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Tony and the Buccaneers: Tony Johnson Novel 01

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by D. R. Rosier

  I flushed with anger, but also laughed.

  Kelly turned her scowl on me, “Find that amusing?”

  I shook my head, “Only that you feel it necessary. I would have thought the restraints, chains, and iron bars proof enough of that fact.”

  I was kind of worried, but then I thought of the goddess, and realized she wouldn’t have just dropped me in with people destined to be my enemies would she? Still, I’d seen that look on a woman’s face before, Kelly had no reason to trust men at all. Sharon looked more open that way, which made me automatically like her more.

  I also knew it was just psychological, but it was impossible to look at Sharon, who was young, beautiful, and innocent looking, and come to the conclusion that these people were evil. Of course, I had training to resist that kind of thing at the academy, the simple truth was that people tended to trust attractive people more than less attractive people, and to believe they were honest, even though that wasn’t reality. Even knowing that fact didn’t always help, it was human nature.

  Kelly asked coldly, “Who are you, and how did you get on the Sea Scorned without tripping our wards?”

  I thought for a moment before I answered, I hardly believed I was now on another world, and I’d just lived through getting shot. I also believed the fading presence of the goddess helped me cope with that idea. How was I supposed to explain my presence? I didn’t know anything about this world, which made it impossible to follow my conscience as the goddess bade me, or… anything really. I’d have to observe for a while, and decide what to do from there.

  One thing I didn’t doubt, there would be people here who needed me. Why else would I have been granted a second chance and sent here? I just couldn’t imagine these women needing me, they seemed to have things well in hand, and had magic of some kind as well. They put me in here easily enough after all. I also had the feeling they were pirates of a sort, since I quite clearly remembered the skull and crossbones flag before I was kicked unconscious.

  I looked at Sharon again, besides being struck by her beauty I could see the resemblance to the one who kicked me. Maybe she got the lighter strawberry hair and blue eyes from her father, but her other facial features were a match. I’d thought the woman that kicked me had looked about thirty, but I realized the other woman would have to be older than that to have an eighteen-year-old daughter, or maybe a younger sister?

  I wondered if I did too, have magic I mean, the goddess had told me I’d be tempted by power. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Either way, I was surprised I wasn’t freaking out. I could still feel that calm though, that the goddess imbued in me. Perhaps it would last long enough to get myself on my feet.

  Regardless, I decided to stick to the truth, but also to dole it out miserly.

  “My name, as I’ve said, is Tony. Tony Johnson. I didn’t come to the ship of my own will, I was sent here by another from far away from here. I don’t even know where I am, not really, outside of on a ship.”

  I cut off at that point, what could I really tell them? A goddess sent me here and I work for her now, even if I’ll probably never see her again. To… help people? Protect and serve? She said to be true to myself, the goddess I mean, and that was my aim when I joined the police. To protect those that needed it.

  I was hardly a saint, but it was the truth. That was probably my one selfish claim to nobility.

  Sharon asked, “Do you have magic?”

  I frowned in thought, “Honestly I don’t know. I didn’t have magic where I came from, my land doesn’t have any. I do feel a buzzing from these cuffs, and felt it all around me when I first arrived. I also felt… water, fire, earth, and air. I think, it’s difficult to describe.”

  Kelly hissed and jumped away, as if I’d said something terrifying, “You feel it?” she asked in a deadly voice.

  She drew her knife and her face went cold, and even harder. She also looked scared out of her wits.

  Sharon cleared her throat, “Kelly, calm down and put the knife away.”

  Kelly turned, “You have no authority here, captain’s daughter or not.”

  Sharon frowned, and her face hardened as well.

  I reevaluated my thoughts about her, beautiful, sexy, fresh faced beauty, but far from helpless or shy.

  Sharon said, “Perhaps, but if you take away my mother’s right to judge this man away from her by your rash actions, as captain, she will feed you to the sharks. We were to question him only, or is you’re hearing deficient.”

  Kelly spat, “He is a diviner! What more is there to know?”

  “What’s a diviner?” I asked.

  Sharon frowned at me, and then looked back toward Kelly, “Something is off here. Diviners aren’t suicidal. He’s ignorant, and you know he isn’t lying. He truly has no idea what’s going on. Back the fuck off Kelly.”

  Kelly sheathed her knife, but looked murderously at the young woman, while Sharon turned back to me.

  “Who sent you here, and what land are you from, the whole world has magic.”

  I sighed, backed into a corner. And what had she meant when she said I couldn’t lie? I tried to say I was two years old.

  “I’m twenty-four.”

  Fuck, okay, magic. Apparently something made me speak only truth, probably the damned bracelet cuffs.

  I shook my head, “Sorry, just testing something. Umm, I don’t know her name, but I was mortally wounded, she healed me and sent me here. I am from another world.”

  Kelly snorted, “He’s a diviner, and he’s insane if he can say that.”

  Sharon narrowed her eyes, “Maybe, what did she look like?”

  I frowned, I couldn’t remember. She was perfect, and I loved her, but I couldn’t recall her face. Wait, I remembered her eyes, there were stars. But that was it.

  I shook my head helplessly, and sat back on the floor against the wall.

  “I can’t remember, all I know is she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I’m pretty sure she was a goddess.”

  Well, so much for doling out information carefully. I hadn’t meant to say that last part. Damnit.

  Sharon asked, “How were you wounded?”

  That took a bit longer to explain. I had to explain what a women’s shelter was, and then about the beaten women, and how her husband had wounded me with a weapon when he arrived to claim and threaten her further.

  Sharon looked fascinated, Kelly looked disbelieving.

  “You were a guard on your world? Like a watchman?”

  I nodded, “That sounds right, I think. I’m not sure exactly what a watchman is but probably close. My job was to protect the public from lawbreakers, and those that harmed others. What is a diviner?”

  Sharon considered that for a moment, “I will answer that if my mother allows it. So why did she send you here?”

  “To serve her by following my conscience. I know that sounds crazy, but she said if I didn’t succumb to the temptation of power, and stayed true to myself, my will would be aligned with hers just by being the man that I am.”

  Ugh, that sounded so… crazy, and possibly arrogant. I also had the feeling if I offered to protect them, they’d get angry, or laugh in my face. It seemed to me that magic would be a great equalizer in a world, or at least it would spice up the battle of the sexes, but obviously I knew almost nothing, they hadn’t answered any of my questions. Of course, I’m the one chained in a holding cell on their pirate ship, so no real surprise there.

  Sharon shook her head and turned to Kelly, “So, he’s either crazy, or Acidalia has answered our prayers.”

  Kelly snorted, “I vote for crazy, let’s go fill in the captain, the fish are getting hungry.”

  She shot me a nasty glance while she caressed the knife at her side as they left the hold.

  Sharon didn’t look back at me at all, and I had no idea why that bothered me, but it did.

  Chapter Three

  No one came for several hours, until a woman came in with a tray of food.

p; She was dressed much like the rest, she had golden blonde hair, kind gray eyes that crinkled in a smile. She was about five foot seven, and had a willowy body. I amended my circumstances to being held a prisoner, aboard a pirate ship, run by models.

  The door clicked and opened without her touching it, and she put the tray down and slid it within reach of my chained hands.

  She nodded politely, “I’m Marie, the cook on this barge. You have ten minutes to eat, and then Lia will be here to take you to the captain, so eat up.”

  “Who is Lia?”

  She frowned, until I picked up my fork and started to eat.

  I made a sound of approval, “This is very good.”

  And it was, I wouldn’t expect food this good in most restaurants, much less on a wooden sailing ship out in the middle of the ocean, or sea, whatever the hell it was. I decided to go with large body of water until I knew better, I didn’t even have a window. Porthole?

  She nodded in satisfaction, “Glad you like it. Lia is first mate, that’s second in command. She’s a little young for it, but she’s fair, tough, and the strongest air wielder I’ve ever met.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Air wielder?”

  She tutted me, and then said, “Stop trying to question me, and eat your dinner.”

  I snorted, “It was worth a try, no one’s told me anything.”

  She shrugged, “The captain might, if she decides you’re to be kept around.”

  On that cheery note, I kept silent and ate my meal. I didn’t really want to know what happens if she decides I’m not to be kept around.

  I looked up when I heard footsteps approach, and had to concentrate on not dropping my mouth open. Not because she was beautiful, which she was.

  Were there any ugly women on this world, or even average ones?

  I was shocked because a little young turned out to be an understatement. She was at least a couple of years younger than I, twenty-one or twenty-two at the oldest. She was also short, just five-foot two at a guess. She had long and straight light brown hair, striking hazel eyes, and a cute nose with lips just a little too full for her face, which worked anyway.

  The slight flaw only increased her beauty, and made it look more real.

  At five foot two, her body was petite, but she was definitely a woman, and her B cups looked just a mite too large for her frame. She had an elfin face with a few scattered freckles on her nose and around her eyes.

  Her voice was musical, it was the kind of voice a man could get lost in, even if she was just reading the yellow pages.

  “Marie, could you please?” she asked as she waved in my direction.

  Marie waved her hand, and the chains fell off, as if severed from the bracelets. So… Earth wielder? I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but until someone explained something to me all I had were guesses. I was also still under the spell of the bracelets, it was the only magic I could feel, I also assumed I still had to tell the truth.

  Lia turned to me and frowned in thought, “Behave and we’ll have a nice pleasant walk to the captain’s ready room. If you test me… actually, just don’t.”

  I nodded slowly, “I’ll mind my manners.”

  I knew this woman was probably highly dangerous, I knew what Kelly could do with air, and this petite alluring woman was more powerful? Still… I couldn’t look at her as anything but a woman to protect, she looked so small and helpless. Even as I knew that was a lie, I couldn’t get past my instinctive protective feelings, even if I was a prisoner.

  It was almost absurd. I take that back, it was absurd. I was also sure she’d kick my ass if I ever described her as helpless, so I really hoped they didn’t ask.

  Marie walked out and Lia said, “Follow her, five steps behind, go now.”

  I obeyed, and followed Marie into the narrow corridor to a steep ladder stairway which we took up to another deck. Then we went down a narrow hallway and up another two ladder stairways to the deck and fresh air. The sun was out, and it was warm against my skin. The air was a little cool which gave a pleasant contrast to the heat of the sun, and the smell of salt water cleared my head.

  I followed Marie across the deck and around a corner. We passed by the main mast, and up more stairs to the rear of the ship where the steering wheel, or helm of the ship was. Behind that was an enclosure, and the door was open.

  Marie turned and gave me a wink before gesturing toward the room and walking off, which made me feel a bit better about it.

  Lia ordered coolly, “Inside.”

  I took a deep breath, and walked into the ready room.

  The room was large enough for eight people maybe, with a large table with maps and navigation tools sprawled about. Somehow I’d understood the language here, but I couldn’t read it. I did however figure out a few things. The immediate world was a group of islands, a very large group of islands. There were over fifty on the map.

  The captain, the red haired woman who kicked me in the back of the head, still looked no older than thirty to me, which meant what? They aged slower here? Either that, or she’d been twelve when she had Sharon, so I really hoped it was the former. She had a neutral expression on her face as she studied me, and waved to a chair across the table from her.

  Lia closed the door behind us, and stayed by the door. I supposed that was so I wouldn’t be able to escape should things go south. To the Captain’s right and slightly behind her stood Sharon, the captain’s daughter. She was as exquisite as I’d thought the first time, truly heart stopping gorgeous. Just the beauty of her strawberry blonde hair was captivating, and the rest of her complimented that beauty.

  I wondered again if there were any average women on this world. Maybe it had to do with the magic somehow?

  The captain frowned as I moved my gaze back to her, perhaps I’d stared at Sharon a moment too long. Her green eyes were intense, and while not as fresh faced as her daughter, the captain was just as stunning in her own way.

  I shifted uncomfortably for a moment, I’d never really been that hung up on looks before. I wasn’t sure if it was because every woman I’d seen here could easily make it as a supermodel back home, or if it had something to do with the goddess changing me.

  The captain spoke.

  “I’m Melinda. Captain of the ship Sea Scorned. When you landed on my ship, from out of nowhere, we were engaged in battle with several ships from Iziral.”

  At the confused look on my face she continued, while she studied my reactions closely.

  “Iziral is, this,” she waved at the fifty or so islands, “An islands nation. They lay claim to almost all the islands here, except one small cluster that is. Fuck, you really have no idea do you?”

  I snickered at her plaintive tone, “No captain, I don’t. I’m from another world.”

  The captain nodded slowly, her eyes seemed to gaze into the heart of me.

  “For now my decision is to give you a room, and free run of the ship. However, due to what you are, you will remain in those bracelet cuffs. Any attempt to remove them will be met with deadly force, do you understand? We may remove them later, we are two days out from sorceress haven, and will figure out what to do then. If you are truly an ally…” she shook her head and said, “I assume you have a lot of questions, but I don’t have the time or inclination to answer them for you, my daughter and Lia will answer what they can.”

  She got up and left, and then Sharon and Lia sat down. Sharon looked at me with fascination, Lia looked curious too, but more guarded.

  Lia asked, “So what do you wish to know?”

  Chapter Four

  I wanted to know so much, but I dismissed my first thought, which was to ask if they were single. I smiled at my own absurdity, and took a deep breath. Maybe the best place to start would be to find out what I was in this place.


  Lia looked a bit nervous at that question, but Sharon looked like she’d expected it to be my first question. Sharon opened her mouth, and then frowned in thought befor
e finally speaking.

  “I think that needs a little context. So bear with me.”

  That wouldn’t be a problem, it gave me an excuse to look at her longer, her blue eyes were so vivid, and perhaps it was my imagination, but the way she looked at me indicated she was attracted as well.

  I was twenty-four, and had only been in two long term relationships, both of which failed miserably. I did okay at dating otherwise, but most of them never really got serious. I’d been told more than once I was too intense, and overprotective. Women were mostly a mystery to me.

  She continued, “About one quarter of the population is magical. We aren’t sure exactly why that is, except that it is passed on by the parents. Two wielders generally have half a chance to have a magical child, but even two non-magical parents have magical children one out of four times.”

  Recessive genes maybe?

  Sharon said, “The most common magical talents are the elements, and people can just have one of water, air, fire, or earth. Healing is a rare one. All five of those types, six really but I’ll get to you in a moment, can cast spells as well. Spells are long though, require components and an exactness that requires deep concentration, and as a result are not usually used in battle, unless prepared beforehand like the wards that surround this ship.”

  Her eyes flickered down to my hands, “Or for containing magic, or a truth spell. There are many different types of spells.”

  Sharon held for a moment’s thought, and then explained, “A diviner is many things. The first is they can feel magic, and identify who has it. Second, they can tap into that magic, and use it as their own. That’s both an advantage and disadvantage. If surrounded by wielders of all the elements, you’d be able to tap what would work best for what you need to do. Of course, if there are no wielders around, you won’t have access to any of the elements or healing.”

  She swallowed, “Third, you can enhance, or even muffle the magic of another. Lastly, which is what makes people nervous, you can strip someone’s magic altogether, with enough time and concentration. From what I understand it is the hardest of the diviner’s gifts to master.”


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