Book Read Free


Page 10

by K'Anne Meinel

  Karin was finishing up the book signing for her client Beth Mathews and was reminding her of the time for her lecture at Portland City College when she was surprised by a hard hug from Carrie. “Well Carrie, this is a surprise” she said astonished as she looked up and around for Cindy. She saw her standing and watching not too far away.

  “We found you!” Carrie said as though she had been hiding.

  “That you did, and I’m so glad you did!” Karin said as she bent down to be at more of an eye level with her niece. “I thought I wouldn’t see you again before I left” she smiled.

  “We came into town to shop and I remembered you were going to be at the bookstore!” Carrie said excitedly.

  “Well, I’m so glad you did” she repeated unsure at this unexpected visit. She got up and taking Carrie’s hand walked over to Cindy “this is an unexpected surprise” she said.

  “She insisted, especially after we drove by the store. She has a pretty incredible memory” Cindy said apologetically “I hope we aren’t interrupting your work?”

  Karin shook her head “No, actually I was just finishing up. Would you two be able to go to dinner?”

  Cindy went to decline but Carrie beat her “can we go to the shop?” she meant the coffee shop where they had their ice cream sundae’s the previous day.

  Karin smiled and asked “how about another restaurant?” She knew that Cindy was kind of stuck but then anyone who let a six year old manipulate her into coming into the store to say hello to her aunt deserved it.

  Carrie asked “can we go to Chuck E Cheese?”

  Karin laughed “I don’t think I’m dressed for Chuck E Cheese” she indicated the skirt suit she was wearing “but you think about somewhere else and discuss it with your Mom while I finish up.”

  Karin went over to talk to Beth one last time and assured everything was set she left to return back to Cindy and Carrie. Cindy had a concerned look on her face “is there a problem?” she murmured over the little girl.

  “Seth was planning on meeting us for dinner” Cindy said looking uncomfortable.

  “Well, I could make some excuse” Karin said trying not to let the observant six year old hear her as she looked at children’s books.

  “She would be very disappointed” Cindy answered.

  Karin shrugged “she will get over it, I don’t want to piss my brother off more than he probably was last night” she said astutely. She wasn’t unaware of how her being gay or the mention of it upset him.

  “No, he needs to grow up” Cindy surprised her by stating “she doesn’t have a lot of family, its time she got to know you.”

  That was how Karin found herself eating at a nice restaurant with her brother, his girlfriend, and their precocious six year old who seemed to have warmed up to her aunt admiredly. Karin didn’t mention her ‘girlfriend’ again and this seemed to relieve her brother somewhat. She found herself agreeing to take Carrie to an indoor play park the following day before she left for Seattle and she was only surprised that her brother let her. Cindy agreed to meet her there and pick her up afterwards and Karin spent an enjoyable morning with her niece getting to know her better. As she drove herself toward Seattle she thought about her brother and his family, he was such a hypocrite in so many ways. She honestly loved women and didn’t hide it. He couldn’t even marry his girlfriend and they had been together at least 15 years. Their six year old daughter deserved the security of that but then maybe they had more than some people did.

  “Hey, where are you?” came through her Bluetooth as she toodled up the highway.

  “I’m on the 5 freeway headed for Seattle. Where are you?” Karin asked knowing Cassie’s schedule already.

  “We are on the bus headed for a few small towns and then New Orleans, then on to Tallahassee” she informed her. There were a lot of boring hours in a bus when you toured. She thought about Karin so much it almost physically hurt. She still wished she had slept with her in San Francisco she wanted her so bad. Talking for hours on the phone was nice and they had really gotten to know each other over the week since San Francisco. Hours on the phone was nice, they knew a lot about each other, or thought they did, but it wasn’t the same as taking it to the next level.

  “That’s nice, how was Texas?”

  “Kind of slow, the electricity wasn’t there” Cassie wasn’t happy about the luke warm response they had gotten in Austin.

  “Maybe its time for a change, shake them up” Karin advised.

  “So what have you been up to?” Cassie asked to change the subject. This woman challenged her in so many ways, she didn’t want career advice, she wanted this woman! On so many levels though she realized that Karin was good for her, she knew what she was talking about, she was always right, Cassie wasn’t sure she was ready for a change and then realized she really was, in her personal life definitely, in her professional life, maybe.

  “I had lunch, dinner, and dinner again with a very pretty girl named Carrie” Karin informed her.

  “Oh really?” Cassie asked. She felt instantly jealous and then thought, she didn’t have the right to be jealous. They weren’t exclusive. They hadn’t talked about this. Karin was a free agent, and she hadn’t said she wouldn’t date others. She hadn’t mentioned she was dating anyone though, but then Cassie hadn’t thought to ask...

  Karin grinned. She sensed what Cassie was thinking. “Yes, it was really pleasant. She got so excited to see me. We shared a strawberry sundae at lunch. Her mother thought it was funny.”

  Cassie was confused. Her mother? “What?”

  “I ran into my niece at a department store and her mother and I had lunch with them together, I was invited to dinner with my brother and then we met up again for dinner the following night before I left for Seattle” she could have stretched this out but she didn’t want to upset Cassie, their relationship was too new for that.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had a brother up there, you never mentioned it?”

  “We’re not close, it was a fate thing. I wouldn’t have called him if I hadn’t run into my niece and her mother” Karin informed her.

  “Why not?”

  Karin shrugged, it wasn’t a big deal “my brother doesn’t like me.”

  “Why doesn’t he like you?” Cassie thought this was sad and she couldn’t fathom it, she was close with her own brother.

  “Because I’m gay. He thinks it’s a phase or something. I don’t know. We never discussed it. His daughter likes me and is probably driving him nuts asking a million questions now.”

  “He doesn’t like you because you’re gay?” Cassie sounded sad.

  Karin shrugged “it’s okay, I’m past it” and tried to change the subject.

  Cassie was feeling very bad for her new friend. She now knew she was close to her son’s and spoke to them frequently but she didn’t know about her brothers. She knew she had two of them now. She let the subject drop for now. It just proved Karin’s point that they didn’t know each other as well as she would like. She hated it that Karin was always right...

  Seattle was good and Karin was pleased with it. From there she flew to Milwaukee and checked on her house there. Her cats were skittish that first day but soon warmed up to her. She checked the automatic feeder and waterer and filled both. She noted that she needed to buy more cat food. She filled her fish tanks which were down a few inches as the water evaporated into the dry air of the house and she watered her plants. If she was gone longer than two weeks a friend or one of the boys usually came in to do this for her but she came home often enough to do it herself. Her brother was right, this was an expensive storage unit but it was also home to her and her boys and had been for many years, she wasn’t ready to give it up yet.

  The boys both made an appearance while she was there and she encouraged them to take some of their stuff to their own apartments. Alex lived several hours north in Eau Claire now and Caleb lived across town in his own apartment. They both had active careers but nothing like their mothers sin
ce they were both fresh out of college. Alex was a financial analyst and Caleb a counselor. Karin enjoyed seeing them both but her phone kept interrupting the short visit and she was home a total of three days before getting on another plane to Phoenix.

  “Hey baby, how are you?” Cassie called nightly. They had gotten so close in the weeks since San Francisco. They both knew where this was headed and wished they could be together more but for now the phone had had to do.

  “I’m tired, I was home a total of three whole days” Karin complained lightly. She caught up on her sleep on airplanes it seemed.

  “I have good news if you’re interested?” Cassie asked.

  “Always, what is it?”

  “I can come to Phoenix if you have some time?” she began hesitantly. She didn’t want to push the sex issue knowing how Karin felt about it but she was ready to burst. They had talked hot and heavy when Karin was in Seattle and both wished they could consummate their relationship but they both had to admit they now knew a lot more about the other and the waiting had been good. Both were so over the wait though too.

  “Really? What about New Orleans?”

  “That is three days from now, if I fly out after this show I can meet up with the bus there. They don’t need me to set up...” she left off sure Karin was going to advise they wait once again. She felt as though she was going to go up in flames wanting this woman, she was all she ever thought about anymore.

  “That’s terrific; I have the time if you don’t mind me working as we spend time together?”

  “I don’t mind, I just want to see you” Cassie said earnestly.

  “Hey, I got to go, they are calling my flight. I will text you my hotel information when I get a second” Karin told her hurrying up to the gate.

  “Okay, I’ll let you know when I’m arriving” Cassie said excitedly. That had gone better than she had thought it would.

  Karin opened the door to her hotel room to find a very eager and happy Cassie catapulted into her arms hugging her very hard; that she returned the hug equally hard was noted and enjoyed by both of them. “I’m so happy you’re here!” she smiled as they parted to look at each other. Karin looked around and asked “where is your luggage?”

  Cassie smiled and said “in my room.”

  Karin looked a little hurt and not wanting a misunderstanding between them asked “I thought you were going to stay with me?”

  Cassie looked at her pleased at her reaction. She hadn’t wanted to presume anything with this trip but with their talks she thought they were going to lead to them ending up in bed. “I got my own room, just in case.”

  “In case what?” Karin asked confused.

  Cassie shrugged “in case either of us doesn’t want what the other does, in case anyone asks, in case of appearances...” she felt foolish, like this was the first time she had ever been with a woman and yet, with Karin it was....she wasn’t easy to read.

  Karin smiled, she too felt a little intimidated at their circumstances. They hadn’t dated normally like one would in a regular relationship but their daily conversations she had supposed a more relaxed situation than there was. Perhaps she hadn’t been as prepared as she thought; maybe Cassie had changed her mind? Looking into those amazing gray eyes though she thought she knew... “Hey, are you hungry? Let’s go grab a bite to eat.”

  Cassie was surprised but then realized that having dinner together would give them a chance to relax before they did anything. “Okay, do you want to call a taxi?”

  “No need, I have a car but there is a Tony Roma’s just down the street if you don’t mind walking a little?”

  Cassie didn’t mind, she was in jeans and a T-Shirt for comfort but she eyed Karin’s suit and skirt and heels with some trepidation.

  Karin grinned reading her friend’s reaction accurately. “Don’t worry, I’m game.”

  They had a pleasant dinner. Cassie was pleased to see Karin wasn’t one of those women that ate just salads. She had a steak, well done, as well as helping Cassie consume not one but two bottles of a nice red wine. They relaxed. They enjoyed talking in person as much as they had on the phone the past weeks. “We should head back to the hotel” Karin finally said “I could talk to you all night but I’d rather do that in a more relaxed place” she hinted, Cassie took the hint as they went to pay. Karin whipped out her credit card and Cassie grabbed it and handed it back.

  “You always pay” she remembered San Francisco “my turn” she gently said as she handed the woman a $50.

  Karin was surprised. She was used to paying any and all expenses for her clients. It was reimbursed however indirectly but even on dates she was used to paying, she supposed she had caused embarrassment over the years but hadn’t really thought about it. She accepted Cassie’s paying for their dinner gracefully and looked away when the check came to above $50 and Cassie had to fish out more.

  They walked back to the hotel in good spirits. The second bottle of wine hadn’t fully taken effect. They were relaxed from the first bottle and the good food and enjoying each other’s company, laughing and teasing as they walked along. As Karin unlocked her door she pushed it open to let Cassie walk in before her and flipped the switch to turn on the light on the desk. Cassie walked in and turned to say something but Karin never gave her the chance as she pushed against her, taking her in her arms and kissing her deeply.

  Cassie immediately responded, her own arms came around Karin to hold her close. Her body instantly responded, she had fantasized about this woman for so long monopolizing every waking moment. She began to remove the suit jacket that Karin was wearing as Karin kicked off her shoes. Karin removed the jean jacket that Cassie was wearing over her T-Shirt. Her kisses were passionate and unending, they were both surging against the other, barely moving far enough apart to let the jackets fall to the floor. Karin’s hands started caressing through the thin T-Shirt as she pulled Cassie as close to her body as she could get her. Her breath was coming in gasps. Cassie started to unbutton Karin’s blouse as she pulled it from the waist band of her skirt. Karin found the bottom of the T-Shirt and her hands began to go up and inside, coming in contact with the smooth skin of her back had Cassie arching against her. She slowly peeled the shirt up her body not wanting to lose contact but having to step back to pull it up and over her head. Cassie threw it aside to return her hands to the buttons on Karin’s blouse, it was soon unbuttoned and Cassie tried to take it off Karin’s shoulder’s only to have it get caught at the wrists with more buttons that Karin made short work of. She threw her blouse on a chair as they faced each other bra to bra, jeans to skirt and collided into each other’s arms. Cassie had fists full of Karin’s long auburn hair and Karin plunged her own fingers through Cassie’s blonde brown curly locks. Their kisses tasted of the wine they had both consumed, it relaxed them, it heightened the feelings they had both held in check for so long, and it released inner urges that they didn’t have to stop anymore.

  Cassie’s hands tried to find the snap to Karin’s skirt and not finding it easily she reached down and began raising the skirt encountering nylon enclosed skin on her legs. Karin hissed her appreciation of the sensation as Cassie caressed her legs. Karin’s own hands began an assault on first Cassie’s back to find the clasp to her dainty little bra that barely held in her assets and then to release it. Her fingertips caressed along the lines that the garment had made enclosing her breasts, massaging and caressing the skin. She palmed first one breast and then the other relishing the gasp that Cassie made in appreciation of the sensation. When Cassie reached the juncture of where Karin’s legs came together and couldn’t get the skirt any higher she used her palm to press against this V and Karin moaned loudly in response. She reached for Cassie’s jeans snap and zipper and soon had them open. Cassie was writhing against Karin feeling so good at the sensations Karin was causing. She really wanted to feel skin against skin. She didn’t want to lose time or waste space by parting to get clothes off of each other but she was given no choice. She stood
there as Karin peeled her jeans off of her ass and let gravity drop them to the floor; she was left with only her panties which were rapidly becoming wet in their exertions. It wasn’t fair, Karin still had on her bra and skirt and Cassie set about correcting that finding the front clasp of the bra and divesting Karin of it. She was pleased to see her ample breasts spill out into her hands. The skirt was annoying her but she used her hand to find the top of the nylons as she reached up the skirt and begin peeling those down, she couldn’t get far without releasing Karin as they were so tight to her legs, she only got them partially down before she had to pull away. She was breathing hard, panting from their kisses and exertions. Karin had a hooded eye look to her and Cassie’s eyes almost glowed in their intensity. Karin tried to pull her close again but Cassie said “no, your clothes” before letting herself be kissed again.

  Karin reached for her own belt to her skirt and released it as well as the snap at the back that was hidden under the belt. She whipped the belt through the loops and hissed when the leather hit her arm painfully. She didn’t care; she wanted to be naked and next to this woman desperately. The skirt pooled at her feet and she stepped nimbly out of it but was hobbled by her nylons. “Hang on” she breathed as she sat on the edge of the bed to remove them and her panties at the same time. Once her toes were out of each she found herself straddled and born backwards against the bed. “Hold it” she breathed as she encouraged Cassie to inch up the bed to the pillows with her before she pulled down the bedspread and blankets to get them between the sheets. It wasn’t easy as they both didn’t wish to stop touching, kissing, and fondling.

  Once the bed was in proper order they fell on each other, caressing, loving, kissing, and fondling to their hearts content. Karin didn’t let Cassie get the upper hand but knowing her personality Cassie let her ‘go first’ as it were and give her extreme pleasure, first by going down on her and teasing her clit mercilessly, and then by talking dirty to her and then proving that she could do what she talked about. Karin didn’t talk like that normally but to hear the dirty words in their love play excited Cassie beyond reason. Being told that she was going to ‘fuck her brain’s out’ did something to her. And after having several orgasms she couldn’t help but tell Karin that she loved her. She didn’t know she had even as she enjoyed the orgasms so much that Karin gave her. She realized shortly after that she said her deepest thoughts and wondered at Karin’s response. Karin had only increased her lovemaking if that were possible and shown her with her body how much she cared. Cassie was amazed and pleasantly surprised that the older Karin could not only keep up but was inventive and had a stamina that matched her own. Her passions which she never let on about were incredible. Cassie was made breathless time and again as Karin took her to heights she had never achieved with other lovers. Cassie could only hope to return the favor, however feebly she felt her attempts were.


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