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Dracian Legacy

Page 26

by Kanaparti, Priya

  My arms were strung above my head. My wrists bound with metal cuffs hanging from hooks in the ceiling left me dangling above the ground. I whimpered when I squirmed against the bindings. Pain jolted through my hands, above the arms and through my shoulders.

  I struggled to free them from the constraints. Warmth dripped down my wrists as the steel cut into my raw, burning skin. I cried in pain while the iron rubbed against my open wound, the blood oozing faster.

  “Look who’s up.” A cold voice delayed my immediate need to escape.

  “What the hell is going on?” I asked.

  My eyes zeroed in on the stranger before me. His shark-like teeth made a show to intimidate me, I was sure.

  My captor’s hands went to his lips as he studied me slowly, like he was enjoying the view of the Seven Wonders of the World. He glared lecherously. What was he smiling at? I looked down at myself, wondering, and gasped to find what was left of my torn bridesmaid dress.

  “Son of a…”

  “Now, now… We don’t want to be too rash.” He moved closer until he was standing about three feet in front of me. “Especially when you’re so conveniently tied up.”

  He wet his lips and walked toward me. His arm grabbed my waist, and he sank his nails deep into my skin. I flinched as my skin bled, and I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back a yelp. My heart raced and the room spun, making me lose my place. I raised my legs high and kicked his chest with full force, trying to get free of his disgusting hands. He laughed with amusement, not moving an inch.

  So much for full-freaking-force.

  What a joke, Ren!

  His grip tightened and a sultry smile lifted the curve of his black lips. He dipped his head and licked the width of my lower stomach where red liquid oozed from the open wound he inflicted. My stomach churned, threatening to erupt at dangerous speeds. I growled in disgust before thrusting to get away from him. The shackles cut deeper into my skin, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to keep him off me.

  Off. Off. Off.

  “Get your hands off me.” I wriggled in my binds helplessly. “I’ll kill you… I swear to God; I’ll c—”

  “That’s enough.”

  Lyla walked into the room, outfitted in a blood-red sequined dress that fit her like a second skin and showed off a generous amount of her chest. I didn’t know if I should envy her or be scared out of my mind for what was to come.

  “Summon Rod, Lavirus.” When he didn’t move, she yelled. “Now!”

  Lyla opened her mouth to continue but decided against it. She smiled angelically, pulling a Victorian-style chair from the corner of the room with a flick of her finger.

  She sat back in the chair, crossing her long, lean legs delicately, appraising me slowly. She drummed her fingers against the armrest like she contemplated her next move.

  “Why am I here, Lyla?”

  Her fingers froze and her lips curved up to one side. “Preparing you to meet your prince, luv,” she said carefully, watching my reaction.

  I almost felt relieved but didn’t dare show it. Or at least I hoped I didn’t. I was going to see Alexander soon, finally wrapped in his arms and away from this hell. I pushed aside my insecurities and put on a brave front.

  “What do you want from her, the Echo?” I asked.

  She lifted her eyebrows.

  “We both know I’m as good as dead, so throw me a bone here.”

  “I’m surprised the prince informed you of his mission. You must have your claws deeper than I originally thought.”

  Why does she keep calling him prince?

  I pushed that thought aside quickly. That was a question for later. There were more important things to figure out. Like how the hell I’m going to get out of there!

  “Very well.”

  She stood up and walked toward me. I flinched in pain as her sharp nail cut deep across the length of my waist, drawing blood. She slipped that finger into her mouth.

  “Hmm… the taste of your blood. It’s so different. Why is that, Dracian?”

  “I want to know why I’m dying for her,” I repeated, ignoring her question.

  “She’s the key to empowering Telalians.” Her eyes gleamed with greed, like she already won the lottery. “When she mates with Lord Telal, her magic will bind with his magic, making him immortal, invincible. With that, his children will be blessed with unimaginable magic.”

  This was an abomination.

  “He… that’s genocide!”

  “No, my love, that’s survival of the fittest.”

  This really couldn’t be happening. Didn’t she understand what was at risk? The balance. Suddenly the words Axel said came back.

  The balance is being disturbed. Power is a curse.

  “Go. To. Hell.” I spat in her face.

  She looked at me with distaste and hatred. Her eyes turned into black globes and her hand tightened around my neck, cutting the oxygen supply to my brain. I gasped as I tried to breathe.

  “Mistress.” A thick, hoarse voice interrupted us.

  The new guy easily towered over Lyla, even when he was on his knees. His head was bowed and eyes trained on the floor. He wore black leather pants and heavy boots with strapped buckles. Every inch of his exposed skin was covered in piercings and tattoos of skulls, snakes, and other scary images. He had thorn-like red chains that formed an X across his exposed chest and arms. He was downright scarier than a murderous clown.

  And. Clowns. Were. Scary.

  “She needs to be prepped. See to it…” I imagined horns forming above her head and a tail appearing from her backside as she said, “And Rod, darling, see that she is very comfortable.”

  Rod nodded with a malevolent grin when his black orb eyes locked with mine, teasing and mocking me. The door shut with a loud thud behind him, informing me of Lyla’s exit. I gulped as the words sank in, and my arms suddenly felt heavier. I whipped my feet and squeezed my thumbs tighter, hoping to be free of the constraints.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, Dracian.”

  He withdrew a red rod, two or three inches in circumference, wrapped in sparkling tiny spikes. Little beads of sweat formed across my forehead, palms, and every imaginable place. My heart raced, slamming against my ribcage.

  My head exploded in pain. My vision blurred, panic set in, and I hyperventilated.

  This isn’t good. This is bad. Hell, this is gonna hurt like the mother of all pains.

  I continued to struggle to free my thumb enough or break it to get free. Didn’t matter which. I just wanted to be in control. The chains screamed with every movement I made.

  Freedom. That is what I need. Freedom.

  “Do you know why they call me Rod?”

  He ran his finger across the long rod like he caressed his lover’s lips and body. My stomach lurched in fear.

  “Clouth…” He purred at the rod. Light red rays emitted through its spikes, reaching out to Rod like it was dying to connect to him. “Soon… lamb… very soon.”

  A colorful string of vicious profanity came out of my mouth. I didn’t know what that thing in his hand was, but I didn’t want it anywhere near me. I tried to push my thumb through the shackle as the pain throbbed down my arm, numbness spreading slowly through my muscles. I didn’t care. I pushed harder when I heard a crack. I winced in pain and bit my tongue to stop myself from crying out loud. The tears pooled in my eyes and I continued to chant.

  Freedom. Freedom. Freedom.

  “I’m one of a kind, Dracian.” He grinned, taking a few more steps toward me, leaving an arm’s length of space between us. “It’s been a while since Clouth had a taste of a Dracian. Not since… Well, let’s just say she will enjoy this.”

  His lips turned up into a sinister smile that would frighten even the blind.


  Clouth glowed bright red, almost like a lion ready to feast on its kill. It was enraged with being denied its needs for too long. The vibrations of the electric static rubbed against my skin. T
hen the pain started.

  I screamed and squeezed my eyes shut. Every muscle in my body tightened and convulsed with its touch. Tears spilled down my cheeks as the sting spread to my arms, chest, and legs. Then it all stopped without notice.

  Thank you, I thought to the invisible force relieving my torture.

  My body shook with the aftereffects. Maybe I wasn’t as lucky as I thought. My lungs worked overtime, trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen and blood flow.

  Pain. Oh, so much pain.

  My ribs felt like they exploded inside out. I cringed with the last ounce of fight I had left. I felt my heart stop for the briefest of moments. My life flashed in front of my eyes.


  I was on Daddy’s lap, my arms tightly wound around his neck, my head resting against his shoulder as Mom lectured me about how I should be avoiding strangers, even if I have magic to protect me.


  My brother walked me to the park, leaving his friends behind when he saw me. He was giving me a piggyback ride as I giggled, saying, “Faster, faster!”


  Dean and I jumped off the tire swing by Cascade Lake, challenging each other, daring each other to make riskier jumps. His smile was brighter than the brightest of suns.


  Pey and I scored guys passing us at the mall, ten being the hottest. I saw those gorgeous baby blues pass us by, and I said, “Ten!”


  Axel… The first time we kissed and the visions that flooded my mind, the first fight before and after we were a couple, the night I snuck into his room, him playing with Comet.

  Then I opened my eyes, gasping for air.

  “Intriguing.” I heard Rod’s voice through my struggle to keep my heart beating.

  “Isn’t that… a big word… for… you?” I asked, breathing deeply, trying to keep myself conscious.

  He laughed viciously. Then Clouth sent a piercing pain through my body, drowning the walls with my screams. A monstrous burst of red light exploded behind my closed eyelids. Then, the pain stopped abruptly, again. My body felt raw, beaten, and crushed like the cars that got cubed in the bailing press.

  My mind was hazy and coherent thoughts were nowhere to be found. My feet buckled under my weight as they finally touched the ground. A velvety smooth cloth draped around my shoulders and a warm pair of arms circled my body, pulling me against a chest. I let my head fall back and I was lifted up.

  “Nellie. Nellie.” Dean’s panicked voice lulled me back to reality.

  Slowly the fuzziness gave way to more defined shapes. “You’re h-here,” I stammered.

  “Well, I really didn’t have plans until later tonight.” He joked.

  “Is he…?” I asked, trying to stretch my head, looking for Rod. I flinched weakly and my eyes rolled back in response to the unearthly pain throbbing through my body.

  “No… He escaped before we could get to him. I promise, babe, I’ll make him pay,” he said, running the back of his cool hand over my cheek.

  But none of that mattered. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I smiled. I was going home. I was safe. My body bounced as he carried me out of that horrible place. I felt cold, soothing ribbons wrap themselves around me.

  Dean’s healing me.

  Someone was wrestled to the ground as we passed. There was a muffled struggle that trailed along the walls behind us. Then a new set of arms wrapped around me, carrying me up the stairs. Joshua. I’d know them anywhere. I mean, how could I forget? He held me every night for weeks as I cried myself to sleep after my parents’ death. He became my mother, my father, and my protector.

  A commotion erupted not too far from us. He placed me in a corner, covering me with his jacket.

  “Killer.” He gently patted my face to get me to open my eyes. With great effort, my heavy lids cracked open and found his face filled with concern. His brow creased. “I need you to stay here.” He placed a metal object in my hand and wrapped my fingers around it. “Don’t try to be a hero; this is just a precaution.” Then he lifted the cloth that was wrapped around me. “Shit.”

  He looked to both sides, running his hand through his hair. He placed his hand on my cheek, looking at me like I was on the verge of death before turning and disappearing. I cowered in the corner, trying to hide within the shadows. My teeth chattered and cold consumed my body.

  A thundering noise echoed through the silent corridor. The electrifying static of magic filled the air around me. The cacophonous sound of steel colliding against steel penetrated my ears. I couldn’t just sit here waiting for my friends and family to die.

  But I was grateful for once to have magic inside me as my body healed, slowly. How, I didn’t know. Using what little strength I had, I stood up and walked the narrow path. I found a break at the top where light shone through. Stepping over the threshold, I noticed the clouds outside completely blocked out the setting sun, and old-fashion lamps burned here and there, illuminating the huge room. The screams and metal on metal grew louder.

  Finally, I reached the grand, stone archway. I rubbed my eyes to clear the haziness in my sight. I gasped at what unraveled before me.

  The Dracians and Telalians were in a furious battle against one another. I was so engrossed in the scene I didn’t hear the hissing noise until it was a few feet away from me. I spun on my heel, fear overtaking my every nerve. I was frozen in place. A slithering nightmare crawled at lightning speed and struck me in the shoulder. Only then did my body move, falling backward down the first flight of the grand staircase. I was sprawled facedown on the cold marble floor.

  God, even this floor is made of marble! These idiots are loaded.

  I flipped on my back and groaned, feeling the increasing burn at the site of the bite. Before I could comprehend what happened, red eyes stared back at me, ready for another round.

  My body solidified with fear.

  Then I let out an ear-bursting scream and scrambled backward crab-like, trying to keep distance between us. This was my worst nightmare.

  Except, this wasn't a nightmare.

  It’s god-freaking real! I swear karma is out to get my ass.

  A massive, glistening obsidian snake with a thick, scaled body and a head… scratch that… four heads that looked like king cobras raised over me threateningly.

  This sucker would put the world’s largest anaconda to shame.

  Its jagged shark-like teeth glistened in the dimly lit hallway. I fumbled for the weapon I no longer possessed as the monster reared back, red venom dripping from its fangs, and struck at me for the second time.

  Only this time, Joshua and Axel skidded in front of me and expertly wielded their swords at the beast. As the serpent's head drove down, the shiny metal in Joshua's hand moved at a blurring speed. The edge of the sword sliced the demon's head, only to enrage the remaining three. The serpent pulled higher and came down with full force, opening its mouth, its sharp teeth glistening with venom. Axel jumped high and thrust his sword up into its open mouth at an angle and twisted it counter-clockwise.

  With two heads missing and two attackers in pursuit, the serpent was clearly distracted, not knowing which one it should go after. With a missing sword, Axel called forth his elemental magic, and for the first time I watched Joshua summon his, a brilliant blue fire that consumed the length of his arm. It was mind-blowing to watch the two move easily around the monster, without an ounce of doubt in their abilities.

  While one controlled the air element and the other fire, they easily lured the beast away from me, cornering it between two giant pillars. The beast hissed with anger, but it was no match for the skilled Dracians, driven by love to protect me.

  Then Joshua created balls of fire in the palm of his hand and directed the energy toward the monster. Axel carefully moved toward it unnoticed. He sprang up into the air and latched onto the beast’s head with his legs. He then placed the dagger across its neck and slit it open.

  With one remaining, reall
y pissed-off serpent head, it attempted to attack Axel as he slithered down its back. The moment its attention turned, Joshua took the opportunity to slice clean through the last throat.

  With a thud, the demon crumpled to the floor, spraying venom. The serpent vanished before I got to my feet, panting, and my heart thrummed furiously against my chest.

  "Come on," said Joshua, grabbing my hand as he led me toward the warzone. "You okay, kiddo?” he asked, facing me.

  I nodded. “I never say this enough, but you are my god-freaking-hero. I love you. And those were some super bad-ass skills, Muskles.” I threw myself at him, my arms around his waist. I winced at the numbing pain between my shoulder blades, but ignored it for the moment.

  “I love you too, kiddo.” He chuckled, pulling me into a bear hug. “But we need to get you uninfected.”

  Axel’s hand wrapped around mine and he squeezed it with assurance. I felt warm blood trickle onto my hand and my eyes widened in horror. Axel was hurt.

  Before the words left my mouth, Axel pulled me behind him and, like the slithering cowards they were, six Goarders came after Joshua and Axel, snapping their teeth and wielding their weapons. Soon, I was left unguarded but tucked in the corner between two pillars as Axel disappeared into the crowd.

  My eyes darted, searching for Joshua and I saw him fall forward with a huge gash visible across his back. Thinking I was unprotected, one came at me, his sword aimed at my chest. Panicked, I looked around for a weapon to defend myself.

  Then he froze, eyes wide open with his sword mere breaths away from piercing my skin. I looked down. Joshua knelt on one knee, his dagger thrust into the Goarder’s body. Shimmering red dust floated to the ground.

  “We need to get you somewhere safe, to complete the healing process,” Joshua said, handing me his dagger.

  Before we could make it through, a Proxy sent a jolt of electricity toward us and Joshua blocked it. With each attack, Joshua was pulled into the massive pool of bodies fighting, attacking, and defending. Once again, I was left to fend for myself.


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