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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 23

by K'Anne Meinel

  Erin was a nervous wreck. As Pat, the wedding coordinator had done most of the work she didn’t know what to do. Used to organizing things, Erin wasn’t used to taking a back seat and doing nothing. Kate tried to distract her but was unsuccessful. This worried Kate as then she had doubts that Erin really didn’t want to marry her which led to a fight. Fighting the day before their wedding put both of them on edge and the stress built from there. In the middle of the fight which escalated Kate started laughing at themselves. Erin soon joined her realizing how out of proportion things had become. They had hired Pat to do the work so they didn’t have to. Taking it out on Kate was stupid and juvenile. Kate teased her out of it until they were both in tears laughing. Kate threatened to release the helium filled balloons from all points and the thought of her dashing around with a knife had Erin laughing.

  “They warned me you might be some kind of nut” she laughed.

  “They?” Kate laughed back “Who are ‘they?’”

  “My friends, my manager, everyone.” She calmed down but continued to smile.

  That smile just made Kate feel so warm inside, it was incredible what it could do to and for her. “Are they wrong?”

  “I’m not so sure at the moment.”

  Kate did something totally unexpected and pushed Erin into the pool. As Erin came up sputtering and angry again she joined her in the pool and began tickling her. Erin sputtered in laughter. “Stop, stop, you KNOW how much I HATE to be tickled.”

  She gave as good as she got though and soon Kate was on the defensive “Ok, uncle, UNCLE, I give up, I give up!” She was laughing so hard she was going to drown.

  They both slogged their way to the shallow end. C.A.T. eyed them critically as they dripped out of the pool fully clothed. D.O.G. had come out to see what the commotion was all about. Eyeing him, Kate started shaking her head like a dog sending water flying everywhere. C.A.T. left at this idiotic display and D.O.G. backed away in alarm. Erin laughed at her antics. Both of them were stopped at the door to the house by Pat.

  “You are NOT getting water all over the floor of the house!” She eyed them balefully.

  Kate calmly started to strip in front of the alarmed wedding coordinator. Erin was at first incredulous but catching Kate’s amused and daring look her way began to strip as well. Grabbing a towel when she was down to her underwear she calmly squeezed out her clothes and walked past the open mouthed and stunned coordinator, Kate turned and waited for Erin to do the same. They headed for the bedroom and didn’t come out for a couple of hours. They weren’t needed and Kate was going to spend the night at a hotel anyway, they weren’t going to see each other until the actual ceremony the next day.

  The next day dawned bright and sunny. An iffy thing in January in Santa Barbara, it could have been overcast or rain. Kate had requisitioned bright and sunny though and the coordinator hadn’t been as amused as Erin. Neither cared if it was raining as they both enjoyed the rain but for a wedding day they supposed bright and sunny was best. Kate got to the house to be greeted by an upset D.O.G. who had been TIED up so as not to get in the way. Kate went looking for Pat. She was informed that Pat was in with Erin who was getting dressed and Kate was not allowed in. Untying D.O.G., Kate went around looking at the preparations with D.O.G. in tow, several of the people setting up looked alarmed but Kate ignored them, the dog knew how to behave!

  She admired the flowers strewn over the tables. A large centerpiece down the main table contained roses and calla lilies, Kate supposed Erin told them to do that as both of those flowers were Kate’s favorites. Each place setting was in gold or what appeared to be gold with two forks, a knife, and a spoon. Three goblets? She asked and was told one for water, one for champagne, and one for wine or sparkling cider, depending on the guest’s requests. The pristine white tablecloths were embroidered with cobalt blue threads, it really made for a lovely setting. The chapel area of the tent was partially shaded and partially open to the sky. The balloons had all been inflated, launched, and tethered to the grounds at intervals around the property and especially around the tents. Pat had assured them this would help keep helicopters at bay, they all hoped so.

  Already there were paparazzi at the gates. Security was checking each and every vehicle as it entered the grounds. Kate had even been checked, she laughed over that, having to explain SHE was ONE of the BRIDES!

  Kate was careful not to get anywhere near the master bedroom where Erin was getting dressed. As she walked the grounds she watched as caterers and other people came and went. Suddenly she realized she was being followed when D.O.G. started pulling on his lead. Peter and Elijah hailed her.

  “Hey Kate!”

  Turning she smiled a welcome. My they looked dapper in their tuxes and spats! “You two look great! Has your mom seen you?” Her eyes sparkled down on them both, although with Peter it wasn’t very far down, he was growing so fast.

  “Yes, she sent us to find you to tell you to get changed” Peter answered laughing at her jeans and T-shirt, not a very ‘bride like’ appearance.

  She looked down at her attire and asked mournfully “Can’t I wear this?”

  “I don’t think mom would be happy” Elijah laughed. They all laughed imagining Erin’s reaction and began walking towards the house.

  “Hey you two, I’ve been meaning to ask you this and never found the right time.” Kate stopped which made them both stop and look questioningly at her. “Are you okay with all this? Me and your mom marrying and all that?”

  Peter smiled understandingly “Yeah, I am. Mom’s been a LOT happier since she met YOU.”

  “Yeah, you’re pretty fun to be around” Elijah quipped.

  Kate grinned, she understood what they couldn’t bring themselves to say so she said it for them “I love you guys ya know?” Her eyes teared up as she looked at them and they both smiled and squirmed a little, but they were pleased, they loved her too.

  With a brief nod in her direction Peter started for the house. He reached for D.O.G.’s lead. Following his brother’s example Elijah grinned and nodded before heading after the other two. Kate smiled and followed. They led her through the pool area. The pool was filled with flowers both real and what looked real, filled with candles. These would be lit as the evening started to provide a beautiful background on the waters. Elijah looked around the corner and whispered “the coast is clear” and the four of them headed to the back of the house. Pat was waiting, impatiently.

  “Hurry, we have to get you ready.” She looked anxious.

  Kate grinned “don’t worry, I can be ready in like 20 minutes, I swear!”

  Pat didn’t look so sure “have you showered?” She looked Kate up and down at the jeans and T-shirt.

  Kate grinned “why, do I smell?” and then deciding teasing this harried woman wasn’t going to give her any satisfaction she answered “Yes, that’s why my hair is still up from it being brushed out this morning at the hotel.” She swept by the planner and saw her dress had been removed from her car and laid out on the bed. As the door closed behind her she looked at her reflection in the mirror as she stripped off her casual clothes. She looked fine, thin, svelte, and a few other words she couldn’t think of right now. She slid into the appropriate underwear and slip and sprinkled on some of her favorite perfume, one she didn’t use too often but knew Erin loved on her. She brushed out her hair a final time and pinned it back up, it was still slightly damp it was so thick. She ran the hair dryer under it for a minute and then picked up her dress to slide it over her and zipped up the side zipper. It fit her like a glove. The fittings had been worth it and Kate stared in amazement at how beautiful it was. Putting a towel over the top she leaned into her mirror and expertly applied her make-up and then let her hair down a final time she brushed it one last time. Putting on diamond earrings she stepped to a full length mirror as she slipped into her heels, leaned down a final time to strap them on and looked at the complete picture staring back at her in the mirror. Cut in a Greek style, similar to
what she had worn at the Academy Awards but with a more sophisticated flair she was surprised at the image looking back at her. Not only had this dress been custom made for her, it had been color coordinated for her skin tone and hair type. The fresh streaks she had put in her hair two weeks ago brought out the off white of the gown which was sprinkled with brown, red, and blonde threads throughout the pattern. A large swath of material barely covered her breasts before the gown tapered showing off her rock hard abs, making her bust appear even larger. Where her large shoulders usually detracted from her the gown’s swath encompassed and utilized, hiding the broad expanse but leaving a short sleeve over the shoulders to hide subtly that which she detested. Kate was very impressed. Her long brown hair with its red and gold streaks had been shorn two short weeks ago with it now reaching and hinting at the tattoo in back. The gown’s swoop left that area bare. This gown hid her belly button ring but then for a wedding perhaps that wasn’t appropriate. Kate looked elegant, felt elegant, and knew she looked stunning and would dazzle her friends and family. She wondered what the designer had created for Erin and hoped that she would like how she looked as well.

  It hadn’t even been 20 minutes before she peeked out the door much to Pat’s surprise and amazement. As Pat was the only one standing there, Kate swung the door wide and pirouetted for her. Pat was impressed. Giving a low whistle she smiled at her employer and said “Kate, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were a different woman! You look marvelous!”

  Kate grinned in response. “Is it time yet?”

  “You were ready a lot faster than I thought; you’ve got 15 minutes to wait yet.”

  “Where’s Erin?” Kate asked.

  “We are keeping her in a corner of one of the tents, hidden. As I mentioned in rehearsal you two will meet in the pool area before your boys walk you down the aisles.”

  They had arranged two aisles on either side of all the chairs with one aisle down the middle. Kate and her two sons, Erin and her two sons, would each walk up one set of these aisles and meet at the front of the tent together.

  Kate backed into the bedroom and remained standing. It was an impatient 15 minutes. Five minutes went by and she was getting nervous. Another five and she could feel herself getting even more nervous.

  Sean popped his head in the bedroom. “How ya doin’ Ma?”

  Automatically Kate responded “don’t call me MA!” and then she grinned at her oldest son. The tux that matched Erin’s two boys looked very impressive on her tall son.

  Sean looked his mother over critically. It had been a wonderful few years from the jeans and T-shirted mom he remembered. Her sense of style and certainly her taste had changed over the years since she had come into her inheritance and moved to California. Meeting Erin she had begun to move in circles that fed on that exquisite taste. She looked awesome. She took good care of herself and didn’t look her age in the least. He was proud of her. Anyone who criticized her for her sexuality needed to have their heads examined, she was happy, she wasn’t hurting anyone, and if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Erin they were ALL for it. Uncle Seth could go soak his head. “You all ready?” He asked grinning. He could see she was but making small talk helped to calm both of them.

  Nodding she looked at the mirror for the millionth time. “How do I look?”

  “Fine except for that spot on the back of your dress!” A new voice told her and she looked up alarmed for the spot and then laughed at her younger son Brad who was grinning as he got her goat.

  “You’re a pain in the backside ya know that don’t you?” She asked him.

  “I come by it naturally” he responded.

  Kate looked him over, he too filled out the tux just right as Erin and she had intended. Both of Kate’s boys were standing up with both of Erin’s sisters at the altar. Kate laughed, it would appear, despite the dress she was in, she was the man at the altar with her ‘groomsmen,’ she knew there would always be people at these same sex marriages who would wonder. Both of Erin’s son’s had proudly been ushers. Joking that they had to ush people to their seats.

  Pat signaled from the door “it’s time.”

  Kate walked towards the door and the boys let her pass. Pat handed her a bouquet of long stemmed multi-colored calla lilies and red roses. It was a beautiful bouquet and Kate told her so. Pat smiled. It had been difficult to please these two diverse women and yet in so many ways so very easy. They walked through the house which had had professional cleaners in just two days ago. Pat hadn’t liked the three cats or the dog but that was okay, the feeling was mutual. Two of the cats were locked in one of the boy’s bedrooms and D.O.G. and C.A.T. were to be locked in the other, much to their dismay.

  At the far end of the pool Erin came in from the tent and Kate got her first look of her future wife. She looked incredible. Her gown too was off white but the pattern had blue and red threads in the silk. The style was decidedly French in appearance but still complemented the Grecian style of Kate’s dress. Neither dress went beyond their calves and both showed beautiful calves, thin ankles, and matching shoes. Kate walked up and said “Oh wow, you look incredible.” She blinked back tears as Erin waved a finger in warning.

  They shared an intimate smile. For today Erin’s hair was its natural blonde brown. It was styled in a messy sort of ‘come to bed’ look as Kate always termed it but on her it looked artistically appealing, like it was windblown but oh so cultured. Kate was stunned. She wanted to touch, to kiss, she constrained herself. Erin could only smile for a moment before she herself was blinking back tears “Oh Kate, you look so BEAUTIFUL!”

  Kate’s hair too looked windblown due to the cut but because of its length and her repeated brushing the lights catching it made Erin breathless. She wanted to run her fingers through it, to feel it, to caress her beautiful partner. The dress was marvelous and perfect for Kate. They grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed. The photographer and camera man got their expressions on film. They walked out from the pool area to the tent. The music started a traditional wedding march and all the guests rose as they turned to watch. Erin’s sisters walked down the center aisle one at a time strewing rose and lily petals along the white carpet. They stopped at the alter and turned to watch Erin and Kate. The brides headed to their appropriate sides of the tent. Erin’s boys met her on the right. Kate’s son’s followed her to the left. They marched in tune with the music, boys escorting them a step behind. The guests were a little startled as most brides came up the center. They caught on as they saw the movements on either side of them and turned to follow the bride’s paths as they met in the middle at the front of the tent. Sunlight streamed in on the altar where they stopped, shining on both bride’s heads, their hair highlights glittering in the rays. Erin’s sisters stood behind her on the right, Kate’s son’s took their places on the left, Erin’s sons walked to the front of the seats and stood on either side of the aisle. Peter on the right, Elijah on the left. They had fought over who got to be on Kate’s side but Kate had solved Erin’s dilemma by flipping a coin three times, whoever got the most heads won and Elijah was proud to stand on Kate’s side.

  The justice of the peace, also an ordained minister began the ceremony “we are gathered here today in the sight of God” she paused for affect and to look up into the sun filled sky. Kate and Erin smiled warmly at one another and looked up too. Kate was of the Lutheran church and Erin was a confirmed atheist so this was a meeting of the two they felt. Not in a church, outside in nature, sort of, and it appealed to both their senses of what was right, what was natural. The minister did not ask if anyone objected, Kate and Erin didn’t care if they did. The minister had them repeat traditional vows to love, to honor, to cherish, in sickness and in health, until death parted them. Kate was tearing up and it got Erin going too. Both had white handkerchiefs with blue embroidered on them, they were borrowed from Erin’s sisters who had insisted on ‘borrowing’ the matched set that had been given to the sisters from their beloved mother.
They were to be returned, that was the bargain. Each needed to mop tears from time to time as the service continued.

  Kate was more nervous she felt than giving a speech at one of the awards ceremonies. Erin could feel the tremors from Kate in her hands and squeezed helpfully. She herself was so nervous. Would Kate say no at the crucial moment? She had been so skittish at times Erin wondered if she had talked Kate into this and now she would back out before it was too late? But no, Kate wasn’t like that, they loved each other and pledged before God and Man to love forever. It was so special, so meaningful that both were startled to hear “I now pronounce you married, you may kiss your bride. What God hath joined together, let no man or woman put asunder!” Kate grinned as Erin gave her an incredible smile and they kissed before all their family and friends. They heard chuckles behind them and as they turned they realized C.A.T. and D.O.G. had escaped the bedroom and were standing in the aisle waiting expectantly for them. The size of C.A.T. startling a few. Both looked mischievous and concerned at the large gathering. It got their marriage off to a good start, on laughter. The minister announced “May I present to you Ms. Erin Ingram and Ms. Kate McCall, Wife and Wife, FOREVER!” People started to stand and clap.

  They started to walk down the aisle each leaned down to grab a lead and pull the pets along with them as their guests laughed and clapped. Handing the leads to Peter and Elijah, Kate and Erin walked arm and arm down the aisle. Sean escorted Erin’s sister Allie and Brad escorted Cici. Peter and Elijah came up behind with the pets on their leashes. Kate was surprised and pleased to see her own sister in attendance. She also saw Haley with her two girls but no Craig; she wondered for a moment and then dismissed it. Today was HER day, today was Erin’s day, and nothing was going to mar it.


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