Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror

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Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror Page 49

by Michael V. Hayden

Harman, Jane, 46, 80, 98, 102, 103, 104, 226, 416

  Hashimi, Tariq al-, 197, 200

  Hastert, Denny, 229

  Hayden, Harry, 251, 252

  Hayden, Jeanine, 5, 6–7, 8–10, 16, 29–30, 62, 71, 103, 104, 111, 157, 247–50, 322, 329, 370–71, 374, 376, 377, 380, 427

  CIA and, 273–76

  Hayden, Michael V.:

  in Afghanistan, 206, 207–10

  career of, xii, xiii, 250, 404–5, 431

  appointed Central Intelligence Agency director, 179–87, 211, 281, 284

  appointed director of the National Security Agency (DIRNSA), 8–10

  at Chertoff Group, 404

  daily routine as CIA director, 432

  departure from CIA, 377, 380

  at Duquesne University, 246–47, 250–54

  education of, 246–47

  family of, 245–47, 249, 250

  hometown of, 243–54

  in Iraq, 196–203, 211

  in Korea, 8–9, 37n, 133, 158

  in Pakistan, 203–6

  postgovernment portfolio of, 404–5

  as principal deputy director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), xii, 161, 163, 167, 182, 360

  security surrounding, 62–63

  street named after, 250–52

  as teacher at George Mason University, 404, 426–28

  Hayden Doctrine, 121–22

  Helms, Richard, 278

  Heritage Foundation, 299

  Hersh, Seymour, 15

  Hess, Pam, 240

  Hezbollah, 261, 263, 292, 308

  High Noon, 37

  high-value detainee (HVD) program, 223

  Hill, Chris, 266

  Hobbes, Thomas, 132, 223

  Hoekstra, Pete, 102, 103, 183, 226, 266, 268, 281

  Holder, Eric, 355, 362

  interrogation techniques and, 378, 391–96, 400

  Holland, Charlie, 32–33

  Holt, Rush, 226, 241

  Homeland Security, Department of (DHS), 130, 167, 360

  Horton, Scott, 359, 360

  Hosenball, Mark, 403

  House Armed Services Committee, 160

  House Intelligence Committee, 158, 225–26, 229–30

  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), 4, 22, 25, 184

  Hudson Institute, 299

  human intelligence (HUMINT), 133, 135, 157, 181, 268, 415

  Hunter, Duncan, 160

  Hussein of Jordan, 322

  Ibn Saud (King Abdul Aziz bin Saud), 321

  Ignatius, David, 116, 390, 421

  Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 132

  imagery intelligence (IMINT), 32

  India, 204, 270, 345, 346

  Taj Mahal Palace Hotel attack in, 351–52

  Information Operations Center (IOC), 150–51

  Information Operations Technology Center (IOTC), 137–39, 143, 145, 151

  Inman, Bobby Ray, 11

  inspector general (IG), 26, 280–82, 392, 395

  Intelligence Advisory Board, 175

  Intelligence Authorization Act, 366n

  intelligence community (IC), 28, 354, 415, 429

  relationship between public and, 422–25

  tiers of agencies in, 166–67

  Web site of, 424

  intelligence officers vs. policy makers, 210, 428–29

  Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, 154

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 264, 294, 307, 308

  International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 231–32, 381

  International Monetary Fund, 312, 415

  Internet, 131–32, 136, 419

  counter adversary use of the Internet (CAUI), 148–49

  see also cyber domain

  interrogations, 179, 183, 195, 227, 230–31, 279, 361, 385, 386, 400

  al-Qaeda and, 187–88, 189–90, 381, 384–85, 393

  Army Field Manual on, 188, 191, 236–37, 366n, 367, 368, 381

  Bush and, 193–94, 379, 386

  Bybee memo on, 183, 366

  enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), 173, 223, 225, 237, 238, 381, 386, 391

  Geneva Conventions and, 235–36, 237

  of Hadi al Iraqi, 233–34

  Hayden’s testimony on, 226–29, 280

  Justice Department and, 236–37

  of Mohammed, 189, 228, 241, 385, 400–401

  of Rahim, 237, 238

  release of memos on, 378–96, 400n, 410

  torture and, see torture

  videotapes of, 239–41, 355, 393, 395

  walling in, 227

  waterboarding in, 179, 188, 189–90, 192, 225, 226, 241–42, 251, 362–63, 379, 380, 399

  of Zubaida, 189–90, 223–24, 237, 240, 241, 385, 391, 399

  see also rendition, detention, and interrogation program

  Iran, 119, 146, 198, 202, 220, 270, 290–309, 320, 323

  Bush and, 290–92, 294, 300, 309

  National Intelligence Estimate on, 295–300, 302

  nuclear program of, 125, 131, 151, 261–63, 269, 291–309, 318

  Obama and, 292, 294, 299, 306–8

  Syria and, 263

  Tehran, 294–95, 306

  Iranian Operations Division (IOD), 300

  Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), 291, 292, 294, 304, 308, 323

  Basij Resistance Force, 291, 306

  Quds Force, 291, 293, 323

  Iran-Iraq War, 304

  Iraq, 36, 47, 119, 148, 153, 162, 195–203, 210, 212–16, 242, 270, 292, 293, 295, 305, 321–23, 334, 344, 385

  al-Qaeda in, 48, 334

  attacks on mosques in, 195

  Baghdad, 196, 197, 198, 207, 212, 213, 215

  civil war in, 195–96, 199, 214–15

  foreign fighters in, 260, 263

  Geocell and, 61

  Hayden in, 196–203, 211

  Kurds in, 196, 197, 199–200

  National Intelligence Estimate on, 49, 214–5, 228, 299

  nuclear program of, 257, 261–62

  refugees from, 323

  Samarra, 195

  Shiites in, 195–99, 201, 202, 215

  status of forces agreement (SOFA) with, 215–16

  Sunnis in, 196–99, 200–202

  surge in, 213, 214

  weapons of mass destruction in, 49–52, 119, 179, 267

  Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS), 200–203

  Special Tactics Unit (STU), 201

  Iraq Study Group, 212–13

  Iraq war, 48, 52, 56–58, 60–63, 255–56, 261, 384, 417

  9/11 attacks and, 48

  phases of, 56, 57

  Islam, 204, 385

  Islamabad, 203, 206, 210, 336, 348

  Red Mosque in, 346–48

  Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 343, 344

  Israel, 145, 252, 261, 301, 302, 318, 324, 384, 385, 411

  Israeli Defense Forces, 317–18

  Israeli Defense Intelligence, 301

  James, LeBron, 238n

  Japan, 225


  ideology of, 220, 385

  rehabilitation of, 322

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 52

  Joint Functional Component Command—Network Warfare (JFCC-NW), 143, 145, 150, 151

  Joint Inquiry Commission (JIC), 42–46, 66–67

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 333–34

  Jolie, Angelina, 272

  Jones, Jim, 356, 378, 380–82, 387

  Jordan, 198, 201, 322–24

  Jordan, Vernon, 212

  journalists, 114–16, 118

  Jubeir, Adel al-, 320–21

bsp; Jundallah, 304

  Justice Department (DOJ), 70–72, 81, 82, 84–86, 88–90, 93, 99, 112, 231, 234, 279, 281, 366–67, 392, 398

  interrogation memos and, 378–96, 410

  interrogation techniques and, 236–37

  Kabul, 30, 31, 204, 206, 207–8, 316, 349

  Kahn, Herman, 147

  Kappes, Kathleen, 181

  Kappes, Steve, 153, 171, 180–81, 187, 213,

  277, 283–85, 289, 295, 300, 315, 316, 320, 328–29, 350–51, 358, 361–62, 374, 377, 432

  interrogation memos and, 379, 389

  Karbala, 293

  Karzai, Hamid, 208–9

  Kayani, Ashfaq Parvez, 203–6, 209, 345–48

  Kean, Tom, 153, 154

  Keller, Bill, 96, 98, 100, 101, 118, 123

  Kelly, Ray, 325, 326, 327

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 122, 185, 241, 363

  Kennedy, Pat, 162

  Kerr, Don, 297

  Kerry, John, 154, 307

  Khalilzad, Zalmay, 215

  Khamenei, Ayatollah, 305, 308

  Khomeini, Ayatollah, 291, 305

  Khost, 210, 323, 394

  Khost Regional Force, 210

  Kissinger, Henry, 170

  Kollar-Kotelly, Colleen, 90, 109

  Korean missionaries, 324

  Kosovo, 10

  Kostiw, Mike, 187

  Koussa, Moussa, 329

  Krga, Branco, 317

  Kurds, 196, 197, 199–200, 263, 303, 304

  Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmed al-, 329n

  Labour Party, 222

  Lamberth, Royce, 81–82

  Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET), 351–53

  Leahy, Patrick, 105, 183

  Lebanon, 261, 263, 265, 293

  Lee, Robert E., 49–50, 136

  Legacy of Ashes (Weiner), 123–24

  Leiter, Mike, 162, 424

  LeMay, Curtis, 14

  Levin, Carl, 182–83, 362

  Libby, Scooter, 122, 355

  liberty, 65, 76, 113, 430

  Libi, Abu Faraj al-, 225, 344

  Libya, 153, 181, 316, 328–29, 344

  Li Chan Bok, 431

  Lichtblau, Eric, 92, 93, 99, 100, 103–4, 117–18, 168

  Lieberman, Joe, 158

  linguists, 52–56

  Lippert, Mark, 356

  Litvinenko, Alexander, 234

  Locke, John, 222–23

  Lockerbie disaster, 249

  London Observer, 35

  Loomis, Ed, 22, 24

  Los Angeles Times, 411, 423n

  Lute, Jane Holl, 130

  Lynn, Bill, 129, 130, 131

  Mabahith, 322

  Maddox, USS, 51–52

  Madrid bombing, 88

  Makhlouf family, 260

  Mali, 344

  Maliki, Nouri al-, 119, 197–98, 200, 201, 202–3, 213–16, 323

  Mandela, Nelson, 421

  Manningham-Buller, Eliza, 30, 34

  Mansfield, Mark, 93, 240

  marines, 150

  Markoff, Michele, 130–31

  Marshall, Bill, 138–39, 140

  Mason, Legg, 16–17

  Masri, Khalid el- (German citizen), 279

  Masri, Khalid el- (9/11 suspect), 279, 281

  Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 45, 209

  Mayer, Jane, 124

  Mazzetti, Mark, 239–40

  McCain, John, 187, 236, 354–55

  McChrystal, Stanley, 202, 333–334

  McClellan, George, 49–50

  McConnell, Mike, 156, 169–72, 174, 175, 177, 229–30, 268, 296, 297, 303, 348, 370, 406

  McDonough, Denis, 358, 387

  McLaughlin, John, 85, 95, 154, 170, 383, 396–98

  McNamara, Barbara, 15

  McWethy, John, 7

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 413, 420

  Meese, Ed, 212

  Meet the Press, 119–20

  memorandum of understanding (MOU), 326, 411

  Merkel, Angela, 414, 417

  metadata, 24, 25, 30, 66–69, 75, 78, 90, 94, 370, 403, 406–8, 408n, 410, 420

  Miers, Harriet, 99, 100, 101

  Miliband, David, 222

  Military Commissions Act, 235–36, 363

  Millis, John, 10

  Milošević, Slobodan, 148

  Minihan, Ken, 136, 137–38, 151

  Miscik, Jami, 359, 360

  missionary plane, 281–83

  Mitchell, Billy, 148, 150

  Mladić, Ratko, 249, 431

  Mohamed, Binyam, 221

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 47, 76, 110, 123, 191, 193, 224, 225, 344

  interrogation of, 189, 228, 241, 385, 400–401

  Mohammed bin Naif, Prince, 322

  Monde, 420

  Morell, Michael, 49, 283–85, 396

  Morocco, 320

  Moseman, John, 95

  Mossad, 301, 324

  Mossadegh, Mohammad, 220

  Mubarak, Hosni, 318–20

  Mudd, Phil, 360–61

  Mueller, Bob, 42, 85, 88–89

  Mujahedin-e Khalq, 304

  Mukasey, Michael, 363, 387–88

  Mullen, Mike, 204–5, 303

  Munich Security Conference, 416–17, 418

  Muqrin, Prince, 321–22

  Murray, Mike, 245

  Murtha, Jack, 227

  Musharraf, Pervez, 205, 209, 211, 346–49, 351

  Muslim Brotherhood, 318, 319

  Myers, Dick, 143

  Nabhan, Saleh Ali Saleh, 221

  Napolitano, Andrew, 430

  Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim al-, 240, 241, 385

  Nasiriyah, 58

  Natanz, 131, 151, 294, 298, 304, 307, 318

  National Clandestine Service, 285

  National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), 177, 300

  National Defense University, 425

  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), 31, 32, 167, 255

  National Intelligence, xii, xiii, 144

  National Intelligence Council, 173, 228

  National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 296–97, 384

  on Iran, 295–300, 302

  on Iraq, 49, 214–15, 228, 299

  National Press Club, 109–11

  National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), 167, 230, 297

  National Security Agency (NSA), xii, xiii, 1–7, 8–26, 34, 167, 180, 403–26, 429

  alternative site of, 41

  Australia and, 37–38

  budget and workforce cuts at, 1, 4

  charter of, 136, 140, 141

  Church Committee’s investigation of, 3, 67, 68, 408

  and coexistence of targetable and innocent communications, 405

  Cold War success of, 3–4

  computer crash at, 1–3, 5–7

  creation of, 3, 10, 31

  e-mail and phone call surveillance by, 12, 403, 405–7, 412, 414, 416, 419

  e-mails within, 17–18

  GCHQ annual meetings with, 36–37

  Geocell program of, see Geocell

  Groundbreaker program of, 16

  Hayden appointed director of, 8–10

  laws and regulations on, 3, 5

  metadata program of, 24, 25, 30, 66–69, 75, 78, 90, 94, 370, 403, 406–8, 408n, 410, 420

  Obama and, 409–10, 413–16

  PRISM program of, 403, 405–6, 410, 420

  purpose of, 133

  reorganization of, 13–16

  security improved at, 40–41

  Snowden’s revelations on, 24, 26, 35, 36, 39, 43, 87n, 403–5, 408, 409, 411, 413–15, 417–22, 425

  Stellarwind program of, see Stellarwind

; Thin Thread program of, 21–26

  Threat Operations Center (NTOC), 140–41, 144–45

  Trailblazer program of, 19–23, 26, 184–85

  215 program of, 406–9, 430

  National Security Branch, 164

  NATO, 10, 38, 40

  Nazir, Maulvi, 349

  Negroponte, John, 99, 100, 156, 161–68, 170, 171, 175, 178, 179, 180, 211, 214, 240

  Netanyahu, Bibi, 9, 299

  Newsweek, 93, 383

  New York, N.Y., 327

  New York City Police Department (NYPD), 325–27

  New Yorker, 15

  New York Review of Books, 232

  New York Times, 115, 117–18, 122–23, 126, 161, 168, 188, 239–41, 268, 282, 307, 326, 369–70, 382

  Stellarwind exposed by, 74, 78, 80, 92–103, 105, 108, 109, 372, 412

  New Zealand, 33–35, 164

  Nicholson, Harold, 278

  Nicholson, Nathaniel, 278

  9/11 attacks, 16, 25, 26, 27–30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 44–45, 54, 55, 64–65, 68, 70, 86, 96, 104, 110, 111, 116, 118, 119, 133–35, 153–55, 164, 181, 205, 218, 281, 329, 371, 372, 388, 405

  anniversaries of, 149, 219

  Iraq war and, 48

  Joint Inquiry Commission and, 42–46, 66–67

  9/11 Commission, 42, 154, 157, 176

  Nixon, Richard, 241

  North Korea, 290, 309

  nuclear deal with, 266–67

  Syrian nuclear program and, 255–58, 261, 262, 266, 269

  Northwest airliner bombing attempt, 174

  NOVA, 131

  NTOC (NSA Threat Operations Center), 140–41, 144–45

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 308

  nuclear programs:

  of Iran, 125, 131, 151, 261–63, 269, 291–309, 318

  of Iraq, 257, 261–62

  of Korea, 266–67

  of Syria, 255–59, 261–70

  Obama, Barack, 49, 120, 173, 177, 185, 211, 244, 300, 312, 354–57, 359, 361, 369–70, 376

  BlackBerry of, 417

  briefings of, 355–57, 376–77

  Clapper and, 175–76

  as different than Bush, 396, 410, 413

  election of, 354, 355

  “forever war” speech of, 343–44

  inaugural address of, 306

  inauguration of, 370–71

  Iran and, 292, 294, 299, 306–8

  National Defense University speech of, 425

  Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, 413

  NSA activities and, 409–10, 413–16

  and release of interrogation memos, 378–96, 410

  rendition, detention, and interrogation program and, 354–55, 357–58

  targeted killing program and, 341–43, 377

  transition from Bush administration to, 354–77, 379–80

  Obey, David, 41

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 212

  Office of Medical Services (OMS), 275

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 329, 333


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