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Rockstar's Angel

Page 4

by K. T Fisher

Right. Stupid me! Of course, get it together damn it! Leo grabs my hand, leading me over to the car. It's not a car, it's a limo! Apparently Leo can't just do normal. I tear my hand out of his, just as he's about to help me into the door. "What are you doing?"

  "Helping you into the car."

  "I don't need your help."

  He crosses his arms, my eyes nearly bugging out wide from the way his muscles ripple with the movement. "Really? Because you looked a little weird for a minute there Tan. I was just helping you out."

  So he noticed my little freak out, but I'm not about to admit it was because of him. "I'm just hung over and tired. I had a busy night actually."

  I poke my hip out and cross my arms; trying to look casual. I'm hoping that he can’t tell that I'm lying. It won't hurt to make him think I was with someone last night. Leo frowns, taking a step forward. "You didn't leave with anyone last night, you went home with Maisy."

  I notice Maisy's laughter has stopped. Great, her and Max are eavesdropping. The girl acts as though she doesn't like drama, but she sure does seem to like to get all up in my shit. I take a step away from Leo's intense gaze, coming to a stop when my back smacks into the limo. Oh shit, I don't want to be trapped by Leo, I can't. I take a deep breath, calming myself. "You don't know who I met once I left."

  I see his jaw tense, maybe I shouldn't tease him, but why should he be bothered? All I ever was to him was a great fuck. Why should he care if I sleep with other men? "Did you?"

  I avoid his glare. "It's not your business." I go to move to the side of him, but he slams his hand down on the car, stopping me from walking past. Oh shit. I turn around, but he has me trapped against the limo with his arms.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  I can't be trapped by him, in his sexy arms! It might seem silly, but his arms really do affect me like that. I can't look up at him, if I do I'll be a goner. His beautiful blue eyes affect me just as much as his muscled arms. That's the mistake I made last night.

  "Don't fuck about Tan, tell me. Did you leave with someone last night?" I don't answer him. I know I can end this right now by telling him no, but I can't do that. That would mean I've lost, and I’m not prepared to do that. Leo presses his body against mine and I tense, his body feels so good, hard and warm. His body is so perfect, I can't have him pressing it against me, I'm already responding to him. He leans down, speaking directly into my ear; it sends shivers all over my body. "Did you fuck someone last night? Tell me now, because I need to fucking know."

  "No you don't."

  "Yes I do. I need to know if someone's tried to take what's not theirs. You're mine, angel."

  I gasp, shoving at his chest. He doesn't move at all. "You're a fucking jerk, Leo!" I duck under his arms fast enough that he can’t stop me. I point my finger in his smug, beautiful face. "I am not yours; you lost that right four years ago."

  Leo frowns and tries to reach out to me. "Angel-"

  I move away so he can't touch me. "No! Don't call me that! You can't call me that anymore!"

  "Tan?" Maisy steps from the car, Max behind her. She stands beside me, tugging on my hand, pulling me towards the limo. Our taxi's gone so I guess I'll have to get in. I look behind me, glaring at Leo. "I am not yours."

  Leo looks like he's about to say something, but spots the glare Max shoots at him. Leo slams his mouth shut, following us inside the limo. The drive up to the house is silent and tense. When the driver pulls up at the front door, I jump out. I cannot believe how arrogant Leo was just now! I am not his, my body sure wants to be, but I will not surrender. I am no longer Leo's angel, and I can sleep with whoever I want.

  Chapter Five


  As soon as I wake up, the morning after my wonderful wedding, I run into the bathroom. Morning sickness is the worst! I hardly had any with Finley, but this time around I have it all day some days. It's a pain and can sometimes ruin my plans for the day when it's at its worst. It really can be that bad! We haven't had the first scan yet, that's booked for the day after we get back from our honeymoon. Jax hasn't told me where we're going because he wants it to be an extra surprise, amongst the many he's already given me. I do feel bad that he'd wanted to go away for two weeks, but I made him agree to one. I don't think I could be away from Finley for that long. Even a week is going to be hard. However, I'm sure Jax will distract me. We could have taken Finley with us, but we need some time alone. Since Jax has become part of mine and Finley's lives, it's always the three of us now. Not that I don't love it, but it will be nice to have Jax all to myself for a week. Especially as we have another child arriving soon. Once I explained to Jax why I couldn't go for two weeks,, he smiled and understood.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I'm not feeling like the sexiest newlywed. Between a good and thorough seeing to from my new husband and morning sickness, I decide to get back into bed. When I step out of the bathroom door, I freeze on the spot. Jax is standing by the foot of the bed, gloriously naked. My eyes take in his beautiful face and delicious body. I drink in every tattoo and muscle, not forgetting the deep V that I love so much. It's pointing to his cock, which at this moment is standing to attention. I bite my lip, staring at him some more. Jax holds his arms out by his sides, innocently shrugging his shoulders. "This wasn't part of my plan, but I can't help it when you look at me like that."

  I laugh, taking a couple of steps closer to him. "What was your plan?"

  Jax hurriedly closes the distance between us. Wrapping one arm securely around me, his other arm reaches behind me and tangles in my hair. He lifts my face to make me look at him. I see his grey eyes search my face, before he attacks my mouth. I melt from the heat of it, relaxing against him. I love kissing Jax. I could do this all day.

  When he releases my mouth, he glides his thumb over my bottom lip. I know it's swollen from kissing. He leans in close, I think he's going to kiss me again but he bites my bottom lip instead. He answers my long forgotten question in a low, husky tone. "I'll tell you after."

  He quickly picks me up. I wrap my legs around him, he's supporting my weight, his hands conveniently on my bare backside. He gently lays me down on the bed, and I giggle as he lavishes my body with sweet kisses. Not too sweet but as sweet as my Jax can be, he growls, nips and tells me exactly what he wants to do to me, making me squirm around under him. He settles himself between my spread thighs, glaring down at my glistening pussy with hunger. I wriggle with impatience. Jax lands a kiss just above my pubic bone, licking his way up to my belly button. "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna take good care of you." He dives right in, making me scream as he feasts on me like a starved man. I'm so glad that I agreed to let Finley stay at my parents last night!

  Once I have orgasmed, very loudly, he wipes my juices from his mouth, and slides himself home. I gasp at the feeling of being stretched. God, he feels amazing. I love having Jax inside me, I feel so full and satisfied. Jax stills, looking down at me. "Are you OK?"

  I breathe out a long sigh. Not this again. "I'm fine Jax."

  "The baby is OK?"

  "Yes, we're both fine. Now please, Jax! Fuck me!"

  He moves a little, causing me to moan. "If you're sure?"

  Since I told him I'm pregnant, he's treated me like I'm made of glass. I don't want soft and gentle, I want hard and rough. "Yes! Fuck me right now!"

  After I'm well and truly satisfied, we lay side by side on the bed. We're both on our sides, facing each other. Jax is stroking my hair. "I love you, baby."

  I kiss him on the nose. "Love you too."

  "You made me the happiest man yesterday. I never thought I'd be here."

  "I'm happy you are, and you make me the proudest woman."

  He gently rolls me so I'm lying on my back, and softly begins to stroke my stomach. Surprisingly, it's already rounded a little. "I can't wait."

  Jax is staring down at my stomach. "Me either! Are you ready for all the stinky nappies?"

  I laugh, but Jax is deadly serious. "I'm more than ready Kendal. I wasn't with
you for Fin, but I'm going to be here for every step this time. You three are my world, I'll do anything for you."

  After he plants a kiss on my belly, I grab his face so he looks at me. "I'm so sorry, Jax."

  "No. No apologies. You've given me everything I wanted, and more. No more saying sorry, yeah?"

  I nod my head, losing myself in his kiss. I will never truly forgive myself for what I kept from Jax. Hopefully having this baby will make me feel a little better. Before we take the kiss to the next level, Jax breaks us apart. "Come on, we better get ready before the gang comes around."

  I grab a quick shower, when I emerge from the steamy bathroom I see Jax dressed and waiting for me beside the foot of the bed. "Now, ready for my plan? I thought I'd put my clothes on this time so you don't seduce me."

  I laugh, he holds his hand out to me and I take it. He pulls me towards the bed where I see his master plan and I laugh harder. On the bed is a white t-shirt with the words Mrs. Parker in pink glittery letters. Jax holds it up, turning it around so I can see the back. I throw my head back as more laughter escapes me, on the back, in the same pink glittery wording as the front, is Property Of A Rock Star. It's a good thing I know his sense of humor, it keeps me from kicking his ass. I love it, so I grab him and kiss him. "I love it, Jax."

  "Of course you do. I knew you would, so I've done it to all your clothes."

  My smile falls, he can't be serious? Jax bursts out laughing. Bastard.

  Chapter Six


  I watch from the limo as Tanya speed walks into Kendal and Jax's house.

  "You coming or not?" I look at Max as he leans in through the open door, and nod back at him. I'm too angry to talk right now. The thought of another man taking what's mine, looking at Tanya's beautiful naked body, having her moaning under someone other than me, has me in a huge rage I'm barely able to hold in. To keep me from shouting at her to ask her who the bastard is, I don't attempt to talk to Tanya, or even look at her. I try and forget what she told me, I'm here to celebrate my friend’s wedding and see them off on their honeymoon. I brought my drama to the wedding, no need to bring it here too.

  It's not that easy to ignore Tanya though. There are seventeen of us here, close friends of the happy couple, both sets of parents, and Finley. I can smell her perfume, it's making this impossible! I prepare myself, looking over at her. I know exactly where she is, I can feel her. She's standing with Rhys, Sophie, James and Mark. Tanya slowly shakes her head at Rhys, she looks so sad. What could have upset her?

  Sophie engulfs her in a hug. I wonder if it's what I said that's made her look like that. She was fine an hour ago when I saw her in the taxi. Maybe I shouldn't have said that she was mine, and all that other shit, because it did piss her off. I didn't think I'd upset her. What if it's that fucker from last night who's upset her?

  I storm over to them, my eyes fixed on Tanya. She doesn't notice I've approached the small group until Sophie releases her from the hug. She looks at me with wide eyes, well here goes nothing. "Can we talk?"


  Mark places a hand on her shoulder from behind. "Let's leave this for today, yeah?"

  I ignore him, still watching Tanya. "What's up?"

  She shoots me a glare. "You. Now please, just leave me alone, I can't deal with this shit today, Leo." She walks over to Kendal, laughing and talking as though nothing is bothering her, all trace of her sadness now gone. If I hadn't seen her face just then, I'd never have known she was covering up something either.

  Mark steps in front of me. "Just be patient with her. She's a stubborn woman, she'll come around."

  I laugh. "You're blind right? Have you not seen how she's ignored me since I came back?"

  "Just give her some space." Before I can answer he walks off.

  "He's right honey."

  I turn to look at Sophie. "I need to know why she's ignoring me."

  "You have no idea at all? You haven't thought back, tried to think about the last time you saw her?" It may sound stupid, but I haven't. I've been too busy thinking about how to get her to talk to me. I shake my head at Sophie. "Maybe you ought to try."

  When she walks over to join the rest of the girls, I'm left with Rhys and James. I ask Rhys why Tanya was so upset. Maybe I can get something out of him. "She was pissed at you for what you said outside, what did you say?"

  I shrug my shoulders. "She told me she slept with someone last night, so I was pissed. How did you think I was gonna react?" Rhys and James look at each other and frown. "What?"

  James answers me. "Well, Tanya didn't say anything about it."

  "Yeah, and? Why would she?"

  Rhys sighs. "Do you remember Tanya at all?"

  Before I flip out on one of my best friends, James adds. "Tanya tells everyone everything. That's who she is; if she had a man in her bed, she'd be gabbing about it all day. I've heard enough details about her sex life to last me a life time. She loves sex and loves to tell us about it." He laughs a little, shrugging his shoulders.

  Well shit, how could I forget that?

  That was one of the main reasons I used to get angry at her. I'd hear her boasting to the girls about how she'd had a hot guy the other night, he did this and that, and she was screaming so loud, blah blah blah. I used to try and drown it out, but it was impossible. I was pissed at her, she was sleeping with other men and yapping to her friends about it where I could hear everything she was fucking saying, and she'd never tell them anything about me! I was her fucking dirty little secret.

  If Tanya had slept with another man, she'd be revealing it all to her friends right now. She would have rubbed all the details in my face outside, but she didn't. I was so angry at the thought of Tanya with someone other than me, that I didn't see through her and realize she could be playing me.

  I turn around to see Tanya looking over at me. I give her a wink, her spine stiffens and I smile. That's right angel, I'm onto you.


  Why does Leo keep smiling over at me? He's got a weird look on his face, it's making me nervous. I'd have thought he'd still be brooding with anger. What's changed to make him look at me like that?

  He stands beside me as we all wave bye to Kendal and Jax as they drive off for the airport. He doesn't try and talk to me, which I'd prepared myself for. I was all ready to tell him to go away, but he just winked at me, whistled and walked off!

  He fucking whistled!

  What the fuck's going on?

  Sam and Jessica offer me and Maisy a lift home. As they all chatter I can't get Leo out of my head. I don't hear what they're talking about because I'm too busy wondering what happened back there.

  "Tan?" I snap my head in Jessica's direction. "You OK?" I nod, looking back out of the window. They know I'm not OK, but leave me to it anyway.

  Leo left me alone just like I wanted him to, so why am I feeling weird right now?

  Chapter Seven


  Five days later

  I slump down on my sofa after getting in from work. Today was a hard day, my feet are killing! I had to take over Kendal's clients, they wanted me to replace her as Kendal and I do similar hair styles at work, but that meant I had more work to do. My own clients, who come exclusively to me, didn't want anyone else to do their hair, and they didn't want to rebook. So I had a constant line of women all day. My day dragged by slowly, and because of the extra work, I finished at six rather than four! God I miss Kendal right now.

  I snatch my mobile phone from the coffee table beside me and see I have three unread texts and two missed calls. I overslept this morning and forgot my phone. I've felt lost without it all day. Even though I don't use it at work, knowing it wasn't in my bag still bothered me. When I see the first text I smile, it's from Kendal. She's managed to send us all a text every day. She should be enjoying herself under that gorgeous man of hers, not worrying about us at home.

  KENDAL: Hey honey! How R U? Having an amazing time! Jax is so romantic, we had breakfast right besid
e the sea this morning! I've spent more time naked than I have dressed! He's a maniac! Hope U R OK, I will C U when I get back. Love ya bitch! xx

  I send her a quick reply.

  ME: I'm fine! Stop worrying about me and give that man of yours a blowjob or something! I would B worried if he didn't have U naked! I would have 2 have a word with him 4 not treating my girl like he should. Don't worry about me and get back 2 UR man! xxx

  In every one of her texts she's asked how I am. I know she's worried about me, the girls have told me she's asked about me in their texts! The truth is, I'm not actually feeling okay. I feel a little weird, I'm scared that it's because Leo has stopped bugging me. I got what I wanted, so why am I feeling so down? I haven't seen or heard from him for five days, since we waved Jax and Kendal off on their honeymoon. Normally I'd hear from our friends that he'd been asking about me, or I'd see him around and avoid him, but nothing. I'm pretty sure he was at Sophie's when I was there the other day though. He probably saw me driving up and ran away. Sophie looked a little off, I think he must have told her to keep quiet and she won’t lie. That hurt. The thought he didn't want to see me and asked our friend not to say he was there. But, it's what I wanted all along, right?


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