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Captive Hearts

Page 16

by Natasha West

  ‘Nothing, nothing,’ Tina said quickly. Ashley wished Tina could just stand up to her friend. But that was clearly not their dynamic.

  ‘Turn back if you like now,’ Leanne said. Ashley turned to see that Leanne had her top back on, but she was holding her bra. She fiddled with it for a second until they all heard a rip and Leanne began to work the underwire out. Once she had it, she tossed the bra on the floor, got to her knees, and set to work at the keyhole with the little piece of metal.

  Everyone watched with interest for a moment. It soon turned to boredom. ‘Having some trouble?’ Ashley asked.

  ‘Fuck off, I’ve nearly got it,’ Leanne said. It didn’t take long for everyone to realise that was bullshit. Leanne was an idiot for trying this. Even if any of them knew how to pick a lock, Pete would hear them all trying to creep out. He was on high alert, poop or no poop. Luckily, Leanne was too big an idiot to get anywhere, so Ashley was happy to watch her occupying herself with this absurd task.

  ‘From what I know, I think you need a second bit to hook it down,’ Ashley told her, just to amuse herself.

  ‘You don’t know anything,’ Leanne said.

  Everyone began to talk among themselves. Greg and Sam were chatting about what would happen when they got out - they were very careful to emphasise the ‘when’ of it, rather than ‘if’ - and were making plans to go on a lovely, long holiday somewhere hot where Sam could work on his tan. Tina was watching Leanne, who kept demanding Tina move back and give her space to concentrate.

  Ashley shuffled over to Gina. If this was the last moment they’d have before the madness of the handover kicked off, she was taking it. Even if it was within earshot of everyone.

  ‘Hi,’ she said.

  ‘Hello,’ Gina said. ‘So, how’re things?’ she asked wryly.

  ‘Been better, been worse,’ Ashley shrugged with a sad smile.

  ‘You’ve been amazing is what you’ve been,’ Gina told her.

  Ashley sighed. ‘That really remains to be seen. But it’s nice of you to say.’

  ‘You should know. If nothing else, you should know that.’

  ‘I’ve done my best. I hope it was enough,’ Ashley said. ‘But… I couldn’t have handled Pete at all, if… if not for you,’ Ashley said hesitantly, touching the back of her neck, feeling a weird heat in her skin. It was ridiculous. In amongst all of this, why was she nervous to talk to Gina? Ten minutes from the possible chopping block and she was like some insecure teenager trying to chat up someone out of her league.

  ‘I didn’t do anything,’ Gina said easily.

  ‘You stopped Pete from, well, you know…’

  ‘Again, we really don’t know what he would have done. He was probably just trying to scare you,’ Gina dismissed.

  ‘Mission accomplished. I almost passed out with fear. But you didn’t. You were brave. You’ve had my back all day, actually. That’s how I got through this,’ she told her. There might not be another chance to pay her this compliment.

  ‘Really?’ Gina asked. ‘Me?’

  ‘Yes. You. And…’ Ashley checked the small room, but people had their own stuff going on. ‘What happened. In here. That wasn’t… It wasn’t what I said to Pete, I hope you know. It wasn’t just stress relief.’ Ashley took the deepest breath of her life. ‘It was… special.’

  A slow smile appeared on Gina’s face. ‘Yeah. It was.’ Gina slipped her hand into Ashley’s. Ashley took it gladly, caressing Gina’s palm with her thumb. ‘So, if this all goes alright, do you have any plans after?’ Gina asked with a nervous giggle.

  ‘God, this cupboard’s gay,’ Leanne muttered irritably to herself. Everyone ignored her.

  ‘Oh! Are you… are you asking me out?’ Ashley said, strangely taken by surprise.

  ‘Shit, did I misread?’ Gina asked, abruptly horrified.

  ‘No, no, god no… You’re not misreading. I mean, I think… I know we didn’t get off to a great start, but…’

  ‘Look, I always thought you were hot,’ Gina admitted. ‘Even when you were being mean to me.’

  ‘And I thought you were hot when I was being mean to you too,’ Ashley said with a warm laugh. ‘So-’

  ‘Hey, sorry to interrupt the love story in the corner, but I think I’ve just about got the lock sorted,’ Leanne called from the door.

  Gina’s and Ashley’s heads swivelled. ‘What?’ they said in panicked unison.

  ‘Yeah, I heard something move,’ she said, still fiddling.

  Ashley dashed over. ‘I don’t know if this is a good idea.’

  A clink noise came from beyond the door. But it wasn’t the sound of a lock opening. It was in fact the sound of the key that was stuck in the other side of the door falling out of the lock. ‘Leanne, you fucking idiot!’ Ashley hissed.

  ‘How am I an idiot?’ Leanne said from her knees.

  ‘Because you pushed the key out, the one Pete left in. And when he comes back…’

  ‘Hey, I just found a knife!’ Sam suddenly said, producing the penknife that Ashley had hidden hours earlier. Ashley gasped and grabbed it. ‘No, Sam-’

  The door swung open, Leanne stood quickly, throwing her little pick away.

  Pete appeared in the doorway. He was holding the gun, as ever. He was also holding the key. He studied the scene in the cupboard. Ashley with her knife. She realised immediately how it looked. Like she’d used the knife to poke the key out. Maybe intending to use the blade another way too.

  Pete seemed disappointed and very angry. ‘I just found the key outside, and I was really hoping it wasn’t... After what happened earlier, I really thought you’d learnt your lesson, Ashley. Give me that knife. Now.’

  Ashley handed him the knife carefully. ‘Pete, you’ve got it wrong…’ She began and then stopped. What she’d been going to say was that this was all Leanne. Only there was a slight problem with that. As much as Leanne was an utter dick, Ashley couldn’t quite bring herself to throw her to the wolves. Under the present circumstances, it was hard to know what that might mean. Though, obviously, it would be a bit weird for him to start shooting people right now, just as he was about to get away. But who knew?

  So Ashley closed her mouth and waited for Pete’s thumb to swing. ‘You know, I was going to have to pick someone to be right up close and personal when we go out, a head to point my gun at. I was thinking of going with Leanne here,’ he said, motioning the gun to Leanne, whose eyes widened. ‘But you love being in charge, don’t you? You’ve been controlling me all day, telling me what to do, picking my plans to bits. And now you’ve done this.’ He inhaled through his nose, putting the knife in his pocket, glaring at Ashley in a way that made her blood run cold. ‘So I think you’re gonna be my wing-woman on my way out. Just like you’ve helped all day. A final thank you, from me to you. That way, if anything goes tits up, you’ll be right there with me. Know what I’m saying?’

  Ashley did indeed know what he was saying.


  They were all at the front door. It was two minutes to midnight, and Gina was freaking out. She was trying to do it with no outward signs. But it wasn’t easy when her stomach felt like it was trying to climb up out of her throat.

  She wanted to punch Leanne in the tit. Because now, that horrible gun was going to be aimed at Ashley’s head again. The woman who’d been trying to fuck things up all day from utter selfishness had moved the target from her own back to the woman who’d worked all day to keep them safe. Poor Ashley. It was the one thing Gina hoped wouldn’t happen. To feel that steel pressed against her again.

  ‘Hey, Pete?’

  Pete, chewing the inside of his lip, eyeballing the door, gearing himself up, looked at her with irritated distraction. ‘What?’

  ‘What’s the plan, exactly?’

  ‘The plan is shut the fuck up,’ he said, glancing back at the door.

  ‘No, I’m just asking… If we all know what we’re doing, it’ll be easier.’

  ‘Oh. I was gonna tell you if yo
u waited. Fuck me, got somewhere to be?’

  ‘So…’ Gina prompted, ignoring warning looks from Ashley.

  Pete looked annoyed that she was pushing him, but he didn’t really have time for a tantrum, so he gave in. ‘You’re all gonna form a circle around me. Ashley will be right at the front, and she’ll tell them I’ve got the gun to her head. Just in case they get any last-minute ideas. And we’ll all walk together to the plane. I’ll jump on with Ashley blocking me off from sight, and once I feel happy with the pilot and I see the cash, I’ll shove her out.’

  ‘You’re taking her on the plane?’ she said, glancing at Ashley. She didn’t look happy. As she shouldn’t. He’d never said anything about this before.

  ‘For a second, yeah. Got a problem with that, Ash?’ Pete said, turning to Ashley.

  ‘No,’ Ashley said immediately. Gina thought it was wise not to argue with him. Which was why what she was about to do was probably quite stupid. ‘Pete, let me go with you. You can point the gun at me, I’ll step on board, all of it.’

  The whole room stared at Gina in shock. ‘Gina!’ Ashley exclaimed. ‘No!’

  ‘It’s fine, I want to,’ Gina said, keeping her eyes on Pete.

  ‘Why would I do that?’

  ‘Because… it was my knife. I poked the key out. Ashley tried to stop me, but… And when you walked in, she was trying to take it away so she could get rid of it.’

  ‘No, no, no…’ Ashley moaned.

  But Pete was scratching his chin. ‘Was it now?’

  ‘Yep. All me. And I wouldn’t feel right about Ashley being on the front line in my place.’

  ‘Gina-’ Ashley began. But Pete turned to her, gun up for a second. ‘Shut it.’ She did. Pete swung back to Gina. ‘You were the brains of that little scheme, were you? I’ve got to say, I sort of suspected it.’

  ‘Of course you did,’ Gina nodded. ‘No pulling the wool over your eyes, is there?’

  ‘She’s full of shit, Pete. It was me,’ Ashley tried.

  But Pete liked this idea, Gina could tell. He was probably remembering their little standoff, the way she’d embarrassed him. That had to be sitting wrong with him. And now he had an excellent reason to punish her. It would make him quite happy, Gina thought. She was OK with the risks of doing this. Or, not OK exactly, but she accepted them would be fairer to say. Because it felt like the right thing to do. Ashley had a bright future in front of her. This was going to be the start of everything she wanted. And Gina? She had less to lose. What was her life going to be if she let Ashley get killed and she went on to shoot more shitty movies? A waste.

  ‘OK, then, Gina. You’re at the front,’ Pete agreed.

  ‘Pete, she’s talking absolute bollocks. It was me!’ Ashley cried.

  ‘Ashley. You’re a lot of things. But you’re not stupid. And trying to get that key was so fucking stupid,’ Pete said.

  That was Gina’s cue to glare at Leanne, who’d been keeping schtum. She had the grace to look away.

  ‘If anyone would be thick enough, my money’s on Gina. Good of you to try and take the flack for her, though. Very romantic,’ he told Ashley with a horrible grin. He checked his watch. ‘Right. We’re off now. Everyone ready?’

  The group exchanged looks. They were definitely not ready.

  Pete stepped toward the door. ‘OK, Gina, come here.’

  Gina walked past Ashley, avoiding her eye. If she had to make eye contact with Ashley right now, she was going to fall to bits. And this was the moment to be strong. The strongest she’d ever been. Truth be told, she really didn’t know if she had it in her. Her legs were shaking, her throat was dry. But it didn’t matter. She would have to fake strength for now and hope it showed up later.

  She stepped towards Pete, who placed her between him and the door, both of them facing it. ‘Rest of you, link arms with Gina, form a circle round me.’

  They all did as they were told. Gina found herself arm in arm with Ashley.

  ‘You fucking maniac,’ Ashley hissed at her. ‘You shouldn’t have done this!’

  Gina grinned and shrugged. ‘Better it’s me. You’re about to get a lot of job offers, and I want you around to pick the best,’ she told her, trying to sound nonchalant.

  ‘Don’t say that,’ Ashley said, shakily. ‘Please. Don’t say things like that.’

  Gina felt hard steel pressed into her spine. ‘Open the door,’ Pete said tremulously. Gina put her hand out and gripped the handle. She took a deep breath and yanked it open.

  She was immediately smashed in the eyes with the high-intensity glare of several floodlights. Once her vision had recovered from the shock, she saw that the lights were all trained on the path from the door to the plane. It was the first time she’d seen the thing. She looked over to Ashley. ‘Shit. It’s an actual plane!’ Somehow, she’d never really believed it existed. But there it was, in the mechanical winged flesh. A light aircraft, ready to go.

  ‘Either that or DI Conway’s spent today putting together a hell of a papier-mache project,’ Ashley muttered darkly out of the side of her mouth. ‘Which would explain what the bloody hell she’s been doing all day.’

  ‘Oi, shush!’ Pete snapped, and Gina peered over her shoulder to see him, down on his haunches within the circle, as low as he could go. In all senses. ‘Conway!’ he screamed, making Gina’s ears ring. ‘You got my money on that bad boy?!’

  ‘Yes, Mr Ennis. I have. One hundred thousand, as agreed,’ the bullhorn voice replied.

  Pete snickered nervously to himself. ‘Yeah, damn straight.’ He lowered his voice. ‘Gina, tell ‘em you’ve got this gun in your back. And sound scared.’

  The last point didn’t need saying. Gina was terrified. ‘He’s got a gun in my back.’

  ‘We understand,’ DI Conway called back.

  Pete’s voice went back up to a shout. ‘Is Kara Malone out there?’

  ‘I’m here, Mr Ennis,’ replied the velvet tones of Kara Malone. Gina could practically hear Pete quiver with excitement as he replied, ‘Call me Pete.’

  ‘OK, Pete,’ Kara said, and Gina could hear a smile in her voice. She was loving this as much as he was, though for very different reasons. She was in it now, at the heart of the story. Gina felt a bit peeved on Ashley’s behalf.

  ‘Hey, I was thinking, if you wanted to get on the plane and wait for me, I’ll be down there in a minute, and we could do an interview before I take off?’ Pete called. He waited for an answer for a moment. When he didn’t hear anything, he added, ‘What do ya reckon, Kara?’

  Gina could see Kara behind the bulletproof shield. Though she couldn’t see her facial features with any detail, she knew that smile had fallen from her face. ‘Err, well, I don’t think that would be allowed,’ she said, her voice much less buoyant. ‘Would it, DI Conway?’ Kara asked quickly. Gina could have sworn she heard Ashley snicker.

  ‘No, Mr Ennis,’ the detective replied quickly. ‘It wouldn’t. You’ve got a plane and your money. I’m afraid that’s going to have to be the limit of what we can provide you with today.’

  Pete let out a huff, trying to deal with his disappointment the only way he knew how. Shouting. ‘Fine, whatever! I don’t give a fuck. I’m blowing this popcorn stand, anyway! Everyone! Start walking!’

  No one moved for a second. ‘Did I stutter?’ Pete said angrily.

  Gina thought it wasn’t as easy as all that. If everyone in this little circle started walking at different speeds, the whole thing was gonna go to pieces pretty quickly. ‘Everyone, on my count,’ Gina said. ‘One,’ she said, putting a foot in front of the other. She felt the group shuffle forward. ‘Two,’ she said, taking another step. Everyone else did the same. ‘One, two, one, two, one, two,’ she said with each step, and they were moving in sync, away from the door.

  But then they reached the top of the stairs. ‘Hey, careful everyone. We’re at the top of the steps. Watch your feet,’ Gina told them.

  ‘Yeah,’ Pete added darkly. ‘If anyone trips, I’m not gonn
a be happy.’

  ‘Just take it slow,’ Gina told everyone. ‘I’ll keep counting.’

  She began to step and count in half time, letting everyone catch up before she counted the next step forward. Little by little, they made it halfway down the stairs.

  ‘Wait, hang about,’ a voice said. Gina was unsurprised to recognize it as Leanne. She’d been silent since the incident with the bra underwire, but now she was back to her usual annoying, brazen self. ‘You’re going too fast, and I’m walking sideways. I’m gonna break my neck if I fall.’


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