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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

Page 5

by Avril Ashton

  “It was different for me, you know this, but I don’t think it matters. In the end we always disappoint the people who love us the most.”

  A smile grew and grew on Reggie’s face, setting his eyes alight. “You know, for a man who doesn’t like to talk, you say the heaviest shit.”

  Embarrassment heated Is’ face. “Fuck you.” But the words were just that, words. They held no venom and only served to make Reggie grin wider.

  “Nah, but for real though. Thanks.” Reggie jerked his chin in Is’ direction. “Never spoke about them to anyone but you.”

  “Same with me. Besides X, you’re the only one who really knows what happened with me.” He’d never confided in Tek or Elias, although those two likely had an idea. Is slapped Reggie on the knee. “We’re brothers. We share things.”

  Reggie’s expression turned contemplative. “You know I have yet to meet Elias, and you haven’t explained how you, he and Tek came to be friends.”

  Is looked away. “No story there,” he lied. “We met on the Island in ‘93.” He didn’t like to remember his time spent on Riker’s Island. The three of them had been kids, thrown to the rabid wolves and expected to fend for themselves. They had, since there’d been no other choice, but none of them came out unscathed.

  Tek had gotten the brunt of it, but once Elias and Is stepped in they’d been able to protect him. Not without a price, though. Always a price. Is had given his pound of flesh, but Elias and Tek’s time would soon come.

  “I still think you’re downplaying it, but it’s cool.” Reggie jumped to his feet. “You can make it up to me by sharing the bag of potato chips I know you have stashed somewhere in your bag.” He was off toward the cabin before Is could kick his ass.

  Chapter Five

  They had no TV or radio, nothing but each other to entertain themselves. Is had no problems with that. He didn’t do much television anyway. What he missed was food. Good food, like from down on Flatbush or Church Avenue. He made do with what Reggie had in the cupboards, which were all canned shit.

  Fuck that bullshit.

  According to Reggie, the nearest food spots were miles and miles away, so Is tried to keep his grumbling to a minimum.

  They sat out on the porch facing the water. Night was upon them and the sounds of the night creatures were in full effect. Croaking, buzzing, and whatever else those unseen insects saw fit to do, which was mostly bite the hell out of Is. As tranquil as the cabin was, the downside was all the mosquitoes. Is had to go back inside to put back on his hoodie and flip the hood up over his head, and pull on a pair of mismatched socks since the bloodsuckers were gnawing on his freaking instep as well.

  Reggie didn’t seem phased by it. He stayed over in his corner talking to somebody on his phone in low tones. Is didn’t know who it was. He didn’t care either.

  With his lighter and fronto in his lap, he began rolling himself a spliff. Be damned if he was going to stay in the cabin for how many days and not light up. He rolled it, taking care not to tear the soft tobacco leaf, licking the edge of the fronto to get it to stick. Once he was all good, he lit one end and took a pull.

  “No, I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I’ll let you know,” Reggie murmured into the phone. “Yeah, I know. I miss it, too.”

  Is’ gut tightened. He tipped his head back and blew the swirling smoke upward as he glared up at the dark sky.

  Reggie chuckled. “Nah, I didn’t get locked down. Just been busy, but I got time now, trust.” He dragged in a breath. “Be ready for me, Kezia. You know how I like it.”

  Is started shaking his left leg. He was restless suddenly, wanted to get up and move. But he didn’t, instead he kept pulling on his spliff and shaking his leg. He wanted to drown out Reggie’s words, but for some reason they seemed to get louder and louder. Either Reggie was talking louder or Is was doing his fucking hardest to hear every word.

  “Nah, save that shit for when I get there.” Reggie’s voice was so hoarse, almost gravelly. It scraped over Is’ spine.

  He brought the joint to his mouth and held it there, caught between his lips as he shifted in the black metal folding chair, trying to get comfortable, trying to hide his cock firming up against his zipper.

  “Lucky for me then.” Reggie chuckled.

  Is gritted his teeth. His reaction pissed him off. His body’s betrayal pissed him off.

  “Tell your home-girl to wait her turn.” Reggie sounded like he was purring when he said, “It’s been a minute since I was all up in it. Let me get reacquainted with it first before we play with her.” He leaned back and stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing his ankles.

  The joint between Is’ lips had long been forgotten. He stared out onto the water, watching the moon’s reflection as he listened to Reggie’s conversation and tried to get his body under control.

  “Yeah.” Is caught Reggie’s nod from the corner of his eyes. “You can touch it, but your cum belongs to me. You know how I do, Kezia.” He went silent for a few seconds then spoke again. “I gotta go. I’ll call you when I’m back home.” And he hung up.

  “Who was that?” The question burned Is’ throat.

  Reggie didn’t answer right away. He leaned over and snagged the joint from between Is lips, knuckles grazing his chin and bottom lip. After taking a hit, Reggie’s mouth curved. “Chick I’ve been dealing with off and on. Lives in my building.”

  “I guess you’re on again.” When Reggie didn’t answer right away, Is asked, “How come I’ve never heard of this Keisha?” He mispronounced her name on purpose, and Reggie corrected him without even looking in his direction.


  “Okay.” Is snatched back the spliff and held it between thumb and forefinger as he asked again, “How come you never talked about her?”

  Reggie shrugged. “Nothing to tell. We fuck around every now and again. We stopped a while back because she was trying to make it work with her kid’s father.” He looked Is dead in the eye when he said, “I’m tired of sharing. But I called her and they’re done, so I’m in.” He flashed a grin. “Like Flynn, baby.”

  Is took a drag on his smoke. He had nothing to say, nothing to explain the tight anger in his chest. “You share,” he finally said. “With me. You share with me.”

  “And you know why,” Reggie shot back, eyes flashing.

  He didn’t. Fuck no, he didn’t know why. He held his tongue, and after a while Reggie continued speaking.

  “She wants to do a threesome with her friend.” Reggie chuckled. “For a one-time deal, that’s the kind of sharing I can get behind.”

  Is gripped the side of the chair with his left hand, the one farthest away from Reggie so he wouldn’t see.

  “Quit hogging the weed, dude.” Reggie plucked the joint from Is’ numb fingers then grunted. “It’s out. Hand me the lighter.”

  Is did automatically and watched as Reggie relit the spliff then brought it to his lips.

  Fuck. This was getting out of control. Is’ hands shook.

  Reggie sucked in the smoke. “So we’re all set.” He handed the weed back to Is who put his lips at the moist end Reggie had in his mouth.

  His insides rioted, but he wasn’t even pulling on the smoke. He was just there, sucking on the moist joint, trying to taste Reggie.

  Fucked-up. Fucked-up. “Who’s all set?” he asked in a tight voice.

  “Us.” Reggie motioned between them. “You’ve got Tawnya waiting for you to get back.” He winked. “And I’ve got Kezia and her friend lined up. We’re all set.”

  Is forced a laugh. “Good. Right. All set.”

  Reggie’s phone rang and Is tensed.

  “Who this?” Reggie answered and immediately scowled at Is. “Yeah, he right here.” He handed the phone to Is. “It’s Tek.”

  Is frowned as he took the phone. “Why is he calling you?” He spoke into the phone. “Why are you calling Reggie?”

  “Because you’re not answering your phone,” Tek said. “Been ca
lling it for five minutes.”

  Is got to his feet and felt around in his pockets. “Shit. Must have left it inside the cabin. What’s up?”

  “We’ve got a name.”


  “Definitely one of Vega’s men,” Tek told him. “My guy at the PD just came through with the info about ten minutes ago. They’ll be making the arrest sometime tomorrow once they go through the proper channels.”

  “Not if we get to him first.” Is wasn’t going to wait around.

  “Tell me what to do and it’s done,” Tek said.

  “This is delicate, Tek. Quick and efficient.” He looked up as Reggie walked over to stand next to him. “I want nothing traced back to us.”

  “Got it.” Tek didn’t hesitate. “But I’ll need someplace to lay low for a few days.”

  Is rubbed his jaw. Shit. He had a contact, but the last thing he wanted to do was bring this to his doorstep. Damn it. “I’ll text you the contact’s info once I get it ironed out. In the meantime, watch your back and let me know when it’s done.”

  “Done.” Tek signed off, and Is sank down into the chair with a sigh.


  “What?” Reggie knelt before him, curiosity in his eyes as he gazed up at Is. “What’s happening?”

  Is pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. “Tek has a name so I put him on point.”

  “Okay. Tek is good, he’ll get it done.”

  “He’s alone and needs somewhere to hang out when it’s done.”

  Reggie’s hand tightened on Is’ knee. “I’m not getting why you’re so worried.”

  Is opened his eyes. “Fuck, Reggie.” He blew out a shaky breath. “I have someone who I trust, but I—” Frustration tugged at him and he rubbed his nape. “If I involve him in this X will murder me.”

  Reggie frowned. “Involve who, Dima?”

  Is scoffed. “Dude, do I look like I trust that psycho?” It still irked, knowing that Dima had gotten the drop on him in such a spectacular way.

  “So who then?”

  Is heaved a breath. “X’s ex husband. Quinn.”

  Reggie’s eyes widened. “Damn. I didn’t know he’d been married and divorced. And to a man, no less.”

  “Yeah, well.” Is looked away. “Quinn is in Atlanta, but he has nothing to do with this.” He faced Reggie again. “He’s never known about our business.”

  Reggie pursed his lips as understanding dawned in his eyes. “You want to send Tek to him.”

  “Yeah. It’s the safest place. Quinn has no ties to me.”

  “So do it.” Reggie sat back on his haunches. “Are they in contact, X and Quinn?” When Is shook his head, Reggie said, “Then do it. How will X know?”

  “Shit. It just feels wrong to bring all of that to an innocent man’s doorstep.”

  “But this is Tek. He can handle himself and protect Quinn if worst comes to worst, which it won’t,” Reggie hastened to add.

  Is gripped Reggie’s phone. “I’m gonna call him.”

  Reggie moved away and sat back down as Is dialed Quinn’s number from memory. He hadn’t spoken to the guy in God knew how long and here he was, about to drop Tek in his lap. The phone rang and rang. Just as Is was about to hit end, someone answered.


  “Quinn. It’s Is.”

  “Is!” The smile in Quinn’s voice helped to settle Is’ fears a little bit. “What’s up? Long time no hear.”

  “Yeah, man. Been busy.” He cleared his throat. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been really good, actually.”

  His words rang out sincerely and Is smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. You know that.”

  “I know.” Quinn chuckled then sobered. “Why are you calling, Is? Is it—”

  “No,” Is said quickly. “He’s fine. X is fine.” He wasn’t about to tell Quinn about the new man in his cousin’s life, though. “I just— I need a favor.”

  “Name it.”

  “A friend needs somewhere to crash for a few days. He’s a good guy. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I can vouch for him. We’ve known each other for a long time.”

  “Okay.” Quinn stretched out the word. “He wanted or something?”

  “What? No!” Jesus.

  “Just checking.” Quinn laughed. “Sure, he can stay. I’ve got the room. But just for a few days, yeah? I don’t like people in my space for too long.”

  “Just a few days,” Is promised. “I’ll give him your information. Should be over sometimes tonight if not tomorrow. His name is Tek.” He described Tek to Quinn. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  “We’re good.” Quinn brushed away his gratitude. “How is Xavier?”

  Aw, man. “He’s good,” Is hedged. “Still doing the boring lawyer thing, you know how he stay.”

  “I do.” Quinn made a sound, a wet laugh or a sob, Is couldn’t be sure. “Will you tell him—” He cut himself off. “Never mind. Send your friend over. I’ll be waiting. And Is?”


  “You should call more often.”

  He nodded, getting choked up. “I should. Yes.”

  “Take care of him for me.”

  “I will.” He rubbed his eyes. “Bye, Quinn.”

  “Later, Is.”

  He removed the phone from his ear and blew out a loud shuddering breath. He felt for Quinn. There was no way to not feel for the man after all he’d been through. But Quinn was strong. He’d been assaulted in his own home, by his husband’s family, and still remained standing. Is didn’t think he could be that strong if faced with the same trials.

  “Hey.” Reggie touched his shoulder. “What was that? You okay?”

  Is nodded. “I’m okay. Gimme a sec.” He quickly texted Tek Quinn’s address and phone number then turned back to Reggie. “X and Quinn ended on some really bad vibes, and Quinn just…” He shook his head. “It’s hard to talk to him, to see him, and not remember just what he’s been through. And I get fucking angry on his behalf.” He gave Reggie the short version of the assault that shattered Quinn and severed his relationship with X.

  Sympathy flashed in Reggie’s eyes. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He gripped Is’ shoulder in a show of support and Is leaned into his touch.

  “Yeah. Me, too.” They remained like that, silent in the stillness, until Is had to break it. “Yo, where de weed at, rude boy? You better not smoke all my shit.”

  “There’s a huge bag in there with more so don’t give me that.” Reggie shuffled away and came back with the roach—the joint almost smoked all the way down to the lit end. He lit it and knelt at Is’ feet.

  Is stared him. “What are you doing?”

  Reggie just grinned. He knelt up and parted Is’ thighs with hands on his knees. The roach remained caught between his teeth. If Is took a deep breath he’d be able to catch Reggie’s scent underneath the unmistakable weed aroma. If he took a deep breath.

  He did. He took the breath. His lower belly warmed and his cock stirred.


  Reggie removed the blunt and pursed his lips, blowing gently. Smoke swirled between them, climbing into Is’ face and nose. He shuddered and fisted his hands down at his sides. Reggie was too close, his eyes too intense through the thin veil of smoke.

  But Is didn’t move nor did he call a halt to the train wreck he saw coming his way. He held himself still as Reggie pulled on the blunt again and rose, this time crouching over Is’ knees as he blew out the smoke into his face.

  Is closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. His mouth watered and he had to swallow otherwise he be drooling.

  “Open your eyes, Is.” The rough, rumbling quality of Reggie’s voice reminded Is of pure gravel.

  He opened, peering up into Reggie’s hooded eyes.

  “Your mouth, too,” Reggie whispered.

  Is shook his head. “Reggie.” His words were a scratchy mess.

  “Open your fucking mouth, Is.” Reggie put the joint betw
een his lips and got in closer, practically sitting in Is’ lap as he bent.

  Is tilted his head back and did it, keeping his eyes open. Reggie’s lips hovered mere inches from Is’ as his friend blew into his mouth. Is leaned forward, opening wider to catch the smoke. His heart thudded in his chest, letting him know there’d be no escaping this trap Reggie set for him. Pressed against his zipper, his cock throbbed. He could hear it, the need to nut a low hiss working through his veins. The weed smoke and Reggie’s musk surrounded him, lowering his eyelids and flaring his nostrils as he took them in deeper. And Reggie watched him, hungry, terrifyingly close, yet not close enough.

  Is squeezed his fists, nails digging into his palm as he fought the urge to reach out and touch Reggie.

  Fuck this. Fuck this. I don’t want this. But he did and it horrified Is.

  Reggie dipped his head lower, lips barely brushing Is’ then abruptly pulled back. He licked his lips as he stared down at Is, expression inscrutable.

  “You aight?”

  He wasn’t, he might never be again, but Is swallowed and nodded shortly. “Yes.” The word came out in a shaky whisper.

  Reggie reached out with one hand, lightly touching Is at the base of his skull then he was gone. Off Is’ lap and striding toward the door. Leaving Is to grasp his knees and hunch his shoulders as he tried to understand what was happening.

  Chapter Six

  Well, that had been a mistake.

  Reggie stood in the small shower, one hand braced against the tiled wall as water beat at his sore back muscles. Eyes closed, he grunted when he went over what he’d done out there on the porch. He’d wanted to take away that panicked look in Is’ eyes, wanted to give him something else to focus on. Of course, Reggie had to choose the method guaranteed to tie his insides into a cold knot.

  What the fuck was that, though?

  His cock remained hard, throbbing despite the cold shower. He’d teased them both, and even though he’d seen the answering spark in Is’ gaze—there one moment, gone the next—Reggie knew better. Why the hell wasn’t he doing better then?

  He opened his eyes, head hanging as he glared at his toes. They needed to get away from this cabin. He needed to get back to his life, put some distance between him and Is. Kezia was back there waiting for him, legs open, pussy tight and wet. He’d been there with her before and had nothing to complain about. She loved cock, loved anal sex, loved every fucking thing. And she wanted to go there with Reggie again. He could do that. Take her up on the every explicit offer to do both her and her home girl.


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