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Rockstar's Angel

Page 3

by K. T Fisher

  "Who is?" Finley comes to a stand at Jax's feet, looking at me with his head tilted to the side. I'm not going to answer, because I'm not stupid. Finley isn't your usual four year old, not that I'm used to hanging with kids, but everyone can tell he’s something else.

  I don't want to answer Finley, but that doesn't stop Max from blurting out the answer. "Tanya."

  I grimace at the amused look on all the guys faces. Finley frowns. I know I'm in trouble, because the little guy loves the girls. "That's not nice, Uncle Leo."

  Before anybody can do or say anything, Finley runs back to the girls who are still by the bar. Shit!

  Jax shakes his head smiling, as Rhys and Max laugh. Fuckers!

  Finley stops right in front of Tanya, she leans down so she can hear what he is saying over the loud music. I know the moment that he tells her I called her a 'damn stubborn woman', because she turns to glare at me. Finley then repeats it for the rest of the girls, they all gawp, wide eyed between Tanya and me. She surprises us all and laughs, for Finley's sake I'm sure. She leans down, patting his head, then gives me the finger when Finley can''t see. I watch as she downs two shots, striding onto the dance floor, knowing I'm still watching her.

  An hour later, I watch as she dances with some rich douche. I know she's doing this to get to me, and its working. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I need to get Tanya to stop fighting me and fucking listen! I need to know why she's so damned pissed at me, but she won't even hear me out long enough for me to ask. If anyone has the right to be angry, it's me! It's her who wanted to keep us a secret from everyone four years ago, not me.

  When she finally leaves the dance floor, I try and approach her. She won't listen to anything I have to say. She just continues walking away, as though she can't get away quickly enough. Just being in the same room as Tanya for this long is a rare thing. I need to take advantage. I thought that being together for a whole day would finally make her talk to me, but it's been the opposite.

  I see Tanya walk into the ladies room. She's already in a cubicle when I follow her in, but luckily it's just the two of us in here. When the cubicle door opens she freezes. Her gaze hardens and her spine straightens. God, she's fucking beautiful. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"

  And such a beautiful mouth too. "I need to talk to you."

  "Too bad, because I don't want to talk to you." She strides to my side, placing her little bag on the unit in front of a mirror, and starts to fix her make-up. She's acting like I'm not affecting her, but I can see her hands shaking slightly. I trace a finger along her arm, but she moves away. "Don't."

  "Why not?"

  She grabs her bag, facing me. "Because Leo, I hate you."

  She may act like she hates me, but I know it's not true. She stomps past me. I don't want her to leave. I walk behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I feel her draw in a shaky breath. I smile into the back of her hair. I know she loves my arms, she used to tell me so over and over, while I held her tightly against me. I lean forward a little, whispering in her ear. "Please talk to me, angel."

  Her body shudders under me. If I hadn't known from our earlier dance that I still affect her, then that would have been my answer. "Don't call me that."

  I quickly turn her around to face me, wiping her shiny teared eyes with my thumbs. "Why? You're still my angel, baby."

  I hold her face in both of my hands, and she closes her eyes. "Please, just let me go Leo."

  I hate the pain that I hear in her voice. Why am I causing her so much pain? "Sorry, I can't do that, Tan."

  She opens her eyes, the sadness I heard in her voice now reflected in her eyes. "I don't want you anymore Leo. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

  I swallow down my hurt. "Stop lying."

  She steps away from me, and my hands drop from her face. "Wow. You really want to fuck me, don't you?" I stare at her, shocked. Is that all she thinks I want? Sure that's what we were before. I have a pretty bad reputation from the band, but she should know me better. Besides, it was her that wanted to keep us a secret before. Why does she think I want that now? She laughs harshly at me. "Oh, don't act so shocked that I know, Leo. Don't you dare try to pretend that you want anything more from me. You just want a good fuck, like you always did. Then you can throw me away, so you can go play with your dirty little groupies."

  I clench my hands at my sides. "That's not true."

  "Oh, who's lying now?" Without another word, she yanks the door open, and storms out, leaving me stunned.

  Chapter Three


  I'm admiring my wife from across the room. Fuck me, I'm a lucky bastard. She's so beautiful and all mine. I can feel my cock begin to harden in my jeans, but it stops as I frown over at her. She's not smiling anymore, she looks worried. I look over to see what she's staring at. Tanya is storming out from the ladies room, no surprise there then. Ever since we came back we've all had to watch Tanya ignoring Leo. Not that it's easy on Kendal, she loves them both. I'm surprised when I see Leo walk out after her; I quickly look over to Kendal and see she's staring at him wide eyed. I hope to fuck they haven't done what it looks like they've done. Leo walks in my direction, his head down. He doesn't notice me until he almost walks into me. "Oh hey, Jax."

  I clear my throat, looking back over at Kendal. She doesn't look very happy. "What was that about?" I nod my head in the direction of the toilets.

  He huffs loudly, sitting down on the closest chair. "Fuck, I don't know. I wanted to talk, but she wouldn't let me say shit."

  "You only talked?" Leo nods. I see Kendal begin to walk over. "Because the way you two stormed out of there, it didn't look like you were just talking."

  "No, Jax I wouldn't do that. Not here. Not that she would even let me near her. Fuck! Look I gotta just go for a sec." He quickly stands, walking past Kendal, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before he goes.

  Kendal frowns over at me. "What's happened?"

  "Nothing, just leave them to it."

  "I'm worried about them."

  I hold my arms out for her and she steps into them. "I know, but just leave them to it, yeah?" She sighs. I squeeze her tight. I don't want her worrying about anything when she has our baby growing inside her. I'm so fucking happy right now. I fucked up over not knowing about Finley, but this time I can be with Kendal all the way; which is how it should have been the first time. I tilt her head up so I can claim those plump lips of hers. Lips that look perfect when they are wrapped around my cock. "I love you so fucking much, baby."

  She laughs, "I love you too Jax."

  I sit down on the chair that Leo vacated, pulling Kendal down onto my lap, kissing her some more. When we come up for air I can see Kendal is still frowning slightly. "What's up, baby?"

  "Tanya told me something when we were standing at the bar. Did you know Tanya and Leo were there the day I came over?" She stops talking, looking down at her hands. She's talking about the day she came over to leave me, because she'd found out she was pregnant with Finley. I don't blame her for anything, but that doesn't stop Kendal from always feeling guilty.

  "Yeah I did, but I was too busy thinking about you to worry about what they'd been doing."

  She nods her head. "I hate seeing them like this Jax. They need to talk, but they always end up fighting. Tanya's too stubborn to listen."

  Yeah, I feel for Leo. I had it bad getting Kendal back, Leo has it worse. He doesn't have the surprise of finding out he has a son he never knew existed, but at least Kendal spoke to me. She gave me a chance, we worked our shit out, I'll always be grateful for that. Tanya isn't giving Leo that chance. I grip my stunning wife tightly in my arms. "Look, don't worry about them today, babe. They'll sort their shit out on their own. Now stop worrying, you're gonna stress my little boy in there."

  I softly rub her belly, there's a small hint of roundness already. It's amazing that part of Kendal and me is growing inside there, making a perfect little being. Kendal laughs at me. "How do you know it'
s a boy? For all you know we could be having a girl."

  Yeah I know, I've already thought about that. I'm already dreading it. If this baby is a girl there's no doubt in my mind she'll be as beautiful as her mother. That means bad news for me, I can just imagine the amount of teenage horny fuckers I will have to beat up. "God fucking help me."

  Kendal bursts out laughing. She might think it's funny, but I'm deadly serious. At least if we do have a girl I'll have the support of her big brother Finley, and her uncle’s. Nobody's getting close to my baby girl. With that future headache in mind I've got my fingers crossed for a boy.

  After a few more dances with my woman she goes over to talk to some of her friends. I spot Jessica walking off the dance floor and quickly go over to her. She can obviously sense my mood. She gives me a frown, looking around, probably searching for Kendal. "What's wrong?" she asks.

  "Have a word with Tanya, will you? Kendal's worrying about her. I want Kendal to enjoy today. I don't want her stressed."

  She looks over to Tanya who's openly flirting with one of Kendal's cousins. Jessica frowns and nods her head in their direction. "Sure. I'll have a word with her. Those two need to be locked in a room and kept there until this shit is sorted." As she storms over to Tanya I think to myself that's not such a bad idea; well maybe as a last resort.

  I turn around and spot Leo in a dark corner, not surprisingly he's glaring at Tanya. I march right over to him. "Listen up shit head." He snaps his head to me, looking shocked that I'm standing in front of him. "You and your fucking obsession over there are upsetting my woman on her wedding day."

  He hangs his head, angrily rubbing at his face. "Fuck."

  "I don't want her stressing about you. It's her day and if you haven’t already noticed, she’s pregnant.”

  I've been trying my best to make sure Kendal has nothing to worry about since she found out about the pregnancy. I don't want this fucker’s drama upsetting her. "I'll stay away from Tan, don't worry."

  "You two need to sort your shit out. It's fucking everyone else up." I leave him standing alone and go in search of Kendal. I want to make sure she has the best damn day of her life.


  I watch Jax walk towards a happy looking Kendal. As soon as he reaches her he grabs her, and kisses her. When they break apart she looks over at me, and her smile drops. She's worried about me. Jax leads Kendal away from the dance floor, his arm wrapped securely around her. That guy would wrap her in cotton wool if he could; he's so damn protective of her.

  What he said is true. Tanya and I do need to sort out whatever this is between us. How am I supposed to do that when she won't fucking talk to me, or even listen to me!

  I hear laughter and see Max and Maisy standing together. Maisy laughs again and an idea pops into my head. I walk over to them, looking straight at her. She gives me a sad smile. I try my best to ignore it. "Hey Leo, you OK?"

  I don't have time to reply before Max steps in. "Well don't you look fucking happy. Cheer up, it's a wedding."

  Maisy rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Max is really enjoying himself. I might even tell Jax just how much he's enjoying the waitresses."

  Max stares wide eyed at her. "You wouldn't."

  She laughs again, looking at me. "Max here bagged a waitress in the gardens. Classy, right?"

  Max groans. If I didn't know better, I'd think there was something going on between these two, but they act more like best friends or brother and sister. I don't comment on Max's behaviour, it's typical Max. If I didn't want Tanya so badly, I'd have probably done the same.

  "Mase, I need your help."

  She takes a sip of her drink, frowning at me. "With what?"

  I take a deep breath. "I need an address."

  I see Max close his eyes and scrunch his face up. He knows who’s address I'm after. Maisy however doesn't seem to have caught on. "Okayyyy. Who’s?"


  Her eyes go wide, they look like they're going to pop out of her head. "You don't know where she lives, she hasn't told you?"

  I shake my head. "She won't even talk to me."

  She slowly shakes her head. "Leo, if she hasn't told you, well, she obviously doesn't want you to know. I'm sorry honey, but I can't tell you. She'd rip me apart."

  "What about her number?"

  "I can't Leo, I'm sorry."

  I step closer to Maisy and beg. "Please Maisy."

  Max steps between us, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Leave it Leo, yeah?"

  "I need to talk to her."

  Max looks sorry for me now. Usually he rips me apart over this crap. "Leave it today, yeah? Jax will be pissed if you go upsetting Tanya, worse if it upsets Kendal."

  I've already pissed Jax off.

  Maisy looks at me, shielding herself behind Max. "I'm sorry I can't help, Leo." She steps closer to me, placing her small hand on my arm and speaking quietly. "Look, I'm going round on Thursday, I'll try and get through to her. That's all I can do, but she won't even talk about you with us. It's not just you, we're not allowed to mention your name."

  That doesn't surprise me, it hurts to hear she doesn't even want her friends to mention my name. Jax is right, this shit is affecting everyone. Time to try harder. Tanya will hear me out one way or another.

  Chapter Four


  Fucking Leo's well and truly put a downer on today for me! I'm supposed to be happy, watching my best friend with goo-goo eyes. Hoping that I'll be the next one to get married, but no. I'm constantly on edge and in a mood, because there's not a minute that goes by that I can't feel that bloody mans eyes on me! The idiot has spent all day watching me, trying to talk to me or hounding my friends! I've got a horrible feeling that he won't give up until I sit down and listen, but I really don't want to. I don't want to hear what he's got to say for himself.

  Maybe he would have got the message I wasn't interested if I hadn't kissed him during the dance. That was my mistake, a huge one! I allowed myself to give in to what my body wanted for just one song. I shouldn't have let myself give in for even a second. I should have fought my body’s desires, because now he'll know he still affects me. I've no control over my body when it comes to Leo. I've probably made his game to bed me even more exciting, now that he knows what he does to me. I can't let him hold me like that again, whenever I allow those big arms to surround me I'm at my weakest. No woman can blame me for that! You'd have to be a mad woman not to get lost in yourself when those tattooed muscles are around you. Just thinking about his arms gives me flashbacks. Delicious memories of me pinned down on the bed by those arms, being held against a wall, having him hold me against him and making me fall apart. His arms are bigger than they were four years ago, he's added more tattoos. He's a lot sexier now, and a huge danger to me.

  I shake my head out of my day dream. Stupid memories have me craving only Leo, but I will not go there. Instead, I spot a very good looking man over by the bar. Maybe I can turn this wedding reception around after all.


  I wake the next morning, unfortunately without the man from last night. Instead I'm sharing my bed with Maisy, who takes up a lot room even though she's tiny. I reach for my phone, and see its 11:00 in the morning. I sit straight up, grimacing. I wait for my head to stop spinning, then shake Maisy awake."Maisy, get up!" I stumble out of bed, wearing just my underwear, and quickly pull out my skinny jeans and a tight top from the wardrobe. Maisy groans, and rolls over. "Maisy, get up now! It's 11:00!"

  That wakes her up. She quickly sits, holding her head pretty much the same way I did. After looking at the clock and realizing that I'm right about the time she jumps out of bed, opening up her overnight bag that’s by my dresser.

  When we're both dressed and ready I call for a cab to take us to Kendal's. Both of us are still too hungover to drive. Kendal and Jax are leaving for their honeymoon later so we're all going over to say goodbye to them. The taxi pulls up at the front gates at the same time as a black car. To my horror Leo gets out and opens m
y door. Fuck, he looks good in his gray baggy sport trousers and black tight t-shirt. Those bulging, muscled arms of his on show as he reaches in and grabs my hand to help me out. I'm in too much of a shocked daze to fight him. He says something to someone over my shoulder, but I don't hear what. I turn to see who he was speaking to and see Max pay our taxi fare before walking with Maisy towards the car they just arrived in. A pair of strong hands grips either side of my face, turning me to face Leo again. He's frowning at me; I probably look like a mental patient. "Tan? You OK?"

  "What are you doing here?"

  He quirks his pierced eyebrow at me. "Same reason as you."


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