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Dracian Legacy

Page 25

by Kanaparti, Priya

  “Now, I know why God made women,” Axel said in my mind. “To teach man how to worship the beauty of an extraordinary miracle.”

  I melted into a puddle. “I love you.”

  He said the most beautiful things, and that was all I could say? Pathetic, Ren.

  The bride’s music started. When the doors opened, I heard Joshua suck in a deep breath like someone kicked him in the gut. I couldn’t help but grin as I watched John escort Cassie down the aisle. The way she moved with grace and precision was surreal, like she walked on air. She never once took her eyes off Joshua, and he never took his off her. In that moment, they were the only two people in existence.

  Love. Magic. Desire.

  The look in her eyes when she saw Joshua’s hand playing with the matching macaroni bracelet tugged at my heart in ways I couldn’t imagine. My gaze flicked toward Axel. His eyes twinkled and his lips curved up, teeth in full view, beaming.

  “Join us in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pernell to their first dance as husband and wife.”

  My parents were at the forefront of my thoughts. I remembered how they used to tease Joshua about his obsession with Cassie. How Cassie was the beauty that would tame his beast, his wild heart. Tight coils formed in the pit of my stomach at the memory. I imagined my parents sitting next to me, holding each other’s hands, as they watched their son and daughter-in-law.

  My throat tightened with heaviness, constricting my airflow. I wished more than anything my parents could’ve been here to see this. My hand went up to my heart, aching for them. A teardrop escaped, rolling down my cheek, and a tissue waved in front of me. I looked up to find Dean with a compassionate smile. I took the tissue, patting the rogue tear.

  “Dance with me, my maid-of-honor,” he said, smiling, his hand extended.

  He walked me to the dance floor. He placed a hand on my waist and the other holding my hand to his chest.

  “I wish Jim and Irene were here too, Nellie.”

  I didn’t respond. He pulled me closer. I placed my head on his chest and moved to the music. When the song ended, I pulled back, but Dean held me tighter. “This might be my only chance…” I looked at him, confused, but didn’t complain.

  My body tingled and I knew Axel was nearby. I searched for him without success.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  Dean’s eyes saddened as he handed me to my new dancing partner.

  “Hey, killer,” Joshua said, holding my hand in his.

  I placed my wrist over his shoulder and smiled. “The man of the day.”

  “You have no idea how much we appreciate all your efforts for our wedding.”

  I hugged him. I noticed Dean dancing with Cassie not too far from us as they both talked and laughed. Dean glanced toward us and winked, giving me his famous heartbreaker smile.

  “If they were here…” I choked, unable to finish the thought. “We’ll always have each other, right?”

  “One way or another.” He kissed my forehead. “I love you, kiddo.”

  “I love you, too.” Our song ended. “Hey, enough with the sappy. Go enjoy your new bride.”

  When Joshua let go, a warm hand covered mine, pulling me to him with need.

  I smiled.

  “Do I get a dance with the most beautiful woman in the room?” Axel asked.

  “Why, yes, of course.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and my lips sought his immediately.

  “Mmhmm…” Axel licked his lips, grinning. “If I had known I’d be greeted in such a manner, I’d have approached you sooner, my lady.”

  I chuckled. “If you came any sooner, you’d have missed it. I have this rule about kissing my third dancing partner at my brother’s wedding.”

  My lips met his again and I couldn’t be happier.

  A thirty-minute drive and a few walking blocks later, I felt the depths of exhaustion consume me at my core. I let my head droop on Axel’s shoulder. I felt light on my feet as he lifted me into his arms, pulling me to his chest.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, unable to stop giggling.

  “Carrying my over-exhausted, beautiful girlfriend.” He dropped a kiss on my nose.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, kicking my legs happily. We talked about the past couple of days here in Greece, the land rumored to be walked by the gods.

  A cold breeze whipped through my hair. I took in the smell of sea mixed with burning wood and olives. Olives? I listened to the low tide swishing, drowning in its soft cries of the lurching bars of waves. The white foam crashing over the rocks echoed whispers, holding back secrets yet to be revealed. Calm, serenity, tranquility washed over me.

  I lifted my feet one at a time to peel off my heels. Axel gently let my feet touch the cold sand before he, too, removed his shoes and pulled up his pant legs. He laced our fingers as we walked toward the sea. To our right, the waves broke gently on the shore, sending sprays of white water, sprinkling our bodies occasionally.

  I jumped in and out of the sea, running along its path. Axel chased after me, nearly catching me every single time. I giggled and squealed, running and letting him dash after me.

  Déjà vu. I saw this exact scenario when we first kissed. I came to an abrupt stop. Axel caught up with me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  The black sky was full of glistening stars and a bright full moon that reflected over the restless waters.

  Axel spun me around and pulled me to his chest, his arms secured around me, and our toes touched. His eyes glistened bright in the moonlight. His lips curved up with admiration. I have no idea who moved first. All I knew was the feel of his soft lips consuming mine with hunger.

  “I’ve been dying to do this all day,” he said between each kiss as he continued to explore my lips. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Another moment of déjà vu.

  “No freaking way!” I said, astonished.

  “What?” he asked without breaking the contact of his lips against my skin.

  I couldn’t respond when I was so lost in his touch. Low moans escaped my lips and I pushed him backward with my body, landing on the sand. I lay on top of him, kissing him more aggressively. He groaned and flipped me onto my back, taking full control.

  Axel’s mouth left mine and I whimpered in protest. I tilted my head back, giving him easy access to my neck. Without missing a beat, his lips traveled to explore the bare skin. He fingers slowly moved the dress straps off my shoulders, followed by his mouth. He growled when I bucked under him.

  We were so consumed within each other’s touch nothing else mattered in this world. A warm slobbery tongue grazed my face. Well, that was different. I didn’t think Axel was the slobber type. I opened my eyes to find a golden retriever now standing over us, licking Axel, then me.

  Axel and I got to our knees, turning to pet the fur ball, giggling.

  “Hey… You…,” I said.

  “Are you lost, big guy?” Axel cooed at the dog.

  Axel was on a roll, petting and baby-talking the dog. The dog rolled on his back, giving Axel free access to scratch him as the dog’s tongue lolled from his grinning mouth.

  This was a side I hadn’t seen from Axel. My heart filled with adoration. Another vision came to mind from our first kiss. Axel playing with our kids, teaching them to crawl and walk and read…

  “What?” He looked at me with amusement.

  I smiled, feeling a rush of heat pool in my cheeks.

  “Comet… I’m so sorry!” The owner apologized. “He normally doesn’t run away like that.”

  “It’s no big deal.” Axel stood up.

  I continued to pet Comet, my hand lazily snuggled around his neck, and he licked me in gratitude. “He’s adorable.”

  “You can keep him,” he said, laughing. “I’m Van.” He smiled and stretched his hand toward Axel.

  Axel hesitated for a second. “I’m Axel and this is Ren.”

  I stood up and wiped my hands over my dress. I adjusted it to a more presentable length b
efore reaching out to shake his hand.

  “Sorry for the intrusion. We’ll get out of your way,” Van said, eyeing me carefully.

  Axel didn’t miss a beat. He took my arm and placed it around his waist, pulling me to him.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, trying to soften Axel’s protectiveness. “You too, Comet.” I rubbed behind his ear, making his tail wag happily.

  “Come on, Comet,” Van called for him. The dog barked viciously, baring his teeth.


  Then multiple things happened at once. Van flew a few feet behind us, hitting the ground with a thud. Axel took a protective stance in front of me. And I heard a gut-wrenching voice that twisted the very core of my being.

  “Well, well, well.” The voice purred. “If it isn’t the prince and his pathetic wench.”


  Axel growled as he pulled the dagger from his trousers, ready to attack. Is he always this prepared? His hand tightened around mine, cutting the circulation to my fingers. Van groaned a few yards away. I prayed he had a sense of self-preservation and stayed down.

  “Lyla,” Axel said, spewing venom.

  “You’re losing your touch, Prince Knight.” She laughed like a lunatic.

  “Prince?” I asked Axel through our connection.

  “No bodyguards. Well, this’ll be easy.”

  Axel snickered as if to dismiss her threats. My body trembled in fear. The last time I was face to face with Lyla, she infected me, possessing my body. Oh, and let’s not forget the nightmares.

  “I’m right here, angel.” Axel comforted me.

  I squeezed his hand and smiled uneasily.

  Lyla stared directly into my eyes and a shiver crept up my spine.

  “Ren, luv, how’s Mummy?” she added in a sarcastic British accent, subduing what little confidence I possessed.

  Axel snarled.

  “Still talking too much I see,” I snapped back, surprising myself.

  “What do you want, Lyla?” Axel asked.

  She raised her eyebrows the same time Axel pushed me behind him. Her laugh echoed along the open space, raising goose bumps over my entire body.

  “You surely can’t be that naïve, young prince.” As she said that, a dozen figures materialized behind her.

  My body stiffened, my breath caught in my throat, and my gut sundered in fear.

  “For the love of all things holy, angel, please stay calm. Whatever you do, stay behind me and follow my instructions when I tell you. Got it?” I was too shocked to respond. “Angel, do you understand?”

  I sent him a mental nod. He let go of my hand and drew another dagger, handing it to me.

  Where the heck does he have space to shove these things? And how the hell did I not feel them during our make-out session?

  Focus, Ren, now’s not the time to think about his gorgeous body and how his hands explored while his lips left trails of succulent kisses…

  “Amen to that.” Axel chuckled. “I need to protect you, so please let me focus. And I promise later we’ll…”

  “Well, if you’re that stupid, so be it.” Lyla gestured with her hand and her dozen or so minions charged toward us, snapping their vicious teeth.

  Before any of the Goarders moved, Axel threw three stars that caught in various parts of their bodies. He leapt into the air and I stood stunned at the scene unfolding in front of me. He looked like an avenging archangel, ready to destroy anything that came in his way. He was soon surrounded by eight Goarders. The one that slipped by him froze before he reached me.


  He screamed in my head, bringing me back from my shock. I trained to defend myself, but I never once fought them directly. I tried to retrieve my training, but my mind was completely blocked with fear, clouding my judgment.

  “Ren. Run. Run!” He pleaded inside my mind.

  I heard another sharp growl in my head. This time I replied.

  “No. I’m not leaving you.” I could feel Axel’s worry wrapping around my body. He wasn’t afraid for his safety, but for my life.

  “Stay alive for me. I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I should’ve protected you better.”

  “Don’t you dare, Alexander. We’ll get out of this. I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  I stabbed the frozen Goarder. Comet stood his ground in front of me, protecting me. I felt a wealth of gratitude toward the mutt I just met.

  In the midst of my idiotic self-absorption, I didn’t notice two Goarders behind me.

  I heard Axel’s cry of warning just as I felt a mind-blowing painful kick to my spine. I fell face forward, the wind rushing out of me. I heard laughter all around, making me heave with anger. My breathing quickened as my lungs struggled to accommodate the adrenaline pumping through my body. My mind worked faster to counteract the impending threat.

  I recovered quick enough to avoid another kick. I rolled onto my back and jumped to my feet right before the Goarder’s dagger made contact with my chest. I shoved him with my shoulder, gathering enough strength, and went into attack mode with a combination of cross jab, uppercut, and butterfly kick.

  The other Goarder bared its teeth, moving swiftly. He grabbed my hands and twisted them behind my shoulder blades. Out of instinct, I sprang to head-butt his jaw and ended up with a painful blow to my head. His razor-sharp teeth grazed the skin right above my neck and I yelped in pain as my hand reached for the flesh wound. I pushed forward, stomping on his feet, and jabbed at his ribs with my elbow. He let go and stumbled back a few feet.

  We mimicked each other’s movements as we circled one another. He growled like an animal. Comet attacked, defending me. He was kicked in the head and went flying with a yelp.

  “Bastards.” I snarled. I could never imagine why anyone would hurt such a loving animal. But then again, they weren’t human. I spun around, connecting the heel of my foot with the Goarder’s sternum with more force than I expected. The blow threw him off his feet and sent him flying a couple yards into the trees. I took in several heavy breaths.

  “Enough,” Lyla yelled, losing patience.

  Three more Goarders appeared behind me, and one grabbed me in a shoulder lock. I winced in pain as I lost my grip on the dagger. I felt little tingles rise above my skin like little zappers. Then it got stronger and the hair on my arms rose and I felt it. My magic, my essence came alive within me, trying to protect me from the impending danger.

  The Goarders let go with a cry. Lyla’s eyes darted to mine and she sneered.

  If I knew I was going to get that kind of reaction, I’d have spent more time learning how to use my magic.

  With a gesture of her hand I was suspended in the air, and I screamed profanities a sailor would be proud of.

  Axel’s gaze connected with mine and his face twisted in unmistakable fear. His irises widened, turning into stormy blue swirls, and his brows fused together like he was about to be thrown under a freight train. He successfully dusted five of the eight Goarders that initially attacked him.

  But the three remaining held him down in his moment of his weakness, his face planted in the sand. His eyes helplessly attempted to seek mine, vibrating with anger and the need to protect me.

  “You know what we want. If you want your little wench alive, bring the Echo.”

  Axel turned into a raging wild animal and he thrust and screamed and fought harder against his captors, trying to reach me. But when five more Goarders materialized and attacked him at the same time, he fell to the sand. He was kicked and stabbed several more times, enough to weaken him, but not kill him. A trickle of blood pooled and seeped into the sand where he lay, almost motionless.

  “No!” I cried. “Wake up, Axel.”

  His clothes were ripped and his skin oozed with open wounds. His face sported a ridiculous amount of cuts and bruises that dripped dark-red blood. Axel’s blood. My heart beat feverishly. How did our romantic night turn into a nightmare so quickly?

  “No. Pleas
e don’t hurt him.” I begged. “I-I’ll go.”

  Lyla laughed dismissively.

  She turned to face Axel. “Tick-tock. Time is of the essence, young prince.”

  “Please Axel, don’t fight back. Please go; save yourself.”

  “NO!” he cried with agony, trying to push himself off the ground. His body fought back, his face tortured. Another kick to his ribs sent him back down with a painful scream.

  “If you don’t let me go, neither of us has a fighting chance. Please. Give us a chance to live,” I begged him.

  “I can’t leave you.”

  “You must. Please. You can find me.” I looked down to my pendant. It was missing. Crap. “Dean… should be able to find me.” I reminded him.

  Before I could say anything else, something yanked at my neck and my belly button. The last I heard was Axel’s agonizing scream. Everything went pitch black as my head whirled out of control. I was unable to tell top from bottom.

  I hit the ground with a painful impact to my knees and hands. The bile easily and violently spewed out of my stomach and onto the black-and-white marble floor beneath my hands. I barely had time to register my surroundings when another round of contents left my nauseated stomach.

  I twitched at the sharp pinch in my neck.

  “Take her to the pit.” Lyla’s voice cut through my heaving.

  I struggled to keep from vomiting again. My breathing came in short heaves and my heart beat erratically. I was pulled to my feet aggressively, two hands placed under my armpits. My feet and mind protested. If I were going to be forced, I wouldn’t make it easy by any means.

  I was dragged and occasionally fell to my knees. My painful cries echoed along the walls with every inflicted wound. Something inside me numbed. I could feel it hiding within. Cowering.

  Son of a… They drugged me, was my last thought before I was thrown into a bright white room.

  I was trapped and drugged… and now paralyzed.

  My eyes opened to a glimmer of light aimed directly into them. I tried to block it out with my hands but couldn’t. What in the hell?


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