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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 24

by K'Anne Meinel

  Haley was amazed that Kate had gone through with it all. The house she lived in was incredible and it was obvious to anyone who looked at the two of them together that they loved each other. She was actually happy for Kate. She had thought over the interviews and read the articles and thought it really took guts for what the two of them had done to come out like that. Now that they had married they made another statement that a lot of people just couldn’t understand. They were committed not only to each other but to their relationship, they had formed a union that said to God and man that they wanted to be together, forever. Haley had to respect that, her own life might not be perfect but Kate had been right, she had changed a lot since the days they had been friends and lovers. She did fit in here. It was obvious if you just chose to look. Haley was genuinely happy for her.

  They walked to the entrance of the other tent and formed a receiving line. Kate was pleased at how many of her ‘old’ friends had made it. Erin was pleased who had accepted from her industry. Because it was a small wedding and reception she had tried NOT to offend anyone but it was probably inevitable that she had done so despite all attempts to the contrary. Down home people rubbed shoulders with stars, celebrities, and Hollywood bigwigs. Kate’s entire family had come and for that Erin was grateful. She knew Kate had worried that she had lost some of them forever by this choice in her life and had shrugged off the loss. To see them here was tantamount to them accepting them, accepting Kate’s choices. One step at a time.

  Pictures were taken once all the guests had been let into the other tent which was set up with tables and chairs. The ceremony area would be transformed into a dance hall and the band set up once the pictures were taken. The sides of the tent could be opened once dinner was finished so they would all flow between the two tents. There was one commotion as security threw out a gate crasher who had scaled the walls. Erin laughed at his perplexed expression. Kate was annoyed but security was pretty heavy and they would handle it. They took pictures outside in the gardens as well as special ones of the two of them together. Family included their two sets of boys, Kate’s new daughter in law, even the pets. The family portrait with the dog and cat leaning against the bride’s off white dresses made for a beautiful picture. The pets were finally let loose in the master bedroom with the door firmly shut this time, Kate made sure of it.

  Finally it was time to eat and they returned to applause from their guests as they sat in the middle of the head table. Many toasts were made as waiters brought salads to each of the guests. Kate joked that she hadn’t eaten that day and the champagne was going to go straight to her head. She told Erin quietly that she could take advantage of her now, legally. They giggled like schoolgirls, they were so happy. Dinner was roast chicken slices in a French styled gravy with three different vegetables. A small fruit plate was offered before the cake cutting ceremony. The photographer and camera man got pictures of Erin feeding Kate and Kate almost dropping her fork filled with cake down Erin’s well filled dress but catching it with her free hand. They laughed and it was all caught on film.

  As the caterers cleared the tables a couple of singers serenaded the married couple to songs they both felt such an affinity to. FOREVER by Leanna Warnke and THIS NIGHT (the rest of our life) by Brian Chesterfield. Kate was thrilled and touched that Erin had gotten the actual singers to sing their own songs a cappella or accompanied by a guitar. The guests found the music thrilling and didn’t even realize the sides of the tent were drawn back until the band leader called to Erin and Kate to take their first dance as a married couple. Everyone laughed as Sean called out “who will lead?”

  The cameras caught the beautiful moment as they danced quietly together, neither really leading as they shuffled together to MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? as the band played quietly. Sean cut in for the second song and danced with his mother as Peter cut in for Erin. A quarter of the way through the song Elijah cut in on Sean to dance with Kate and Brad cut in on Peter to dance with Erin. Eventually each of the brides danced with her own two sons and her new wife’s two sons with varying degrees of success. Both were happy to end up dancing with each other again.

  The guests had been asked not to take pictures with their phones or their own camera’s. Because of Erin’s fame, most had been understanding. A few hadn’t but security discretely handled that. The official photographer and cameraman left cards for guests to obtain for free some of the pictures from the wedding and reception. Erin and Kate left for a time at sundown for photos on the grounds of just the two of them. They posed for several carefully selected paparazzi which satisfied some of them and upset a whole lot more. It wasn’t like the marriage of internationally known movie star Erin Ingram could be hidden and especially a gay marriage! They had worked it out with Pat so it wouldn’t be a mob scene. Pat had connections and the few paparazzi who incurred her wrath would never get exclusives so for the most part they had behaved. The balloons had worked beautifully, not only with the decor but to block any fly overs by helicopters. The ceremony had been beautiful and relatively quiet.

  Kate and Erin enjoyed the reception immensely. Both together and apart they talked long into the hours of morning with their various guests. Shuttles ran to several of the hotels down town on the hour for guests who wished to leave at various times. Many had chosen to park there and take advantage of the shuttles.

  The dance floor was often crowded due to the great band music. They ran a full gamut of current tunes for the younger crowd to country western to swing and waltz’s for another generation. Erin loved watching Kate dance with Peter and Elijah to a line dance she had taught them long ago. It amazed the guests how well the family got along together.

  It was four in the morning before Kate and Erin said goodbye to the last of their guests. They were both exhausted and glad to see the last of them. They thanked the shuttle drivers making sure each of them got a crisp $50 separately from their regular pay. Kate and Erin gave each of the servers a $50 as well as the band. Everyone got their regular pay of course but this ‘tip’ ensured their smiles and Kate and Erin gratefully left to close up the house and lock it up. Leftover food filled their refrigerator and freezer and many guests had taken a plate with them. The newlyweds were glad they didn’t have to clean up outside in the tents as they made their way to the master bedroom.

  D.O.G. and C.A.T. were soundly asleep on their pillows and looked up in sleepy surprise as the door opened and the light flickered on. Erin helped Kate out of her finery and Kate returned the favor as they both slipped into the shower together. Wearing toweling robes Kate led Erin up to the tower and they watched the sun rise less than two hours later as they drank champagne, ate fruit, and discussed the wedding and reception. They kissed in each other’s arms as the sun came up over the mountains and peeked between them. Finally they went down to their bed to sleep before anyone bothered them on their first day of marriage. They hadn’t wanted gifts, they hadn’t needed them, and anyone who asked was asked to donate to a pet charity in their names instead. Most had followed that idea and thank you cards had gone out already.

  Kate awoke at noon and looked at her bride of less than one day. She enjoyed watching Erin sleep and now with this third ring on her finger it was extra special. They had both decided to go buy a special set of necklaces for their promise rings to hang from. They were looking forward to the following days of quiet and solitude. The boys would all be coming back to the house later today as Kate and Erin got a lift to the airport to a private jet that was taking them to Tahiti for a two week vacation. Erin had been there before and she couldn’t wait to show Kate places she had been as well as discover places together.

  The boys arrived at 2 with Jill in tow. Brad and Jill would stick around for four days to watch Peter and Elijah and the pets before handing them off to Sean who would take the boys down to Sandy’s on Sunday night. He could commute to work from the Santa Barbara house to Goleta and watch the pets until they got home. A car picked up Erin and Kate and took them and their l
uggage to the airport. Still tired from the lack of sleep the night before they waited until the pilot told them they could walk about the plane to go sleep in the bedroom. Erin joked that they were already in a sexless marriage on the second day of their marriage. Kate laughed and said maybe if she was a good girl they could attempt the mile high club somewhere over southeast Asia. They were in no hurry, they had the rest of their lives together.

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  If you have enjoyed To Love a Shooting Star, you’ll look forward to K’Anne Meinel’s splendid and unforgettable first novel:


  CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

  In print and E-book and available at fine retailers


  CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

  ~ CHAPTER 1 ~

  Have you ever met a person that you just were so in synch with? You knew immediately that they were someone special for you? Would you know how lucky you were? Would you know they were the one?

  Joan was sitting at the convention, yawning. It’s been a very busy day. Signing prints, shaking hands, listening to conversations until her ears rang. It is already 4 o’clock. One more hour and she is released from this prison. Her manager comes up with another print to be signed. Sitting there at the table she glances around. Her booth comprises a 40’ wall of her various prints. She has more but they wouldn’t fit on a 40’ wall. Her originals fetch six figures sometimes, most only five figures. More than enough to make her life comfortable and indulge in more painting at her leisure. More paintings meant more prints and more money, a vicious, comfortable cycle

  As it is the end of the day there are less people viewing the various artist’s prints and collections. Her booth is on a corner at the end of the row. First or last depending on where you started in the convention center. Looking around Joan notices a tall blonde woman viewing the only three originals she brought with her to this show. They are new. Not in the catalogs or on the internet yet. The prints are in the works so she can now sell the originals.

  This woman obviously likes what she sees as she is smiling and looks as though she is talking to herself, not aloud but nodding to her own thoughts. Intrigued Joan rises and walks over to the woman. Standing out of the woman’s way but in her line of vision Joan gives her a little smile. The woman turns her full attention on Joan and returns the smile.

  “So what do you think?” Joan asks with a little nod towards the three new paintings.

  Turning back to them the woman answers “Intriguing. I could get lost in the daydreams that that one creates.” She indicates the one with pink and blue clouds and cream. In fact that’s its title: Clouds and Cream.

  Remembering its creation, Joan nods and examines it too. It does have that effect. You look into it and begin daydreaming immediately. For every person its different dreams yet the same effect.

  “Good thoughts I hope,” Joan answers.

  “Very,” comes the quick answer.

  Looking on to the other prints the woman begins discussing the merits of some. Many seem to interest her. Her knowledge of the prints is very good. She indicates a couple that she has copies of. Chatting with her Joan realizes this woman must be a collector. They talk about almost all the prints displayed before Joan introduces herself.

  “I could sign your prints if you’d like,” she offers.

  Amazed the woman turns to her and says, “YOU’RE the artist?”

  Not sure if she should be insulted or not Joan nods and gives a tight little smile.

  “How wonderful!” The woman exclaims. “I’ve often wondered about the person behind these creations. I’ve seen your catalog and it makes me want more of them.”

  Genuine enthusiasm makes Joan relax. They continue chatting about the various paintings and the stories behind some of them. Examining the woman, Joan wonders what it is about her that makes it so easy to talk about her paintings. It is a very personal thing to most artists.

  Joan looks at her as with an artist’s eye. The woman stands about 5’9”. Her hair is blonde and streaked with lighter blonde; a typical site in California for this time. It looks like she has a nice perm in it. It falls to just below her shoulders. She has the sides pulled back with clips revealing small diamonds in her ears and an ear clip on the left one. She is wearing an off white pantsuit with a baby blue blouse. The blazer fits her beautifully. She carries herself well. Her eyes are brown and twinkling, her nose long and narrow. Her mouth not too thin but definitely not lush. Her face is lightly made up. She is very easy to talk too. Before Joan realizes it they are announcing over the loudspeakers that the day at the art show is over.

  Joan’s manager comes over for a couple of last minute signatures and she complies. The manager then begins to drape their booth with the protective drop clothes. Joan helps and the job is finished quickly. Saying, see ya later, the manager departs. The woman Joan has been speaking with is still standing there watching Joan.

  “Would you like to catch a cup of coffee, dinner, or something?” The woman asks.

  “I don’t drink coffee or tea either for that matter,” Joan grins, “but dinner sounds great!” Nodding her head in approval. She has enjoyed the conversation with this woman over the last hour or so.

  The woman introduces herself. “I’m Grace Monroe by the way, Dr. Grace Monroe.”

  Holding out her hand Joan says “Joan Woods, artist extraordinaire.” Startled that she has been talking with a doctor all this time.

  Grinning Grace takes her hand, her face lights up in an elfin grin. There is a spark that both of them feel. Neither let’s go but startled glances are exchanged. The tingle goes all the way up their arms. The handshake goes on a moment longer than necessary before they both realize. Turning, they head for the exit at the end of the convention center.

  Along the way they chat about other artists and their works. As they reach the parking garage Grace asks “Would you like to take your car or mine? Or would you like to go over to one of the hotels?” Her head indicates towards the Hyatt in front of the convention center entrance.

  “I’ve been using taxis to get around this time. I’m staying at the hotel” Joan answers.

  “Then you’re probably sick of hotel food. Let me take you to a good restaurant I know.”

  Grace leads Joan to a sleek forest green Jaguar coupe. Admiring it, Joan catches Graces eye. Grace is grinning like a Cheshire cat. “My one indulgence” she states. Once more Joan is taken by the elfin grin she sees. Pressing her key button the doors unlock for her and they get in. Grace drives smoothly out of the parking garage and to the payment kiosk. Shaking her head as it cost $10 just for parking she says “What a crime!” Turning to Joan she explains that a family could never indulge itself going to a convention and having to pay the expensive fees that they require and forget trying to eat there too. It unfortunately keeps the masses away from things like this. The sleek car pulls out onto Harbor Blvd. and away from the convention center. Grace and Joan continue chatting as though they are old friends. They pull into a nice hole in the wall restaurant a few minutes later. “They have great steak” Grace states.

  Going inside it’s apparent it’s a reservations only restaurant but Grace is spotted and immediately seated. A lot of “Yes, Doctor, How are you Doctor” goes on as they are seated.

  Impressed despite herself Joan asks “They know you?” Her right eyebrow rises a little with the question and the small grin on her face makes the sarcasm funny.

  Slightly blushing Grace explains that she knows the owner and his family. That she has helped them periodically.

  “What kind of doctor are you?” Joan asks.

  “I’m a psychiatrist. I work at U.C. Irvine over in Orange.”

  Immediately uncomfortable, Joan just sits there. Noting h
er silence and her obvious distress Grace asks “Is something wrong?”

  “No offense, but psychiatrists and psychologist have always made me uncomfortable.”

  “Really? Me too. Do you know why?” At Joan’s shake of the head she continues “Well we’ve been talking for over an hour now and you’ve been fine. Is it just the title or something else do you think?” Joan shrugs and tries to relax.

  The waiter hurries over and takes their order. Joan orders a salad with no dressing but extra croutons. Then for the main course she orders soup and fruit. Grace orders a steak, baked potato, and green beans.

  “You don’t eat meat?” She asks Joan.

  Joan explains that she has trouble if she doesn’t watch her diet. Sticking to fruits, vegetables, and light meats keeps her system in balance. No weight gain and everything runs smoothly.

  With a few glasses of wine Joan relaxes and realized that Grace is probably right. The title psychiatrist is probably what was bothering her. Grace turns out to be a very wonderful person. They talk not only about art but medicine, history, and a variety of other subjects. Before they know it is 8 o’clock. They even had desert but they are tying up one of the tables.

  Both are reluctant to end their conversation. Their blooming friendship was something both wish to pursue and it was apparent to both. There was also a subtle tension building in the air. Grace offered a suggestion “I’ve been invited to a party, would you be interested in going?”

  “I don’t think I’m properly dressed” Joan responded, indicating her flowing outfit. She was dressed ‘artsy’. Her brown hair with its red highlights was long and flowing to below her waist. She isn’t tall but has a fine figure. A high bust with wide shoulders and a muscular look to it. Her waist is trim.


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