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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 27

by Jenny Penn

  “Then I guess he’ll tell you that Evan also found out something else of interest.” Cooper sighed and cast Nick an uneasy glance.

  “What?” Nick asked, his curiosity piqued by Cooper’s begrudging tone.

  “Apparently Lindsay’s trust dissolves if she passes on unless there is a child.” Cooper rolled his shoulders and shook his head. “That might explain why her stepdad hasn’t killed her.”

  “And why Crugman was in her bed,” Nick finished off for him. “Not to mention why he threatened her with going back to the asylum.”

  “It also means we need to give some thought to birth control,” Cooper stated quietly, bringing up the one subject they’d both intentionally avoided.

  It was a good bet that Lindsay wasn’t on the pill. Neither one of them had bothered to even suggest using condoms. He didn’t want to start now. It had been sheer heaven to sink into Lindsay’s heat and feel her tighten down around him flesh to flesh. The idea of getting her pregnant only made it hotter.

  That was the real reason he hadn’t brought up the subject of birth control, because he wanted her to have his kids. While that might have felt like a strange thing to think just a few days ago, that didn’t make it any less true. Since the moment he’d met Lindsay a future had blossomed in his mind of her and him and their happy little family.

  “Oh, God. You should see how dopey you look right now.” Cooper rolled his eyes as he heaved a deep, aggrieved sigh. “I take it you’re vetoing the condoms.”

  “I’m saying I know how to keep my woman and my child safe, how about you?” Nick shot back.

  “I’d like not to risk either,” Cooper retorted.

  “So you’re going to let some asshole dictate how you live your life?” Nick quirked a brow at that suggestion. “Because that doesn’t sound like the boss man I know.”

  “Insulting me doesn’t make me any less unnerved about the situation.” It did have his brother growling at him, however.

  “Fine.” Nick held his hands up in surrender. “Then how about I just eliminate the problems?”

  “I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear that.”

  Nick noticed Cooper wasn’t disagreeing, though. Maybe it was for the best that Cooper didn’t know the details. That way there would be no risk of him going to jail with Nick if he got caught. After all, somebody needed to stay and watch over Lindsay. Even with her Crugman and her stepfather out of the way, she’d probably still manage to find trouble.

  “Did you talk to Rendell about our Mr. Crugman?” Nick changed the subject to a more immediate concern. If it came down to it, he’d do whatever was necessary and never tell a soul.

  “He arrested him this afternoon but he should make bail by the morning.” Cooper’s scowl deepened as he shook his head. “I don’t think he’s in much condition to do anything right now but that don’t mean he won’t try.”

  “There’s no chance he’ll actually do any time, is there?”

  Cooper snorted at that and shook his head. “There never was any hope of keeping him in jail. Rendell’s pressing as many charges as he can but they’re all misdemeanors and he’ll likely just get a fine, perhaps some community service.”

  “That’s not good enough.” Nick rubbed his brow, knowing there wasn’t anything else the sheriff could do. Unfortunately somebody would have to get hurt before the law stepped in. “Damn. I wish Lindsay was around to talk these things over with.”

  “You and me both.”

  Nick glanced down the lane toward the silent highway beyond. “She will come back.”

  “Of course,” Cooper assured him with his customary confidence, but Nick could tell his brother wasn’t so certain.

  They’d fallen in love with the woman. They’d made love to the woman. Yet, neither of them had remembered to get the woman’s cell number. Now they didn’t even have a way of getting in touch with her. She could be anywhere. She could be hurt and nobody would know to contact them.

  “This is ridiculous.” Nick sighed, tiring under the strain of his own thoughts. “Lindsay should be at the ranch, safe and sound, not running around getting into God knows what kind of trouble.”

  “Now you’re really dreaming.” Cooper snorted. “Lindsay lives for trouble. Mark my words, she’ll find it even if we lock her away at the ranch. We’re fighting a losing battle.”

  Nick feared Cooper was right. Lindsay had spent all of her life restrained. Now she was free. Worse, she was determined to prove her independence. They had to figure out how to give her that room while still keeping hers safe, a feat that would not be easily accomplished.

  Nick sat there brooding over that problem long after Cooper had left. After nearly an hour of deliberations he’d come up with nothing. Another half hour and his problem only worsened as two headlights turned down the back lane illuminating the road with the brightness that paralleled the sun.

  That was not Lindsay’s truck but Nick had a sick feeling that it was Lindsay behind the wheel. The wheel of what, though? The answer to that question revealed itself in the long, sleek body of recreational vehicle. His plate, long forgotten, toppled out of his lap, splattering gravy over his jeans as Nick rose up to watch a motor home of epic proportions eased its way down the dirt road, barely fitting down the narrow path.

  There wasn’t enough room for it to turn up the drive. It took Lindsay a couple dozen tries before she managed to get the big beast up and over her drive and still it scraped along the ground. As the massive motor home finally crashed into Lindsay’s yard, it tore through the dirt and weeds as it headed straight for Nick, coming to a grinding stop barely inches from the tips of his boots.

  The heat of the headlight basked him in a warm glow and he nearly went deaf from the cheery blast of an air horn. A second later the brakes released their pressure with a hiss as the big bus appeared to sigh into its place in the middle of the yard.

  Nick stumbled backward, moving around the massive RV in shocked awe. It was monstrous and growing bigger before his very eyes. With the slow, whining creak of gears under tremendous strain, the sides slid outward even as a set of steps lowered down toward his feet. Feeling very much as Alice must have when she’d fallen down that rabbit hole, Nick stared up at the door above, not at all certain what to expect as it flung open.

  “Welcome to my new abode.” Those words boomed out with an infectious enthusiasm that matched the wide splay of Lindsay’s arms as she stepped back and waved him up. “Come on in and check things out.”

  She didn’t wait to see if he obeyed but left Nick with little other choice than to follow her as she scurried back into her new set of wheels. Sighing, he glanced one last time down the motor home’s length before mounting the steps. His feet failed him when he reached the top and got his first look inside.

  Waxed and polished to a perfect gleam, the gigantic motor home reeked of money. Real money. Big money. Clean and sleek with a sophisticated sense of style, the home came with every upgrade a person could want. From the leather upholstered benches surrounding the granite topped dinette table to the stainless steel appliances to the gleaming hardwood floors and plush couches, the home was outfitted with every luxury.

  “Wow,” Nick breathed out as he moved around, checking out the lay out and all the finishes. “This is…not cheap.”

  “Far from it,” Lindsay agreed with a laugh. She finished fiddling with the controls by the driver’s seat and came up behind Nick still wearing that grin. “Pretty clever, huh? Now I have a fully functional home that allows me to stay on my own land while fixing up my cabin. Score one for the smart chick.”

  “You definitely won this round.” Nick had to go give that to her as he finally began to move through the home.

  A small hall led to a spacious bedroom with a full bath and wardrobe tucked behind it. Not that guests had to go all the way back there to pee. A half-bath sat opposite a laundry closet, flanking either side of the hall. Nick peeked in, finding that the home’s lavish upgrades continued even t

  “You like?”

  “It’s a little much…as in how much?” Nick turned around to find Lindsay scowling at him, clearly annoyed that he wasn’t as excited over her recent purchase as she.

  “And that matters, why?”

  “Because I’m worried,” Nick told her bluntly.

  “Why would you worry?” Lindsay blinked at him in confusion as if the answer to that question wasn’t obvious. To her, it clearly wasn’t. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a couple of decades now.”

  “And do you have a habit of trying to solve all your problems with money?” Nick asked, not buying her innocent routine for a moment. “Because there is independence and then there is obnoxiousness.”

  “There is nothing obnoxious about this. This”—Lindsay gestured to the room at large—“is the most logical thing I’ve done in a long time. Just think about it. I need a place to live. This is a place to live. Second, I might need to go mobile. You know in the movies how people on the run always have to leave their shit behind…Well, my shit goes with me.”

  Her words ripped through Nick, peeling back the layers control he had exerted since first catching sight of her new home. It was his worst nightmare come true. She was thinking of running, of leaving…No. No way in hell!

  Lindsay wasn’t going anywhere. Not now. Not ever. She was his.

  * * * *

  Lindsay blinked, trying to control her self-righteous indignation. It wouldn’t do any good to yell at him. Besides Nick didn’t have to love her idea, even if it was a brilliant one. So what if it had cost a lot of money. It wasn’t like she went around on spending sprees very often.

  Opening her mouth to express that very thought, Lindsay caught herself as she realized how dark Nick’s stare had grown. He was tense and still, too still. Like a predator stalking a prey he watched her as Lindsay began backing slowly up.

  “Not that I’m planning on going anywhere anytime soon,” Lindsay assured him, taking a blind stab at what had him looking ready to pounce, the very idea of which had her heart racing with something other than fear.

  “Is that right?” Nick paced slowly forward, his stride as smooth and dangerous as his tone. “The real question is do you think you can hide?”

  “Hide?” Lindsay blinked as her palms began to sweat and her mind went blank. “I…I…”

  “Because you know I’m going to find you eventually and I’m not going to be happy.”

  There was a warning embedded in Nick’s words, the same one glinting in his eyes. The heated promise lurking in his gaze tore right through her, leaving her wet and aching within a single heartbeat. No one ever looked at her like that. Nobody had that kind of control over her body. Nobody but Cooper. Lindsay stumbled back and away from it and Nick, suddenly uncertain of his intentions.

  “Uh, Nick—”


  “What?” Lindsay’s heart tripped over itself as her body flooded with an intoxicating mix of adrenaline and hot, molten lust at that command.

  “I want you naked.” Nick cornered her against the dinette table, leaving Lindsay nowhere to run, nowhere to escape. “Strip.”

  She should have told him to go to hell. She should resisted or, at least, tried to escape, but Lindsay felt mesmerized by the dark, carnal promise curling his lips as he leaned in close to growl at her.


  His hot breath seared her cheeks and, like a puppet on a string, her hands lifted to pull her shirt up and over her head. Lindsay’s shoes went flying as she kicked them off to the side. With a slight twist of her hips, her skirt dropped to a puddle at her feet. That quickly she was naked.

  Nick’s gaze slid down her length in a slow perusal that had Lindsay’s cunt clenching as his eyes lingered on the sweetest of spots. She didn’t have to imagine the feel of his rough fingers brushing against her flushed skin. Reaching out to rub the back of his hand over the curve of her breasts, Nick nodded toward the table behind her.

  “Have a seat.”

  The sheer intensity of his tone assured she could do nothing else but obey. Slowly Lindsay eased herself backward, settling her ass on the cool, stone top.

  “Legs spread.”

  Excruciatingly aware of her hard nipples and the scent of her arousal thickening in the air, she did as he commanded, feeling both nervous and emboldened. She could feel the cool air teasing the slick skin of her inner thighs, could feel her clit swelling with a silent plea, her cunt creaming in demand, and knew Nick could see the effect he had on her body.

  She wasn’t embarrassed, though. Lindsay wanted this. More importantly, so did Nick. He wanted her. Nick’s look didn’t leave room for fears or self-doubts. Like a summer storm she could feel the force of his need pelting her, filling her with a warm confidence that had her feeling sexy enough to dare to taunt him.

  “Go on, stud, make me come.” Lindsay relaxed back on her elbows as she lifted one hand to her breast and buried the other between her legs. Teasing her own molten flesh, she couldn’t hold back her moan. “Or do I need to take care of it myself?”

  That challenge should have snapped his control, but instead of shoving her back and fucking her senseless, Nick just smiled and watched as she drove herself near the brink of ecstasy. The predatory twist of his lips matched the dangerous glint growing in his eyes but Lindsay didn’t care.

  All that mattered was the rapture tightening through her body as she rolled her clit faster and faster, keeping rhythm with the palm circling over her puckered tit. Then the sky broke open and pure, white-hot pleasure rained down, drowning her in a torrent of delight.

  Lindsay gave herself over to her release, allowing it to drain all the tension and stress from her body. With a sigh of satisfaction she collapsed back on the table, forgetting for the moment about Nick and his hungry gaze. He would not be ignored.

  The barely leashed need she’d sensed seething just below his smirk moments ago snapped. Before Lindsay even had a chance to draw in calming breath, Nick lunged for her, latching onto her hips. With a shriek she tried to escape but there was no way to break his hold as he jerked her ass up, lifting her cunt straight up into his waiting kiss.

  The heated wash of his breath soaked her pussy in a moist warmth that had her tender flesh melting. Lindsay’s whimper broke into a squeal as Nick’s head dipped and he began to devour her swollen folds with an insatiable wickedness that had her orgasming within minutes.

  “That was two.” Nick lifted his chin to gaze down the naked length of her body and pinned Lindsay with a dark look full of carnal promise. “Why don’t we see how many you can endure, hmm?”

  “No, please. Nick, I—”

  Lindsay’s plea ended in a gasp as he began tormenting her anew. Using his lips, teeth, and tongue, he forced her to endure one release after another, lapping up the cream that coated her pussy with happy smacking sounds that matched the joyous fervor with which he tongue-fucked her. Over and over again he plundered the depths of her spasming cunt, finding every sweet and magical spot her sheath had to offer and sending Lindsay from one screaming climax into another until her voice grew hoarse.

  Limp, sweaty, and shuddering with a pleasure so raw and intense it bordered on pain, she could only roll her head in a silent plea for mercy. Nick had none. With an errant finger he traced the slick tide of her arousal from the creamy folds of her cunt down to the tight ring of muscles guarding the entrance to her ass.

  Lindsay whimpered, squirming away from his touch, still not fully comfortable with that kind of intimacy. Nick’s other hand tightened over her hip, holding her steady for the slow invasion of her ass. Slick with her own cream, his fingers slid deep, scissoring and twisting as he stretched her tight channel wide and sent electrifying tickles skittering up her spine. The stimulating thrills only deepened the rapture that boiled out of her cunt as Nick sucked the swollen bud of her clit past the hard ridge of his teeth.

  With her back already arched and kn
ees thrown over his shoulders, Lindsay kicked Nick in his sides as her whole body jerked with the pressure building through her pelvis. She ached and for something more than the thin fingers teasing her with an imitation of the friction a true fucking would have pounded her with. Despite the desperate pleas that fell from her lips, Nick refused to be rushed.

  Instead he punished her with another climax that only added to the agony building inside her. She wanted, needed, more. By the time Nick released her to start fumbling with his belt buckle, Lindsay was mindless with desire, unable to help rid him of his jeans much less take what she wanted even as he lined his erection up with the spasming opening of her cunt.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, Nick pulled her forward, fucking Lindsay all the way down the long, hard length of his erection. He felt wonderfully thick, and hot. The silken feel of him grinding over the sensitive walls of her cunt had her pussy sliding down around his dick as Lindsay lifted herself up, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  Nick grunted, picking up speed as he fucked her hard and fast. Lindsay panted, sweating as she strained to reach the peak building within her. It blossomed into epic proportions, becoming that much more intense as he pulled free and let the sticky head of his cock drop from the dripping opening of her cunt to the puckered ring of muscles guarding the entrance to her ass.

  Before Lindsay could even realize his intent, Nick surged forward. Only once he’d buried himself balls-deep in her tight, virgin ass did he hesitate, taking a moment to pry her fingers from around the edge of the table. Nick lifted her palm and laid her hand over her own weeping folds.

  “Make yourself come whenever you need, whenever it gets to be too much,” Nick ordered, his strained tone betraying how much control he exerted for her benefit.

  Lindsay would have been grateful but she was lost in the throes of the greatest torment she’d ever endured. Pleasure, pain, it all blurred into the most intense sensation that left her lost to anything but the feel of his thick shaft grinding against the sensitive walls of her back channel.


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