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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 28

by Jenny Penn

  Her muscles burned from his invasion, igniting an inferno that had her fingers gliding through her pussy to trap her clit beneath the heavy press of her finger. Quickly Lindsay teased herself back to the height of ecstasy she’d climbed moments before, only this time the bliss boiling in her veins held an extra heat.

  So did Nick’s gaze. Except for the twitch of a muscle in his cheek, Nick held himself perfectly still, his gaze locked on her finger as he tracked her every move. His nostrils flared as she writhed, panting and moaning, on the edge of release. When she abandoned her clit to fuck four fingers deep into her cunt, Nick snapped.

  With a growl, his fingers dug into her hips, holding Lindsay steady as he began pistoning fast and hard in and out of her ass, setting her on fire with each stroke. He had her writhing with a delirium that quickly became all consuming.

  With each pass of his dick over the nerve-laden stretch of flesh that separated her ass from her cunt another delicious spasm coursed through her. Frenzied tremors raced up her spine, collecting into a wave of pleasure that soon consumed her. Still it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel him harder, deeper, and ached to feel her cunt filled by something thicker than her own skinny fingers.

  Nick didn’t deny the pleas that fell from her lips this time. His hand joined hers, stretching her cunt until she cried out. Clasping his fingers around her, he set up a rhythm that had her soaring toward a paradise unparalleled, but it was his word that sent her over the edge.

  “You like that, lil’ bit?” Nick asked, his voice a rough, sexy growl that had her whimpering out an answer.

  “Yes,” Lindsay hissed as he twisted his fingers, rubbing the tips over her sweet spot and lighting up her world with another rapturous explosion. “Please…more.”

  “Oh, you’ll get your more. Don’t doubt that, lil’ bit,” Nick snarled as he slammed into her ass with a ruthless mastery that had her crying out. “One day very soon you’ll have your more, then you’ll have two cocks packing you full. God, can’t you just imagine it, lil’ bit? I can.”

  So could she.

  “Cooper stretching this tight cunt wide and me pounding away in this sweet ass, and you do have a sweet ass, lil’ bit. The sweetest I’ve ever fucked, so tight and clingy…Can you feel that, feel how your ass clenches around me, clinging to me…It’s like heaven…Fucking you is like diving into paradise.”

  Nick’s words ripped through Lindsay, causing both her heart and her body to explode. Giving herself over to her release, she was only dimly aware of Nick, grunting and sweating it out above her. He came with a shout, collapsing on top of her, but she didn’t care. Caught in the beautiful rhapsody of her climax, she needed Nick to keep her tethered to the ground lest she float way along with the bliss lightening her very soul.

  She really did love him. Both him and Cooper.

  Lindsay didn’t have the strength to fight those truths. She only hoped she had enough to do what was right by them. That thought sobered her up as nothing else could. As much as she wanted to luxuriate in the contentment that filled her, she couldn’t stop the fear from creeping back in.

  Carl was going to take them from her, or take her from them. This moment couldn’t last.

  Chapter 29

  He hadn’t meant to do that. Nick had planned a seduction full of heated oils and a slow rub-down in a bathtub full of hot bubbles before he introduced Lindsay to the sensual delights of having her ass fucked. He didn’t have time to make it up to her now, not that it much mattered. The massage was supposed to help keep her from being sore as well as tender the day after, but the truth was that a wet and soapy Lindsay would be irresistible. No doubt he’d end up fucking her every which way he could bend her. She would end up unable to even walk tomorrow.


  Nick winced as Lindsay all but shouted that word directly into his ear. She’d gone from soft and pliant beneath him to tense and struggling in a single heartbeat. So much for wallowing in the moment.

  “What?” Nick smothered a yawn as he forced his muscles to contract and levered himself up onto his hands.

  Almost immediately Lindsay’s scowl made him wish he hadn’t bothered. Despite the flush staining her cheeks and the sweat still beaded along her hairline, she managed to look more annoyed than satisfied. She even pulled off a sharp tone where only minutes ago she’d seemed incapable of forming full words let alone coherent sentences.

  “Condoms,” she repeated, shoving at his shoulders. “You didn’t wear one.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m clean,” Nick assured her, giving in to the demands of her hands and pushing off her.

  It was sheer agony to pull free of the hot clench of her ass. Her channel tightened around his cock in an instinctive attempt to hold him deep. Nick groaned, wishing only that Lindsay would be so clingy. She wasn’t.

  “I’m not worried about that,” she snapped, squirming free of his dick. A loud, sloppy pop gave testament to how hard her ass tried to suck him back in but Lindsay didn’t even seem to take notice. “I’m worried about ending up pregnant.”

  “Not from what we just did you won’t,” Nick retorted, unable to mask his own irritation. The woman didn’t have to act like the idea was that upsetting.

  “Damn it, Nick! This isn’t a joke.”

  Lindsay began snatching her clothes off the floor in a clear panic now. Nick watched her with a narrowed gaze as Cooper’s words from earlier came back to haunt him. Lindsay undoubtedly knew the details of her own trust and would know how vulnerable getting pregnant would make her.

  “Trust me, I’m not laughing,” Nick assured her. “And trust me, I’ve always been religious about condoms.”

  “Until now.” Lindsay yanked her shirt down over her head before settling her hands on her hips and glaring at him. “So you want to tell me what makes me so special?”

  “I don’t know.” Nick shrugged before offering her a smile. “Maybe it’s because I love you. Or maybe it’s because the thought of you pregnant makes me hard as stone and ready to fuck all night long. Or maybe I’m just an ass and I’m just trying to bind you to me because honestly I can’t imagine life without you.”

  If he expected that confession to bowl her over, Nick had made a grave miscalculation. Instead of looking like a woman who was pleased to find herself the center of such attention, Lindsay paled. The terror growing inside of her became almost palpable as her voice dropped, becoming a thread of a whisper.

  “You can’t.”

  “What?” Nick frowned, struggling to follow both her moods and her words. “Why the hell not? Because you don’t love us? Or is it because you’re afraid of loving us?”

  “Because loving me could get you killed.” Lindsay stepped back, away from his touch. “And getting pregnant could get me killed.”

  “You’re talking about your stepfather again.” Nick sighed, letting her go. They’d made their way back to the topic he’d intended to discuss with her from the beginning.

  “I’m talking about the fact that my healthy grandfather keeled over dead from a sudden heart attack, leaving all his money in a trust for my mother to be managed by Carl. I’m talking about how the night after she agrees to marry my father, my mother get a bad case of horniness and does five guys in a bathroom at a bar. I’m talking about how she died during labor, leaving me and my money at Carl’s mercy.”

  Lindsay paused, the fear and panic in her gaze hardening into a determined look. “I’m not going to let that be my or my child’s fate.”

  “And I wouldn’t let it happen,” Nick swore.

  He didn’t even question her accusations, understanding perfectly what she implied. Carl might have killed her grandfather and her mother or they could be coincidences for all he knew. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her or their children.

  “You and Cooper—”

  “I’m not talking about Cooper and me. I’m talking about a man named Amos Callahan and using your money to buy something more than a home
to run in.”

  “Amos Callahan, what is he?” Lindsay’s gaze narrowed on him. “A hit man?”

  Caught off guard by that question, Nick didn’t stop to consider his response. “I wouldn’t bother paying for a job I could do myself. Trust me, if I want Carl dead, he’ll be dead.”

  Lindsay went white with that hard declaration, her eyes rounding in shock. Silently Nick cursed his loose tongue. He might have spoken the truth but that didn’t mean she needed to hear it.

  “I won’t let you do that. I won’t let you take that risk.” Lindsay’s hands curled into Nick’s shirt as she tried to shake him. “Tell me you won’t do that!”

  The desperation in her tone betrayed the depths of Lindsay’s emotions more than any other declaration could have. She cared. She didn’t want to see him hurt. Touched as Nick was by her concern, that didn’t alter his conviction. He would do what was necessary, even using her concern to his advantage.

  “Then don’t let it come to that,” Nick urged her quietly. “Let Amos help you.”

  * * * *

  “So what does this Callahan do?” Lindsay asked, giving in for the moment.

  There would be no reasoning with Nick, no keeping him from doing something stupid if she didn’t at least pretend to go along with his plan. Hopefully that would buy her enough time to handle Carl on her own.

  “He runs a security firm. They specialize in keeping a person safe and protected while investigating and resolving their clients’ problems, especially sensitive ones.”

  “And what problems is he going to solve? You’ll never prove Carl committed any crime.” Speaking with the confidence of somebody who had lived in Carl’s world her whole life, Lindsay had no faith that he could be caught. Killed was really the only solution.

  “Well, that’s what we’re going to find out.” Nick spoke as if there was a reason to hope. “And I think our search begins with looking into your trust. There is something there, some reason he needs control.”

  “Yeah. Money. Power.”

  “There is more to it than that and you know it.”

  Lindsay hesitated before shrugging. “I’ve seen the accounts. There’s nothing odd about them. Stocks, bonds, real estate, it’s all the usual stuff.”

  “I’m sure that’s the way it’s supposed to look on the surface,” Nick agreed before insisting that there was more to the matter than that. “But I’d feel a whole lot better if a forensic accountant had a look at your accounts.”

  “Fine. Whatever.” Lindsay caved with ill grace.

  She didn’t bother wasting her time arguing with him. It wasn’t like she really wanted to win. Amos Callahan sounded like just the thing to buy her time. Not that she suspected Nick’s detectives would find any evidence that Carl did anything wrong. Her stepfather was too clever to be caught. More importantly, he was too well connected to ever be tried, much less convicted.

  “You realize this means you’ll be guarded twenty-four-seven,” Nick warned her.

  “I guess that’s not up for discussion either, huh?” Lindsay asked, already certain of the answer. Nick’s plaintive smile didn’t reassure her.

  “Sorry, lil’ bit.”

  “Fine, but if I’m going to be guarded, so are you and your brother.”


  That shocked him, but Lindsay wouldn’t back down, not on this point. It was too important. “If Carl can’t get to me directly, he’ll probably try to get to me through you and Cooper. I’m not going to let that happen. If you’re not protected then neither am I. That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.”

  Nick studied her for a moment, clearly reluctant to agree. No doubt he thought himself more than capable of seeing to his own protection. An attitude Lindsay suspected Cooper would share. The very fact that Nick slowly nodded proved how intent he was on keeping her safe.

  “Fine, but you’re going to obey every dictate of your security detail without question.” Nick wasn’t asking. He was telling.

  With that law laid down, he stepped up to catch Lindsay’s cheeks in his palms. Before she could even think about disagreeing with him, his head dipped and he stole the response right off her lips.

  His tongue delved between her lips and laid claim to the moist recesses of her mouth, leaving Lindsay too weak-kneed to do anything but cling to him. She softened against him, melting into the warm strength of his embrace as she wound her arms around his neck and gave herself over to the mastery of his kiss.

  Instinctively she rubbed herself against the erection she could feel growing thick and hard between them, eager to feel him flesh-to-flesh. Her hope to entice Nick into taking more liberties backfired when he pulled back with a groan.

  “As much as I’d like to help you break in every piece of furniture in this place, I don’t have the time.” Sighing over that regret, Nick rested his forehead against hers for a moment before straightening up. “I’ve got to meet up with Amos down in Humble by morning, which means I have a long drive ahead of me. Are you going to be all right on your own?”

  “As long as Cooper doesn’t show up and blow a gasket.” Lindsay smiled just imagining his response to her new home. It kind of disappointed her that he wasn’t around to fulfill her expectation, which left her kind of wondering…“And just where is older brother?”

  “He had to meet some friends down at The Pitchfork.” Nick paused to cast a glance around the room. “But don’t worry. He should be here pretty soon. In fact, maybe I should call Cooper tell him to hurry up, let him know you got a surprise waiting for him.”

  “And ruin my fun?” Lindsay faked a horrified expression, managing to bring Nick’s trademark grin back to the surface. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Fine.” Nick chuckled and shook his head before sobering up to pin her with a hard look. “You know he’s not going to let you stay here, right?”

  Lindsay knew but that didn’t mean she’d cave so easily. Lifting her chin, she made her position clear. “Wherever I go, so goes my home. I thought I told you that’s the beauty of this thing.”

  That earned her a snort but Nick dropped the argument, no doubt certain that Cooper could manage it just fine on his own. Hopefully, though, he wouldn’t be into paddling because Lindsay didn’t think her ass could take any more tonight.

  A part of her was actually secretly glad to see Nick point his truck down the drive and take off, needing the time alone to process everything that happened and to figure out just what she wanted to do about them. More importantly, it gave her time to think about how to handle everything.

  Nick had one thing right, with a security detail watching her every move, it would be hard for Carl to get near her much less accuse her of insanity. They would also make it hard for her to get near him, though if she could figure out a way to kill him without her bodyguards knowing then they’d make one hell of an alibi.

  Lindsay worried over that problem as she headed toward the cabin and the boxes and bags waiting to be moved. Jack followed her as she crossed the yard, reminding her with a very loud wail that he had not been fed yet. Clearly the first thing she had to move was his food, and some for her wouldn’t be too bad. Nick had helped her work up quite an appetite.

  A shower would even be better, though she’d need clothes to change into. One thing was for sure, she was tired of running around in a skirt without any panties. Certainly if she were going to be doing a lot of carrying and lifting then jeans were appropriate. Lindsay snagged a pair along with everything else she needed and headed for the door.

  No sooner did she step out onto the porch when a pair of headlights blinded her as they pulled into the yard. It had to be Cooper arriving earlier than she expected. Hopefully that wasn’t because Nick had called him and tipped his brother off. Either way, Lindsay headed down the steps, feeling her blood heat and her cunt soften as she anticipated the fight to come.

  * * * *

  Cooper stood, offering his good-byes to the table as his friends all hollered after him to stay for on
e more round. That would only lead to another and another until they added up and he ended up drunk enough to do something stupid. Something or someone.

  Darlene Mitchell was not a mistake Cooper planned on making that night. Tall, leggy, with a nice rack and a sultry voice, she happened to be exceptionally limber and very creative, two facts he knew from personal experience. Two facts his friends, no doubt, thought would convince him to stray. They hadn’t even been the least bit subtle about their attempt to hook him up with Darlene.

  It wasn’t going to happen. Cooper had come to offer his friends a deal on the Lindsay water and that’s what he’d done. They’d all agreed to the terms. More than that everybody understood now that Lindsay was his and under his protection. Any slight against her was a slight against him. Those weren’t just words. They were actually how he felt. Lindsay’s pain became his, which was just why Darlene was a mistake he wouldn’t make.

  There wasn’t any point to it anyway. Darlene might be fun ride to take but Lindsay was a mind-blowing one. Just like her pain, Lindsay’s pleasure was also his. That made every touch, taste, and stroke they shared more intense and the ecstasy that much hotter. Hell, the woman was burned right into his soul.

  That thought should have scared him. It should have sent him running and it did—straight back toward Lindsay. Like an addict, his every thought was about the rush he’d feel once he was back in her presence. Cooper knew, too, just where to find his own personal drug. Nick had called on the way out of town, assuring him that Lindsay had not only returned but brought a surprise with her.

  Not that he’d given Cooper any more clues. Whatever she’d done, it had Nick snickering enough to warn him that it wasn’t going to be a happy surprise. There was a fight coming and Cooper’s dick was hard and swollen in anticipation of where it would lead.

  That thought had him rushing out of the bar and within seconds he was speeding through town. Within a minute he’d cleared the small row of buildings that marked the heart of his hometown. A few darkened houses spotted the landscape before fading into an endless, unbroken line of pastures and fences. The more desolate the scenery grew, the heavier his foot weighted on the gas pedal.


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