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Heavenly Surrender

Page 9

by Justus Roux

  Kali tried disparately to contain the rage that was building inside. She needed him to get to Ayden.

  “Say it!!” he yelled.

  “You are my Master, Kannon.”

  “Oh yessss!!!” he cried out as he came. His whole body trembled from the intensity of it.

  He rolled off her and just laid there. Kali rolled onto her side facing away from him.

  “Kali…” He reached over and tried to pull her to him. But she wouldn’t allow it.

  “I am sorry Kali. Did I hurt you?” Kannon pressed his body against hers and nuzzled his chin in her hair. “I am so sorry.”

  A slow smile spread across Kali’s face. “No you didn’t hurt me physically.”

  “Oh Kali.” He pulled her closer when he heard her quiet crying.

  “Do you really think I would be capable of betraying you?” she said quietly.

  “No of course not.”

  “Do you mean it?” She turned towards him.


  She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. “Just hold me for a little while, okay,” she said, pulling him closer.

  “Of course.”

  Kali was pleased that she had him back in her hold. Now how was she going to get to Ayden? She worked up her plan as she laid there in Kannon’s arms.


  “Remember our deal huntress,” Tasmos said as he gently set her down.

  “Whoa!” Gabriele exclaimed, looking at the beauty of Heaven.

  “Do not lose yourself in the illusions of happiness,” he warned.

  Gabriele remembered everything Michael had told her about Hell. The illusions Syn used to trick and trap Michael. Heaven must be similar but instead of painful moments, you would remember happy times. “Okay.” She nodded her head towards Tasmos.

  “Prolo’s castle.” He pointed off to the horizon. “Your male is in there. But be warned huntress, Prolo is no one to be trifled with.”

  “Where is Kannon?”

  “He will no doubt seek you out when he does fulfill our bargain, for I am no one to trifle with either.” And with that he left her standing there staring at Prolo’s castle.

  Gabriele closed her eyes and focused on Ryker. Her plan was to get Ryker and get the heck out of here. Just how she was to do this she really had no idea, but she would worry about that after she got Ryker out of Prolo’s castle.

  She took a deep breath and proceeded forward. She saw the small farming village where she grew up start to take form, but she kept her eyes focused on the castle. Nothing, not even her memories would keep her from Ryker.

  “Let me know you hear me Ryker.” She concentrated on reaching him. She needed to hear his voice, needed to know he was still alive.

  “Gabriele.” The sound of his voice in her mind renewed her hope.

  “I am coming to get you out of there soldier boy.”

  “No, stay away from here.”

  “There you go telling me what to do again.”

  “Please Gabriele; Prolo wants to use you to get to Ayden.”

  “Let him try.”

  “He will use me to make you.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  “Damn it huntress stay away from here.”

  “Enough already soldier boy. I paid my way to get up here to get you and I plan on getting both of us out of here.”

  “Gabriele.” Ryker knew there was nothing he could say to keep her away, but there had to be something he could do to help her.

  “Ryker…I love you. I wanted you to know that just in case I screw up.”

  “I love you Gabriele.”

  She felt his love fill her. She took a deep breath and proceeded forward. The smells, sights and sounds of her youth were getting harder to ignore. She pictured Ryker’s smile, the warmth of his eyes and it made her race towards the castle.

  Chapter 15

  “Get me Ayden now or I will send Manus to aid you,” Lasax growled.

  “There will be no need to send Manus, Master. I will get Ayden for you.” Kali slowly stood up. She didn’t like it when Lasax summoned her this way. His anger, made her heart ache. She wanted so much to please her Master.

  “Then go.” Lasax waved his hand and Kali found herself back by Kannon.

  “What happen?” Kannon said examining her.

  “Lasax is growing impatient for Ayden’s soul.” Kali allowed Kannon to comfort her. “Kannon we must hurry.”

  “Lasax really scared you didn’t he?” Kannon held her tightly to him.

  “I don’t like it when he is mad at me.” She looked up into Kannon’s face. “He has threatened to send Manus to help me.”

  “Maybe that would be good.”

  “Don’t even joke about that.” She pulled away from him. “Manus is someone you don’t want to meet Kannon.”

  “Why? The two of us together would be more powerful than him. This would surely keep him in check.”

  “You don’t stand a chance against Manus, Kannon.”

  “I don’t understand this. When Prolo sends an Archangel to aid another it is a good thing. Why would Lasax sending another demon be so bad?”

  “Because Manus is insane, besides things are a bit different in Hell than they are in Heaven.”

  Kannon didn’t know what to say to that so he left well enough alone. “Okay then let’s go get Ayden.”

  Kali smiled up at him. “Let’s,” she purred at him.


  “Ready yourself Manus,” Lasax growled, looking at the image of Kali in Kannon’s arms.

  “Yes Master,” Manus hissed as he spoke.

  Lasax turned toward his most vicious General. He let his eyes wander over Manus’ strong body. “Your gaze makes my cock hard, Master.” Manus licked his lips seductively as he ran his hand through his short blonde hair.

  “I see that.” Lasax chuckled looking at the ever growing bulge in Manus’ pants. Lasax walked over to Manus and lowered him down to his knees. An awful clicking noise came from Lasax telling Manus that his Master was aroused.

  “It will be my honor to suck your cock.” Manus kept his reddish-brown eyes locked with Lasax’s as he pulled Lasax’s cock out. He began to suck feverishly all the while keeping his eyes locked with Lasax.

  “You have many talents Manus.” Lasax grabbed a hold of Manus’ head.

  “Oh yeah, fuck my mouth Master…mmmm…yeah fuck it,” Manus growled, bobbing his head faster on Lasax’s cock. Lasax obliged and thrust violently forcing all his cock down Manus’ throat. Manus thrived on pain and humiliation, both giving and receiving it.

  The clicking noise grew louder as Lasax came. “Feed on my seed,” Lasax growled, holding Manus to him. When his cock was drained he pushed Manus from him.

  “Ready yourself to go to earth.”

  “Yes Master. What do you wish me to do?” Manus quickly came to his feet though his throat burned a little from swallowing Lasax’s seed. It had been so long since Lasax allowed him to walk on earth.

  “If Kali fails I want you to kill her.”

  “My pleasure, but if I may be so bold to ask why?”

  “She has fallen in love with her pet Archangel and this I will not allow. So Manus….” Lasax walked over toward him. “Even if Kali succeeds and brings me Ayden, I want you to kill her lover.”

  “How am I supposed to kill an Archangel?”

  “Bring him to Tasmos and make sure no one interferes when Tasmos kills his fellow Archangel.”

  “Oh Master what a delicious plan you weave,” Manus purred. “Prolo will be forced to kill his favorite and Kali will lose her lover. But Master may I ask a special favor?”

  “You may.”

  “Can I still kill Kali even if she succeeds?”

  “We will see.” A clicking noise started coming from Lasax again. “But for now, bend over that bed and ready your ass for my cock.”

  “With pleasure Master,” Manus purred.

  Chapter 16

�� Gabriele yelled out as the multitude of familiar voices from her youth flooded her mind.

  “What’s wrong?” Ryker’s voice overpowered the others.

  “Just old memories messing with my head, don’t worry I will be alright.”

  “I know you will be.” She could almost see him smiling as he said those words.

  “Okay soldier boy tell me where Prolo is keeping you.” Gabriele focused everything she had on Ryker.

  “I am in some kind of cage in the middle of his bedchamber.”

  “Okay what else do you see?”

  “It looks like a perfect person convention in here. There has to be at least fifty men and women. More than likely most of them are Archangels.”

  “Oh fun.”

  “Gabriele is there anyway I can convince you to stay put until I figure a way out of this damn cage.”


  “I thought not.”

  Gabriele continued forward, she pushed everything out of her mind except for Ryker. Her eyes stayed locked onto Prolo’s palace.

  “Gabriele you are technically like these angels aren’t you? Not mortal I mean.”

  “Yeah I guess you can say that.”

  “Maybe you can blend in with them and Prolo won’t notice you.”

  “Come to me huntress,” a deep voice boomed in her ear.

  “I think he knows I am here, Ryker.”

  “Damn it!!” She could feel his frustration. She closed her mind off from his. Prolo is more than likely reading his mind.

  “Oh Ryo, Michael, hell even you Saban, I wish you guys were here with me.” Gabriele pulled out her pistol and placed the silver bullet Tasmos made her into the chamber. She had no idea if Kannon was here too, but she would be ready for him. She then placed the pistol back in its holster then she reached back and grabbed her shotgun. “Well old friend it’s just me and you. Let’s go put holes into some angels.”

  Gabriele paused when she saw the image of her parents standing in front of the small cabin. They always looked so happy together. Friendly faces of the people of her village were everywhere.

  “Focus Gabby.”

  “Elizabeth.” Gabriele scanned everywhere looking for her sister. “Damn it.” Gabriele walked slowly over to the small cabin. Her mother’s warm smile always made her feel better.

  “Gabriele.” Her mother opened her arms.

  “Gabby, Ryker needs you.”

  Gabriele stopped then took a deep breath. “Ryker.” She looked once more at her parents then hurried off. She locked her eyes on Prolo’s castle. Whether or not that was Elizabeth’s voice matter little right now, the only thing she knew is that Ryker needed her. She quickened her footsteps. Prolo’s castle seemed so far in the distance, but this too didn’t matter.


  Prolo glared in the cage at Ryker. “Tie him to the wall,” Prolo ordered two of his Archangels.

  Ryker struggled against the two but he couldn’t break free. Ryker felt his arms and legs being stretch and the coldness of the metal clamps on his wrists and ankles.

  “I want Gabriele to see you all beaten and vulnerable.” Prolo uncoiled his whip.

  “Fuck you,” Ryker growled.

  “Mmmm, now there is an interesting thought.” Prolo walked up to Ryker, with one violent tug he ripped Ryker’s shirt off. “Not bad mortal.” Prolo ran his hands up Ryker’s chiseled chest. “But as you can see my Archangel’s beauty is unsurpassed by any mortal.”

  “Except for Ayden.” Ryker regretted those words the second they left his mouth. He wasn’t helping Gabriele by stoking the flames of Prolo’s jealousy.

  “Touché.” Prolo gritted his teeth and snapped his whip against the ground. “There is more than physical pain, Ryker.”

  Ryker felt the bite of Prolo’s whip, but he remained silent. Prolo struck four more times, each time harder than the last. Still Ryker didn’t make a sound.

  “I see you hold your tongue well.” Prolo motioned for two of his loveliest Archangels to approach. He pulled both women close to him and kissed each softly on the lips. The women’s hands wandered over Prolo’s body.

  “Lovely aren’t they?” Prolo escorted them to the bed. He cupped the back of both of their heads and pushed them together. He smiled as they became locked in a heated kiss. “That’s it my lovelies, enjoy each other while I bring pain to this mortal.” Prolo slowly walked over to Ryker. He stole glances back at the women as they begun to undress each other.

  “Jenny was a rather beautiful woman too, wasn’t she Ryker?”

  “I won’t play your game, Prolo.”

  “Ah, but you will. I am afraid you have no choice.” Prolo waved his hand and an image of Jenny appeared. She was smiling and waving towards them. “She always greeted you this way when you returned from your missions didn’t she?”

  “Stop this!!” Ryker screamed.

  “Why? Reminiscing cleanses the soul after all.” Prolo smiled when an image of a small boy raced past them. “Ah, there is Danny I see. You and Jenny tried for many years to conceive him.” Prolo waved his hand again and the scene changed to Jenny lying in a hospital bed holding a baby.

  “Damn you,” Ryker growled. He closed his eyes and tried to contain his emotions. He wouldn’t give Prolo the satisfaction.

  “I told you Ryker there are many forms of pain.” Prolo struck Ryker three more times with his whip. The sounds of pleasure coming from the two women filled the room. “Look at them.” Prolo grabbed Ryker’s chin and pointed his head towards his large bed. A blonde-haired woman had her head between the other’s legs, thoroughly enjoying licking on the other’s pussy. The dark-haired woman reached down her hand and gently ran her fingers through the other’s hair. She propped herself up on her elbow and watched the blonde lick at her pussy.

  “Lose yourself to the pleasure,” Prolo instructed the brunette.

  Ryker tested the chain that held him, there was no way he was going to break it. He was relieved that Prolo was momentarily distracted by the two women. This gave him precious time to pull himself back together.

  “Ummm, that’s it,” Prolo purred. The brunette had a firm hold of the blonde’s head as she laid back into the bed, she grinded her pussy against the blonde’s face. The blonde seemed to enjoy having her face rubbed all over the brunette’s pussy. Both moaned and gasped.

  Prolo walked over to the bed. He untied his wrap and climbed into the bed. He flipped the blonde over and rammed his cock deep inside her. “Sit on her face,” he instructed the brunette. She quickly straddled the blonde’s face and lowered down until her pussy covered the blonde’s face. Prolo could see the blonde’s chin moving and the delicious wet sounds coming from her. He reached down and spread the brunette’s pussy lips so he could watch the blonde’s greedy tongue work. She licked at her with long fast strokes thoroughly bathing the brunette’s clit. “Stick your tongue deep inside her, ahh, yesss…like that.” Prolo licked his lips watching the blonde’s tongue disappear deep inside the brunette’s pussy. He rose back up and quickened his thrust. He watched as the brunette’s pussy seemed to consume the blonde’s face again. The brunette rubbed her pussy back and forth against the blonde’s face. Prolo watched the brunette cum, which caused him to cum as well. He climbed out of bed then flipped the blonde over and lowered the brunette’s head between the blonde’s legs. “Taste each other.” He pushed on the brunette’s head and rubbed her face all around the blonde’s pussy, for a moment, then went back to Ryker.

  “A woman’s pussy is sweeter than any fruit.” Prolo stood before Ryker completely naked. “Tell me Ryker, when you taste a woman, are you shy about it or do you lose yourself in it?”

  “Why would I tell you anything?”

  “When you tasted Gabriele’s pussy was it sweet?”

  “Shut up!”

  “Don’t worry, I will find out for myself.” Prolo struck Ryker with the whip again.

  “You touch her and I will…”

  “Do what mortal?!” Prolo stru
ck Ryker again. “You couldn’t even save your family.” Prolo waved his hand.

  Ryker’s heart stopped as the semi-truck slammed into Jenny’s car. “No!!!” he cried out. Jenny saw the truck coming but there was no time to react. The car in front of her stalled, she barely missed hitting it herself, but the semi-truck driver couldn’t stop his vehicle in time.

  “Ryker!!” Jenny cried out, holding onto Danny’s hand the second the truck slammed into the car.

  “She called your name.”

  “Stop it!!!” Ryker fought violently with his chains.

  “Called your name, but where were you?” Prolo moved closer. “Where were you?”

  “Jenny….Danny…” Ryker broke down.

  Prolo backed up and looked at him. “Perfect, let’s see Gabriele refuse my wishes now.” Prolo chuckled. “But first let me prepare a nice warm welcome for her.” Prolo waved his hand and became the spitting image of Ryker.

  “Unchain me you bastard,” Ryker growled.

  Prolo looked at himself in a mirror. “Yuck…I hate having to lower my standards and parade around looking like you. But what fun it will be to trick that huntress.”

  “Leave her alone.”

  “Face it Ryker, you are so good at protecting strangers, but when it comes to protecting your women, you really suck at it.” Prolo started laughing as he watched Ryker struggle with his restraints.

  Chapter 17

  “Ryo,” Kali purred.

  “Saban ready yourself,” Ryo said, drawing his sword. Saban pulled out his two pistols and waited for Ryo’s command.

  “Ryo, Ayden is awakening.” Saban had a panic look on his face.

  Ryo moved closer to Saban. “Get him out of here while I keep her busy,” he whispered.

  “But what about you?”

  “Just do it.” Ryo moved back away from the building. “Demon show yourself. I thought you wanted to play.”

  “Kali let’s just focus on getting Ayden,” Kannon whispered to her.

  “Oh let’s have fun with them. After all there are only two of them.” Kali jumped down off the roof and landed a few feet from Ryo. Kannon flew over and landed behind Ryo.


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