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Dracian Legacy

Page 23

by Kanaparti, Priya

  I opened my eyes to find him staring back at me with intensity, releasing a million butterflies in my stomach and tingles all over my body. Blue and red ribbons of light swirled around us, illuminating the room. Axel’s eyes darkened with desire and deep need smoldered behind them. That intense need and staggering depth of longing slammed into me like a tidal wave. His lips curved up in lascivious smile.

  “See something you like?” I asked, biting my lip, out of breath.

  “Mmhmm…” He leaned down, kissing me before he placed his ear to my chest. I inhaled a deep breath. “I never thought the sound of your heartbeat is what would keep me alive.”

  “Y-yeah?” My voice trembled.

  His arm snaked around my bare waist. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “Yes.” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head. “So, can I ask you twenty questions?”

  “Of course. Now you have nineteen left.” He teased.

  “Hey!” I playfully ruffled his hair.

  We spent the majority of the night in a Q&A session that went beyond the twenty questions. He answered my queries verbally and sometimes he sent images where appropriate, like his favorite places, his happy moments, and some crazy food called Alcur, a mixture of many ocean creatures put together and made into a main course. He promised it was the best food he ever tasted.

  Yeah… Not so much. I was definitely off the seafood diet.


  It was Saturday night, and Axel and I decided to go to Christian’s end-of-semester party. By the time we arrived, his place was packed. The party was in full swing with blasting music, drinks, spit swapping, and couples sneaking up the stairs or behind closed doors. In the corner den, a group of guys gathered, playing video games, engrossed in some virtual death match and a colorful string of profane encouragement from their audience. A few paces to the left, half-dressed couples found an alternative use for the granite countertop while the wrestling team manned the kegs.

  I waved to Pey across the living room and she smiled back with drunken eyes. What surprised me most was the people shouting and greeting Axel and plainly ignoring me like I didn’t even exist. Several others looked revolted that he was with me.

  Well, just peachy.

  “Hey, look who finally showed up!” Christian said, his words slurred from alcohol consumption. He pulled me into a tight hug, almost knocking us over—probably would have if Axel wasn’t supporting me. He was totally wasted.

  “Easy there.” Axel put his hand on Christian’s shoulder, just shy of a threat.

  “Hands off.” Christian shrugged free of Axel’s grip and gave me an onceover, pausing at my chest as he licked his lips and walked away.

  Axel let out a furious snarl.

  “Let him go, Axel. He’s drunk,” I said through our connection.

  His person relaxed after a beat. He sighed, a grin spreading across his features teasingly.“ The kind of things I agree to do for you.”

  I smiled back sheepishly.

  “Ree-ree.” Pey came over and hugged me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. She let go of me and gave Axel a hug, grabbing his butt.

  Ohmygod. My best friend just grabbed my boyfriend’s butt!

  “Uh, hey,” Axel said, laughing nervously and looking to me for support.

  I shook my head, chuckling. I caught Dean staring at my hand interlaced with Axel’s.

  Dean pulled Faith Lorrisk onto his lap and started kissing her—French kissing her. Hoots and whistles rose, encouraging them. I saw an empty bottle on the floor pointed toward Dean.

  I suddenly remembered the kiss Dean and I had not too long ago. I started to look away when he opened his eyes daring me, while he continued kissing Faith. When time was called, Faith panted as her red, swollen lips trembled. Dean laughed out loud like it was the best joke ever.

  “So, you guys joining in or what?” Hunter asked.

  “No way!” I responded far too quickly.

  “What she said. Besides, she’s the only one I want and I don’t need a bottle to tell me when to kiss her.” Axel pulled me to his chest and nuzzled my neck and kissed me gently. I was shrouded in his arms and looked up to find him grinning.

  Gosh, he’s so beautiful. And he is mine. My heart swelled in pride.

  Pey tugged on my hand. “Let’s dance.”

  She started swaying back and forth with her hands up in the air as we walked toward the makeshift dance floor. Pey and I had our own version of the Napoleon Dynamite, Roger Rabbit, and other self-invented moves. Soon, Landon joined, making our duo a trio. The Miley Cyrus song, “Hoedown Throwdown,” played and Pey and I got into it, jumping, twirling each other, bumping our hips and butts, all the while laughing hard.

  “I’ll be back in a few. Don’t leave.” Axel’s voice came through our connection.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, searching for him.

  “Don’t worry, baby. Have fun. I’ll be back.”

  I sighed. I felt his lips against mine. Heat coursed through me and my head felt strangely light.

  “Ohmygod!” Pey said, pointing to the stereo. “Straight Up” by Paula Abdul rang from the speakers. “This is our song from eighth grade spirit week. We so gotta do it.”

  “Now? In front of everyone?” I was thinking more along the lines of having to dance with Dean in the vicinity of Axel. That could be catastrophic. “It’s been four years. I don’t think I remember.”

  “Oh, I remember,” Dean said with a mischievous smile, walking toward me.

  “I don’t know about this…”

  “Just like riding a bicycle, Nellie.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

  Our faces were inches apart.

  “I don’t remember us having to be this close,” I said, earning an impish smile from him.

  A crowd gathered around us, chanting and clapping to the rhythm. I sighed. I put all other thoughts aside and let my mind flood with memories from the rehearsals. Dean was right; this was just like riding a bicycle. After a few missteps, everything was a piece of cake.

  Memories were a blessing.

  Tingles at the back of my head, followed by a growl in my mind, confirmed Axel watched us, with me tucked in Dean’s arms. Axel stood by the door at the entryway. I jumped off Dean and headed toward Axel, removing my black cardigan in the process.

  I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him into the crowd, walking backward, wearing a lascivious grin.

  “What are you doing, angel?” He chuckled.

  I placed his hands on my waist where the hem of my peasant blouse was slightly raised and I started to move my hips against a stunned Axel. I ran my hand down his arm as I moved my other arm over my head while I continued to roll my hips. I never expressed myself so freely in public. But feeling Axel’s hands on my body was quite possibly my favorite thing in the universe. I let myself go and he responded with equal enthusiasm.

  “Proving to you that I belong to you. Only you.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything.”

  I placed my hand at the nape of his neck and brought his lips to mine. I kissed him until he groaned, tightening his grip on my waist. Then the whole world dissolved into nothingness. My heart raced against his chest and my knees weakened. He nipped at my lower lip in response. When I pulled away, he groaned in protest. I smiled at him through my lashes, biting my lip.

  “Angel.” He sounded strained and breathless. “I vaguely remember asking you not to do that.”

  His hands trembled as he moved them up and down the curve of my waist. I let out a shaky breath. I loved the fact I could affect him like this. I turned around and brought my hands back to him. He gripped my hips and pulled my back closer to his front as I swayed to the music.

  I closed my eyes, laying my head back against his chest, and moved my back against him. Axel moved his hand toward my exposed waist, then slowly slid it across my stomach and then up and down my hip. My breath got shallow and my body tremb
led. I really liked the way it felt. Axel froze, gripping my waist harder as my body responded with another round of trembling.

  “Angel.” His warm voice danced against my sweaty neck. “We need to stop. Now.”

  I didn’t know what caused the sudden change of heart. But I nodded and let him drag me off the dance floor.

  Pey met us halfway to the kitchen.

  “Bathroom break. Come with.” She didn’t wait for my response. I sent an apologetic half-smile to Axel as she dragged me down the hall to the half-bath.

  “Holy hotness,” Pey squealed.

  My thoughts were still with Axel, wondering if I upset him somehow.

  “What the hell were you two doing on the dance floor?” Her eyes were full of excitement.


  “Not like that,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You guys were… I don’t know… It was something more.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned to look in the mirror. I was sweating and my cheeks were flushed. As I splashed cold water on my face, Pey smacked my butt, making me squeal in surprise.

  “What the hell, Pey?” I said, rubbing my butt.

  She raised her eyebrow. Right, she was waiting for my response.

  “We were just dancing.”

  Someone banged against the door.

  “No you weren’t. You guys were… I don’t know… It was like…”

  The knocking started again.

  “Occupied!” Pey yelled.

  “See. You can’t even describe it.” I tried to convince myself.

  “Because, you guys were throwing such intense sexual vibes, it was like watching you make love.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  This time when someone banged on the door, Pey threw it open, ready to unleash her wrath on the person waiting on the other side.

  “What?” she snapped. Christian looked around her, staring at me, and gave a roguish smile. “Fine, it’s all yours.”

  She shoved him aside and walked out. Before I could follow, he blocked my way and took a step forward. I automatically took one back, hoping to pivot around him. Something about this didn’t feel right. He closed the door behind him and locked it. The knob jiggle and then banging reverberated through the bathroom. Pey’s voice followed. I couldn’t figure out what she was saying, everything sounded muffled. Blood rushed to my ears. Then my sense of sight heightened. I could see the dust swirling around the room.

  “Christian, open the damn door before I beat the shit out of you.” Pey threatened.

  He didn’t respond and I was too shocked to speak. He matched my step backward and soon I was cornered against the wall.

  “If I knew you could dance like that…” He pressed himself against me, placing his hands on my hips. I felt disgusted as I felt him against me.

  “Christian, get off me.” I turned my head away from him. “You’re drunk and I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Oh, baby, if you want to hurt me, I’m all game…” He leaned in and kissed my neck. Bile rose in my mouth. “No wonder you have those two wrapped around your finger.”

  I pushed him, but he wouldn’t budge. A swirl of red ribbons glistened in his irises. Not like Goarder’s, but still freaky. What the…?

  “Oh, don’t act so innocent. Although, a sexy schoolgirl outfit might go well with that act.”

  He gave me an onceover, undressing me with his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me across my collarbone. I shuddered with repulsion. My stomach churned and nausea rattled inside me.

  Why is he so strong?

  “The way Dean’s been looking at you… and Axel and that dance. You, baby…”

  He grabbed the nape of my neck, pulling me with force. His fingers dug into my flesh.

  “Christian, STOP!” I screamed. My heart raced. “Please, Christian.”

  “Ren?” Axel’s fear and anger hit me like a tsunami. He pushed through my mind, almost like he wanted access to my sight. I didn’t know if he could do that.

  “Bathroom,” I responded and squeezed my eyes shut.

  If Axel found him like this… the consequences would be horrid. I made a quick decision just as he was about to plant another kiss. It was either he lived in pain for a couple of hours or be permanently castrated.

  I thrust my knee into his groin. He fell to the ground and cupped the area of impact, crying like a little girl. I took his weak moment to tear open the door and ran into Axel. Pey stood behind him, her eyes teary. Axel looked into my eyes for two seconds before his unmistakable fury turned to the lump behind me.

  “I’m going to kill him.” Axel stepped around me, ready to unleash his wrath. His magic tingled, like fire hammering against my skin. Even his magic felt like fury. This was going to end badly.

  “No. Axel,” I called to him. He moved forward with inimitable deadly thoughts.

  “Alexander!” He froze and I knew he heard me. I let out a sigh. “I need you.” I pleaded out loud. He turned around, his anger still flaring like a volcano ready to burst. I placed my hand on his cheek. “Please take me home.”

  Taking a long, deep breath, Axel threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me gently against him, aligning my body to his. Instantly, I felt him calm down, relaxing me in turn.

  “Okay,” he said. “Pey, do you need a ride home?” he asked just as Landon and Dean rounded the corner.

  “I got her, man,” Landon said. He looked behind us and his face drained of color. “Did he…?” Landon couldn’t even finish the sentence before he stomped toward Christian. “That son of a …”

  I grabbed Landon’s hand, shaking my head.

  “Ren, let him beat the shit out of Christian,” Pey said. “It’s not okay to force himself onto you like an animal.”

  I flinched. “Nothing happened. I took care of it. He wasn’t himself,” I said, looking at Axel and then Dean, hoping they got my drift.

  “What do you mean?” Axel asked through our connection.

  “I think I saw red in his eyes. But not like the Goarders. Can humans be possessed?”

  “Not that I’m aware,” he responded. “We’ll see you guys later. I would suggest you leave soon.” Axel’s tone left no room for argument.

  Landon and Pey nodded in agreement. Axel put his arm around my waist as he guided me toward the door with Dean and the rest of Dracians in pursuit.


  “How could we miss something this important?” Axel shoved open the door to the study, where Elijah was engrossed in a book that looked older than a dinosaur. I jogged behind him to catch up.

  Damn his long legs.

  Elijah placed the book on the desk with a thud and looked at Axel. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and stretching his legs under his desk. The chair creaked under his weight.

  “This doesn’t make sense.” Axel paced back and forth, rubbing his hand over his forehead.

  Elijah looked beyond Axel, his brows raised. I opened my mouth to explain.

  Tyler entered the room, flocked with Dean, Marcus, and Trinity. “Ren found a crucial piece of evidence,” Tyler supplied.

  “And I’m absolutely appalled. No wonder we keep getting our asses handed to us.” Axel’s voice vibrated eerily against the walls of the study.

  Then everything went pin-drop silent.

  A thunderous sound rose in the midst of the stillness, making me jump. I turned toward it, only to find Axel holding a chunk of wood in his hand. Behind him was a hole the size of his fist. I ran to him, panic on the verge of explosion. I took his hand into mine to inspect the damage. Red blistered skin oozed with blood.

  “Well, there goes our security deposit.” Tyler pinned us with a comical stare.

  “Alexander, it’s not a big deal.” I ran my fingers over his bloodied knuckles.

  “I’m so sorry. The only reason he got close to you…” Axel grasped the nape of my neck, pressing his forehead against mine, letting o
ut a sigh of frustration. It almost seemed like he needed my touch to help him calm down.

  “Shh… I’m okay… Really…”

  I held his face between my hands and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, smiling. He let out a shaky breath, overwhelming me with his scent—earth and a hint of cloves.

  “We’ll be okay,” I said. “We will.”

  “If you two are done groping each other like wildcats…” Dean started, his jealously lurking under the peak of his voice.

  I let go of Axel’s face and turned to our audience. “We aren’t groping, you perv.”

  “What’s going on?” Katina, Elijah’s better half, walked into the room with her fluffy purple slippers sliding across the hardwood floor, tugging her pink robe to cover her nightclothes. I only met her once before when she brought over much-needed nutrition for growing kids—her words. But during that meeting I was completely taken with her, as she was with me.

  “Agh…” Marcus shrieked like he saw a ghost. “What’s that on your face?” He chuckled, holding on to his stomach, pointing at her face.

  “If you like having your limbs intact, Marcus, you’ll not point that finger at me,” she said, swatting her hand across his chest.

  Katina had huge, pink plastic hair curlers covering every inch of her head and white goo masking her face, giving her a ghostly appearance. She slowly chewed on the cucumber slice she held between her thumb and index finger.

  “Sweetheart.” Katina hugged me, rubbing my back. Then she turned to face the emotionally edgy group of Dracians and asked, “What in the ruckus is going on here?”

  “We learned Telalians can possess humans,” Trinity said.

  “Interesting,” Elijah said, his voice heavy with thought.

  “Interesting? Interesting?” Axel trembled with vehemence.

  “Calm down, Axel. Show some respect,” Katina said in a cautious, motherly tone. “We understand you’re worried about Ren, but we’re still your guardians. Your elders.”

  Axel lowered his gaze. “Sorry, ma’am.”

  I took his hand into mine, giving him a quick squeeze. Katina might be a petite woman, but she presented a force of her own when disciplining her cubs, so to speak.


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