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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

Page 6

by Avril Ashton

  Fantasy. It would be a fantasy. And for Reggie, six months ago he’d be all over that, but now he uttered a swift curse when his hard-on melted away. He grabbed his crotch and squeezed. A punishment really, for betraying him so Goddamn thoroughly. Shit like this didn’t happen. He didn’t get hard for his best friend. He didn’t dream day and night about tasting his best friend, touching him. He didn’t wonder about things he had no right to wonder about.

  He didn’t. He shouldn’t.

  But fuck if it didn’t happen. Every time. Every day. Being here with Is like this was Hari-kari. Suicide. And Reggie was right there, going along all too willing. Soaking up the bits and pieces Is saw fit to throw at him. Nothing could convince Reggie that Is didn’t know. That he couldn’t see and name what Reggie was feeling. Everyone saw it. Everyone knew it.

  But Is wouldn’t say anything. To do so would be to acknowledge it, to claim it. To name it. Then they’d have to do something about it, and Reggie didn’t see that happening.

  Suffer in silence. Sometimes Reggie thought he could, and sometimes, like now, he knew there was no way he possibly could.

  Ignoring his erection, he got out the shower and grabbed the towel he’d hung over the shower rod. He dried his skin and pulled on his boxers and a pair of sweats then draped the towel around his neck before striding out the bathroom. He didn’t see Is out on the porch and Reggie breathed a sigh.

  He had no answers if Is decided to ask what made Reggie do what he’d done with the blunt. His phone beeped with a text message as he plopped down on the couch. Reggie picked up from the coffee table.

  Might know somebody.

  He’d asked a friend if he had any contacts inside Vega’s crew. A shot in the dark, but he’d gone with his gut and now it was paying off.

  Can he get me a meet?

  What the fuck for? The response was quick, and Reggie caught the panic and disapproval pretty clear there.

  Business. Find out, he responded. Let me know ASAP.

  He couldn’t have Is like he wanted, but Is was his friend. Reggie wasn’t going to allow anyone to come after him, not if he could stop it. That fiasco with the Russians haunted him still, the terror still clogged his breath when he thought about Is getting hurt. He’d do whatever he could to make sure nothing like that happened again, even if he had to have a sit down with that fucker Vega.

  Hope you know what you’re doing.

  I do. Reggie left it at that, staring at his phone. He had another missed call from his mother. She meant well. Of course, but he couldn’t deal with her right now. Not if she was still on the campaign to have him settle down and give her grandkids. Or for him to accompany her to church on Sundays. He loved his mother, but she was too much sometimes.

  He laid his had back on the couch. He tried not to think about what he’d put his mother through in his early years running the streets of Bed-Stuy. Seemed like every week his mother was at the courthouse for him. He’d care for nothing and no one back then. Sometimes he thought that was the reason his father came back, to try to get him back in line.

  That was a spectacular fail if that had been his plan. Reggie regretted nothing. He lived fast and hard, and played even harder. He’d broken so many laws he’d lost count. From his first body at seventeen, he’d been fully engulfed in the gang life. He didn’t regret it.

  Until now. Now he regretted everything that brought him here, on this couch, cock hard and wet for his best friend.

  Floorboards creaked and he swung his head toward the bedroom. Is was in there. Reggie got up and walked over. He’d tell Is about possibly having a meet up with someone inside Vega’s crew. They needed to formulate a game plan for that. Have the two factions come to some kind of compromise. Is couldn’t afford to come up against Vega.

  He’d lose, and Reggie would never let that happen.

  He put a hand on the doorknob and twisted.

  “Fuck. Yeah.”

  Reggie froze.

  “Hard for you,” Is was whispering, voice shaking from arousal.

  Reggie knew that tone, he’d seen Is when he was turned on, been close to him. He knew how he sounded. How his eyes grew half-lidded and his nostrils flared, how he bit his bottom lip and his stomach muscles contracted. How sweat beaded and glistened on his forehead and chest

  Reggie knew it all.

  “Wish you were here,” Is continued. He was probably talking to Tawnya on the phone, Reggie couldn’t see into the bedroom to tell for sure. “I’d spread you wide, let you ride my fingers until you clawed at me.” He growled low in his throat. Reggie’s knees buckled. “Until you screamed.” His words morphed into guttural groans. “Fuck yourself,” his voice rumbled in the room. “Three fingers, feed them into that hungry hole.”

  Reggie spun away, took a step then stopped. He turned back, pressed his forehead to the door, and shoved a hand under the waistband of his sweats

  Fucked-up. It didn’t fail to register how fucked-up, how desperate this was. How dangerous, too, if Is were to catch him. But he couldn’t stop, couldn’t unhand his cock. The tip was slippery, his shaft throbbing. He parted his lips, breathing through his mouth as he stroked himself. Base to slick head, lifting up onto his toes, biting back a gasp as hot pleasure grabbed his balls in an unyielding and inescapable hold.

  “You want me?” Is snarled. “Tell me how much. Show me.”

  Reggie squeezed his eyes shut. He wished he could do the same to his ears, that way he wouldn’t be hearing Is with someone else. But another part of him wanted this anyway he could have it. That selfish part also craved the pain that flared in his chest. He deserved it after all, for standing out in the hallway, cock in his hand, as he listened to his best friend have phone sex with his woman.

  “Jesus.” Is cursed. The mattress creaked under his weight when he must have shifted. “I’m fucking my fist, wishing it was you. Tell me,” he demanded. “Tell me how much you want it.”

  Reggie pursed his lips, teeth bruising the flesh inside as he worked himself, hips slamming forward to shove his cock into his fist. He didn’t look down. Too ashamed, too afraid. But he fucked his hand, teeth gritted, ass clenched as Is did the same and Tawnya, wherever she was, did the same.

  “Gonna come. Next time it’s gonna be on your face.” Is’ voice was barely recognizable. Reggie shivered, movements faltering. “Tell me you want that. Tell me.” The last two words were nothing but a garbled demand, but Reggie heard it, deciphered it, and threw his head back as heat coursed through him.

  Fuck. Fuck. He wanted that. I want it, he mouthed it.

  “Shit. Fuck.” Is groaned, a hoarse sound of release and Reggie came, hips slamming forward until he smashed face first into the door. He fought to stay upright, planting his free hand on the door to keep his balance.

  Jesus. Motherfucking. Christ.

  Reggie spun away and strode out the cabin. He didn’t stop until he was waist deep in the dark lake, still wearing his sweats, hand fully coated with his cum.

  * * * *

  Is grabbed a shower after that explosive jerk-off session. He was filthy, sticky, and the guilt dampened the usual orgasm high. He’d raced into the bedroom to call Tawnya after that shit Reggie pulled out on the porch. His dick was so hard, body shaking as he fought to keep his control. It had been a disaster with Tawnya. It took work, real work to get hard, to stay hard while listening to her talk about how wet she was and how she wished he was there. He’d never worked so hard to bust a fucking nut in his life. So he’d invented another call and gotten her off the line.

  Then he closed his eyes, thought about Reggie walking in and catching him, and that, that had been the catalyst. He’d given in, saying shit, doing shit as if Reggie had been there, touching him, watching him with all that unspoken shit in his eyes. He’d imagined Reggie, wanted Reggie, had seen himself fucking Reggie, and that image had him spilling all over the place like it was his first time between soft thighs.

  The guilt hit him as soon he came. He’d worrie
d he’d been too loud, that Reggie might have heard him. That Reggie might take one look at him and know. Know just how much Is was losing his mind over him.

  He spent way too much time in the shower, just standing there, wondering what in the hell he was supposed to do with all these feelings he didn’t want. Shit like what happened outside on the porch should never happen. He’d lapsed with that, getting close to Reggie, allowing the other man to get close to him.

  That stopped now.

  They had to stop, step away, and he needed to get back to his life. A life that definitely didn’t include these unwanted feelings. He’d accepted the people in his life who liked men, who loved men. It took ages, but he’d accepted that Xavier was who he was. Learning that his childhood friend Mateo was also married to a man had been a huge surprise, but Is got over it. Tek was a special case and Elias, well… He’d gotten used to them in ’93. Their lives certainly didn’t affect him. More pussy for him had been his take on it.

  But he wasn’t thinking about that now. He was thinking about Reggie, about why he’d done that thing outside earlier, about how he always looked so fucking hungry and in pain whenever he met Is’ eyes. He was thinking about why his palm itched to touch Reggie, truly touch him, and he was thinking about why just the mere possibility of Reggie’s presence had him coming harder than he’d ever done in his life.

  His cock stirred again, and Is barked a curse and hurried out the shower. Fuck was he supposed to do with all this?

  The sound of his phone ringing snapped him back to awareness and he hurried from the bathroom with the towel hastily wrapped around his waist, thankful that Reggie was nowhere to be seen. He snatched the phone up from the bed when he saw it was Tek calling.

  “Talk to me.”

  “It’s done.”

  Is sank down onto the mattress. “Okay. Head underground.”

  “I’ll hit you up when I get there.”

  “Thanks, Tek.” Is didn’t like having other people handling his problems for him. He liked getting down in the trenches, loved getting his hands dirty. That had been one of the reasons a life of crime fit him so perfectly. Much like Jacqueline Jermaine, Is didn’t mind the mess.

  “Anytime. Peace.” And Tek was gone.

  “Fuck.” Is stared down at the phone. They might never find the body, not with the way Tek usually handled things, but Is didn’t think for a second that Vega wouldn’t eventually figure out who was behind his lieutenant’s disappearance.

  Goddamn. He looked around the bedroom. He needed a spliff. Weed helped him think, and he needed to be prepared for when Vega came knocking.

  The cabin door clicked closed, footsteps drew closer then stopped. Is lifted his head. Reggie stood in the doorway, dripping wet, upper half bare, his gray sweats plastered to his thighs and his groin—

  Is tore his gaze away and met Reggie’s stare. “What?”

  “You don’t look good.” Reggie nodded to the phone in Is’ hand. “News?”

  Is shrugged. “Tek handled the situation. He’s headed to Quinn’s place now.”

  “Okay.” Reggie frowned. “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I need to get back to my turf, Reg.” Is blew out a breath. “They might never find the body,” he said. “You know how Tek does his thing.”

  Reggie nodded.

  “But they’ll take note of the disappearance and conclude just who is behind it.” Realization dawned on Reggie’s face. “I need a plan. I need to be prepared. As it stands now, my territory is fucking unprotected.”

  Reggie leaned against the door jam and crossed his arms over his naked chest. He was built, solid, muscled but not too much. The sleeve of tattoos on his right arm were all the colors of his former gang, Los Pescadores. The only art on his left hand was the bull’s-eye on the back of his hand. But the ink on his chest, those were all done in black, no other color, and Is didn’t usually pay them any attention. But nowadays he couldn’t stop looking at Reggie, couldn’t stop seeing things.

  “Darkness restores what light cannot repair.” The quote was etched across Reggie’s chest, from shoulder to shoulder, is a fancy scrawl. Is was familiar with it. What was new was the quote on Reggie’s left side that simply said “With me you are loved.”

  Is cleared his throat and indicted the fresh ink with a nod. “That’s new.”

  “It is.” And he held Is’ gaze.

  Mother fucker. Is shifted on the bed and the towel around his waist loosened a bit. He grabbed it, and Reggie’s gaze dropped. Is tightened his hold on the edge of the towel until his knuckles practically creaked. Reggie licked his lips.

  Is pretended he didn’t notice. Much like he didn’t notice the huge bulge under Reggie’s wet sweats. Or the muscles bulging in his arms.

  Fucking hell.

  “You wanna leave so I can dressed, bruh?” He scowled at Reggie and jerked his chin.

  Reggie’s gaze flew to his, startled. Guilty. Haunting.

  Goddamn it. Is wanted to hit something.

  “Yeah.” Reggie nodded, gaze skating away. “Do your thing.” He pivoted and walked away and Is stared after him.

  Aching everywhere.

  Why was this shit so hard? How was he supposed to keep his friendship intact while battling this insidious attraction?

  Clean break. The words whispered inside his head, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t. He didn’t know a lot of things, but he knew he couldn’t shut Reggie completely out of his life. Is jumped to his feet and kicked the bedroom door closed. He pulled on some clothes, shirts and a t-shirt and walked out the bedroom.

  Reggie stood next to the couch, barefoot, wearing only jeans that sagged low enough to expose the pale swell of his ass. His back was to Is, his naked back, still wet, skin like gold. As Is watched, Reggie rolled his head and shoulders, a low groan falling from him.

  Saliva pooled in Is’ mouth, heat spreading like liquid in his lower belly. Why? Why him?

  Reggie lifted a hand and kneaded behind his neck, groaning as his head fell forward and his shoulder rolled.

  Is fisted his hands. “What’s up, you in pain or something?”

  Reggie spun around, face shuttered. “Nah. I’m cool.”

  “You’re not.” He nodded at the couch. “Hurt your back?”

  Reggie shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m good.” He grabbed a wife beater from the back of the couch and tugged it over his head. Is kept his gaze to Reggie’s face.

  “If you need help working out the kinks I can help.” Shut your fucking mouth. “You don’t have to sleep there if it’s uncomfortable, you know. This is you place.” Well, obviously his mouth had a mind of its on.

  “There’s no place else to sleep.” Reggie didn’t look at him. “Besides, I’m good. Don’t worry.”

  “The bedroom—”

  “Is yours for as long as we’re here.” Reggie speared him with a cutting glare. “I’m a grown man. I can take a few nights on a lumpy couch.”

  He didn’t have to. Shouldn’t have to. “We should leave soon.”

  Something flashed in Reggie’s eyes, too quick for Is to name it. “Yeah. Sure.”

  “Reg.” Is moved in closer. It was like an invisible magnet kept pulling him closer and closer to Reggie. “I appreciate you bringing me here. I know the memories have been hard to deal with it.”

  Reggie barked a brittle laugh. “The memories. Yeah. That’s what’s been difficult.”

  The temperature spiked, raising the hairs on Is’ arms. He felt so fucking helpless against this… thing. “I’m sorry.” Sorry that Reggie wanted what he wanted. That Is couldn’t say it, touch it, name it. That they did this fucked-up dance that didn’t seem to want to end. That he wanted what he wanted. That he wanted Reggie to be the one to say it, touch it, name it. That he didn’t have the guts to end the two-step they danced around each other.

  Reggie’s lashes dropped, hiding his eyes. “Yeah. Me too, Is.”

  “Everything will be back to normal once we get home.” He hoped. He

  “Normal, huh?” Reggie’s lips twisted. “I can do normal.”

  Is made himself grin even though it felt like he was ripping his face in two. “I know.” He glanced down at the couch then back to Reggie. “You sure about sleeping there?”

  “No big deal.”

  “It’s one last night, any way.” Is took a deep breath, inhaling Reggie. Warmth coiled in his gut and dropped down to his balls. He stepped back. “We should rest up.”

  Reggie nodded, but he didn’t speak, and after a lingering stare at his mouth Is turned away and walked quickly back to the bedroom. He belly flopped onto the bed, buried his face in a pillow, and screamed out his frustration.

  Chapter Seven

  Reggie decided against driving back home, so when the aches from attempting to sleep on the lumpy couch kept him awake, he used the time to make some calls. In less than thirty minutes he had a plane lined up. He just had to figure out what to do with his vehicle. He thought seriously about leaving the truck where it was. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have any other wheels.

  He just wanted to get away from the cabin. From Is. He needed some kind of escape. And quickly. The temperature was cool, but it didn’t bother him when he ventured outside half naked, just as the morning sun peeked out from behind the clouds. He walked over to the dock and sat there, legs swinging over the edge, tying to get his mind right. In the correct headspace. This time with Is was something neither of them could afford to let happen again. Reggie would never be able to control himself. Restraint was already so hard. Only the thought of driving Is completely from his life kept Reggie from doing anything crazy.

  He’d never been one to fall back when it came to someone he wanted. He chased women all day. He made the first move almost all the time. Yet here he was, waiting for someone else to give him the go ahead. Waiting on someone else to make the first move. It wasn’t him, but lately a lot of things haven’t been him.


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