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Iron Kingdom

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by Clark, Christopher

  Königgrätz, Battle of 536, 541–2

  Köpenick, 24

  Körner, Theodor 379

  Kosciuszko, Tadeusz 292

  Kottwitz, Hans Ernst von 413

  Kotzebue, August von 399–400

  Krefeld 180, 181

  Kulm 239

  Kunersdorf, Battle of (1759) 203–4, 208

  Küstrin 23, 25, 38, 106, 109–10, 243

  La Motte Fouqué, Friedrich Karl de 316

  Laing, Samuel 429

  Landwehr: in action in 1813–15 370, 373–4; political significance of 379–80; in 1848 484; decline after 1848 513–15

  Langenbielau 450–41, 465

  Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 265

  League of Princes (1785) 217

  Leber, Julius 670

  Leipzig 124–5, 130

  Leipzig, Battle of (1813): 367–371; memory of 380–81, 399

  Leistikow, Walter 565

  Lenzen 34

  Leopold, Emperor 51, 102

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 222, 250, 262, 263

  Lestwitz, Charlotte Helene von 170–71

  Leuchtmar, Johann Friedrich von 42–3

  Leuthen, Battle of (1757) 202, 208

  Leuthinger, Nicolaus 1

  Leutwein, Theodor Gotthilf von 604–6

  Levin, Rahel, 264, 266, 375

  Leyen, Johann and Friedrich von der 181–2

  Liberals: in the pre-March 441–3, 460–61; in 1848 478; collaboration with government after 1848 504–5; opposition to military reforms 515–16; constitutional crisis 516–17; response to Prussian victory in 1866 542–4; in Prussian cities after 1871 563; anti-Catholicism 570–71; support for Germanization measures in Prussian Poland 581, and anti-militarism 599–600; in Prussia’s republican coalitions 630; in police administration 633; collapse of electoral support in Prussia 643

  Lieberkühn, Philipp Julius 155

  Liebermann, Max 565

  Liebknecht, Karl 626

  Liège, Bishopric of 285–6

  Liegnitz, Battle of (1760) 201

  Ligny, Battle of (1815) 372

  Lithuania, Prussian: 134, 142, 429

  Lobositz, Battle of (1756) 201, 207–8

  Löcknitz, 35, 165

  Louis XIV of France, 44, 45, 47, 75, 139, 294, 322

  Louis XV of France, 198, 211

  Louis XVI of France, 211, 255, 289

  Louis Ferdinand, Prince 304

  Louise Henriette of Orange, 40

  Luckenwalde 179

  Ludendorff, Erich 609–11, 622–3

  Ludwig I of Bavaria 439

  Lünig, Johann Christian 69

  Luise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia 299, 303, 310, 312, 316–18; 376–7

  Lutheranism: 61, 254; in conflict with the Calvinist executive 115–24; and Pietism 132–9; opposition to Prussian Union of 1817 416–19, 438; folk religion 422–3; pressure on ecclesiastical infrastructure after 1918 636–8

  Lüttwitz, Walther von 625, 628, 629, 633, 646

  Lützen, Battle of 365

  Lützow, Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von 364, 379–80

  Luxemburg, Rosa 624, 626

  Lysius, Heinrich 134

  Macdonald, Alexandre 358, 367, 369

  Magdeburg, 24–5, 48, 99, 104, 157, 159, 243, 244; Estates resist new taxes 91; Lutheran hostility to Calvinists and Pietists 127–8; as economic centre 180, 220

  Mainz 295

  Malapane Hütte, 176

  Malmø, Armistice of 492–3

  Manteuffel, Edwin von 516–17, 522

  Manteuffel, Otto von 500, 502, 503, 504, 505–506, 507, 522, 578

  Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg 23, 28, 76

  Maria Theresa, Empress 142, 190, 193–4, 197–8, 201, 218

  Marie Antoinette of France, 211, 285

  Mark, County of 16, 20, 27, 55, 57, 63, 89, 91, 180, 210, 223, 277

  Marwitz, Friedrich August Ludwig von der 330, 444, 652

  Marx, Karl 435, 457, 483, 498–9

  Massenbach, Christian von 323

  Masuria 134, 212, 428, 580, 608, 640

  Mazarin, Cardinal 139

  Meisner, Balthasar 120

  Mendelssohn, Moses 250, 260–63

  Menzel, Adolph 229

  Messel, Alfred 564, 565

  Metternich, Prince Clemens Wenzel Lothar Nepomuk von 1, 365, 371, 391–2, 404, 471, 490

  Mettrie, Jules Offray de la 187

  Mevissen, Gustav 543

  Miquel, Johannes 545

  Mieroslawski, Ludwik 577, 578

  Militarism 600–603

  Miller Arnold Affair 243–4

  Minden 48, 278

  Minutoli, Julius von 469, 472

  Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, Count 178–9, 267

  Mittelmark 2, 166, 179

  Mittenzwei, Ingrid 686

  Mittwochsgesellschaft see Wednesday Club

  Möllendorf, Wichard Joachim Heinrich 324–5

  Moeller van der Bruck, Arthur 657

  Mohrungen 408, 409

  Mollwitz, Battle of 194, 195

  Moltke, Helmut von 458, 526, 536, 537, 544, 551

  Motz, Friedrich von 394

  Müller, Hermann 641

  Münchow, Ludwig Wilhelm von 240–41

  Muir, Ramsay 670–71

  Mylius, Christian Otto 106

  Nantes, Edict of 140

  Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul, Emperor 284, 294, 295, 300, 302, 304, 305–6, 307–9, 322, 338, 349, 352–6, 365–72

  Napoleon III, French Emperor 512, 525, 547–8, 552

  Nassau, County of 294, 393, 542

  Nassau-Siegen, John Moritz von 61–2

  nationalism: as problem for post-Napoleonic Prussia 386–95; in 1848 486–95; and small-German union 499–500, 514–15; in Schleswig-Holstein crisis 524, 530; nationalist organizations and Germanization measures in Prussian Poland 581; nationalists (DNVP) in Weimar Prussia 635, 636–7; press for dissolution of Landtag 643

  National Socialists (Nazis): 640–45, 647–51, 655–70; cult of ‘Prussiandom’ 655–63; dissolution of Prussia as administrative entity 663–4

  neo-stoicism 40

  Netze District 232, 233, 237, 238–9

  Neuenburg/Neuchâtel 244

  Neumark, 2, 22, 159, 210

  Neurath 422

  Neuruppin 155

  Neustadt 356

  neutrality, as geopolitical option 23–4; 293–4; 299–305

  Nicholas I, Tsar 398, 492, 499

  Nicolai, Friedrich 129, 222, 224, 227–8, 252, 263, 273

  nobility (see also Estates): and the army 98–9, 113–14, 157; wealth and status 155–6; kinship networks 156–7; plurality of provincial nobilities 157; financial difficulties of 159–60; as landowners 160–64; and changes in manorial justice 164; in the face of peasant disobedience 166–7; gender roles in 167–71; state conservation of 237; patrimonial justice in the era of reform 341; decline of corporate privilege 408–9; changing patterns of landownership 502; impact of 1918 defeat 638–9; agrarian interest politics 638–9; and monarchism 639, 664–5; quest for authoritarian leadership 639; role in dissolution of democratic Prussia 644, 650; relationship with Nazi movement and regime 665–6; role in anti-Nazi resistance 667; demise of East-Elbian nobility 676

  North German Confederation 542, 545–6

  Northern War (1655–60) 43, 44

  Northern War, Great (1700–1721) 86

  Noske, Gustav 625, 626–7, 628

  Nowy Targ 231

  Nymphenburg, League of 194, 242

  Oberbarnim District 31

  Oder river 2, 35, 48, 93, 192, 237

  Oderbruch floodplain 35, 91–2

  Oliva, Peace of 50, 54, 58

  Olmütz, Punctation of 497–500

  Oppenheimer, Moritz Daniel 382

  Ortelsburg 312

  Osterwieck 154

  Paderborn 295, 421

  Palatinate, The 14–15, 295, 395, 533

  Panin, Nikita 215

  Papen, Franz von 644, 645, 647, 648, 649, 652

sp; Paris, Treaty of (1763) 206

  parliaments (see also Diets): National Assembly in Berlin (1848) 478–82; in Frankfurt (1848) 487–8, 493–4; Prussian Landtag after 1848 501–2, 560, 581; Prussian ‘House of Lords’ 560, 669; German Reichstag 560, 562–3; three-class franchise in Prussia 561–2; abolition of same 635; DNVP call for dissolution of Landtag 643

  peasants: labour services 163–4; resistance of illegitimate demands from landlords 164–7; gender relations, moral economy 171–4; and manorial justice 174; in annexed areas of Poland 238; as objects of reformist initiatives 319–20, 327–30

  Peitz 3, 60

  Perleberg, County of 687–8

  Pfalz-Neuburg, Dukes of 16, 17

  Pfuel, Ernst Heinrich Adolf von 471, 472, 480–81

  Pietism: as movement of reform within Lutheranism 124–7; in the city of Halle 127–37; cultural impact 137–9

  Pillnitz, Declaration of 287

  Poelzig, Hans 564, 565

  Poland: and the Brandenburg claim to Ducal Prussia 10, 39, 42, 44, 49, 50, 58–60, 65, 70; Brandenburg relations with 79; Russian designs on in Seven Years War 200; declining political stability 230–31; Partitions of 186, 211, 231–9, 289–92; nobility of 237–8; impact of partitions on Prussian security 293–4; Wars of Liberation and 363; re-partition in 1814–15 388; regional politics in Posen 410–11; uprising of 1830 410–11; Poles as linguistic and ethnic minority 428, 439, 466; national movement 443, 478, 577–8; Prussian Poles in the German Empire 576–83; ‘Germanization’ measures in Prussian Poland 578–83; Polish uprising in 1918 620

  Polish Succession, War of the (1733–38) 190

  Pomerania 9, 20, 25, 26, 42, 44, 48–50, 55, 150, 156, 157, 159, 210, 220, 347–8, 414–15, 484

  Poniatowski, Stanislaw August, King of Poland, see Stanislaw, King 231

  Posen, Grand Duchy, later Province of 410–11; anti-Catholic campaign in 573

  Potsdam: 2, 35–6, 262; refuge of Frederick II after Seven Years War 227; in 1848 477; ‘Day of Potsdam’ (1933) 655–7

  Potsdam, Edict of 140

  Plaue 30, 32

  Plehwe, Hans Rudolf von 402

  Pragmatic Sanction 190–91

  Prague, Battle of (1757) 202, 220

  Prague, Peace of 25

  Prenzlau 151, 154

  Preuss, Hugo 620, 621

  Preussisch-Eylau, Battle of 308

  Prignitz, 2, 21, 30, 34, 36, 156, 165–6

  Prittwitz, Karl Ludwig von 471, 472, 474

  Privy Council (Geheimer Rat) 14, 62

  Protestant church (Prussian Union) after 1918 636–8; ethnocentrism and anti-Semitism in 637–8

  ‘Prussian School’ (of historians) xix–xx

  Pufendorf, Samuel, 36–7, 47, 71, 240, 615

  Quantz, Johann Joachim 185

  Raby, Lord 72, 78

  Radowitz, Joseph Maria von 397, 495, 498, 511

  Radziwill, Prince Boguslav 61–2

  Ramler, Karl Wilhelm 219, 250–51

  Ranke, Leopold von 434

  Rastatt 295, 486

  Rathenow 45

  Ravensberg, County of 16, 20, 180, 278

  Ravenstein, Lordship of 16

  Rebeur, Jean-Philippe, 103

  Rechberg, Johann Bernhard von 525

  Recke, Count Adalbert von der 413–14

  Reden, Friedrich Wilhelm von 179

  Reformation 7–9

  Reichenbach, Convention of (1790) 286

  Reichenbach, Treaty of (1813) 366

  Rhineland Province: Prussian acquisition of (1815) 389, 391; political mobilization in 405, 406, 411–12, 446–7; legal system 427; revolutions of 1848 476, 481–2, 483, 485; industrial growth in 531; bastion of oppositional politics after 1871 562–3; separatism in, after First World War 620; regionalist sentiment 684

  Ritter, Doris 107

  Rochlitz, Friedrich 368–9

  Rochow, Gustav Adolf Rochus von 418–19, 440–41

  Rodbertus, Carl 616

  Roon, Albrecht von 517, 529

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 673–4

  Rosenberg, Alfred 657

  Rosenberg, Hans 162

  Rosicrucians 268–9, 270

  Rossbach, Battle of (1757) 201, 202, 219, 225

  Roth, Hieronymus 59–60

  Royal Prussia (see also West Prussia) 231–9

  Rüchel, Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich von 296–7, 303

  Rühle von Lilienstern, Johann Jakob Otto August 395, 396

  Ruge, Arnold 457

  Rumbold, Sir George 300

  Russia: as a factor in Prussian foreign policy 190, 197, 198–200; and Seven Years War 198–200, 203–5, 211–12; attitudes to 224–5; role in partitions of Poland 231–2, 289–92; relations with Napoleonic France 299–300, 303, 308; as prospective Prussian ally after 1809 345, 353–4, 356; in anti-French coalition 362–3, 366; as factor in Russian foreign policy after 1815 398; opposes Prussian-led union in 1848–50 492, 496, 499; breaks with Austria after Crimea 512; neutral in Austro-Prussian conflict 533–4; gravitates towards France in 1880s and 1890s 554–5; attitude to Prussian tradition in 1944–45 674–5

  Saalfeld, Battle of (1806) 306

  Sack, August Friedrich Wilhelm 220

  Sack, Johann August 345, 348, 349

  St Germain, Peace of 50

  St Petersburg, Convention of (1755) 198

  St Petersburg, Treaty of (1793) 289

  Salzburg, Archbishopric of, exodus of the Protestants from 141–144

  Sand, Karl 399–401, 447

  Saxony, Electorate of, later Kingdom of: 7, 20, 23, 139; expulsion of the Pietists 124–5; invasion of 186, 199–200; rivalry with Prussia 190, 193, 194, 196, 217; as ally against Napoleon in 1806 303; sides with Napoleon in 1813 364, 366; troops defect to Allies in 1813 369; partition of in 1815 388–9; in the German Confederation 393; source of Lutheran activism 417; defects from Erfurt Union 496, 498; Austrian ally in 1866 535

  Schack, Major von 109

  Schadow, Johann Gottfried 275, 316, 317

  Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann David von 324, 326, 355, 360, 363, 383, 440, 686

  Scharnweber, Christian Friedrich 339

  Scheidemann, Philipp 613, 619, 625

  Schill, Ferdinand von 347–349, 350, 364, 661

  Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 382–3, 565, 659–60

  Schleicher, Kurt von 644, 645, 647, 649, 650, 652–3

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich 264, 663

  Schleinitz, Alexander von 511, 513

  Schleswig-Holstein: 44, 50, 488, 491–3, 523–5; under joint Austro-Prussian occupation 531–3; annexed by Prussia 542; regionalist sentiment 684–5

  Schlüter, Andreas 73

  Schmalz, Theodor Anton Heinrich 378–9

  Schmoller, Gustav 179, 616–17

  Schön, Theodor von 318, 357, 384, 423, 441, 460

  Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1805) 301–2

  Schools: 112, 133–4; military 157–8; reforms 331–2; after 1815 406–7

  Schroetter, Friedrich Leopold von 280, 318, 336

  Schuckmann, Kaspar Friedrich von 280

  Schulenburg, Fritz-Dietlof von der 665, 667, 668


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