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Dracian Legacy

Page 22

by Kanaparti, Priya

  “Oooo.” Pey squealed, holding a gorgeous pair of pink, strappy five-inch heels and wiggling her eyebrows. Once the heels were on my feet, she said. “Axel’s going to trip.”

  “On what?”

  “Picking guys off you. Especially… Dean.” She winked at me. I ignored her last comment. “You’re kidding me, right? Or are you really that dumb?” She rolled her eyes. “That boy has it bad for you. He looks at you with those ridiculous worshiping eyes reserved exclusively for you.”

  It was now my turn to roll my eyes. If only she knew…

  “Help me get out of this dress.”

  “Seriously, Ren. That boy is head-over-heels in love with you.”

  “Whatever. Even if what you’re saying is true, it doesn’t matter. I love Axel.”

  “I know, but you and Dean would be totally hot.”

  We bundled our purchases and walked to the cashier.

  “Remember that first kiss? You can’t fake that kinda stuff.”

  Yeah, I remembered that kiss, only that wasn’t the first.

  “Did you find everything you needed?” the cashier, named Becky, asked politely.

  “Yeah.” I took a card from my purse. “We have one more bridesmaid and three groomsmen coming within the week. If they hand you this card,”—I passed her a designer card I created just for the wedding party—“can you charge my account for all of their purchases?”

  “You guys are paying for all the dresses and accessories?” Becky asked.

  I nodded.

  “That’s awfully nice of you,” she mumbled.

  “So when’re you leaving?” Pey took out her cell phone, smiled, and quickly stowed it away.

  “In about four days.” I took the receipt from Becky and signed it. “Thanks.”

  Once we walked out of the store, I stopped suddenly.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I-I was wondering…” I didn’t know how to ask her.

  “Spit it out.” Concern filled her eyes.

  “Remember how we talked about your first time?” I asked, raising my eyebrows for emphasis.

  “Ohmygod. Are you ready? Do you think you’re ready?”

  I bit my lip.

  “We’ve been, you know, making out quite a bit, but we haven’t talked about it or anything, and I don’t want to look like an idiot when the right time comes.”

  She placed her hand over her heart and tilted her head slightly. “My little girl is growing up, opening herself up.”

  “God, Pey! Forget it. This is a bad idea.” I turned around, about to walk away.

  “Ren. Ree-Ree. Sorry.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “Forgive?”

  Like I could ever live without her. But you’ll have to soon. A small voice reminded me. Stupid conscience.

  “For the love of all things babies, always have condoms at hand, especially when you guys are going at it.”

  I snorted. “We aren’t animals, woman.”

  “You know what I mean.” She waved her hand. “Anyways, rule one: condoms. Rule two: you have to relax, knowing that it might hurt the first time, and trust him not to hurt you… much. Rule three: touch, explore, and don’t be shy. There’s nothing more sensual than touch for foreplay.”

  My mouth dropped open.

  “Most important rule number four: condoms.”

  “You already said that.”

  She smiled mischievously. “Exactly, it’s important enough to state twice.”

  This was all too much, too fast. How could I remember all that when I could barely breathe when he touched me? Maybe we could wait… a little while longer, like never?

  “Ren, don’t worry about it. I didn’t know much when Landon and I did it the first time, but now… wow.” She blew out a shaky breath, grinning.

  I noticed a familiar bike parked across the street and I grinned like an idiot. I hugged Pey and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you! What am I ever going to do without you?”

  “Probably die a virgin.” She turned and walked backward to her car. “Don’t forget the end of semester party Saturday night.”

  I waited for her to get in the car before I headed toward the bike. He leaned against it, his arms crossed over his chest. His hair was slightly messy and his eyes scanned my body slowly from top to bottom. Even through the leather jacket, I could see the bulge of his biceps, a byproduct of years of hard training. His washout boot cut jeans sat low on his hips. He definitely didn’t look like a teenager. Which, I guess technically he wasn’t.

  “Babysitting again, I see.” I teased. “That’s sad.”

  Axel’s lips curved up in a grin that sent flutters through my body. He pushed himself off the bike and closed the distance between us in three short strides. Placing his hands on my hips, he tugged me closer, his lips curving to one side.

  “If babysitting you is sad,”—He pressed his lips to mine—“then I want to be sad for the rest of eternity.”

  He leaned down, giving me the lightest airbrush kiss. My arms, still holding the dress, circled his shoulders. That was all the invitation he needed and he groaned into my mouth, deepening the kiss, making it deliciously yummy. He gently sucked my lower lip between his teeth. My chest rose and fell, my breaths became shallow, and my pulse raced.

  I can do this forever, I told him through our connection.

  He chuckled. “As much as I love this, we need to talk.”

  He twined our fingers as we walked back to the bike. I bit the inside of my cheek, holding back the urge to pull him into another kiss.

  Stop that. You’re becoming a major distraction, I heard him say as a smile crossed his swollen lips.

  I reached over and ran my hand down the side of his face and kissed him before straddling the bike.


  We stood outside Elijah’s home. “Before we go in, there have been some findings…”

  “What kind of findings?”

  “A lot of movement… More missing people.” Axel ran his fingers through his hair. “Let’s go in. That’s what we’re here to talk about, and wedding security.”

  “…more will be joining us.” Elijah stood in the center of the living room, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces. He waved his hand toward us before he continued. “We’re going to split into teams. Dimitri, Drusus…”

  “How are we supposed to be confident if the D’s are leading us?” Tyler said. “Doom is rewritten all over this plan.” He laughed, fist-bumping Marcus and Dean.

  “Axel and I will lead the teams. Dimirti’s and Drusus’s teams will be posted within a block of the wedding.” He handed out plans to the leaders. “These documents detail expectations. Let’s meet in private to discuss this further. Axel’s and my teams will be placed within and immediately surrounding the venue.” He eyed each leader, crossing his arms. “Make sure to debrief your teams soon.”

  I peeked at the documents in Axel’s hand—a blueprint of the building for the wedding with red and green lines and arrows drawn all over. I chanced a look at Axel. He watched me, amused.

  What? I asked him through our connection.

  You’re on my team, he responded with a quick wink.

  Here I thought I had to throw a hissy fit.

  We both laughed.

  “Something you’d like to share with the group, Axel?” Elijah asked while the rest of the group stared at us. Axel shook his head. “Leads, meet me in my study.”

  “Whose team is she on?” asked a tall slender woman with curly red hair, pointing her finger at me. She sported faded, straight-fit jeans and a floral-print fishtail top covered by a trench coat that ended above her black buckled boots.

  “Good luck to whoever has her.” Tyler chuckled as the multitude dispersed.

  “Hey, I’m not that bad,” I said. “And she has a name… Ren.” I walked over to the redhead, extending my hand.

  “Skye,” she responded, shaking my outstretched hand. “Carson’s twin sister,” she said, pointing to the guy talking t
o Joshua and Cassie on the other side of the room.

  “She’s a kickass Legion,” a familiar-looking blonde said, joining us. “And an amazing professor.”

  “Professor?” I asked. My brain strained to remember where I saw the blond curls. She looked so familiar, but so…

  “Well, yeah, how else do you think we younglings actually learn at the academy,” she responded. “By the way, we’ve haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Lilly.”

  “Hi,” I said, wiggling my fingers. “I’m—”

  “Oh I know who you are. You’re Temperance.”

  “Ren.” I corrected her.

  She grinned. Then I remembered. At the end of Dean’s birthday party, Goarders and Rolium showed up right before Axel and I almost kissed, and we ended up running. Then Axel left me with her, Lilly, before he went back to fight. When I escaped her hold to rush after him, she knocked me down and cloaked us from their notice.

  “Oh, you should see Professor Skye in action. She can put a man, three hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle, on his back in a matter of five seconds.” Lilly squealed, rocking on her heels.

  “Who can put who on who’s back?” Dean asked.

  Really? A sex joke?

  Dean put an arm around Lilly and leaned into her. She blushed in record time. I raised my brow in surprise. They know each other? Of course they did. Dean probably knows everyone. He’s probably even been to Dracia. I shook my head, vacating the jealously that hitched its way to the surface.

  “Skye, I’d love to learn more about this academy,” I said, turning toward her. “Being raised human and all, I don’t know much about your world.” I left Lilly and Dean alone, well, as alone as they could get.

  “It’s your world too, you know?” Skye responded tenderly.

  Skye introduced me to the new faces in the room as we made our way toward the backyard. After thirty minutes of chatting, I was quite impressed by her accomplishments. In the history of Dracia, no female had ever before led the Legion program. She wasn’t only a brilliant fighter and a sorcerer like her brother; she was also one of the thirteen council members that reported directly to the King of Dracia. I mean, how cool was that? The king!

  There was so much I didn’t know about this new world. So much I didn’t know about Axel. A pang of guilt and sadness consumed me like ashes after a volcanic eruption.

  Axel always went above and beyond to learn about my likes and dislike. Heck, I didn’t even know when his birthday was. Did he have any pets? What was the name of his best friend?

  I was officially the worst girlfriend. Ever.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing anything?” Axel asked, placing his hand at the small of my back in a formal fashion. He gave a quick acknowledging smile. It felt so distant, so not him.

  Axel and Skye fell into an easy conversation. They talked about home and old friends. I could tell he really missed his life back home—the way he smiled at memories of certain places or people she would mention and the detailed questions he asked. Then jealousy overtook my guilt. I didn’t know anything about Axel.

  I mean, sure, I knew his ambitions and some of his likes, dislikes, and interests in the human world, but back home, what was he like? I didn’t know him, not remotely as well as Skye.

  “No one knows me like you do, angel,” he said, quieting my inner turmoil without glancing my way.

  “Skye, it was great catching up. If you don’t mind, I’d like a word with Ren.”

  “It’s always an honor.” She bowed with respect, like she addressed royalty.

  It took us another thirty minutes before we made it to his room. Axel closed the door, locking it with a soft click. I took a few steps forward and couldn’t move any farther. My breathing grew harder as guilt consumed me. It tasted bitter.

  “What is it?” He placed his hand over my shoulder. I shook my head, not wanting to remind him how lousy of a girlfriend I was. “Don’t. Please tell me. I want to help ease your pain.”

  “I don’t know you, Alexander. I mean, I do, but I don’t know anything about what made you… you.” I rambled. I turned around, holding his face between my hands, looking at him, searching. I crushed my mouth over his, hungry for connection. His chest rumbled against mine. I pulled back. “I want to know if you had any nicknames growing up, what your favorite hobby is, your best friend, your family, your birthday, your favorite dessert… everything.” My throat constricted with emotion. “I’m such an ignorant girlfriend. You find out things about me without me having to tell you, and I, on the other hand, don’t reciprocate.”

  “Where’s this coming from?”

  I dropped my hands from his face, frustrated, but he caught my wrist before it fell all the way. He tugged my arms, placing them around his waist. Then he cupped my face with his other hand, exploring my eyes.

  “While you and Skye were talking, I realized how little I know about you, how little I’ve tried to learn about your past. I’m sorry. I’ve been so selfish. I barely know you and I know, however stupid it is, I’m… j-jealous that others know you better than I do.” I looked away.

  “First off…” He kissed my head and let his warm lips linger against my skin. The heat spread through my body like the slow drizzle of honey. “The past is the past, but if you want to know, just ask. I want you to know everything about me, Ren, without a doubt. Second, don’t for a minute think that you feeling jealous is a bad thing.” He pulled back enough to look into my eyes. “Because that means you want me all to yourself, and there’s no better thought.”

  “What if I go all psychotic and start killing people in a jealous rage?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “We’ll tag team and I’ll help clean up the evidence.”

  I couldn’t stop the little smile that crept on my face. His finger traced my lower lip before it was replaced by his mouth, nipping and tugging them playfully. He pulled back and I moaned with need.

  “I used to be called ‘flabby.’ My favorite hobby is woodworking. My best friend is Dimitri. I have one brother, Alastair Felix, who’s five years older than me, and my father is Nicholas Walter, who’s one hundred and sixty-three years old. And as for my birthday, it’s July first.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re, like, in the three digits, ‘cuz that would be kinda gross.”

  “Will you not want me if I am?” His voice dipped low and seductive. “It could have its advantages.” A sultry smile pulled back his cheeks.

  I stopped breathing.

  “I’m nineteen, which I’ve already told you.”

  Right. That he did.

  “Wow, your parents were old when they had you boys, huh?”

  His chuckle awakened something deep inside me as my heartbeat gained speed. I had the urge to throw us on the bed, kissing him senseless, and have my wicked way with him.

  “It took them a lot of practice,” he said, his voice erogenous. “We could start practicing now. I’m ready to submit to your wicked way.” He grinned and I almost swallowed my tongue.

  I thought he couldn’t hear my thoughts…

  “When your emotions are at their peak, I can hear your thoughts, loud and clear, like thousand-watt speakers.”

  Heat rushed into my cheeks. “Oh!”

  He leaned down and placed a light kiss on my right cheek, then my left. His thumb caressed the area where his lips had left a blazing clutter of heat. Why was I always the one thinking these things? I was so wrapped up in him and the world he created for us, I lost myself to him. His love consumed me so deeply all I could do was absorb the warmth of its presence. God, I thought guys were supposed to be the horny ones. I needed help.

  “Ah, hell no,” he said.

  His mouth consumed mine, and he growled with hunger. His eyelids drooped as his eyes turned a darker shade of blue, staring into me like a lost man.

  Holy freaking hot.

  “How can you feel so insecure? It takes every bit of concentration to control myself around you, not to kiss you every waking ho
ur, not to touch you every second of my breathing existence.”

  His breath came in short gasps. He leaned his forehead against mine and sent me an image—a very delicious image that could very well have caught my body on fire.

  “That’s just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “There’s nothing PG in my thoughts where you’re involved. You awaken the beast inside me. These feelings and dreams and fantasies… I can’t wait to make them our reality. To make you mine in every way.” His voice was low and husky.

  “So, what’re you waiting for?”

  God, I’m worse than a dog in heat!

  “For the moment, you’re completely mine without any restrictions.” Before I could ask what he meant, his mouth was on mine, taking my breath away.

  My mouth opened for him, welcoming him to devour me. He laid me on the bed, hovering above me. His hands and lips explored the curves of my body, caressing and teasing. He found the hem of my shirt and it soon found its place on the floor. My eyes rolled back in pleasure and a moan erupted from my throat.

  I was drowning in the whirlpool of our world. I could barely breathe and everything inside my body ached to be released from the pressure as warmth pooled inside me. But I enjoyed this new aching sensation. I bucked under him, wanting to be touched more, wanting to be loved.

  Want. Want. Want.

  His lips left a trail of kisses on my forehead, nose, cheeks, jawline, and neck, all the way down to my navel. He sucked on the skin by my bellybutton before he went lower, kissing the skin above the waistline of my jeans. Then he came back up, leaving another trail of kisses along the way.

  My hand trembled as I started exploring the hard planes of his torso under his shirt. I pulled his shirt over his shoulders and threw it on the floor beside mine. His lips ventured to areas no one ever touched, let alone kissed. Small gasps and moans escaped me. Then I felt coldness raise goose bumps across my body. I didn’t feel any part of him on me, and the emptiness made me more restless with each passing second.


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