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Darkest Prince

Page 17

by K. A. Jones

  King Marco spoke out loud as we entered, “Donald Logan fled the scene, and Shyla dispatched one of their prized possessions. We know that the witches are seeking revenge. Carlos, it’s time to forgive and forget past deeds and concentrate on the unseen enemy. We are a superior race and will not let the humans dictate our fate. Nor will we let the witches eradicate us for my brother and your mothers joining. It is time to show the world that we will not go down without a fight. It is time to make a stand and protect our most prized possession. The Princess holds the key to our continued line. Will you join with us dear Nephew and help to protect Shyla and bring our enemies to their deaths?” He turned and held out his hand to Carlos. I waited anxiously for Carlos to accept.

  Carlos looked at the proffered hand considering his options. Finally he gave a small nod of his head and shook hands with his uncle. I let out the breath I’d been holding in.

  Carlos held out a hand to Dario, ready to make the same commitment to forgiving and forgetting in the name of saving both the hunters and the vampires. Carlos looked between Marco and Dario and calmly said, “I will join forces with you and unite our species, but once this particular war has been won, we begin another battle, only this time it’s not about me claiming my place as King, this time we fight for Shyla.” His eyes found mine and I saw unwavering conviction staring back at me.

  Dario glanced around the room before holding my gaze. “Then it is done. From this day forth we stand together as one, united against the government and the witches. Now, I don’t care if anyone has any objections, I am going to take my wife and consummate our marriage.” Dario picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me towards the door.

  King Marco stepped into my line of vision and grinned at me, inclining his head towards Carlos. Even up-side-down I could see that he was glaring daggers at Dario. Marco rubbed his hands together and mouthed, “Let the games begin.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep calming breath. This new alliance was really going to test my patience!

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  Other books by this author:

  Forest Of Dean Wolves

  Book 1: Wanted

  Book 2: Trusted

  Book 3: Hunted

  Book 4: Gifted

  Coming late 2014. Book 5: Fated

  Fate and Destiny Erotica Novels

  Book 1: A Vampires Destiny


  The G.E.M.A Collins Series

  Book 1: Rising Blood Moon

  Keep reading for a sneaky peak of Rising Blood Moon.

  The G.E.M.A Collins series.

  Rising Blood Moon.

  Chapter One

  I took a steadying breath as I walked down the corridor in the military compound. I could feel sheer power coming from the males in the room ahead, the kind of power that came from strong men. Alphas and Elders wore it like cologne and it smelled good. Desire pooled down below as their scents filled my nostrils.

  I had to get a grip before I entered the room. I was their new boss but no one had informed them yet. Corporal Phillips had been given his orders and I had been given mine. To say there was an amount of distrust between my father and his men, was an understatement.

  My Father set up the Paranormal Defence Team after discovering that my mother was a shifter. He discovered it whilst she was giving birth – to me. He set up the agency to protect me and now, I worked for him. My parentage was the biggest secret in history. If word got out that I was his daughter, someone would spend good money on discovering how to kill me.

  I checked that my weapons were in place and that my silver handcuffs and vials of holy water were accessible. I knew how this scenario would play out. It was the same each time I was placed in another department. My Father liked to keep me on the move, that way I didn’t form friendships with my team thus keeping the secret safe.

  My job – to protect the human race and keep peace between the races and my job was about to get more interesting given the impending Penumbral Tri Lunar Eclipse. To you and me, the rising blood moon, when each paranormal race will be driven by blood lust.

  I could only hope that the scientists could come up with something before the shit well and truly hits the fan in two weeks time when the final stage of the Penumbral Tri Lunar Eclipse takes place. There are three stages to the Eclipse it happens over a 6 week period and comes every 10 years. The first stage – a new moon appears in the sky, the second stage – Another moon appears beside the first one, this one glows an orangey gold, and two weeks later, a third moon eclipses the other two moons, it’s considerably larger and glows blood red for two days. Every paranormal being cannot resist the call of the blood lust.

  I shivered as I remembered the lengths my Father had gone to, to ensure my safety and those around me. But, locking up every paranormal being and surrounding them with things like holy water and restraining them with silver weren’t an option apparently, but getting each race to restricted buildings where they could rent and tear each other to their hearts contents during the Blood Eclipse was perfectly acceptable!

  I heard Corporal Phillips addressing his men – my men. I silently made my way to the wooden double doors, and waited patiently. “Listen up men, Sergeant Collins will be with us in a few minutes and I want to give you the heads up. Our methods of kill first and ask questions later haven’t gone un- noticed by the Paranormal Defence Team.”

  I heard disgruntled groans from the men.

  “Sergeant Collins has been brought in to establish peace between the races in the hope that Collins can get everyone to comply to the new guidelines that the government are putting into place.”

  One of the men said, “Sir, we won’t be able to control the bloodlust that we will feel let alone get the races to follow new rules.”

  “Agreed, but for now, we follow the guidelines, Sergeant Collins will be here to observe and report back to HQ before she takes up her position as your boss.”

  I heard dismay and felt anger pouring from the males as they heard that their new boss – was a woman. That was always the problem in my field of work; the men didn’t think that a female should be in charge. We were the weaker sex and had no place in the P.D.T, well – it was now my job to show them just what us ‘weak’ females were capable of, and today, I would be starting with the double crossing, back stabbing Corporal Phillips. He was explicitly told to keep my gender from discussion. My Father feared that his men wouldn’t take too kindly to having a female in charge. Like I said, he had his orders, and I had mine. Luckily for me, my Father had insisted that Phillips knew nothing of my multi-shifting-abilities, or any of my other talents that my Father insisted I embrace.

  I breathed in their scents once more and let the tide of desire swamp me before I called upon my leopard. I would need her strength, her speed and agility if I was going to stand a chance against the six men in the room.

  My Father had seen fit to warn me of the men I would be in charge of, 3 Wolf shifters, 1 soul seer, 2 Elder Vampires. That was the only information imparted to me. It was easy to see why this department had become kill first, ask questions later when they had a soul seer in their group. Somewhere along the way, they had forgotten their roles in the department, and if they couldn’t be retrained, well, let’s just say my role would change, I would no longer be their boss, I would be judge, juror and executioner. My decision, final.

  I pushed open the double doors and let my eyes quickly take in every detail. The Vampires eyes became bloodshot as they caught my scent, they were professional protectors of the city, and they should be able to control their lust for blood and sex. The shifters tracked every movement I made. Two of the three stood, I felt their dominant nature pressing into mine trying to get me to be submissive – well, good luc
k with that! 1 shifter remained seated, watching me with extreme caution. I made my way to Corporal Phillips; he held out a hand to greet me and smiled a friendly enough greeting, the fool!

  I had a silver handcuff attached to his wrist and secured to the desk in no time. The two Vampires moved with speed and precision, unfortunately for them, I was prepared. I flipped the top off the two vials of holy water and flung it into their faces. It stopped them in their tracks as their faces burned. I hit them hard, their bodies landed on the floor and I cuffed their wrists to their ankles. I had just clicked the cuff into place when one of the shifters launched itself in human form at me. The second one circled around, waiting for his moment. I let my desire fill the air. My musky unique scent had them stiff and wanting to climb on board and ride me in no time at all. I heard their animals growling at one another as they prepared to fight over me. I noticed the other shifter still in his seat, watching with interest a slight smile of amusement playing on his lips. This was the man who I would gladly fuck. He remained in control and radiated power. This was my new corporal.

  I placed myself in the middle of the two shifters, each one tried to make a grab for me, their protective nature kicking in, a helpless female, one they could claim and mate with… I had them cuffed together by their wrists before they knew what had happened.

  It was time to put my new corporal to the test. He was wolf, I knew that my wolf would love to tease this one until he wouldn’t be able to resist. I called her to me, I felt my clothes drop to the ground as my body transformed easily into her form. I dropped to the floor in a submissive way that wolves do. My backside stuck in the air ready for him to claim me.

  His eyes began to shine and I knew I had him. I rolled over playfully, letting him know that I wanted him. His body shook as he resisted the call from his wolf. Yes, this was exactly the kind of man I wanted on my team. I crawled on my belly towards him. My eyes were locked with his as he watched me. I could smell his desire, it fuelled mine, making me waft the scent towards him. Pure lust burned brightly in his eyes, yet he remained in his seat in full control. So far, he had passed with flying colours, but the real test was about to begin. Was he man enough to be led by a female.

  I concentrated on returning to my human form. My eyes never left his. If he was going to attack, I needed to be ready. The change swept over me. I stood up, completely naked in my human form and that was when he moved.

  He was fast. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against his chest. His mouth moved close to my ear and he whispered, “You can’t tempt the wolf, but the man will always respond to a naked lady who parades herself in front of him – trying to tempt him.” His breath caressed my skin, heating it and making it quiver all at the same time.

  This was the final test, both for him and for me. God damn it, if I mated with him I would be shoved back into the lab the moment my father learnt that I was sexually mature and my biological clock was ticking.

  My voice came out in a soft whisper, “Stand down private.”

  I felt his turmoil as he battled with his wolf. Oh yeah, he wanted me. I felt his grip tighten and was preparing for a battle when he stepped away.

  I pulled on my leather trousers and fastened my weapons belt before tugging on my cropped top. I looked around the room at my captured crew.

  “Private, I’m GEMA Collins. Sergeant Collins. My first recommendation is you get promoted to Corporal. I could use a good man as my second.”

  I heard one of the Vampires speak. “A female Sergeant? – no fucking way!”

  I crouched at the side of him, his face had healed, but the skin where the silver handcuffs held him – was giving off a small wispy smoke.

  “Well soldier, that’s just too bad.” I stood and turned so they could all see me. “This department has just been taken down, one by one, by a single female. You let your dicks do your thinking. Lust, the most basic emotion and you all lost your sense of reason. I need strong men on my team, not men who will be easily led by their baser needs.”

  I turned to see the private who had remained seated for the most part. “Private?”

  He stood to attention, “Private Adams ma’am.”

  “My name is Sergeant Collins, if you douches have trouble remembering my name then I will have trouble putting in my reports.” I indicated for Private Adams to step forward. I chucked him the keys to the handcuffs. One thing I’d learnt was – if you were close enough when they got free, they still felt the need to prove themselves. Adams could have the fun of calming them down.

  I turned to the back of the room and grabbed a coffee from the percolator. The atmosphere had changed; the men were coiled and ready to strike me down as a team. Adams eyed them cautiously. I felt his Alpha close to the surface.

  I sent my voice inside his head, Stand Down Adams.

  His head snapped towards me, I gave a single nod of my head letting him know it was me. His eyes widened and I felt him pull back a little.

  I felt the heat running over my palms, waiting to ignite. Just one of many enhanced features – which my Father insisted I embraced. I readied my party trick as I placed the mug down on the nearest surface.

  I issued a formal warning, “Stand Down. I will not tolerate being challenged this way.”

  I saw a wicked glint in the elder’s eyes; I guess I wasn’t forgiven for using the vials of holy water. I knew it hurt like a bitch, but nothing compared to the fire ball that would surround them if they continued to make me feel threatened. I saw just a tiny nod, one vamp to the other; it was enough to have me moving my hands, releasing the flames. A circle of fire surrounded both of them, not quite touching them, but close enough for them to feel the heat. Their teeth elongated and the whites of their eyes were bright red. The Vampires snapped and snarled at me, but one movement of my hand, and they were toast.

  The two shifters made a joint decision. As they leapt into the air, they took on their wolf forms and were heading in my direction. I held up a hand ready to blast them with fire balls when Adams caught hold of the scruff of their necks and bought them both to the ground. He pinned them in place and his Alpha nature radiated from him holding the wolves in a submissive way.

  Whilst part of me was glad he had felt the need to protect me, I was mad because this was supposed to be me showing them that I was worthy of being the Alpha, worthy of being a sergeant and in charge of them. If they didn’t respect me, then this whole exercise had been for nothing.

  “Release them Adams. They need to see and so do you that I don’t need protecting. You need to see why I am in charge here.”

  I saw indecision on his face. Adams doubted me. It was time to turn up the heat. I would have a killer headache, but it would solve this pissing contest that the males had going on.

  “Corporal Jenkins will be unconscious in the next two minutes. I have removed the oxygen from the air that he is breathing. See how his lips are turning blue?” Oh now I had their attention.

  Adams stepped back and the wolf shifters whined as their corporal gasped for breath. He grabbed at imaginary hands that were holding his throat. His eyes began bulging from their sockets.

  “Do I have your attention now boys? Do you believe that a female has the right to be called Sergeant and be respected as one or would you like me to show you what else I can do?”

  I saw Adams smile to himself and heard him say “You’re the one, kick butt Collins they call you.”

  I smiled a warm smile, secretly pleased that he had heard of me.

  “Sergeant will do. When we are on the field, you will call me Gema. Understand?”

  The chorus of “Yes Sergeant,” was music to my ears.

  I grabbed my coffee and took a seat at the rear of the room. Private Adams slid my cuffs and keys onto a table and returned to his seat. Corporal Jenkins stood at the front of the room. His eyes went everywhere but to me. I guess I hadn’t made any friends today, but I made a better friend than I did enemy – once they calmed down and got over the fact that t
heir new boss was a woman, we would get on like a house on fire.

  I listened to Corporal Jenkins as he addressed the men in the room. Jenkins spoke of the Penumbral Tri Eclipse and told the men how new orders had come into play, shifters at one end of town, and Vampires in the other. The warehouses were to be sealed with the shifters and vamps locked inside, so the humans stood a chance against the strange phenomenon that caused blood lust in other races.

  They made their way from the room and I followed behind. They hit the training facilities. I made a mental note to bring a change of clothes so the next workout they did, I would be able to join in.

  I spent the afternoon watching two hot Vampires, Austin & Quinn sparring. Watching them for more than half an hour made your head spin. These guys didn’t break out in a sweat and just kept going, each dodging the others move and trying to get in a few of their own. Their muscles rippled under their pale smooth skin.

  As I wandered closer and inspected them close up, I got the feeling that they were trying to compel me. I gave them a sweet smile and continued to ogle their bodies. There was so much they were going to have to learn about me. I wasn’t your average shifter.

  I moved on to watch the wolf shifters. The assault course had been put together well and was set up to really challenge them. Private Sawyer and Private Thompson struggled to keep up with Private Adams.

  Jenkins came and stood next to me watching his men – my men! “I think you will be pleased with how fit the men are.”

  Was he seriously looking for praise? It was his duty to ensure that the men were ready for any eventuality. Earlier proved to me that the men were complacent, none of them saw me as a threat and each of them thinking that a woman couldn’t offer anything to their training.

  “I will put the men through their paces tomorrow. I want you all in your running gear.”

  He arched an eyebrow but managed to keep any comment to himself.


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