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Heavenly Surrender

Page 10

by Justus Roux

  “Now what, my beautiful hunter?” Kali smiled. “Kannon go find the big hunter and bring him out here.”

  Kannon hurried towards the building. Kali kept her eyes locked with Ryo’s while she waited for Kannon to bring the other hunter out. Oh what fun she will have torturing these two hunters. She would let Kannon play with Saban and she…Kali licked her lips, would play with Ryo.


  “Oh what is it?” she answered, still keeping her eyes locked on Ryo.

  “Ayden is gone and so too is the other hunter.”

  “What?!” Kali backed up towards Kannon.

  “I told you not to mess around.” Kannon marched right towards Ryo. “Tell me where Ayden is or I will tear you apart piece by piece,” he growled.

  “You can try.” Ryo readied his sword.

  “Take this hunter but don’t kill him yet. We will use him as bait for the other.” Kali moved closer. “Besides, that huntress is probably dead already, so that only leaves the newbie.”

  “You underestimate your enemy, demon,” Ryo said as he charged at her. Kali leapt into the air, Ryo followed. He slashed at her cutting her arm. She cried out in pain and fell to the ground. But before Ryo could land, Kannon grabbed him and rocketed skyward.

  “You dare to hurt her,” he growled letting Ryo fall.

  Kali caught him to break his fall then she threw him back down. “Damn it Kannon I told you not to kill him.”

  “Why not?” Kannon landed next to Kali. “One less enemy to fight or do you desire this male?”

  “Now is not the time for your jealousy.” Kali leapt out of the way before Ryo cut her. He then turned quickly and managed to slash Kannon across his stomach. But before he could bring his attention back to Kali, she kicked him hard in the head knocking him out.

  “Ouch!” Kannon exclaimed.

  Kali watched in amazement as Kannon’s cut healed before her eyes. “How?”

  “Only the silver forged by Prolo can hurt me.” Kannon glared down at Ryo. “He was faster than I gave him credit for. Now what do we do with him?”

  “Pick him up and follow me. That other hunter will either hand over Ayden or we will torture this one until he dies.”

  “The other hunter won’t give up Ayden,” Kannon said, lifting Ryo over his shoulder.

  “Probably not, but once we establish connection with him, then I can trace where he is. It will be faster than trying to hone in on Ayden.”

  “Oh, that’s good Kali.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “Now bring our plaything.”

  Chapter 18

  Gabriele slowly entered the castle. There was no one in sight all the way down the long hallway. “Oh something is really wrong here.” She gripped her shotgun harder as she proceeded down the hallway.

  “Oh crap,” she muttered when she heard the sound of footsteps coming closer. She knew her bullets wouldn’t hurt Prolo, but maybe it could buy her time. She tried to control her breathing as the footsteps came closer. She pointed her gun at the door in front of her. Whatever was coming out that door was going to get a hell of a surprise. She cocked her shotgun and waited. The door flung open.

  “Gabriele, don’t shoot.”

  “Ryker?” She slowly lowered her shotgun. “How in the hell did you get out of the cage?”

  “It wasn’t easy.” Ryker took her into his arms and held her tightly. “We better hurry and get the heck out of here before Prolo knows I am gone.”

  Gabriele pushed Ryker back and pointed her shotgun at him.

  “Gabriele…what are you doing?”

  “Nice try angel, but you don’t smell or feel like Ryker.”

  Gabriele jumped back when the image of Ryker melted away and before her stood the most glorious looking man. “You are a grand huntress.” He smiled.

  Gabriele could feel the immense power radiating off this man. This had to be Prolo. He wasn’t what she expected. How could a man so beautiful be so cold? She heard from Asurul all about Prolo, his cruelty and harshness rivaled that of Lasax. “Prolo, I mean you no disrespect, but I am not leaving here without Ryker.”

  “Lower your weapon huntress and we will see what bargain we can strike between us.”

  Gabriele did as he asked. She really had no choice, what could she really do to him.

  Gabriele followed Prolo into a large bedchamber. She gasped seeing Ryker chained to the wall. “Let him down,” she said, pointing her shotgun at Prolo.

  “Your weapon will not hurt me. Put the shotgun down.”

  “Like hell I will.”

  Prolo waved his hand over toward Ryker. Gabriele could see the pain on Ryker’s face. “Put down the shotgun.”

  Gabriele slowly lowered the shotgun then placed it on the ground.

  “I see I have your attention now.” Prolo walked over to his large bed.

  “What do you want?”


  Gabriele looked at Ryker. His shirt and shoes had been removed and she could see whip marks across his chest. “Why do you want Ayden? Is it because one of your angels saved a demon’s soul? Now you want to hurt their son?”

  “Psssss, hardly.” Prolo sat down on the bed. “I could care less about Isa.”

  “Then why?”

  “Because no man, mortal or otherwise, should be more beautiful than I am.”

  “You want to kill a good man because of your vanity?” Gabriele was stunned.

  “Good men have been killed for far less, huntress. Why not asked Ryker.” Prolo stood up and walked over to Ryker. “How many good men have you killed, Ryker? And why, because you were following orders, but did you ever stop to question those orders.”

  “I will not play your game. Gabriele don’t give him Ayden no matter what he does to me.” Ryker struggled with his restraints.

  “Oh how gallant,” Prolo laughed.

  “Untie him!” Gabriele shouted.

  “No,” Prolo simply stated, enjoying the fire in Gabriele’s eyes. “However huntress, I am not in a hurry to get your answer about handing over Ayden.” Prolo moved closer to her. “You are a beautiful woman.” He waved his hand and her clothes fell from her body.

  Gabriele placed one arm over her breasts and covered her pussy with her hand.

  “Don’t!!” Ryker yelled, violently struggling with his restraints. He couldn’t just stand here and let Gabriele’s body be used again, not after all he saw of her mortal life. Damn it! He was stuck and helpless to aid her. “Leave her alone, bastard,” Ryker growled.

  “You dare raise your voice to me!” Prolo bellowed. Prolo waved his hand at Gabriele and she was dressed in a sheer, full-length, white gown. His eyes lingered over her body. “Much better I think. Such beauty shouldn’t be wasted in men’s clothing.” Prolo picked up Gabriele’s black army pants and black T-shirt. “Such dreary colors for a lovely flower to wear.”

  Prolo clapped his hands together and several beautiful men and women entered the room. “I wish to watch your dance of love,” Prolo commanded. He grabbed Gabriele by the arm and pulled her to the bed. “Your actions huntress will determine Ryker’s suffering.”

  Gabriele sat down next to Prolo in his bed. “Watch the beauty of their dance.”

  Soft, sexy music flooded the room. An intoxicating fragrance bathed Gabriele’s senses. Soon the ten men and women became tangled together. Hands, touching and groping; mouths tasting and lingering, moans of delight echoed through the room. “Beautiful isn’t it Gabriele?” Prolo ran his fingers down her arm.

  Gabriele didn’t respond. She was trying disparately to think of a way to get Ryker out of here.

  “There is no way out of my oasis.” Prolo smiled down at her.

  “Please let him go.” Gabriele locked gazes with him.

  “Convince me.” Prolo lay back in the bed.

  “No Gabriele!” Ryker yelled. “I will not let you do this.”

  “Ryker…” She watched him violently fight with the chains.

  “Dance for me hunt
ress. Mmm…excite me.” Prolo propped himself up on his elbows and waited for her to begin.

  Gabriele just stood there at first then her body started to sway to the music. She closed her eyes and let the music fill her. The beat was slow and sexy and she allowed her body to soak it up.

  Prolo watched the sexy way she moved. He slowly came up to his knees as her hands wandered over her body. “Regen, Mystic come,” he growled. The man and the woman headed quickly over to Prolo. He pushed the man’s head down to his cock then pulled the woman to him kissing her deeply.

  Gabriele opened her eyes and watched the two pleasure Prolo. However his eyes were still upon her, so she continued her dance. Slowly she inched her way to Ryker. She occasionally opened her eyes to see if Prolo was watching, and he was.

  Prolo tightened his hold on Regen’s hair and fell back into the bed. Mystic kissed him deeply and ran her hands all over his body.

  Gabriele moved towards Ryker. She examined the shackles. Michael taught her how to snap open any shackle. All she needed was her dagger. She crawled on the floor pretending it was part of her dance and headed over to the pile of her clothes. She looked up and saw Prolo was watching her again as Mystic caressed his shoulders. Gabriele came up to her knees and circled her hips as her hands wandered over her body. She caught a glimpse of her dagger out of the corner of her eye. She glanced over to Prolo where he had removed Regen from his cock and laid Mystic down. He got between her legs and began to fuck her hard as Regen pressed himself against Prolo’s back.

  Gabriele rolled on the floor and snatched up her dagger. She kept her hand behind her back as her other one slowly pulled up her dress. She looked over and Prolo was still watching her.

  Prolo stopped fucking Mystic and started to climb out of the bed. Gabriele’s heart started to pound. Then she breathed a sigh of relief when the two pulled Prolo back into the bed. Both went down on him and took turns sucking his cock. Another female angel crawled into the bed, followed shortly after by yet another. Both kissed and caressed Prolo.

  Gabriele hurried over to Ryker. She ran her hands up and down his body pretending this was part of her dance. She turned around and pressed her back into him grinding her body against his.

  “When I bust open those shackles get ready to run like hell,” she whispered to him.

  “Okay,” he replied.

  She bent over and quickly popped open the two leg shackles. She quickly looked over to Prolo. He was still busy with the four angels. Gabriele turned around and looked up into Ryker’s face. “I hope I am not hurting you too bad.”

  “Don’t worry. Hurry….” Ryker kept his eyes on Prolo.

  Gabriele snapped open the two arm shackles, she turned around and took one last look around. She spotted her pistol that held the silver bullet. “Ready,” she whispered to him. “Set.” She bent over and reached for her pistol. Once it was in her hand…. “Go.”

  Both raced out of the room. Gabriele could hear Prolo yell for his angels. “Hurry Ryker.” Gabriele looked back at him.

  “Don’t worry about me huntress.”

  Both hurried through the castle. Thanks to Prolo clearing the castle earlier of the guards they met no resistance. Gabriele kept looking back making sure Ryker was keeping up.

  “Give me your hand.” Gabriele reached back. Ryker gripped her hand tightly as they made their way into the gardens. “I am going to jump in a second, ready yourself.” She leapt into the air. She felt a tug on her arm from Ryker’s weight. She used every ounce of her strength to give them that extra boost to make it over the stream.

  “Are you alright?” Ryker asked when they reached the other side of the stream.

  “Man, you are heavy.” Gabriele rubbed her shoulder. “We better keep going. Prolo probably has sent out his Archangels to get us back.”

  “What is our plan?”

  “To run like hell until I come up with one.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Ryker quickly followed behind her. He knew she could go much faster without him, but there was no sense on telling her this, she wouldn’t leave without him.

  “Damn it!!” Prolo bellowed, pushing the four angels away from him. He closed his eyes and invaded both Gabriele and Ryker’s minds. Ryker’s only thought was to get Gabriele out of here. Gabriele was concern for Ryker’s safety. Prolo was about to give the order to have both of them killed when….

  “I have to kill Kannon for Tasmos,” Gabriele’s words echoed in Prolo’s mind.

  “Stop!!” Prolo ordered his Archangels.

  “But Master don’t you want them back here?”

  “No.” Prolo lay back in his bed.

  “What should we do?” one asked.

  “Nothing yet,” Prolo growled. Damn it, if Gabriele killed Kannon then his most beloved Archangel would be spared. He knew Tasmos would kill Kannon if Gabriele didn’t. So, he had no choice but to let them go. Tasmos was more important to him than killing Ayden was. There will always be another time to destroy the son of Asurul and Isa. It wasn’t merely the fact Ayden’s beauty rivals his, no there was more to it than that. But to tell a mortal his fears was beneath Prolo. What kind of offspring does an angel and a demon produce? True, the Creator made them mortal, but Asurul and Isa still had all their immortal gifts. What was Ayden’s purpose? Was there even a purpose to his creation or was Prolo just being paranoid. Either way Prolo didn’t want to chance Ayden surviving to find out.

  “I will be generous this time. Let them go. However they have to find their own way out of Heaven. None of you are to help them.”

  “Yes Prolo.”

  Ryker came to an abrupt stop once they cleared Prolo’s oasis. Gabriele stopped as well. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Ryker didn’t speak but only stared out into the distance. Gabriele saw a flash of light. She blinked her eyes trying to focus. She saw a woman standing as she held a child in front of an old farmhouse.

  “My wife Jenny and my son Danny,” Ryker quietly said.

  “Ryker…” Gabriele didn’t know what to say.

  “Ryker stop tormenting yourself. We knew you loved us. What happened wasn’t your fault but an act of fate.”

  Gabriele saw the tears in Ryker’s eyes when she heard the woman’s voice. She grabbed Ryker’s hand and squeezed hard.

  Jenny set Danny down and blew Ryker a kiss. “Be happy Ryker.”

  Gabriele watched as the two waved at Ryker then slowly began to fade. She saw the sadness in his eyes as he waved back at them. “Ryker are you okay?”

  “Yes Gabriele,” he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

  “Letting go is painful but it is necessary if you want to move forward. Their souls will be reborn and they will find their other half. The love you have shown them will guide their way.” Elizabeth’s words echoed in his mind.

  “We have to find a way out of here,” Ryker said looking around. His memories and Gabriele’s were starting to mix together. Ryker stood there in amazement seeing the small village merge with the countryside. Until this moment he had a hard time believing that Gabriele was alive all those years ago, but seeing this living history of England right before his eyes was awe inspiring to say the very least.

  “We better hurry up. We can’t afford to get trapped in either of our past right now,” Gabriele said.

  “Gabriele,” a soft voice cried out.

  “Elizabeth?” Gabriele stood their stunned as Elizabeth came towards her.

  “Gabby.” Elizabeth took her into her arms. “It really is you?”

  “But…” Gabriele held Elizabeth tightly to her. “This has to be an illusion.”

  “No I am not an illusion. The Creator made me into a guardian angel.”

  “Oh, Elizabeth.” Gabriele stepped back a little and cupped Elizabeth’s face in her hands. “I am so sorry, so very sorry.” The tears escaped her eyes.

  “For what?” Elizabeth wiped the tears from Gabriele’s face. “You have nothing to apologize for Gabby. If nothing, I sho
uld be apologizing for never saying thank you to you.” Elizabeth smiled. “Thank you Gabriele for everything you have done for me.”

  Gabriele broke down and Ryker took her into his arms. Elizabeth smiled seeing the tender way Ryker held Gabriele. “I can show you the way out,” Elizabeth offered up.

  “Maybe you better not.” Gabriele stepped out of Ryker’s embrace. “Prolo might punish you.”

  “Don’t worry about that.”

  “I don’t want you to….”

  “Shhh, big sister, we must hurry before Prolo changes his mind. Besides….” Elizabeth paused.

  “What?” Gabriele knew that look on Elizabeth’s face, something was terribly wrong.

  “Ryo needs your help, Gabby.”

  “Ryo…what has happened?”

  Elizabeth started to walk forward. “Follow me and I will tell you.”

  Ryker and Gabriele followed behind Elizabeth and she led them to the tunnel. “Ryo has been captured by Kali.”

  “What about Saban and Ayden?”

  “Ayden has awoken. Saban is guarding him.” Elizabeth turned to Gabriele and smiled. “You have helped train Saban well, Gabby. He will protect Ayden.”

  “He can’t do it alone. Ryker, I can’t leave Ryo to be killed by Kali, but…”

  “We will save him.”

  “Don’t worry about Ayden. Michael is on his way to help Saban, he should be there anytime now.” Elizabeth paused at the tunnel. The two Archangels that guarded the entrance just stood off to the side.

  “Elizabeth, I wish we had more time.”

  “I know.” Elizabeth grabbed the side of Gabriele’s gown. “I haven’t seen you in a dress in a long time.” Elizabeth started to chuckle seeing the pistol stuck in the belt of the dress. “That is so you.” She smiled tapping the pistol.

  “Thank you for everything,” Ryker said to Elizabeth.

  “Take care of my big sister.”

  “I will.” Ryker moved off to the side to give them a moment.

  “Elizabeth, I wanted so much for you to find a good man and have a family, but…”


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