, and Wrestling, but was also based on street fighting and vicious attacks and counter-attacks. The main tenet of that discipline was aggression, and never stopping until the enemy was neutralized. I was confident, perhaps overconfident in my skills.

  He looked at me and slurred out, “Where is that fucking little bitch.”

  “Lay down on the ground now,” I said in my best don’t screw with me cop voice.

  That’s when he went for his gun, something I should have expected, but took me completely by surprise. Krav Maga was an impressive discipline, but martial arts are worthless in a gun fight, unless it’s possible to close with the enemy before they shoot that is, and I couldn’t. The desk was between us.

  The short of it was, I’d seriously fucked up.

  I went for mine a split second later, but he’d had too big of head start, and the ugly hateful sneer on his face indelibly etched itself into my mind as I ducked behind the desk, at the same time I heard a loud roar from the suspect’s Beretta.

  My gun was out now too, but I kept my head down as he shot five more times into the desk and got three hits. Let me just say that getting shot hurts, even when the bullets ar
e slowed by a desk. I hadn’t been on duty, so it had never occurred to me to wear my bulletproof vest. Which was most definitely mistake number two.

  I was hit twice in my leg, and once in my gut as I dove to the right with a scream of pain.

  I lined up the shot, center mass from five feet away, I couldn’t possibly miss.

  But neither could he, even swaying drunk we were so close together it would have taken a miracle for him to miss. I didn’t think God liked me that much.

  We both pulled the trigger and I felt a sting in my chest. I watched him fall like a marionette with its strings cut as the light faded from his eyes. I just laid there on the floor for a moment, and when the pain started to fade instead of getting worse, I knew I was in trouble.

  That’s when everything stopped. What I mean by everything stopped, is that it froze.

  I looked around in shock, the man’s shell casing hung off the floor after it bounced, and I looked over to the social worker who was frozen, with a horrified look on her face. There were wood splinters hovering in the air as if suspended. I had the absurd thought that time was frozen, and then cringed as I coughed up blood.

  That’s when she came in the room.

  She had very long curly golden blonde hair, eyes the color of the night sky, they were so blue they looked almost black, and they had specs of white that glowed like the stars. She had full ruby red lips, and a face that would put models to shame. Her body was covered but I caught hints of the delightful curves below her diaphanous but multi-layered blue gown.

  I was also incredibly hard as I was dying just from her presence. I’d have thought that would be impossible, but I shook my head as if to clear it, all I could do was imagine how good those lips would feel wrapped around me.

  She looked down at me a bit her lip, and I wondered if I was looking up at a goddess, maybe I’d be getting a miracle after all? And no, I didn’t mean the blowjob.

  Her voice was choral, it was incredibly sexy, sweet, foreboding, loving, stern, and soft all at the same time.

  “A miracle? Perhaps, but it comes at cost Tony Johnson.”

  Did she read my mind? I blushed, as I went over all the insane fantasies that had flashed through my mind, and then blushed again. I usually wasn’t a sex starved pervert, really. But her whole being, and everything about her, invoked an almost insane lust. If I wasn’t almost dead, I’d have probable hit on her shamelessly.

  “Who are you?”

  She smiled mysteriously, as if she not only read my mind, but approved of my lurid thoughts.

  “That isn’t important, I’m here to offer you a choice. You can pass from this life to the next, or you can work for me. I’ll heal you, and send you to another world, where you’ll have another chance at life, and perhaps even happiness if you fight for it.”

  Another world?

  I was about to scoff, but I couldn’t deny time was frozen, and that the woman before me had the starry night as eyes. She was also the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I could also feel her power, she had a presence to her. I had the feeling I’d be panicked and on my knees if I wasn’t on the edge of death, and unable to move. My mind was oddly clear in this surreal moment.

  “Work for you? What would I have to do?”

  She replied, “Just be who you are, what you are, and remain true to yourself. You will face temptations, resist them Tony, and your will shall be aligned with mine. You will have power in your new world.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say to that, temptations? The only temptation in here was her.

  She laughed and answered my thought, “Enticements of power. Temptations of the flesh are more than okay to give in to, as far as I’m concerned.”

  She smiled as if she’d just told a joke, and then said, “What will it be, my time grows short, even I have higher powers to answer to.”

  I thought fast. I’d stopped the guy, but I was also finished. I wasn’t ready to die, and I felt rather stupid that I’d gotten myself killed like I had.

  “I accept your offer.”

  She bit her lip, and I was horrified when she stepped closer and kneeled down in my blood. Perhaps a strange reaction, but I felt unworthy, like my life wasn’t worth the sullying of even her garments. She caressed my face tenderly, as if we were lovers, and I immediately felt peace suffuse me, along with a love so strong I couldn’t grasp it.

  She whispered, “This might hurt a bit, I’ll do my best to alleviate the pain.”

  She put her hand over my chest, and it started to sting. The sting slowly grew in intensity and she leaned down, and her other hand touched my cheek, a lover’s caress. I couldn’t move, and wouldn’t have even if I could have, as she brushed her soft silken warm ruby lips against mine.

  I exploded into ecstasy at the same time my chest burned brightly as if it were on fire.

  It wasn’t an orgasm, it was if anything, even better, and it worked to partially drown out the intense pain in my chest, stomach, and legs as they healed.

  She said in a soft choral voice, “Be careful Tony Johnson. I believe I have chosen well, don’t let me down.”

  Both the pleasure and pain turned off as I fell, seemingly through the floor, and then landed on something rather hard after falling around ten feet. My head rang as it slammed into the wood below me and I looked around in disbelief.

  Above me were white sails, and a black flag with a skull and crossbones. I heard the sound of a train, and wondered absurdly what a train was doing on a sailing ship from the seventeen hundreds. I looked over and saw a water spout headed toward the ship, a tornado filled with water. So, not a train. I looked on in disbelief as a cylinder of water rose from the ocean and froze around the tornado.

  My eyes widened further, as several large bowling ball sized pieces of metal, which were coming at the ship stopped cold before they could hit, and fell down into the ocean.

  During all this, my mind was buzzing, like a swarm of bees. I could also feel… something. I felt like I burned, like I was soaked, as if I was in a hurricane, and also felt the weight of the earth settle on me even though none of it was real. I wondered for a moment if it was a side effect of the goddess’s healing. No, I wasn’t positive she was a goddess, but from my point of view she may as well have been.

  I could also feel the echo of her presence slowly fading, and had a tear in the corner of my eye at the loss. Normally that would worry me, and I’d be scared of losing my man card, but I was unashamed. A part of me was deeply in love with the goddess, she had changed me, shifted me, in ways I didn’t truly understand yet.

  A harsh female voice asked, “Who the fuck are you, and how did you get on my ship?”

  I looked up and saw a woman in her early thirties, or so I’d thought at the time. She had long bright red hair, piercing green eyes, and wore tight leather pants and chest armor that left little to the imagination. She was quite stunning.

  I was still shocked from the fall and strike to my head, not to mention by the goddess’ fading presence which I yearned for a return of. Before I could formulate a response, or make sense of the buzzing or the strange battle going on around me, which appeared to be magical in nature, she sighed in disgust. I guess I’d taken too long.

  She lifted her hand, and the buzzing grew stronger, and I felt like I was drowning, though I could breathe just fine. A large ball of water rose up next to the ship and then shot out toward another ship, turning to ice on the way. Holy shit.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” the redhead muttered.

  I heard the sound of splintering wood as the ice gouged into the other ship. Before I could process her intentions, she lifted her foot, and I saw the black leather steal tipped boot a moment before she kicked me in the head, right behind the ear, and everything went dark…

  Chapter Two

  It felt like breaking above water as I returned to consciousness and gasped for air. The first thing I noticed was the buzzing was almost completely gone now, except for a low sour buzz in the
back of my head, a single source of the strange new sensation.

  I discovered the source of it at the same time I realized I was chained, it was the metal cuff that connected to the chains and was around my wrist. I looked around and appeared to be in a cell, there were very sturdy looking metal bars, and I was otherwise surrounded by wood that looked extremely sturdy. The floor swayed gently back and forth, and I realized I was still aboard ship.

  The only things in the room with me were two buckets, and one was filled with what looked like fresh water. I reached out and grabbed it, and then sniffed at it like an animal before quenching the overwhelming thirst I felt.

  I looked out between the bars, and saw two women, similarly dressed as the woman who had kicked me. It some kind of supple leather armor that hugged their bodies from their necks to their calf high steel tipped boots.

  One was young, maybe eighteen or nineteen, with long strawberry blonde hair, rich blue eyes the color of the sky, and a fresh beautiful young face just matured to womanhood. She had a very sexy body as well, and while she wasn’t overly gifted in the breast area, I guessed her at a generous B cup and they fit perfectly on her petite, but curvy in all the right places body.

  She had a concerned and curious look on her face as she returned my measuring gaze.

  The second woman had light blonde hair the color of wheat, and deep brown eyes, she too was very beautiful, but older, thirty or a little more. Her beauty was only marred by the suspicious scowl on her face.

  “Hello, I’m Tony. Umm, where am I?”

  The second woman snorted, and I felt the air thicken around me as I was slammed back into the wall, and was held there like a fly caught in amber. So, magic. Either I wasn’t crazy, or I was still crazy.

  “We’ll ask the questions here,” she said harshly.

  The younger woman frowned, “Kelly, that’s enough. We don’t know if he’s a foe yet, if he isn’t my mother doesn’t want him made one.”

  The air released me and I fell on my knees, what the fuck!

  Kelly, the older one, replied, “Easy Sharon, I’m just showing him who’s boss is all.”


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