Book Read Free

Captive Hearts

Page 15

by Natasha West

  ‘What happened to Azerbaijan?’ Ashley asked him.

  ‘I don’t know, I think I should maybe pick somewhere…’ He stopped and said into the phone, ‘Back in a sec.’ He muted the call. ‘Look, I just don’t know about Azerbaijan anymore. I think I just liked the fact it had a zed in it. But I don’t know anything about the place, if I’m honest. It’s a big decision.’

  Ashley sighed and unmuted. ‘We’re gonna need five minutes, Detective.’

  ‘You can have five. But if we want to keep on schedule, I wouldn’t go over that.’

  ‘Thanks.’ She cancelled the call, with a look to Gina. She turned to Pete with delicate seriousness. ‘We can’t mess about here, Pete.’

  Pete tutted. ‘I’m not. I haven’t really had a lot of time to figure this out. Had a lot on, if you haven’t noticed,’ he snapped.

  Gina peeked out from behind the camera, forcing herself to speak. ‘Just read us the list of countries from your phone. Let’s start knocking them off.’

  Pete nodded and got his phone out. ‘OK, there’s thirty-three countries that England can’t grab me from.’ He started scrolling. ‘Not that one, not that one, I’ve never heard of that one, that one sounds weird… ‘

  Ashley looked over his shoulder. ‘What about Japan?’

  ‘I don’t like sushi,’ Pete dismissed.

  Gina felt like she could see Ashley fighting not to roll her eyes. ‘Fine. South Korea?’

  ‘Which one’s the one with the little dickhead in charge with the bad haircut?’ Pete asked.

  ‘That’s the other one, North Korea.’

  ‘Mmm, maybe then.’

  ‘I mean, you could just go to China?’ Ashley suggested.

  ‘Why are you only picking Asian countries?’ Pete asked.

  ‘Good point,’ Ashley acquiesced. She looked at the list again. ‘Most of these are in the middle east, thoughts on that?’

  ‘I don’t think the Middle East would take too kindly to me. I’ve heard they go a bit overboard if you’re light-fingered.’

  ‘That’s not incorrect,’ Ashley told him.

  ‘God, I wish I could go to Brazil. Ronnie Biggs went there before they changed it.’ He sighed. Then a country on the list jumped out at him. ‘What about Egypt?’

  ‘Still Middle East,’ Gina pointed out. ‘Though it is also considered a part of Africa, I think.’

  ‘Yeah, but… It’s a bit different, isn’t it? I mean, it’s a lot less Middle-Easty than like, Iran,’ Pete said.

  Gina had no idea what that meant, but Ashley was running with it. ‘You like the sound of Egypt?’

  Pete sat with it for a moment. ‘Err, yeah. Yeah. Egypt. That’s where I’ll go.’

  ‘Shall I tell them?’ Ashley asked, already picking up the phone.

  ‘Go on, then.’

  The phone was picked up halfway through the first ring. ‘Ashley?’

  ‘Egypt,’ Ashley told her.


  ‘Yes. Cairo,’ she added, with a quick look to Pete.

  ‘That the capital?’ he whispered.

  ‘It is.’


  ‘Right,’ said DI Conway. ‘Cairo.’ There was a pause followed by some mumbling. ‘OK, I’ve got the pilot on the other line, and she’s informed me that there will have to be a refuelling stop. Her plane won’t quite make it that far on one tank of fuel.’

  ‘What? Where’s this refuelling gonna happen?’ Pete demanded.

  ‘She recommends Malta. It’s about halfway.’

  Pete chewed his lip and muted the phone. ‘What do you think?’ he asked Ashley. Gina was astounded. After the way he’d treated her, he still thought she’d look out for him, the conceited fuck. ‘Is that even true about the fuel or are they bullshitting me?’

  ‘I think that’s most likely true,’ Ashley said.

  ‘Most likely true?’ Pete repeated.

  ‘I had an uncle who had his pilot’s license, and he told me he couldn’t take the plane all that far,’ Gina said from behind the camera.

  ‘Was this the copper?’ Pete asked with slight incredulity.

  ‘Nope, different uncle. On my dad’s side,’ Gina told him, keeping the camera firmly off Ashley. They couldn’t afford for him to see this later and catch Ashley’s face looking dubious. As well it should, given the number of uncles Gina had been forced to invent today. ‘He said he couldn’t get any further than, er, yeah, I think I remember him saying something about Malta.’

  She watched Pete’s expression carefully, not sure if her lie was gonna work. But unlike Gina’s fake uncle, it looked like it might just fly. ‘Well, I guess if that’s what we have to do, then that’s what we have to do.’ He turned to Ashley. ‘But you let ‘em know that if we land in Malta and I see so much as a flashing blue light on the horizon, I can still put one in the back of the head of that pilot, alright?’

  Well, so much for goodwill to the pilot.

  Ashley unmuted the call and relayed Pete’s words with a somewhat less nasty version of his threat. ‘I understand,’ the detective said. ‘So that’s all set, then. She’ll land at midnight, and we’ll begin the process of handing off the hostages safely while you get aboard.’

  Pete nodded. Ashley said, ‘He agrees.’

  ‘And I still want Kara Malone to be around, right?’ Pete added.

  ‘Yes, that’s agree-’

  Pete cancelled the call. ‘Right. Get that footage off. Everyone needs to know what she’s promised.’ He had a thought. ‘But cut out the bit where I said about shooting the pilot.’

  Gina nodded and set to work. One hour until midnight. She looked over at the remaining hostages, sat edgily around the table, trying to pretend they hadn’t soaked up every syllable spoken at the booth. They knew what Gina and Ashley knew. That it was only one hour until they were either free or…

  ‘I’m starving. Why the fuck did I get rid of the cooks?’ Pete said, jumping up and going behind the bar to scrounge up a snack. Gina and Ashley stayed in the booth. ‘What do you think’s going to happen?’ Gina asked, as she was getting the last piece of footage ready to send.

  ‘I really don’t have the first bloody clue,’ Ashley told Gina.

  ‘Well, at least it’s over soon,’ Gina said.

  ‘Yeah. There’s that,’ Ashley said hopelessly.

  ‘What will we do if… I mean, should we have a plan if things… go wrong?’ Gina asked quietly.

  ‘Like what?’ Ashley asked.

  ‘I was kind of hoping you might have something in mind. I mean, you’re the brains of this operation,’ Gina shrugged.

  ‘Yeah, big old brains that nearly ended up on the bloody floor,’ Ashley said with a shuddering sigh.

  Gina realised she’d been doing it again. Pushing. When Ashley had just been through something quite awful. ‘No, I wouldn’t have let… That wasn’t going to happen. He was just throwing his weight about because you challenged him. Like you keep telling me, he’s like a kid. He felt embarrassed, so he acted out.’

  ‘I know that’s true… It’s just. Fuck. That gun, right to my head…. He’s pointed it at me before, but it felt different this time.’

  Gina heard the pain in Ashley’s voice. She was obviously traumatised. It made Gina want to go over to where Pete was standing, take his gun from him, and smash him in the face with it.

  But she had to keep calm. That was what was required now. Cool heads. Because Pete’s head would be far from cool as the clock ticked down to the big deadline. As she peeked over at him, wrestling with a bag of peanuts that was not bending to his will, she knew he’d be at his worst at midnight. So she had to be her best, be strong. If she could just stop wanting to break his face.


  Pete was jumping from channel to channel. All of the news stations were playing the last conversation with the detective, though they were all at a different point, so as he flicked from one channel to the next, Pete was saying, ‘Asian countries,’ to, ‘Funny hai
rcut,’ to ‘Egypt. That’s where I’ll go.’ to, ‘I don’t like sushi.’ Pete was rapt. ‘Bloody hell. I’m mega-famous now,’ Pete said wondrously.

  For about a week, Ashley thought. No matter what happens, you’ll soon be forgotten. As you should be.

  ‘Do you think Kara’s seen it? What am I saying, of course she has,’ Pete said, shaking his head. ‘But… Do you think… Do you think she thinks I’m like, funny?’

  ‘Funny?’ Ashley repeated. ‘Were you trying to be funny?’

  Pete frowned. ‘No, but… watching it back, I think it seems like I am now.’

  Ashley would have loved to say, ‘If by funny you mean completely stupid, you’re bang on, Pete.’ But of course, what she said was, ‘Yeah. I’m sure she thinks you’re very funny and charming.’

  Pete’s face lit up. ‘Yeah? Charming?’


  Pete turned his smug, happy face back to the screen and kept flicking back and forth, enjoying seeing himself on all the channels.

  Nearby, Gina was sat with her camera on her knee. It was switched off, but Gina was running a hand over it, practically caressing it. Ashley wished she had a comforting thing to stroke. Other than Gina in that cupboard.

  Ashley admonished herself for the sexy thought before she realised that the events in the cupboard were a good thing to cling to right now. She needed to remember that pleasure. Because Ashley had never been this stressed in her life. She felt like if she fell over, she’d smash. Practically all that was holding her together was the knowledge that Gina was nearby and that if the chips were down, she could be counted on. Whatever they were to each other, whatever they could be – or could have been – Gina would be there if needed. And the reverse was true. Ashley would look out for Gina, protect her however she could.

  She checked the clock on the wall. It was half eleven.

  ‘Hey, have a look at the car park,’ Pete instructed her. ‘See if it’s cleared out.’

  Ashley nodded and went to the window, flicking back a blind tentatively to peer out into the night. The police presence had indeed pushed right back, leaving space for this alleged plane. At the edge of the car park, a lot of faces under helmets zeroed in on Ashley, as well as Kara Malone, peeking from her shield. Ashley had the instinct to wave at them all and fought it back.

  ‘All clear and ready,’ she told Pete, dropping the blind. And then she heard it. A motor. Loud. High.

  ‘That’s the plane, isn’t it?’ Pete asked, bouncing up like a dog responding to a treat. ‘It’s really here.’

  Ashley was still dubious, but she asked. ‘You want me to check?’


  She flicked the blind back again and stared up into the sky. She couldn’t see it yet. ‘Erm, it’s not in my range yet. Give it a minute. Oh, hang on.’ She saw it, at last, a plane flying over the restaurant, flying in the opposite direction, away from the restaurant. She didn’t understand initially what it was doing as it got smaller and smaller. But then, when it was just a dot, she saw its path move sideways.

  ‘What’s it doing now?’ Pete asked.

  ‘It’s… I think it’s turning around,’ she told him as she watched the plane fly around, its wheels unfolding as it lowered itself down the road, until it dropped out of Ashley’s view. But she could hear the clank of its wheels as it banked. She watched the road carefully until the plane hoved into view, driving up the street like a car, slowing for a left turn into the car park through a wide gap in the cop cars, where it slowed to a halt a few feet in front of Jimmy’s.

  The plane was white with a blue stripe, with three wheels, just your average light aircraft. But as far as Ashley was concerned, she might as well have watched a genie pop out of a bottle. The detective had done it. She’d gotten a plane for Pete. It might have been impressive were it not for the fact that this was the choice she’d made rather than simply relying on her own hostage negotiation skills. Or lack thereof.

  ‘Pete, I believe that’s your ride,’ Ashley announced.

  Pete was hopping around on the spot, full of nervous energy. The rest of the room looked a lot less exuberant. Leanne, Tina, Greg, and Sam were bunched up in a tight little wad, watching Pete like he was a grenade with a very loose pin. Gina was nearby, though not a part of the group, not watching Pete either. She was looking at Ashley. But she didn’t seem scared, exactly. It was more as though she were communicating something like, ‘Here we go.’ Ashley gave her a small nod. Funny how little they’d spoken today. And how much they were able to say.

  ‘Right, I think I need a quick wee before midnight. Won’t be many chances after that, I guess. Unless they’ve got a bucket on board. Maybe I could pee out the window?’ Pete rambled. ‘Anyway, I just need to pop you all in the cupboard while I do it, alright?’

  ‘Everyone?’ Gina asked.

  ‘What, you want me to take it on faith someone won’t have the bright idea to go for a stroll while I’m having a slash?’ Pete said with a mirthless laugh. He held up his gun and waved it in the direction of the kitchen. ‘You know the way, lead ‘em in.’

  Gina stood, and everyone followed, Ashley right behind her. Even though Ashley had half hoped for one last moment in the cupboard, this wasn’t quite what she’d had in mind. Rather than an intimate moment of sexy comfort, it would be more in the vein of being stuffed into a crowded elevator, hoping no one farted.

  Ashley walked into the cupboard and turned to Pete, the group at her back. He was grinning. But there was something dark underneath. Ashley was pretty sure it was abject terror. ‘Right, so I think it’s just a piss, but you never know, so don’t panic if I’m not back in five,’ he said with a wink. He slammed the door.

  The second the door closed, Ashley snapped into action. ‘OK, no one move. I’m just gonna get the light.’

  ‘Why can’t we move?’ she heard Leanne ask.

  ‘Trust her,’ Gina said dryly.

  Ashley put a tentative hand out, praying to not accidentally cup anyone’s boobs, including the guys. Sam’s pecs were at least a B cup, after all. But she found the light switch without incident and clicked it on, turning in the small space to the gang. ‘Well,’ she said.

  Everyone looked expectantly at her like she might say more. But what more was there to say? She leaned against the door and sighed.

  ‘So, what’s the plan?’ Leanne asked, crossing her arms.

  ‘The plan?’ Ashley repeated.

  ‘Yeah, what are we gonna do?’ Leanne asked from the back. Everyone turned to her.

  ‘We’re walking out with Pete. He gets on the plane, then we walk away,’ Ashley said, everyone turning to her now.

  ‘I know that’s what’s supposed to happen,’ Leanne said. ‘But it’s not gonna work, is it? I mean, he’s not actually gonna be allowed to leave. The police won’t go through with it.’

  ‘I really don’t know what the police are planning. If anything. It might all just go to plan,’ Ashley shrugged, so deeply tired. She wanted to sleep for a long time after this was over. Provided she didn’t somehow end up doing the big sleep, of course.

  ‘Are you thick?’ Leanne asked her.

  ‘Can you just leave me the fuck alone?’ Ashley asked, uninterested in Leanne’s next gripe.

  Leanne huffed and uncrossed her arms, elbowing everyone aside until she was right in front of Ashley. ‘Move.’

  ‘What for?’ Ashley asked.

  ‘I’m gonna… pick this lock. If he’s taking a crap, we’ve got some time.’

  ‘You’re going to pick the lock, are you, birthday girl?’ Ashley asked. ‘This I’ve got to see.’ She stood aside. Leanne stepped forward and looked at the lock. ‘Right, who’s got a hair grip?’

  ‘Seeing as it’s not the bloody nineteen forties, no one has,’ Gina said from the middle of the huddle.

  ‘Help me or shut up,’ Leanne said, the panic in her voice rising. Ashley knew better than to try and talk her out of this. She was freaking out, and she probably didn’t have
the first clue what she was doing. Better to let her keep herself busy.

  Leanne suddenly whipped her top off.

  ‘Whoa, hang about!’ Sam exclaimed, shielding his eyes. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘I’d be quite interested to know that,’ Ashley said casually.

  ‘Turn around!’ Leanne said. ‘Face the wall.’

  Everyone turned around to face whatever wall was closest. ‘For god’s sake,’ Tina muttered. ‘You’ve always got to be the centre of attention.’ But however quietly she’d thought she was saying it, it was a small space. ‘What did you just say?’ Leanne demanded.


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