Book Read Free

Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

Page 21

by Selina Brown

  Jamie nodded and picked up his small bag. He was off to see Leo and Michael said he’d meet him on Sparta Prime.

  Sub-Log XX


  Ara had been in a foul mood for an entire week after Trickster took her to England. She couldn’t tell anyone about being on Earth and she hadn’t seen anything exciting to share anyway. On top of that, she, Caleb, Jesran, and Bel, after they had stumbled into the meeting, had to avoid talking about the “not simulated court case”. Jesran couldn’t find anything on the weapons. Terzon had no success with the creatures they saw. Bel and Ara couldn’t crack the security around the Dressian Gates. But she and Caleb worried about the CU log still, after they made out.

  Jesran had encouraged her to start watching the news. He said ignorance was worse than stupidity. Her face flamed over that but he pretended not to notice. The Avatara were getting riled up over Earth. She watched the news with her family and it was often the topic of conversation. One night, almost everyone was home for a holiday parade that was held every ten years on Saratoga. They also made it a fish and chip night. The Queen’s Household was out of bounds while preparations were made. They sat in the lounge; Ara was on the floor, watching the monitor. She was stuffing three chips in her mouth at the same time.

  “You shouldn’t eat so much, Ara. You’ll get fat.”

  Ara blanched at Meg’s words but kept eating while Ashley and Henry, after frowning at Meg and winking at Ara, were trying to stuff more in their mouths. Henry’s partner watched on in disgust while Ashley’s partner grabbed five chips and tried to beat them all. Deb won and received a kiss from Ash who still had a mouthful of chips. They fooled around on the floor and Ara saved the drink bottle from tipping over.

  After she laughed, Ara turned back to the monitor. “Why doesn’t the Cardinal Unit send the sentries to stop the Avatara?”

  “They’re allowed their opinion, Ara.” Meg barely even glanced at her as she brushed her sleek, blonde hair.

  “But they had that altercation where several people were hurt and just the other week the Cardinal Unit sentries captured those space pirates.”

  Terance, who was sitting behind her, tapped Ara on the head. They hadn’t teased her about joining them watching the news or discussing it. “We aren’t privy to why Maya uses the Cardinal Unit to send sentries. It might not have been about the piracy but something that might harm our society or populations.”

  Ara kept quiet after that, seeing how changed Meg was, and the secretive smiles and looks her youngest sibling threw at her. Meg caught one of her looks and smiled.

  Flakily, Ara thought.

  “Have you seen Caleb recently?” Meg asked her slyly.

  “No, why?”

  Meg shrugged her slight shoulders, stretching out her legs, showing off her good figure. “I’ve seen him around, mainly off world. Pity you can’t get off world. He’s such a sexy dancer.”

  The last comment upset Ara but she said nothing, and Pen quickly got up requesting help to get dessert. Dad whispered in Ara’s ear, “Help your mother.”

  Ara stood and went into the kitchen smiling, to Pen’s evident relief. Ara had seen Caleb several times at functions but their lives seemed to part despite their love. He was busy with study, and was popular. He insisted he wasn’t trying to stay away, but over the years she noticed he gravitated toward petite blondes, that fit Meg’s description, sometimes brunettes, and once she’d seen him with one of each. Terzon had told her that they were arranged dates by their mother and father.

  Ara wondered what would happen if she and Caleb made their love public.

  Over lunch Meg dropped more comments but only one really stung. “—and he looks great in a swimsuit—”

  Ara smirked at that until Meg added.

  “—better out of it, and he likes women with boobs.” She smiled looking down at hers, and then flicked a glance at Ara’s. “Are you working yet, Ara?”

  Ara couldn’t eat after that, and the good mood darkened quickly and no one seemed to know what to say. Tricia, who had visited with Marc, looked furious. Marc was stunned; Ersen was staring hard at Meg, while Sacha was almost crying. Henry, Gralten and Ashley bravely took over the conversation saving Ara from the need to leave and cry. She was so grateful that they gave her time to recover and Ashley gripped her hand under the table. She knew she was Caleb’s first and only love, but Meg’s words just made her feel like crap. Crying night after night—not just from Meg’s sly remarks and cruel insinuations but as a result of her older siblings constant badgering to stand up for herself—was exhausting so she focused on work on the farm, study and making friends. For reasons Queen Silvia couldn’t explain, Ara’s applications for work were not well received. Nor was she allowed to go off world as Caleb asked.

  Jesran took a stronger role in her life. Sacha, Jesran, and she went to school part-time in the city, joined by Bel, to study. She took on advanced programming and jewelry making. Bel suggested she could start her own business, as Sacha had done, but Ara was thinking of trying to break into the Cardinal Unit and do a bit of programming of her own. The problem was there was no information anywhere about the Cardinal Unit, and she dared not ask Korbet. He’d probably just say, “I’m not your personal IT support, Ara.” She sighed, wondering how she was going to combat what was to come. She even tried to direct her dreams but usually ended up raiding the cooler, hungry from the effort. Meanwhile, Sacha said she was studying to broaden her skills but Ara was sure it was just to make her feel less alone. Tekko moved back and was moving to more technical training but they saw him most lunchtimes before they headed home. There were always chores at home, and animals to care for.

  Why was she was mucking out the stalls when all other Aryans were living in palaces with servants? She griped to Jesran one day and was sick of the sound of her own voice. He was cleaning the water trough while she rubbed down the horses, helping her.

  “Do you really want that, Ara?”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I think if I did I could do more things, have more influence over … I guess, Earth. No, I mean over what Earth can become. We need to anchor Earth back into our society. The humans deserve peace, health, and to explore the stations and worlds. It frustrates me that they don’t even know of the life they could have.”

  They continued working, both mulling over the issue.

  “Your life now will make you a better leader.”

  “Of what? Animals?”

  He laughed.

  “Anyway, why would I be leading anything? I’m the youngest PuG Aryan. None of my so-called peers want to see me that much. I can’t even get a job. To them I’m a gnat.” Her thoughts were of Kavela.

  “Then I must be a gnat’s gnat.”

  “Jes! Are you ever going to forgive me for my being a PuG arsehole?”

  He just smiled. “Well, when you do decide to follow your cause, this gnat’s gnat will follow you.”

  She paused her brushing. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah.” He gazed up and placed a hand over his heart. “I’d make a good gnat follower.”

  “So, if my cause means mucking down the stalls—”

  “Here I am.” He opened his arms, splashing water over her accidently.

  She laughed, wiping her face. “I think you may be a party of one. You’re here for reasons other than me leading you.”

  He picked up a brush, walked over to her and stood before her. “And if I am?”

  “Um … I just meant you’re my friend and I’m great company.”

  He grinned and began rubbing down the horse with her. “When you venture out I won’t be too far away.”

  Jesran always had a way of saying things in a way she could manage. With Jes taking a stronger role in her life again and lately finding weapons on her bed—from her guard she guessed—it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Odd presents but they usually appeared when some conflict arose. Was it a sign? She pulled out the latest and showed Jesran.

  He admired the blade. “Good quality, made for you specifically. Have you ever seen your guards?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. I mean I know they are there. But—they do their jobs don’t they? I’m not supposed to see them.”

  “I couldn’t imagine it. No privacy.”

  “Saying it that way makes me feel annoyed.”

  “Call one of them.”


  “Go on.”

  “Why? What would I say?”

  “Maybe they aren’t there at all.” He looked around.

  She pushed him out of her way. “You’re teasing me.”

  “No, I’m serious. I heard your top guard even refused to guard Queen Carla.”

  “No way!”

  “Yes, way.”

  She saw the challenge in his gaze. She opened her mouth and laughed. “I feel silly.”

  “Go on, see how quickly—”

  “Guard, come here.” She didn’t say it loudly but they both jumped when a dark clad figure fell from above, silently.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  She glanced nervously at Jesran who was looking impressed.

  “Um, have you been leaving me weapons?”

  “Yes, are they adequate?”

  “Yes.” She stared up into the dark eyes. His whole face was covered but he was taller than Jes who was six foot two and broad but lean. “Jesran says they’re made for me … but silly” —she flushed— “you know he said that.” Her face sizzled but her guard had a glint in his eyes and his body leaned toward her slightly.

  He said, “Is that all, my lady?”

  “Yes … um, just call me Ara.”

  “Very well … Ara.”

  “Did you really refuse the queen?”

  The dark eyes shifted to Jesran who was chewing his lip. Ara felt the guard’s interest in him. That was interesting. The eyes were back on her. “That I may not say.”

  “Alright. You may leave us—I mean resume your guarding … guard duties.”

  He left via the barn door.

  For the first time since Tricia’s Virgo, she couldn’t stop giggling. They walked back to under the homestead where Jesran’s Jaka was parked, a rough terrain vehicle high off the ground, big wheels, and practical interior. He grinned down at her. “Did you get my message about giants?”

  “Yes, but it’s all rumors still.” Ara sighed. Jesran was the only one who was happy to indulge her fantasy about giants.

  “There’s an old library on Xoria Prime, Caleb dad’s planet, his permanent planet, and I was told that there’s mention of giants in some old texts there.”

  “Well, Terzon and Caleb just tease me about it.”

  “You should ask them to use the library.” His eyes held a glint.

  “I’m a bit hesitant to go … there. How did you hear anyway?”

  “I have my ways.”

  “Sure.” She watched as he climbed in, closed the door, and hung out the open window. His arm hung down and she gave him her hand. He lifted it and kissed the knuckles. “Or we could go giant hunting together one day.”

  “Deal. Better that than fossicking around old libraries.”

  Jamie was the guard on duty for close encounters so he dropped from the stable rails, surprising her. He stood staring at her; never had he felt the extent of her gaze as she tried to make out his features behind the mask. Ara had picked up on his interest in Jesran but said and did nothing except give him a cheeky smile. For the first time his heart tangled and he sighed over the infatuation.

  He called Simon. “It happened.”

  Simon was silent for but a moment. “Did the world collapse, are you going to resign?”

  “No, but you knew I wouldn’t.”

  He'd been told that such a close protection unit would include attachment. He'd stood there saying, “It’ll never happen.” Now he owed several people a round of drinks.


  Jamie still had the same inner circle but his outer circle was still continually changing, ensuring the inner circle didn’t mess up. Over the next set of years, he watched as Ara laughed, cried, and despaired over not being chosen for an apprenticeship. He had kept her and Caleb’s secrets, even their questionable illegal sexual acts. The Three Aryan Pleasures, or TAP, had to be registered with the Planet of Law Young Adult’s Court, the YAC. The TAP had a special program within the YAC that taught hygiene, pleasure, boundaries, laws, and other things of interest to young ones entering that part of their lives. But Caleb knew Ara was different, and they tended to conceal most of their activities, sexual or not. His job was to protect, not to dictate.

  He finished work at two am and went to his cabin to sleep. As he grilled a fish and tossed a salad, he sipped a low calorie beer. Every now and then he glanced across at his Voice. “Don’t check the message, Jamie.” He turned the fish on the grill and added a light dressing. Damn. He could see the tiny light blink, telling him there was now more than one message. “Don’t look. They’ll come and get you if it’s an emergency.” He set the table, dished up the fish and salad, and sat down. The Voice beeped.

  “Shit.” He picked it up and read the three messages. None were urgent but one irritated him. It was from Diane. “Ara has her legal license now for motorbikes, road and dirt. Marc has ordered her one of each from King’s Horn. Due on the orbital station two days from now, elevator down a day after that. Have been checked by AM.”

  Jamie leaned over and pulled out a full-bodied beer. Damn it. If Ara was riding around everywhere on public roads on a motorbike he’d have to get a team for that too. He smirked then; he doubted he’d have any troubles finding another motorbike team.


  Ara and Jesran hung out a lot in the next twenty years. But the last few years he was away more and they drifted apart slowly. He was currently away and had a new girlfriend. Ara arrived home from visiting one of the wildlife corridors and turned off her bike. She swung her leg across, grateful, for once, for being tall and leggy especially as her dirt bike was high. She kicked down the stand and leaned the bike over. As she pulled off her helmet she admired her new bike; she had destroyed the original one Marc had sent her. She still had a nasty scar on her leg, but the bike was totaled. Ara unbuttoned her black jacket as she hooked her hand through the open-face helmet. As she ran up the steps, she hoped the mail was in. She was waiting for responses to two jobs and Queen Silvia was helping her. As she went through the door, she noted it was quiet. Dad was probably out on the farm and Mum in the garden or in town. Ara shifted the tablets around and found some papir envelopes. One was addressed to her, and was fancy. Definitely from royalty. Ara put down her helmet and ripped open the black envelope with gold piping finding a similar looking card inside. She was dismayed to find an invitation in gold writing. Ripping it up wasn’t an option, papir of this grade was artificial material, supposed to endure.

  “Ara?” She jumped and then laughed. “Gralten, what are you doing home? I thought I’d hear drumming.”

  He hugged her and averted his face. “A quick break. Hey, what’s that?”

  “Invitation to Caleb’s Virgo.” She tried not to snarl too much. Startled, he turned and Ara’s mouth dropped open. “Gral, what happened?”

  He had a nasty cut and bruise on the right side of his face. “Just a fight, Ara. It’s all resolved now.”

  Ara’s heart skipped a beat. “About me again?”

  “Just some stupid rumors I dealt with.” His dark eyes warned her not to make a fuss.

  So Ara just nodded. His slender build fooled a few people but Gralen’s abilities went beyond his music. Ara suddenly realized all her family could fight. Was that odd or was it because they were Aether or her protectors? But Gralen wasn’t born in the Energy Realm, he wasn’t an Energy Being, she could tell. How she wished she could ask them. But, considering her Mobile Unit status, it wasn’t that surprising. She ruffled his spiky, blond hair, finding it sticky. “Yikes, been in Sacha’s beauty storehouse?”

p; He laughed and nudged her back. “Funny.”

  Ara helped him with the medic kit, and they made lunch. All the while, the invitation nagged at her.

  “Are you going to go?” he asked her as he poured them both a chilled glass of milk.

  “I don’t want to.”

  “From some of Marc and Ersen’s conversations, I don’t think Marc liked Tricia’s much.”

  Ara didn’t understand why Virgo was such a big deal. She tried to remember what she’d learned at school but all she could dig up from her memory engrams was some puzzle Bel had sent her to solve instead.

  Standing behind the trellis, watching Caleb with a tiny, beautiful, breasty, experienced Pure-Gen made her grip the trellis, almost knocking it over. She backed away and folded her arms over her “puny” breasts. If she was bored and analytical during Tricia’s Virgo, and slightly interested in Sacha’s and Ersen’s, she hated Caleb’s.

  Terzon blocked her negativity after a quick glance in her direction.

  T. Err… Ara, you’re blanketing dark energy

  A. Sorry

  T. Want some help to block it?”

  She nodded.

  How dare he enjoy it as much as he did? Moaning and groaning like a—like an … animal! At the reception, Caleb faltered at her furious face and she left early. She had no intention of ruining his Virgo and celebration but she’d be damned if she said hello to that bitch! Feeling combative was an understatement and ridiculous! Ara battled feelings that Aryans weren’t supposed to feel and it produced a number of visits by her new monitor, Sharon. On top of that, Sharon, and her mum and dad, spoke to her.

  “Ara, we are very concerned about your dreams. They are becoming more frequent,” Dad said.

  “They’re just dreams aren’t they?” But more and more she would fall asleep and wake to find herself walking around the Cardinal Unit, unable to access any systems to make a few little amendments, and then would wake up terrified her life on Saratoga was almost over. Was Maya trying to get her used to living on the Cardinal Unit?


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